‘Mother hen’ to media villain: The life of Debbie Bradley - Kansas City Star 11/5/11

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Those are not comparable stories. The child bitten by a dog was still alive. So what exactly was she going to do in that case? It makes no sense.

And the dog was obviously responsible (not DB) AND there were other people there.
“I miss Debbie. She was a good mother … There’s just no way she could have done this, and she’s just not smart enough — not that she’s dumb — but she couldn’t cover up something like this so well.”

This has been my opinion all along-- DB isn't smart enough to cover up something like this for such a long period of time.

Isnt that what Amy said about Casey Anthony?

About three years ago, Debbie gave Irwin’s address for a traffic ticket

So, she can drive, but why "give" an address,it's it on the license?

Maybe she didn't have her license with her....or just didn't have one. I'd like to know why she doesn't drive now. Prolly in the earlier threads and I missed it.

I agree, she had a rough life, but so did Billie Dunn...and I did feel bad for her. BUT, that does not excuse their on going life decisions regarding the rearing of their children. I believe DB has a substance abuse problem that controls her life much more than she'd like to admit, imo.
I'm sure she has abandonment issues as well with what we know of her families background. Along with the impairment of alcohol/anti-depressants, if it was an accident, she would cover it up in fear of LI's reaction, imo. Especially since Baby Lisa was the thread to the family unit.

The statement from Hazel saying she would get up, take the truck and go somewhere in the dead of night has my hackles up too. She apparently had a vehicle at her disposal the night BL went missing and after this report, I don't think not having a DL would be a deterrent in an "emergency".
No one's comparing a dog bite with a missing kid. He's comparing how she reacted to a child injured by a dog bite with a child injured by . . . too much cough medicine, being rolled over on, some other injury to Lisa caused by Debbie. He's directly addressing there, those who think Debbie harmed Lisa and immediately went into CMA mode instead of freaking out and seeking immediate help.

He makes many references to how hurtful accusers on the internet forums, (I was bracing for him to mention forums by name, TG he didn't) and that's who he's addressing here and trying to point out a facet of Debbie's personality. He's not addressing those who believe she found her daughter to be missing.

Yeah..In a way he was. IMO.
Those are not comparable stories. The child bitten by a dog was still alive. So what exactly was she going to do in that case? It makes no sense to compare a dog bite story to the alleged scenario with baby Lisa.

My only point was to say what he's actually comparing. And since she's never had a dead child before that he could point to as a comparison, the comparison he made was that her dog seriously injured her stepson, and instead of covering the injury her dog inflicted (like some do, we all know) she immediately sought medical attention with no concern that a police investigation would likely follow.
So DB didnt grow up in a "perfect world" like many many of the rest of us...it doesn't justify ANY of her behavior. If you love your baby DB, start getting honest fast. Be a better person...tell LE what happened and where that poor innocent baby is. This should ALL be about Lisa. She has no voice...she can't tell the newspaper anything. What about Lisa?
Yeah..In a way he was. IMO.

He wasn't comparing how she might react to an injured child to how she might react to a missing child.

He was comparing injured children.

But either way, I guess you're right. She'd react with horror and immediately seek help in either case, probably, in her father's opinion.
The "light" she's being portrayed in, here, is the strong bright light of truth. It's totally fair. Both sides. Her chivalette uncle, can't remember how to spell it, her mother in law who saw her strengths and weaknesses, her loving father who couldn't get along with her in her teen years. They are fair, and truthful. I can't believe anyone would think this was a slanted story, intended to gin up support while hiding the reality of her personality.

it just doesn't paint her as the wicked witch of the west, because that's not the reality.

So if this article causes the public to change, and to see her as she really is, and not how they have wrongly come to believe that she is, all the better. For everyone.

The truth is always better than being misinformed. Although I do understand that it's jarring for some, who don't see her the way people who know her very well see her and so have come to be certain of her guilt, although they aren't familiar with her at all.

And it does shed an odd light on the woman who painted her as a buxom siren trying to seduce her husband. Turns out no, she's always kind of looked like she does now.

IMHO as always.

how is it being misinformed when the lion's share of the media coverage is coming directly through the parent's media appearances, their atty's media appearances and interviews and now her family's media interviews? the onslaught of media has been directly linked to the parents of this missing child, LE is quietly doing their jobs and trying to locate Lisa. You cannot slam anyone for noting the inconsistancies and apparent mistruths told by this mother and our wariness in taking anything she's said as gospel.
Debbie delivered a baby boy at Fort Bragg in late November 2005.

Both kids have November birthdays. Valentine Day babies? :)
So DB didnt grow up in a "perfect world" like many many of the rest of us...it doesn't justify ANY of her behavior. If you love your baby DB, start getting honest fast. Be a better person...tell LE what happened and where that poor innocent baby is. This should ALL be about Lisa. She has no voice...she can't tell the newspaper anything. What about Lisa?

How can she tell LE what happened if she doesn't know what happened?
bold by me

Did you all feel the chill on that one? :floorlaugh:

Regardless of innocence or guilt, for some people this is a witchhunt. Sorry but that's how I see it. There are some that think (want?) DB to be guilty so much that any story/article/quote get's framed to somehow make DB look bad.

It's refreshing to see positive stuff. And not surprisingly even positive stuff get's spinned into 'DB is painting herself in a positive light'. There's that 'framed to somehow make DB look bad' part.
Regardless of innocence or guilt, for some people this is a witchhunt. Sorry but that's how I see it. There are some that think (want?) DB to be guilty so much that any story/article/quote get's framed to somehow make DB look bad.

It's refreshing to see positive stuff. And not surprisingly even positive stuff get's spinned into 'DB is painting herself in a positive light'. There's that 'framed to somehow make DB look bad' part.

I dunno, city. I don't "want" DB to be guilty. I've just taken notice of the inconsistencies. I'm taken aback by your "witchhunt" comment. Who do you think is on a witchhunt, and for what purpose?
You know with every new case the mindset behind them never getting solved becomes clearer. LE is prolly as divided as we are here. Shame really. I hate that politically correct gets in the way of solving crimes. Throw tomatoes....a care, I do not give. :floorlaugh:
How can she tell LE what happened if she doesn't know what happened?

Exactly. Suspicious. Her 'I was drunk' tale was told on the same day she gets Joe Tacopina as a "victim advocate" lawyer on October 17th. Suspicious. Cadaver dog hits on scent in her bedroom that same day. Suspicious. Playing dumb is a great defense strategy. Brilliant. Also, people don't black out immediately after a few glasses of wine. Lisa could have been checked on at any time she started drinking so blacking out may not even cut it if she is ever charged with anything.

Cadaver dog: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20539176,00.html

I was drunk: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20121276-504083.html

New lawyer: http://abcnews.go.com/US/missing-ba...enting-parents/story?id=14752818#.Trafn3L6MQM
The dog bite comment: dad is trying to stick up for his daughter. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. He wants us all to know that she is (or has been) a good kid. Parents normally do see the good in their children... that's the way it should be.
All the family members have been hounded by national media, such as Nancy Grace, whom he dubs “Nancy Dis-Grace.” Hazel said one show promised she wouldn’t be bothered by any media if she signed an exclusive agreement.

For a while, Debbie and Jeremy talked freely with national TV personalities until apparently gagged by their attorneys. ABC’s Good Morning America gets the scoop now — on Halloween, its crews followed the family trick-or-treating.

I know a few good liars and manipulators that I would never characterize as "smart".

Lying and manipulating are a completely different ballgame than committing a crime against a child and covering it up so well that police do not have enough evidence to arrest you.
it bothers me that anyone doubting DB's word is being assumed as thinking she's automatically guilty. While I cannot speak for everyone doubting her words, I can speak for myself. Having already stopped posting on one forum because of this anti-attitude, I'm wondering if it's just a misunderstanding.

This is on topic, bear with me please.
I cannot just assume DB is right, in the case of any missing child it would be wrong to just paint her as a wonderful mother and move on to another person to assume guilt for. Being a mother is not an assumpption of innocence as we've all sadly seen in other cases. Nor does the fact that Lisa has an involved father mean we should blame him without reason simply based on his having manparts.
I look at the situation the night Lisa went missing, I look at the accounts given, and I look at inconsistancies.
In the case there are inconsistancies, mostly fron only the mother and the addition of being "drunk to the point of blacking out" confessions by the Mother, the changing of story details, the media blitz by both the parents and the parent's attys. How are we, the minority being laughed at for our thoughts, supposed to pretend those things are not there?

Given those details I cannot and will not discount the parents, especially the mother. But that should not mean my posts are met with laughter and a mob like ganging up on. If anything I would think that others might be glad that my mind remains open to all possiblities. I do not know who was responsible for Lisa's disappearance but sympathy for the mother's life aside and pity for her eliminated, she cannot and should not be eliminated. Especially since she seems to be given to mistruths and exaggerations. Very little of what she has said can be proven as fact yet LE is attacked and assumed to be guilty of something based on only DB's versions of things. That makes me wonder why it's okay to paint LE as so bad but not okay to wonder about DB's actions and words.
And for some reason, Sean seemed to feel uncomfortable around his little boy. He stopped visiting him. He still pays child support, Hazel says.

“He’s a very good kid,” but the war left its scars, she says.

Debbie talked of getting her G.E.D. and insisted that her youngest brother, Phillip, graduate. But she didn’t go back to school. Instead, she started leaving the house at night, taking Hazel’s truck without asking when the family slept.

“I never knew for sure where she went or what she did,” Hazel said. They had words. Debbie was again asked to leave.

It's been verified by 2 different people that DB drove. I'm still left wondering why she doesn't have her license right now...especially being the main caretaker of the children while JI works.
Lying and manipulating are a completely different ballgame than committing a crime against a child and covering it up so well that police do not have enough evidence to arrest you.

You know I use to think that, but after following some cases......you don't have to be smart. You really, really don't. All you have to do is stick to the same lame story over and over. Unless someone saw you committing the crime, odds are you are gonna walk. That sucks but it's so true for the majority of theses cases.
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