100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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I am loving this jury and have faith this is a very intelligent group and will make the right decision. The questions were amazing and I wish every jury trial could follow this procedure! There actually may be some justice served....finally!
The only question that worries me was the one about Travis possibly picking up the camera and it possibly being the reason he got angry and chased her.

Yes and you know Nurmi will be honing in on that thinking....why didn't I think of that? And elaborating on the possibility from now on.

If it finally gets through her thick skull that these jurors REALLY don't like her, don't believe her, and are sick & tired of her ~ is she dumb enough to show for them the same disdain she shows to Juan Martinez?? Oh my, I sure hope so ~ there's alot of trial left to come, and she may not be able to get over the "incredibly rude and DE-EDIFYING treatment" this jury showed her today! And she's worked SO hard to connect with them, how could this be??? LOL...
did you notice how casually she said THE KILLING in response to one of the last questions posed....

very casual....hope the jurors were freaked by her demeanor...
Oh my just listening to HLN which is behind and Jodi Arius just said "I don't remember FEAR being a part of the day" ( the day she killed Travis) and then JM cut her off and she corrected her self.

She just spoke the one and only thing I believe she said that was truthful. Freudian Slip for Ms. Arias
Best Freudian slip today - "I don't remember FEAR , I mean I don't remember ANGER " - when a juror asked if she was angry when stabbing Travis..

Because of the brutality of the crime.
The best part of today was seeing Travis' brother's scrunch face relax a little. Maybe not a smile, but this was the first time I've seen him not on the brink of tears.
She really did almost say, "I don't remember fear...I mean... being an issue when I stabbed Travis."

oh yes, she just said while stabbing him she does not remember being in fear.

Oh, Judge did they say anger? oops
I think the question about Travis stopping to get the camera was a trick question. If she agreed it was possible..that means she didn't hear his footsteps after her...and she wasn't in immediate danger. I'm leaning toward a smart juror who let her think she had a way out of personal responsibility. (of how the camera ended up in the hallway)
I imagine she was deeply disappointed the day she learned that her newfound 'More Men faith' was actually spelled 'Morman'.
These numbers represent diopters, the unit used to measure the correction, or focusing power, of the lens your eye requires. Diopter is often abbreviated "D."

For example, if your prescription says -1.00, you have one diopter of nearsightedness. This is a fairly mild amount of nearsightedness. If you are -4.25, that means you have 4 and 1/4 diopters of nearsightedness. This is more nearsighted than -1.00, and requires stronger (thicker) lenses. Similarly, +1.00 would be a small amount of farsightedness and +5 would be more.

OK...as the defense, are you allowed to just throw up your hands and say "F it! It's a lost cause" and just rest at this point?
I didn't hear the judge wrapping it up. Was that all the jury questions, or are there more for tomorrow?
I don't know how to "multiquote", but to whoever is saying they are concerned that the jury will judge TA harshly because they are asking JA about following the Law of Attraction but not the Law of Chastity, I see it this way:

They are probably not asking her because they are judging anyone for not doing it, but more just to point out her hypocrisy IMO.

None of the questions gave me cause for concern except one: the could he have grabbed the camera one. But I will believe the other jurors will set that person straight!

BUT man, Jodi Arias is a GREAT liar! :furious:

No. that only means she would have had MORE time to go out the door if he had paused to pick up snd examine camera
Loved the "jealous" question....her forehead wrinkled up and she got really animated !!
OMG! and the jurors haven't even discussed this together yet. I would love to see a vote right now! :great:
Am I the only one who thinks that MAYBE erotic asphyxiation might've been preformed at times and this is where Jo-deceiver is getting the whole choking/passing out scene?

Wow. I hope she's putting some thought into what she'd like at her last supper because, they're gonna nuke her!!
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