100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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Could you tell me what this is about? You've mentioned it twice, so it must have been a great question. I was at the doc, and missed a lot of the questions.

Thanks in advance!

I love the walkthrough of the sktech question! Brilliant! The jury has all the questions because they do not trust her... and want her to fumble in her web of lies.
Just like singing (and other artistic mediums), art can be taught (technical aspects) but that DOES NOT EQUAL TALENT! Ever heard somebody with an OVERTRAINED VOICE but NO TALENT? Same with alot of musicians...technically accomplished but NO REAL TALENT! You have to have a passion & TALENT to produce TRUE ART. imo

Exactly-Jodi is as bland as oatmeal in all she does-she has no soul, no passion, no real talent.
NG just cracked me up. Something like, "I know I'm not a Mormon; I'm just a Methodist. But even I know you were violating the Laws of Chastity."
Is it too late for Jodi to plead insanity? Maybe some of the jurors find her mentally unstable prior to this incident that's why they asked if she ever got help for her mental issues?
Any idea what time you will be posting your notes? I just looked on the Court observer thread and didn't see anything. Just asking because I am in Eastern time. Thanks!

She said she had something to go to at 6:30 her time (8:30 our time - I'm in Indiana too!). So it will probably be soon.
And it doesn't even make sense. Why would she have injuries on her ankles? Travis was attacking her ankles? He was down on the ground attacking her? Makes no sense.

Because when she was stabbing Travis after he was already DOWN, the knife could have slipped after the stab and gotten her ankles. She would have been in a squatting position... jmv. Especially regarding the less-deep stabs to the back, when she hit bone with a significant amount of force, the knife could have "ricocheted" (not the right word) off the bone and cut any part of her. Guessing she was squatting for her ankles to get cut.

We have no proof of these injuries, but this is the only thing I can think of that comes close to a possible theory as to how her ankles got cut.

It was such a weird thing to mention - there's nothing about the so-called attack from Travis that would have created cut ankles.

The only thing (imv) that could - is a wayward knife.
The only reason Jodi put the camera in the washing machine was to remove her prints, because she was sure all of the pics were deleted. That's IMO.
Hello everyone. I have been lurking here for sometime and I have followed this case from the beginning.

I was watching the video from this afternoon just now. When the juror question regarding the amount of gas, the camera pans to Travis's sister and brother and I feel at that moment they know the jury is invested and will bring justice Travis and their family.

His sister looks at his brother and she takes a deep breath and he looks towards the jury. This moment for me was was emotional...it took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes.
Please notice her hands when watching her answers again.

Her hands were so telling. She does this unscrewing the lid off a jar movement when she's trying to maybe change a story.

She under-entwines her fingers quickly and often, then opens her hands in that open palms up all movement like this is all I can offer you, then a micro shrug.

Normally, the face would have more tells, but with Jodi it's her HANDS, IMO.

Watch her, it's a trip.


Hmmm could it be like turning the sink on to wash the blood off her hands? We all know as she talks her head is flooded with mental images IMO...

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The twisting the lid movement could be turning on a sink faucet maybe, or resetting a timer or a camera. That particular under-twining of fingers is hard for me to do casually, but she does it a lot.

Meanings or when she does it is my curious interest. Who knows! I'm not qualified on hand movements.

What I do to make myself pay attention to facial or hand movements is I sit here copying or mirroring them. Actually doing them helps me connect to why I'd make those movements in conversation. How do the movements connect to what she is saying?

I think I'm in way over my head with Jodi's hand movements. Is she trying to hypnotize me with those claws?
Unfortunately not for the media.

My final thoughts on this...Tomorrow morning everybody should get together in the courtroom. Nurmi stands up and says we rest your honor, we have nothing else. Juan stands up and says me too. We're done. Skip closing. Jury deliberates less than an hour. Really. Anything else is a waste of EVERYBODY'S time.
She used the word 'edify' a lot... "I wanted to edify Travis is good ways always"

Who uses that word to talk about someone!!

Edify - definition:
Verb - Instruct or improve someone morally or intellectually...

She didn't want to de-edify Travis.

Just stab him 29 times and shoot him through the head.
ok thats very similar to my Nikon DX. I hold it in my left hand laying down, and swing my arm around what would be a leg and i can take my head and right shoulder. and hit the shutter release

My problem with this camera thing is....he would be fighting for his life, not trying to take pictures that he isn't even sure where the camera is aimed jmo
Ot for a second y'all. Just wanted to say, if I never get the chance to meet any of you in person, I'm thankful to be here, To listen, to grow with y'all. We came here on our own accord and have bonded over many trials and tribulations. When I have no one else to talk to about crazy, I have y'all. Sending each one of you a big hug tonight!

I think what makes me mad/sad at most is her story of TA saying "F'N kill you after being shot in the head". No one in their right mind knows he would be able to utter those words after being shot in the head. At least in not in my opinion anyway (and, no, I'm not a chemist). That statement just breaks my heart for TA's family.

what else is telling is, IF he did say it, he did not threaten her life until she shot him in the head! NOT before
Is it too late for Jodi to plead insanity? Maybe some of the jurors find her mentally unstable prior to this incident that's why they asked if she ever got help for her mental issues?

Ya, I have thought that from the beginning. She would have had a better chance because self defense is so implausible (and she is a pathological liar). She is crazy though (but not insane) but she'd have a better shot.
I wish someone would ask her about Travis looking at the photos and then wanting some deleted while he is still in the shower.
Normally you go through the photos later and then delete....and you don't want to get the camera or the floor wet.
I agree with this assessment about his taking pictures when he was being attacked. I feel very strongly that taking pictures was the last thing on the list after "survival" - which was more than likely the ONLY thing on his mind that day.

IMO there is no way TA was taking pictures of his own murder. Sorry, that is as far-fetched as it gets. Might he have somehow 'hit' or inadvertantly 'slid' the camera during this struggle? Sure. but taking pictures as he is being shot and stabbed? No way. He was busy trying to get away and stay alive. His mind was not on that camera but on breathing, living, escaping. And, by that last picture, the one with the blood streaming down his back, he is dead or very near so.
I thought she screwed up on that. I thought she originally claimed that, after getting the gun and running into the bathroom, TA was behind her and he came at her from out of the closet door nearest the shower.

But today she said he went back out the bedroom side closet door and then came down the bathroom hall.

Did I misunderstand her first version (sorry, I mean 3rd), or did she change the sequence today?

If you're wrong, so am I. I thought I heard that and thought WHUT? Then I promptly forgot it.

Hope someone remembers for us.
Unlike BDE, I was only able to listen to a portion of Jodi's responses to the jury questions, but even in this brief segment it was clear that Jodi thought that this 'conversational forum' was her best opportunity to impress the jury. It seemed as if she was at a social gathering; regaling the guests with her fabricated recollections of the events.

As the legal guardian for over ten years for a family member professionally diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, I've witnessed dozens of episodes of her facility to lie constantly when being questioned by mental health professionals and other caregivers. My SIL would exhibit the same overt appearance of self-satisfaction as Jodi that she was able to "snow'" these caregivers.

Like most of the professionals that dealt with my SIL, I'm hoping that the jury will see through this obvious pack of lies.

The only reason Jodi put the camera in the washing machine was to remove her prints, because she was sure all of the pics were deleted. That's IMO.

i also think it was to remove all traces of her blood from the mechanism, as there is a good chance if her hand was bleeding on it as she was deleting pictures, her blood may have seeped onto/into it...
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