100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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I never had clarity until today.

I needed the: who, what, where, how, when ... but the jurors questions and her answering has reinforced some of these.

Elleelle have you jumped ship? I haven't seen your post in a few days (new job)... Seems your opinions have changed.

Can I get a handclap :great:
Is it too late for Jodi to plead insanity? Maybe some of the jurors find her mentally unstable prior to this incident that's why they asked if she ever got help for her mental issues?

She's not insane she clearly knows right from wrong.
Basically that it was a split-second decision and that she remembered that last time when he caught up to her and grabbed her by the wrists when she had tried to go left (and downstairs) instead of right (into the closet). In other words, just more BS.

It didn't go unnoticed that every answer contained another time or issue in answering basic yes and no questions. I resented how she slipped in the lies of Travis's problem with an attraction to young children while answering something else. Outrageous accusation!

She's afraid for her life then, but somehow it relates to the last time she was scared in that location. No emotions shown for either occasion.

You said it best --- In other words, just more BS.
She probably got cuts to her ankles while walking into the desert in the darkness to dispose of evidence - cacti attacked her!

Probably self-inflicted when she was stabbing Travis so many times or dragging his body back to the shower. Jodi blames Travis for everything, typical abuser--blame the victim.
Just to let my WS family know i'll post the updated video showing tonight on DD ASAP
Wait...she did originally testify that he came out of the closet by the shower... what did she say today?

Her whole diagram explanation today TICKED ME OFF! She intentionally made it confusing to follow, again: to cover-up what really went down.

She won't follow anyone's instructions to save her life (literally!!). The juror asked her to "use the diagram." But by the time she got toward the part where she got the gun, she moved her hand AWAY from the diagram and screen. And started talking with her hands, making grand sweeping motions and not pointing out a single thing.

There was no clarity today about which closet door Travis exited. She made it fuzzy regarding whether he followed her through the same door, or double-backed to use his original closet door to exit.

She wants to keep everyone in a fog about what really went down. That's why she was sneaky and stopped pointing out things via the diagram.
It was curious too when she was asked if she had checked out where gas stations were along her route. She said she only knew how to use Mapsco and didn't know how to find gas stations. And yet, she can hack someones bank account and social media pages. jmo
I bet when she left the courtroom she really turned on Nurmi. "What is this BS about me having a mental condition! That I'm controlling! That I decide whether to lie or not! This is all YOUR fault." Cause you know it ain't Jodi's fault.
Luckily, she didn't take it! Otherwise she would have never confessed and Travis would have never got justice.

I do think she would have been convicted without the photos. They had her on the list as the number one suspect early on and her palm print and hair with blood on them were found at the crime scene mixed with her dna and Travis'. LE would have traced all of this just like they did from the faux burglary of the .25 to her trip incognito to Mesa.

I do believe in devine intervention though and I think that is why they found the photos. They were icing on an already very guilty cake.

Doctor drew just did a replay and the question was when was her phone found that she lost in 2008 then she went saying that she left it in the car when she ran into get Chinese food. It was never lost! next question should be why didn't you tell somebody your phone was in the car it wasn't really lost. And you left it in there till 2010 your aunt found it?

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everyone, like this is just a play unfolding, she's doing her part, cheerfully as she can, and then the jury gets to let her go. OK, all done, time to go home yet? She is an empty vessel.

just one of the highlights...I agree with you donadenese.

her demeanor....answering questions cheerfully, as if she were out having lunch with the girls (correction, the BOYS, as I dont believe she has a group of GF's)....

I have to say it again, so casually she used the words THE KILLING when answering one of the questions....no emotion...its just: THE KILLING.....reminded me to the tee of Dennis Rader, the serial killer.....

the magical gas can capacity....SHE COULDNT ANSWER THE QUESTION....too complex....

she probably didnt have much time to rehearse her answers with her 'team'....
I love the walkthrough of the sktech question! Brilliant! The jury has all the questions because they do not trust her... and want her to fumble in her web of lies.

Can somebody answer this question for me?

If you take all the details of JA bathroom body slam, chase, jump, enter closet, grab gun, exit closet, tackle, wrestle, shoot, and BLACK OUT . . . . . . sliced throat , body drag. . . . .

Time of melee was 5:29 and the dead 27X stabbed + sliced throat and dragging the corpse ends at 5:31;29 (Not precise on photo time stamps)

Using photo time lines the JA story (fabrication) cannot be true.
Why hasn't this strong inference been pointed out to the jury??????
The camera strap was still wrapped up in the bag... never used yet.

I didn't know that. Maybe she used her strap?

It's interesting to ponder but really makes no difference. She accomplished what she set out to do and that was to murder Travis. And the jury knows this.

(But thanks for edifying that. Or is it, re-edifying that? Or edificationalizing that? Or......never mind :waitasec: )
LOL Beth just said on Dr. Drew the jurors were writing more questions as she was answering questions today.
She didn't take the camera because she knew she "deleted" photos and the incriminating finger prints would have been washed off in the washer!

Not to mention, only thing stolen? New camera!

Now who could THAT be? :waitasec::waitasec:
Probably self-inflicted when she was stabbing Travis so many times or dragging his body back to the shower. Jodi blames Travis for everything, typical abuser--blame the victim.

Actually, I think this is another Jodi projection issue. IIRC from those post-mortem pictures, which I tried really hard not to ever look at, didn't Travis have cuts on his ankles? So now Jodi says she did.
This very convenient "fog" is backfiring on Jodi. She's so slick ... she thinks she can use this to completely cover-up the killing. It's not working! Almost a quarter of the juror questions are IGNORING her claim that she was in a fog.

They're still asking questions like 'Why did you put him in the shower?' and 'Why put the camera in the washing machine?'. This means they're totally not buying her 'fog machine.'

Jodi probably thinks the jurors are stupid for constantly asking her why she did this 'n that during her fog. But the joke's on Jodi: The jurors see through her 'fogginess' and they're ignoring her attempt to cover-up what really happened.

Good point. No, GREAT POINT. Here is the thing.

They sure are not just giving her a pass for being in a fog.

Jodi thinks just because she cant remember the 20+ stabs that they jury is just going to give her a pass.

NO JODI. No pass for you. No soup for you.

The stabbing is the major part. It proves you were jealously mad at him and wanted revenge. Not just stopping his fake attack on you.
How so? It is taken from his back, with Jodi's pant leg and foot visible in between his body and the camera. Possibly after his throat had been slit from ear to ear. The timer button wouldn't come into play there--the choice is only 10 seconds or 2 seconds--and the continuous shoot function on that camera should have taken more photos closer together. See the review on the Sony DSC-H9. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sonyh9

We don't know how many photos were taken.

We've only seen some of the photos that were recovered after first being deleted and run through the washing machine.

Because there was a good deal of file writing and re-writing happening on the digital card, and it was later subjected to the wrath of Jodi Arias in her Sony-*advertiser censored*-Kenmore rage, it's a great break for the State that she did not succeed in permanently altering more of the 1's and 0's on that card.

I'd be surprised if they recovered 100% of the pictures that she deleted and washed that day.

Of course, her memory will not allow her to answer questions about it.

She said that if she did kill Travis Alexander, she would BEG for the death penalty.

Well, Jodi, we're waiting.

Start begging... :bang:
From Beth Karas on Dr. Drew show: The jurors are submitting more questions as these questions are being answered.
She really did seem to be having a chit chat with some people she knows, didn't she? Even when describing harrowing events, she kind of forgot to have feelings about it, didn't she? I'm sure she'll be coached on it tonight and will correct tomorrow.


I think she's acting like a college professor instructing her students. Or, maybe a guest lecturer at a medical convention answering questions from the audience.

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