100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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I'm -2.0 and I do it all the time. When I wear contacts I HAVE to wear reading glasses. When I wear prescription glasses, I have to take them off to read, but I don't need the reading glasses.

Perhaps what is more significant, is if I did not have my glasses on and I was backing my car out of a parking lot (God forbid), I would never be able to tell that a flash was a license plate. I might see something white, but it would be so indistinct I would assume it is trash, even if it reflected light. That whole story is such a BIG FAT LIE.
I think she said just the opposite. Ryan said he met her in April and her hair was blond -- Jodi testified that she died it brown in March, so the juror asked her to explain the inconsistency.

She said Ryan was mistaken about when they met because the convention was in March 2008, not April.

I wasn't clear on this either. So was Ryan really mistaken and Jodi was telling the truth, or do we really know what the truth is?
Yes and that's right texting can be hard for me to see too.

Not directed at me, but I'm one of the few who can't read with her glasses on. I need my glasses to drive a car and to see far away, but reading is impossible with my glasses on. Text is blurry.

I know. Sounds weird to people who need their glasses to read.
Did we ever figure out where "*advertiser censored*" even came from? Was that word used previously in the case? I don't remember it, but it must have been, no? Would a juror just outright ask that? I think that's why it was so shocking. None of us really remember that word being used before today and it could have been worded much more eloquently.

So I haven't been able to watch the trial as closely as I would like. Why was the *advertiser censored* question asked? What was that in reference to?

IIRC, early in JA's testimony she said that one of TA's roommates came home while he was on the phone with her. She said to say hi to him for her. She heard him say "Hi Jodi" and then TA said; "He said you're a *advertiser censored*." TA was joking it seems. So because she brought that up the jurors question was valid.

A few pages back I said Jodi sounded like a Miss America contestant today. She's a real piece of work!

Oh my God, In watching the reruns of the testimony today I can see how she grips people quickly. If I met her at a party or on the street, before this, I would think she was a really nice person. She can only keep that up so long though.

This time she planned on cutting more than his car tires. She should be in isolation when she gets to prison. It would only be a matter of time before she hurts another inmate.

I hope she gets the DP just because they are isolated from other prisoners in their own cells with very little human contact, IIRC. The isolation and knowledge of her impending doom will be a complete nightmare for her. If she's given LWOP she'll hypnotize some of the inmates and it won't be that bad for her. JMO
I could be wrong but iirc JA and Travis were on the phone and one of his friends or roommates came into the room he was in, she said to tell that person hello and that person said something like "hello *advertiser censored*". Though in her first account of how that happened she said Travis called her a *advertiser censored* but during cross Juan set it straight that it was actually the roommate.

I believe that was the origin of the *advertiser censored* in this case.

Lol! Well. That's calling a spade, a spade! Hahaha.. I think everyone felt the same way about her...
Had I been asked that I would have given a very different answer. Something like, "a loose woman of questionable morals, a different word for *advertiser censored*".

Why did she skirt the issue so much, Miss Jazz Face has no trouble talking about other indelicate issues yet can't deal with "*advertiser censored*"?
Likewise, little miss innocent gets embarassed/ashamed of the word "p*nis", Spiderman panties, and calling 911, but has no shame at the whole world seeing pictures of her genitals, hearing her phone sex, throwing her parents under the bus, and dragging Travis's reputation through the mud!!!
The question about Ryan Burns saying when he met Jodi in March of 2008 at a PPL convention and her hair was blonde... And she had a typical snooty answer... Something like,

"anyone who knows anything, know that the PPL convention is in April every year NOT March so Ryan is obviously mistaken"​

Well, apparently Jodi is the one who doesn't know what she is taking about!!! Take a look at this!! In 2008 the convention was in MARCH!!


Interesting March 13, 2008

In her testimony she said she dyed her hair on March 21/22, 2008 in the evening iirc.
No she lied. The convention really is in April. Somebody posted the link. :floorlaugh:
She was especially smug and gleeful when giving that lying answer. :slap:
(I need a better beotch slap smilie.)
I don't think Karmady is like that at all. Everyday she follows the trial she's never said a peep about inappropriate behavior. I think her belief that my video was mocking TA's murder is what made her feel the need to comment. JMO

You are very sweet. I allowed her posts to irritate me and should have kept quiet.
Originally Posted by mrsu
Did we ever figure out where "*advertiser censored*" even came from? Was that word used previously in the case? I don't remember it, but it must have been, no? Would a juror just outright ask that? I think that's why it was so shocking. None of us really remember that word being used before today and it could have been worded much more eloquently.


I remember that Jody was called a "*advertiser censored*" by one of Travis' friends when she called him on the phone. I could be mistaken, but that's what popped up.
I think she said just the opposite. Ryan said he met her in April and her hair was blond -- Jodi testified that she died it brown in March, so the juror asked her to explain the inconsistency.

She said Ryan was mistaken about when they met because the convention was in March 2008, not April.

So is the car rental guy lying too? He also said her hair was blond!

BTW had hard time keeping up today but what I did get to read was much needed levity! You all had me laughing so hard I had a choking fit!

:seeya:nite all
Originally Posted by kaRN
No she lied. The convention really is in April. Somebody posted the link. :floorlaugh:

What convention?

Pre Paid legal OK That was March 13 2008

and here
Today was so good, I'm still getting over it .. just about to head home for day, but have hardly been able to keep it together around clients and had to reschedule an afternoon meeting altogether .. Just re-read the questions.

*advertiser censored*!

Whoever asked that one deserves a medal. Absolutely hilarious .. Now I just need to go home and watch on YouTube so I can see her face when she's asked it.
No, I think it's a younger juror taunting her, perhaps a male like Paco??? (don't remember the descriptive names) To me "*advertiser censored*" is a term a younger person would use in conjunction with "ho".


whoever asked that question sees JA for who she really is......*advertiser censored*=hoe..

This is going to be one juror arguing the JEALOUSY part of this crime.....

Absolutely. Travis really gave her hell in those messages because the gig was up. He was calling her on everything, he was livid with her and said the punishment would be worse than the ________ (can't remember the word but I want to say 'crime'?).

My question is if someone could tell me, were these texts admitted into trial as evidence to show motive for the killing?

Sorry but this is a loooonnng answer....texts WERE admitted. I found them in the evidence files online, transcribed (best I can), and will print them for you here:

"So either text me that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you every told or leave me alone. Its a lie like no other. It is freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When will you realize that. I do not know. You have till tomorrow. To have me this persons information before I tell all of the hughes' leslie udy, the freemans, your parents and anyone else that matters about all the crazy things you have done. So either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad the truth is I promise you the punishment will be better than the lie. This is worse than your magical email that a mysterious man you've never seen before wrote for you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such crap. Nothing else from you til the truth. I already know your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, its gonna get real bad for you. Time to spit it out."

Seems to me like he means facing the punishment is better than trying to live with the lie--as he would expose her if she continues to lie. Still so sad to read his words & his understanding of Jodi.
Originally Posted by mrsu
Did we ever figure out where "*advertiser censored*" even came from? Was that word used previously in the case? I don't remember it, but it must have been, no? Would a juror just outright ask that? I think that's why it was so shocking. None of us really remember that word being used before today and it could have been worded much more eloquently.


I remember that Jody was called a "*advertiser censored*" by one of Travis' friends when she called him on the phone. I could be mistaken, but that's what popped up.

Interesting. I find it odd that a juror asked that. I'm baffled that the attorneys didn't object to that question.
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