100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

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Where is it demonstrated that she only put 2.77 in one can? I apologize, I haven;t seen all the evidence.

Here are some plausible answers:

1. One of the cans already had some gas in it.
2. We don't know how much gas the car needed. Some of what we assumed went in the car, actually went into a can.

That's very possible. Maybe one of Darryl's cans already had a couple of gallons in it?

Or she could have just wanted to be able to have enough for a full tank (13.5)..
and she would save some of her cash? If she saves $8.50 she can stop at Starbucks!

When using her debit card in SLC she did fill them all up with "cheap gas". I think Martinez will show, just as seen here on WS, that the station was Gas Only at that hour--4am--the inside/Market part of the station had hours from 6am to 1am.
Thanks. Black Lab. Sorry for the OT folks lol

Ohhh!!!! Me too! Mine is about 3 now--quite the handful, still, but love her to death. She's about 50' tall, but sleeps in bed with us every night lol.

Back on topic:

Wouldn't it be the greatest thing ever if Juan somehow had a picture from Grandma's house showing 3 gas cans?
FWIW...I have never been to a Walmart in Jax Florida or Kingsland, Ga where I live that EVER gives cash back without a receipt......takes an act of congress to get a gift card of ANY amount without a receipt! Carry on!
To determine the type of blade that made the stab wounds, he would look for one of the clean straight in punctures and get the most accurate "width" then find the deepest thrust wound where he could see she shoved it down deep.

With 29, he had a lot to work with. I recall 3" minimum depth on some, 1.5" wide (some 1" and some a lot wider) My guess is something like the ultra sharp restaurant knives used in the Kitchen by her cook friends, sharp both sides, compact easy to hold and hide

(and yes, I think she took a knife from work)


And it has a decent guard on it.

When someone is stabbing, there is a lot of blood and often the stabbers hand slips down the slippery blade and gets cut. (I'm still not sure if she hurt her finger during the murder) I always figured the knife had a good hand guard on it or else her hands could have/would have been sliced.
I think the knife was the smooth sharp edge. If it was like a serrated bread knife the M.E. would describe the more jagged torn type wounds?

And not pointing fingers, but as far as restaurant workers go, I imagine they sneak out some dishes, silverware etc. Maybe.. just maybe :)
Hi all, looking ahead to when the defense calls it's Domestic Abuse expert, Alyce LaViolette, to the stand, I really hope Juan uses her book in his cross examination.

It Could Happen To Anyone: Why Battered Women Stay
By Alyce LaViolette and Ola Barnett

Excerpt pg. 111

Men in abusive relationships do not ordinarily respond the same way women do. *In the Carmody and Williams study (1987), men predicted that retaliatory physical assault by their wives was very unlikely, and they further judged the severity of their assaults as very low. *men also reported that they could easily protect themselves against physical assaults: "she was easy to stop"; "I just pushed her away"; or "I restrained her." One important reason that few men fit into the category of battered is that unless their mates have used an equalizer, such as a weapon, the men just are not afraid. *This does not mean they are not assaulted and cannot be battered.

My dream cross:
Juan: Ms. LaViolette, according to your book, a battered man would be one that had a partner who abused him using an equalizer, would that be correct?

LaViolette: yes

Juan: would a sharp knife be considered an equalizer?

LaViolette: yes

Juan: would a handgun be considered an equalizer?

LaViolette: yes

Juan: could a circumstance or a setting be used as an equalizer? For example, being in a seated position, or being wet and naked in the shower?

LaViolette: possibly

Juan: I'm done with this witness.
Where is it demonstrated that she only put 2.77 in one can? I apologize, I haven;t seen all the evidence.

Here are some plausible answers:

1. One of the cans already had some gas in it.
2. We don't know how much gas the car needed. Some of what we assumed went in the car, actually went into a can.

already gas in one of darryl's cans---YES. i thought that at the time----still do. maybe he filled a lawn mower from that can. who knows? we DO know for a FACT she borrowed 2 cans from him.

biggest point for ME is that NOBODY carries 3 cans of gas with them on a trip for fear of running out of gas. you WILL come to a gas station before you ever burn that much gas. not to mention the space 3 gas cans take up in a small car. COMMON SENSE tells me this.
You can put gas into a kerosene can. I believe it's only a different color in case you had both gas and kero and didn't want to mix them up.

And you can't buy kerosene at a gas station, that's usually some kind of fuel-oil place.

Most gas stations here have kerosene, usually off to the side.

We just had a young employee here put kerosene in one of the company vehicles. And tried to drive it. :floorlaugh:

Usually the kerosene has an orange handle. Different from the gas handles.
IMO one of the gas cans had gas in it from Darrell. She topped it off.

That occurred to me, and that is one possibility. I'm just trying to make all of this fit by bringing up the weaknesses in the argument.

To me, when Jodi said she returned the gas can that she clearly bought - that did not ring true to me. She already had the two gas cans from Darryl, so why would she have needed to buy an additional can at that point unless it was because she believed 10 extra gallons was not enough -- or she planned to buy some kerosene for "another" purpose. That, in and of itself, smacks of premeditation, whether she returned the gas can or not.

And that brings me to another question I've had - why by a kerosene can and not just another 5 gallon gas can? I'm sure Walmart sells both. Is the kerosene can less expensive or was she really planning on filling it with kerosene?
While she was in Walmart, Jodi could have used her imaginary cash refund to buy a phone charger to replace her imaginary missing one.

I assume others have commented on the sheer absurdity of JA story that her phone went dead and that her car charger device had been inconveniently “left behind”.

Imagine being in Pasadena at around 9PM while aspiring to a trip through the desert either to Phoenix or Las Vegas to St George UTAH taking place completely throughout the night. Aside from the fear of running out of gas- a problem easily avoided since so many gas stations line these routes – the ONE THING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO HAPPEN IS – TO NOT HAVE A WORKING CELL PHONE.

No rational person would make that auto trip alone during the night without a working cell phone. Every convenience stop, ie gas station, has cell phone chargers available for purchase. The number of stores (open at night with phone chargers) JA would have passed on her way out of Pasadena is SUBSTANTIAL.
As anybody knows the first things one does before making such a trip is to fill up with gasoline and insure the cell phone is fully charged and the auto charger is nearby.

This jury knows full well that JA story about her phone going dead around the time she entered AZ and miraculously “charged up” at the northern AZ border is a total CROCK.
Do you all think Jodi is terrified Juan's calling Matt ? LOL

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Does anybody think that she is scrambling over the five day break to try and fish out what Matt has to say now since they are still BFFs and all.
Rewatching some of Nurmi's questions from yesterday and am wondering about the two Helio phones. JA says she taped phone sex conversation on 5/10/08 but then lost that phone and then taped some other phone sex calls on the replacement phone AFTER 5/10/08 but deleted them? is that right? If so, wouldn't the computer forensics experts be able to pull even deleted recordings off that 2nd phone? I think she is lying about any taping after 5/10 - my belief is Travis was done with her once he realized she had that first tape of him.

Regarding the phone _ wasn't it said the pictures Nurmi presented of Jodi's cut finger came from the helio phone ? Becaue those pics according to JA were taken with the helio phone in June however she claims phone became lost in late May. Am I wrong :waitasec::waitasec:
And it has a decent guard on it.

When someone is stabbing, there is a lot of blood and often the stabbers hand slips down the slippery blade and gets cut. (I'm still not sure if she hurt her finger during the murder) I always figured the knife had a good hand guard on it or else her hands could have/would have been sliced.

She could so easily cut herself! Especially if she dropped the knife mid stream, bent over and picked it up by the BLADE!

this was such a violent stabbing I doubt she maintained a grip on it, plus hold him and never dropped that knife..doubt it. She was covered in blood also (especially her hands) that is so slippery!
Fairly new here - can anyone tell me how you include more than one post when you are posting a reply? Thanks!

There is a button to the right of the quote button that has this--->'' on it, click that button on each of the posts that you want to quote, then hit the reply button. All of the posts you want to quote will show up :)
I bet she did in fact burn the bloody clothes, rope and floormats with the gasoline in the desert before getting to the checkpoint. I highly doubt she had to clean up. I think she left Travis' cleaned up with fresh clothes and the bloody clothes and shoes stained the floormats. She just stopped to dump and burn evidence. She probably buried the gun and knife in the same area.
What it does prove is that she USED THE GAS IN THE CANS! Thus the refilling. Why did she use the gas in the cans? To get through AZ with no tracks.

What I do not understand is why she feels all the gas can in Salt Lake City. That was stupid. I don't understand any reason for her to do that.

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she injured her finger, she says, and told her manager but no paperwork was filled out, even though workplace injuries must be reported per state law. NOW she says 'well....i don't know what i said but i asked for a bandaid.' completely changed her story. so i'm wondering if JM is going to call that person to say nothing like that happened at all?

she has all kinds of stories about cuts on fingers. she also said she broke a glass at TA's house on june 4. that's why her blood is there. she WILL NEVER put that knife in her own hand, even though it clearly was. she has a 'foggy' memory of dropping it. she has a foggy memory of putting a knife in the dishwasher, although that might've been a different day. she's got a file cabinet full of lies for every question she's asked.

As far as the supposed work related injury: didn't she have time/date stamped photos of that injury? How will JM explain that? Maybe it was another worker's injury that JA took pic of on that day and maybe the manager has paperwork on that worker re: worker's comp. THAT would be awesome. We can always hope....
How can you say this 3rd can is inconsequential? It is her insurance that she does not stop in AZ for gas. That is alibi building. It shows her plan from the start. Even before she has left on the trip. That she was planning this for awhile and planned each and every detail.

Not inconsequential at all if you ask me.

I live in KS and there was a cold case of a double murder in Topeka. I thought they had no idea who did it until '48 Hours' did a special. Come to find out the ex-wife was suspected ..Dana Chandler...since she repeatedly stalked (I do mean stalked) and harassed the couple, including the children. It took years to prove she too used gas cans to avoid detection to make the trip from Denver to Topeka and back. Long story short, convicted of 2 counts Premeditated 1st degree murder.
This is how I can see it happening...

States Exhibit #237.011, ARCO Pasadena CA, 6/03/08 08:42pm, Fuel 8.301 @ 4.169 gal, Unlead 87 $34.61, Trans fee $0.45, Total $35.06, Debit Acct # 2015

- This is the car

States Exhibit #237.012, ARCO Pasadena CA, 6/3/08, 20:46:50, Fuel 9.594 @ 4.169 gal $40.00, Initial Pmt $40.00, PrePay Dep $40.00

- She goes in and pays $40 in cash. She has said over and over that she didn't want any overflow, so she didn't fill the gas cans all the way up. She could have put 4 to 4 1/2 gallons or so into each of the 2 cans and then put the rest of that $40 into the 3rd. It barely had any in it though, so...

States Exhibit #237.013, Duplicate ARCO Pasadena CA, Fuel 2.774 @4.169 gal $11.56, PrePay Deposit $20.00, Change $8.44

- She goes back in with another $20 to put more into the 3rd can.

Makes sense to me anyway Lol.

Agree, except that she deposited the $40 and $20 at the pump. she only went in after the last one to get her change.
Ok if she had 3 gas cans in Pasadena for the purpose of making it all the way to Arizona and back out to Nevada without having to stop for gas -- then why would she only have put 2.77 gallons in the 3rd gas can and not fill it with 5 gallons?

maybe she filled it in Salinas with cash and used some prior to filling up in Pasenda?
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