13 Sept 2009 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSION***

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2009.09.13 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

FYI: Volunteer Search being done today!
Another Search for Hassani Campbell
Posted: Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:58AM
Another massive search party is being assembled to check around Oakland's Rockridge neighborhood for a 5-year-old Hassani Campbell, reported missing more than a month ago, and organizers say there is hope he will be found alive.

About 150 people, made up of regular citizens from all over the East Bay was led by Shari Miller, a printing business owner from San Lorenzo.

"Right now the best move is the volunteers coming out and keep looking for this little boy," she said. "We need to assist the officials, the family, the community in any way we can to bring this little boy home."

It was August 10th when Louis Ross reported Hassani missing while Ross was dropping off his foster daughter with his fiance in Oakland's Rockridge neighborhood. The boy was reportedly left in the car, and Ross says when he returned a few minutes later, the boy was gone.

Police are certain that this is a homicide case and arrested Ross and his fiance, Jennifer Campbell, two weeks ago. They had to let them go, though, when the DA said he didn't have enough evidence to file charges.

Miller says her job is to separate herself from the investigation, and focus on the little boy with cerebral palsy and leg braces.

AUDIO: KCBS' Mark Seelig reports

UPDATED: Missing 5-Year-Old's Clothes Possibly Unearthed In Oakland
Posted: 2:23 pm PDT September 13, 2009
Updated: 6:26 pm PDT September 13, 2009
About one o'clock Sunday afternoon, volunteers searching a hillside near the end of Chabot Road in Oakland found at least one item of clothing, which they and Oakland police say appears to be similar to one Hasanni was wearing before he disappeared.

&#8220;We were walking and we saw some clothes and we picked it up and it was a small sweatshirt," said one volunteer who asked that we not use her full name.

Police say the volunteers searchers found a small gray sweatshirt-- described as weather-worn and partially buried in the dry, soft dirt at the end of the street.

"It's covered with a lot of dirt. There's grass on it. It's ripped in places,&#8221; said Oakland police Sgt. Bautista. &#8220;We don't really want to handle it, because if there is any evidence, we don't want to contaminate it."

Five-year-old Hasanni Campbell was reported to be wearing a gray sweatshirt and gray pants when he disappeared over a month ago.

Searchers say they found two other items close by, including a red sock and a piece of a gray blanket.

The volunteers called Oakland police officers to the scene-- a sloping hill just beneath the access road connecting Tunnel Road and Highway 24.

As volunteers prayed, Alameda County sheriff's department k-9 units combed the hill for related items.

Investigators say it's too soon to tell whether the sweatshirt is Hasanni's.

"We don't wanna give anybody any false hope or things of that nature,&#8221; said Sgt. Bautista. &#8220;Right now , we're just gonna follow our standard protocol and secure the scene and have the technicians, evidence technicians recover the item. And at some point, we'll determine whether it was his or not."

Marc Klaas of the Klaas Kids Foundation says the search for Hasanni has been hampered by questions about whether his foster father, Louis Ross, is telling the truth about the boy's disappearance outside a Rockridge shoe store a month ago.

"If he's not telling the truth, then we have no idea where the little boy is,&#8221; said Klaas. &#8220;If he is telling the truth, then that almost means somebody picked the little boy up in a car and drove him out very, very quickly."

The woman who found the sweatshirt said this quiet cul-de-sac simply seemed like a logical place to search for signs of the missing boy.

"I knew it was a desolate area and it's not that far from where the kid supposedly went missing,&#8221; the volunteer, who didn&#8217;t want us to use her name, said. &#8220;And I thought, well, surely someone's looked up here because there's all of this space."

Jennifer Campbell-- the boy's foster mother-- declined to talk to KTVU earlier Sunday about the search for Hasanni


VIDEO~ HASANNI CAMPBELL: Partially Buried Clothes Similar To Missing Boy's Discovered

UPDATED: Police Examine Sweatshirt Similar to the One Worn by Hasanni Campbell
9/13/2009 3:26:00 PM
The Oakland police department is now examining a grey sweatshirt that may be connected with the search for five-year old Hasanni Campbell.

Two volunteers say they found the child-sized clothing at the end of Chabot Road near the Caldecott Tunnel. The discovery came at about 1:00 p.m. Sunday. The volunteers were part of a larger group searching for Hasanni who disappeared more than a month ago from behind a shoe store in Oakland's Rockridge neighborhood.

The child was last seen wearing a grey sweatshirt and grey pants.

Oakland police crime scene investigators are now conducting tests on the sweatshirt. Police and members of the Alameda County Search and Rescue squad have now taped off the area and are conducting a more thorough search.

Stay tuned to KRON 4 and KRON4.com for the latest on this developing story.

VIDEO: Volunteers Searching For Hassani Campbell Find Childrens Sweatshirt

http://www.kron4.com/News/ArticleVi...the One Worn by Hasanni Campbell/Default.aspx
Clothes Found in Search for Hassani Campbell
Posted: Sunday, 13 September 2009 3:47PM
Volunteers searching for a missing 5-year-old Fremont youngster have found clothes similar to those Hassani Campbell was wearing on an Oakland street. Volunteer searchers found a grey sweatshirt, red sock, and other children's clothes, apparently at the end of Chabot Road, which is a dead end. The search party assembled this morning to check around Oakland's Rockridge neighborhood for Campbell, reported missing more than a month ago, and organizers say there is hope he will be found alive.

About 150 people, made up of regular citizens from all over the East Bay was led by Shari Miller, a printing business owner from San Lorenzo.

UPDATED: Clothing found in Oakland Hills did not belong to Hasanni Campbell
Posted: 09/13/2009 04:05:29 PM PDT
Updated: 09/13/2009 10:41:09 PM PDT
A gray sweatshirt found Sunday in the Oakland Hills did not belong to missing 5-year-old Hasanni Campbell, the boy's foster father said.

"It wasn't the right brand, it wasn't the right shirt; it's not his," Louis Ross, 38, of Fremont, said in brief remarks to the media after viewing the items volunteers found Sunday afternoon on a search for the boy reported missing Aug. 10.

Ross was accompanied by his fiancee, Jennifer Campbell, 33, the boy's biological aunt. They declined to answer additional questions, and were quickly driven from the scene at the end of Chabot Road.

"It's tough on them," said attorney John Burris, who has been counseling the couple. "You want to know and you don't want to know. You don't want confirmation that he's dead. You want to hold out hope, like other families, that he's still alive."

The gray children's sweatshirt was found shortly after 50 people began searching that area Sunday, search organizer Sherri Miller said. The area is slightly more than a mile east from where Hasanni's foster father reported last seeing him.

Volunteers flagged down some police officers. In a preliminary search of the area, those officers found an adult sock and another piece of material nearby. About 30 feet away from the sweatshirt, police found some bones, but later discovered they were from a deer.

Alameda County sheriff's deputies brought out search dogs to further canvass the area, which is just north of Highway 24. The dogs did not find anything, officials said.

The area where the sweatshirt was found had not been searched before by volunteers, Miller said. Police said they had not searched there, either.

Louis Ross, left, Jennifer Campbell ,center, and their lawyer John Burris talk at the end of Chabot Rd. as Alameda County Sheriff search and rescue members search for signs of Hasanni Campbell on Sunday September 13, 2009 in Oakland, Calif.

Oakland Police Department crime scene technician Jeff Haymon, right, holds a bag with clothing items found by searchers looking for Hasanni Campbell at the end of Chabot Rd. on Sunday September 13, 2009 in Oakland, Calif.

Alameda County Sheriff Department search and rescue team members look for Hasanni Campbell at the end of Chabot Rd. on Sunday September 13, 2009 in Oakland, Calif.

UPDATED: Foster parents say sweatshirt not Hasanni's
Sunday, September 13, 2009 | 6:38 PM
Volunteer search teams thought they had found some important clues Sunday in the case of missing Hasanni Campbell after they discovered a sweatshirt, sock and piece of a blanket on a hillside at the end of Chabot Road.

The items were found a little more than one mile from the spot where Hasanni Campbell was reported missing 34 days ago. Police taped the area off as a potential crime scene.

Hasanni's foster parents arrived at the scene around 5:30 p.m. and quickly determined that the articles of clothing did not belong to the missing 5-year-old. Louis Ross and Jennifer Campbell said with confidence that the gray sweatshirt was the wrong brand. They said the sock and part of a blanket found were also not his.

Around 1 p.m. Oakland crime scene technicians were called in and the sweatshirt was photographed and tagged. On the day Hasanni went missing his foster fathers said he was wearing a gray sweatshirt and pants, and that is why the items got so much attention Sunday.

The sheriff's canine was given a whiff of the clothing and it took off in search of a scent, but it did not find one. Alameda County search and rescue dogs are also helping cover a nearby hillside by Highway 24 and Highway 13.

Louis Ross and Jennifer Campbell were arrested on suspicion of murder, but they were released because investigators could not find enough evidence to charge them. On Sunday their attorney John Burris explained that their relationship with the police and media has become very guarded since their release, which is why the couple made very few comments Sunday.

VIDEO: Foster parents say sweatshirt not Hasanni's

5-year-old Hasanni Campbell was described as wearing a gray sweatshirt and sweat pants when he was reported missing on August 10, 2009, by his foster father Louis Ross.

UPDATED: Hasanni Search Team Finds Possible Clue
Hasanni was reported missing August 10
Updated 10:24 PM PDT, Sun, Sep 13, 2009
A team of volunteers looking for little Hasanni Campbell found something that caused police to turn the end of a dirt road into a crime scene Sunday.

Sherri Miller, a virtual one-woman-crusade to find Hasanni, organized the search of the Rockridge neighborhood, Lake Temescal and Lake Merritt. She told reporters someone found a gray child's sweatshirt at the end of a dirt road late Sunday afternoon.

The volunteer called police who were close to the area at the time. Police immediately put up yellow tape. There is no way to know if the find is indeed connected to the missing child's case, but Hasanni was reportedly wearing a gray sweatshirt when he disappeared.

Campbell and Ross came to the scene late Sunday and police showed them the clothing, which also included a sock. Ross told reporters that the sweatshirt did not match the one his foster son was wearing. He said it was the wrong brand.

Police called off their official searches long ago, but Miller, a San Leandro business owner, took matters into her own hands and organized searches of her own. And she may have found the biggest piece of evidence yet in the case.

The clothing will now be tested for DNA.

Miller has printed thousands of fliers at her shop. She's also helped get together a Web site dedicated to the child: www.findhasanni.com.

She said even if people suspect the parents had something to do with his disappearance, "There's still a 5-year-old child who needs to be found."

Foster Dad Says Sweat Shirt Is Not Hasanni's
Sep 13, 2009 5:38 pm US/Pacific
Volunteer search teams found a gray sweat shirt they thought might have belonged to Hasanni Campbell, a 5-year-old boy who has been missing for more than a month.

But Hasanni's foster father, Louis Ross told reporters late Sunday that the clothing did not belong to the missing boy.

Hasanni Campbell was reported missing on Aug. 10 by Ross. Ross said the boy was wearing a gray sweat shirt at the time.

Oakland police Sgt. Arturo Bautista says the shirt was found buried at the end of a road in the Oakland hills Sunday.

Police were searching the area.

VIDEO Clothing Found In Hasanni Campbell's 'Not His'

Found clothing not Hasanni's, foster dad says
Sunday, September 13, 2009
(09-13) 18:25 PDT OAKLAND -- Volunteers searching for missing Fremont 5-year-old Hasanni Campbell reported finding children's clothing in Oakland's Rockridge District today, less than a mile from where his foster father had reported him missing last month, authorities said.

But Hasanni's foster parents, Louis Ross and Jennifer Campbell, said the gray sweatshirt and a sock that were found at about 1:15 p.m. at the end of Chabot Road did not belong to the boy.

"It's not his," Ross told reporters while flanked by Campbell and the couple's legal adviser, Oakland attorney John Burris. "We buy his clothes. We know what he wears, so that was not his shirt. The sock was not his, either."

The discovery drew Oakland police crime scene investigators and Alameda County search dogs to the scene, which has been cordoned off by yellow tape.

Hasanni was reportedly wearing a gray sweatshirt when Ross reported him missing Aug. 10.

Before the couple's arrival at the scene, searchers girded for the possibility that the clothing belonged to Hasanni.

"We have no idea at this point if it's even connected to Hasanni," said Sherri-Lyn Miller, a San Leandro print-shop owner who has been organizing regular searches for the boy.

"Because it is similar, it's gray, it does appear to be small, we want to make sure - this is pretty close to the area where he was missing - we want to make sure that we analyze it and confirm," Oakland police Sgt. Arturo Bautista told reporters.

Foster Father: Sweat Shirt Is Not Hassani's
Posted: Sunday, 13 September 2009 5:46PM
Clothing found on Sunday that is similar to that worn by a missing 5-year-old boy with cerebral palsy does not belong to young Hassani Campbell, the boy's foster father said.

Volunteers searching for the youngster on Sunday found a small gray sweat shirt, a red sock, and clothes at the end of Chabot Road. They immediately contacted police who sent cadaver dogs to the dead end road.

The boy's foster father, Louis Ross, and his foster mother, Jennifer Campbell, arrived at the scene to examine the clothing. Ross told CBS-5 the sweat shirt was a different brand and did not belong to Hassani.

Every Sunday, hundreds of volunteers led by led by Sherri-Lyn Miller, who owns a printing business in San Lorenzo.

Police believe the boy was murdered and arrested the couple on homicide charges two weeks ago, only to release them for lack of evidence.

Ross and Campbell have maintained their innocence and say they are cooperating with police.

Miller said she would continue to organize vigils and searches until the case was closed.

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