17 y/o Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #20

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have they asked for the bounty to be called off? I hadn't seen or heard that??

Then you must have missed it because they were recently on one of the shows with their attorney, and spoke specifically about the New Black Panthers, stating they oppose all violence and it goes against everything that they're trying to do to get justice to make sure what happened to their son doesn't happen again.
( paraphrasing as I don't have the link)

have they asked for the bounty to be called off? I hadn't seen or heard that??

I don't know but I would hope so. Plus what would someone do if they caught GZ??? Like a dog catching a car they're chasing. lol I don't think anyone would be will to be tried for first degree murder just to make $10,000. I think the group was looking to find where he was hiding. $10,000 today is nothing certainly not enough to die for unless you are already a loose cannon in which case no amount of money would matter you'd just do it. jmo
One relatively minor point is the 911 call was connected at 7:09:34 pm. The shot that killed TM can be heard 41 seconds into another 911 call that began at 7:16 pm for a time of 7:16:41 when Trayvon was shot.

That's a difference of 7 minutes and 7 seconds, not 8 minutes. Another factor to consider is that for the first 2:07 of the call, TM is walking in full view of Mr. Zimmerman. He started running at 2:07 into the call per GZ for a clock time of 7:11:41, exactly 5 minutes before he was shot and killed.

Okay, use whatever time frame you are most comfortable with, how long would it take to walk from one end of the complex to the other? Is 15 minutes to walk a mile reasonable? If Trayvon felt he was in danger, is it your opinion he could not make it home in five minutes from any point in the area of the complex in question?

Your point being that why didn't he make it home has certain possibilities to consider, such as, what if someone was waiting in ambush down this long sidewalk?


What if TM lost sight of his pursuer and started walking?

What if that someone had lived there longer than a few days, and knew enough to know he could run the path in red, himself?

Again, choose any point and timeframe you'd like, if the kid was scared, he should have been able to make it home with ease.


I'm not saying that's what happened, mind you, but what if it did? A forced march back to a vehicle would start explaining how the body could be found where this dispatcher says, wouldn't it?

Sure, but what evidence do you have that there was a forced march?

"Lying in the grass....in the back yard of 2831 Retreatview Circle"

Trayvon Martin's Body Location 2 Per Sanford Fire and Rescue - YouTube

Other than that, I can't think of too many reasons, myself, that TM didn't make it home with his Skittles and tea.

Any one of these things are possible, sure. Just as there are likely many other reasons that don't assume Zimmerman conspired to take Trayvon's life. I just find it odd that in twenty threads on this case, there is so much assumption that Zimmerman had interest in detaining Trayvon (or worse).

Otherwise, my responses are in red above...
I still don’t get it, unless someone is in the line of duty... Where are they going with a gun?
Where do these people live? That they need a gun?

OK in the woods you may encounter some strange animal on 2 or 4 legs.
But those who are not living in the woods where are they going with a gun?

Me think some have a Napoleon complex, makes them feel something, whatever it is... ;)

Because a long time ago when the constitution was written, there was this little amendment in there:

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States"]Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

A lot of folks really believe in that amendment. Sometimes it has nothing to do with 'security'.
He either felt threatened or he felt..."I am going to show him"
We really do not know.

When I was a teen ager I thought I was immortal - I think we all did.

Nope, not me. I was very aware of how immortal I was.
It's sad. Hate leads to hate, and around and around we go.

I believe the solution comes in three parts.

1. Admit that we have a problem that will not be solved by ignoring it
2. Discuss it without passion for anything other than justice
3. Refuse to accept intolerance from anyone, including our leaders, ourselves, our own friends, and family

In my opinion.

Finally something we can agree on.
I worry about my 12 year old son (he's 1/2 Mexican), he and his friends have recently started quoting a line by a black comedian (I think Kevin Hart) "say it with your chest lil ---". When I reprimand him, he tells me that he and his black friends say it to each other all the time. Maybe, but what happens if he says it in front of someone that's not his friend or who doesn't know that it's a line from a black comedian ? I understand the passion when it comes to race issues but I don't understand the violence. Someone called me a blank so I beat him ? The radicals on both sides are definitely not proving their superiority with threats and violence.
They have a right to carry a gun so I don't think that is an issue but to say it's not my fault because I shot someone when you caused the incident in the first place by getting out of your car???? Then following someone who was just walking home from the store because you made the decision this person looked suspicious??? That puts you and you alone in the position of control. That position of control and because you are armed means you are the one responsible for your actions. Someone who does not know who you are but that you are following them. Someone who does not know what you want but may assume it's money, your phone, etc. because you are following them. Someone who does not know you have a gun is not in control. The person following. The person with the gun is in charge and needs to act in a responsible manner. GZ was advised by LE what was the responsible manner in which he was expected to comply and that was stay with your car and wait for LE. It's a standard request by LE. All LEOs know this is standard to request you wait and not follow. GZ knew very well what he was being asked to do because he had prior knowledge and acknowledge that by saying "okay" and in other words....I understand what I'm suppose to do. By following he took TM's control over his own fate away from him. We do not know what happened but the facts are coming out and it's getting clearer and clearer what may have happened. jmo

I would have been scared too, but
I would have also said to myself - maybe the guy is nuts and has a gun?
let me get out of here ASAP that means fast.

That in itself would make me ask one question -
Why didn’t TM move toward home in a rush. IMHO he would have been home. I wish I could ask TM why he did not move on it,
why he seemingly took his time? MO
I wish I could ask GZ why did he have to shoot to kill , why not a leg or a shoulder? WHY?

I wish I can ask the LAW how are you supposed to keep the people safe if you are so dam lazy and self serving?

I would like to ask some leaders why they deepen the racial divide?

I would also like to ask the FBI if investigating a case a month after it happend if there is a real chance of having a clear view of things? :(
stating that they oppose all violence = not supporting the bounty.

Thank you for your comment. I understood the statement the exact same way you did. No ambiguity, no waffling. I respect the strong, clear words of family that has shown great courage and integrity while they grieve their dear son.
have they asked for the bounty to be called off? I hadn't seen or heard that??

Since we're on the subject of "Things We'd Like To See Addressed"...

I'd really like to see that photo of the defaced black cultural center removed from GZ's new website.

I know I have heard the Martins state many times that this is not a black and white thing, it's a right and wrong thing. They've also made repeated calls for nonviolent protest only.
Based on his repeated calls to 911 to report "suspicious black males".

I don't know, but since you brought it up perhaps you could give us your estimate?

Running, two minutes, walking four. That's assuming a quarter mile, which is very generous on the estimated distance.

GZ may not have been committing a crime walking in the rain, but I have to ask myself how logical his thinking was...

He had already told the dispatcher that TM looked suspicious, and that something was wrong with him - he was probably on drugs. IMHO, if TM really had been suspicious and on drugs, then logic would say that TM would probably be dangerous.

So if that's his belief - that something was wrong with TM - then why get out of the vehicle at all to confront him, knowing that LE was on it's way? Common sense would tell me, at least, not to get into a confrontation with someone who may be dangerous, when LE is coming.


Since they did find an empty bag on TM all I can say on his behalf is....
Marijuana smokers are not dangerous, they are layed back. But look like they are not focused, and in slow motion.
It is possible that TM wanted more then just Ice tea in the rain&#8230;
(I used to do that many years back) BUT&#8230; that would never make him dangerous.
I smoked in the 60&#8217;s just made me laugh, slowed me down, and craved munchies.
I have thought about this....if Trayvon thought he was being followed by a pervert (which in this day and age is very likely), he would first be scared for himself, but may not have wanted the pervert to know where he was living because of the 13 year old soon to be step-brother that he knew was in the home that he was heading to. I know there have been a couple of times at night where I have felt like I was being followed (in my car but same idea) and instead of going home I would go down several side streets to see if the person was still going to follow me, one time the car kept following me so I drove to the nearest police station, the car didn't stop following me until I had actually turned into the police station parking lot. I was not going to drive home and let the person following me know where I lived, Trayvon may have been trying to protect his younger soon-to-be sibling, by not wanting the pervert following him to know where he lived. :moo:

Suppose it's possible. Pretty coherent thought if that was the case, but in context with not calling 911, hard to see this scenario unless he mentioned something to the girlfriend. Do you think it's any less possible that Trayvon was gonna catch Zimmerman by surprise and intimidate GZ or clean his clock?

Not directing this at you, but it seems the direction of the "sleuthing" on these 20 threads is mostly angled at portraying Zimmerman as a conspiring racist intent on killing Trayvon. If that is the case, Murder 1 should be on the table.
This video doesn't have any information about Chief Lee and Seminole State College. It's about a witness,GZ's brother,father and police dept. leaks.

Look beneath the video.
Good afternoon!! Just catching up from where I left off last night and --- well --- I have learned that I have no desire to ever go to Texas! :floorlaugh:

I also wish people would be a little more mindful that we have members here who have lost children of their own. I can tell, just from reading their posts, that it is breaking them to listen to the bashing of Trayvon's parents. If anyone understands what Trayvon's parents are going through, it is them and to think that some of the posts are bringing them pain... personal pain... is starting to get to me too.

I don't agree with the bolded part (BBM). If your perception is that someone's presence is enough of a problem to warrant a call to 911, your perception is also necessarily that the person is some sort of danger - to themselves, to others, to property. Otherwise you'd not bother calling 911. 911 is for emergencies, GZ perceived an emergency.

I've also heard of a person calling 911 because a Subway didn't give them the sandwich they wanted. A person's perception of an emergency isn't always what a real emergency is. Any 911 operator can tell you about the crazy calls they get from what some people perceive to be an emergency. GZ saw a black person in a hoodie and that equalled an emergency to him when it wasn't. Just because he called 911 doesn't mean his perception of an emergency is correct. He was obviously wrong as TM didn't do anything and only had Skittles and Arizona tea in his pocket. It wasn't reasonble for GZ to assume TM was a criminal and go after him.
Since they did find an empty bag on TM all I can say on his behalf is....
Marijuana smokers are not dangerous, but they look like they are not focused, and in slow motion.
It is possible that TM wanted more then just Ice tea in the rain…
(I used to do that many years back) BUT… that would never make him dangerous.
I smoked in the 60’s just made me laugh, slowed me down, and craved munchies.

Such as?

There's absolutely no evidence that TM was doing anything other than going to the store and minding his own business.
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