17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #16

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"Your behavior was so miserable in that store I am embarrassed to be in there with you. Did you see how everyone was staring at you?"

"If you continue to behave like you did today with your friend, you won't have a friend willing to come over anymore. NO ONE wants to be around someone who is such a sore loser and a sore winner".


I hope you are not serious.These are extremely unhealthy things to say to a child obviously and not constructive at all.
Only if the parents chose to press charges. And they could have. jmo

Their kids have been harassing and vandalizing an elderly couples home for months now. I'd like to see them TRY and sue us for spraying those little brats with water for throwing rotten eggs at the old couples house.
Smacking me on the rear isn't aversive if my husband does it, but it sure wouldn't be welcomed by a stranger. LOL

In a lot of states it's certainly legal for the school system to do it. For some reason.

In that context, since that's allowed, does it seem reasonable that it's a crime to give a kid a squirt with a garden hose?

"Your behavior was so miserable in that store I am embarrassed to be in there with you. Did you see how everyone was staring at you?"

"If you continue to behave like you did today with your friend, you won't have a friend willing to come over anymore. NO ONE wants to be around someone who is such a sore loser and a sore winner".


And I think telling a girl she is not going out of the house looking like a prostitute (or a slob) is not a bad thing to say at all, if it's true. Why do we think that's a bad thing? It's not like saying I hate you, you *advertiser censored*. It's saying you will not go out of this house disrespecting yourself by dressing like that.


Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...
BBM I guess you could also say shooting one individual in self defense in 28 years is not a lot of shooting.

The size of the apartment complex has nothing to do with it, because people from outside of the complex could have been coming in and committing the crimes. 8 burglaries in 15 months is not a lot of crime IMO...you would need more demographics to conclude anything.

But nobody is saying the things you are using as examples. I am just saying that when a gang of bullies on bikes is riding around the neighborhood, feeling all puffed up, looking for the chubby kid so they can hassle him, IMO, there is nothing wrong with sidetracking them, non-violently.

Hurt feelings are not the end of the world. IMO, kids should have their feelings 'hurt' when they are doing something mean and hurtful themselves. They need to be called out on it.

And everyone says to talk to their parents. I agree that is the best option. But it is not always that effective, and often not helpful at all.

Sorry. I was kinda going off of the "hurt feelings teaches a lesson" thing. LOL

I'm one that feels like abuse (physical, emotional, verbal) creates an abuser. JMO
Would you hurt your child's feelings to get them to behave?
Call your child a fatty to get them to stop eating so much?
Tell a girl she looks like a *advertiser censored* in order to get her to dress differently?

I just think there's a more appropriate way for a reasonable adult. IMO

Sometimes kids have been bullied themselves and try to do it to others. Some kids just come by it natural but I bet those children do it because they observe the same type of behavior at home. If you see a child doing it and you know the parent it's better to tell them and let them handle it. jmo
I hope you are not serious.These are extremely unhealthy things to say to a child obviously and not constructive at all.

I am dead serious. They are not unhealthy things to say, they are real things to say.

They can be said firmly, and with love, and are very educational. If I embarrassed my mother by horrible behavior, you can bet I'd be hearing it all the way home, as it should be. And that's not the same thing as saying I wish you were never born you're a shame to the family. How you behaved in that store embarrassed me to death. If we can't say that to our children, when the behavior was agregious, we've lost our way as a society, IMHO.
Ok, closing thread, please continue here...

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7758089#post7758089"]FL 17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #17 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Oh, there is already a name for a little girl... Isabella. I really would LOVE another little girl, but I have never been wrong. This one is Ethan. I know it!

ETA: My grandmother's name was Edith.

If it's a girl it's gonna be Isabella! That's my name in Spanish and what my mother always called me. So pretty.
In a lot of states it's certainly legal for the school system to do it. For some reason.

In that context, since that's allowed, does it seem reasonable that it's a crime to give a kid a squirt with a garden hose?

I'm not sure what you're asking.
Sorry, my 1 year old still doesn't want to sleep at night. I'm a zombie. lol
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