Just a thought about the head wound shot. Could those abrasions have been made by TM's ice tea can? If the two men grappled (regardless of who started the fight), could TM have used the one item he had other than skittles as a weapon?
I wonder if the SPD collected the can? Did they do anything right that night?
I don't *think* a can is sturdy enough to do that, but... Wow, I needed a minute after your comment. That gave me the most horrible mental image of this kid desperately fighting off an armed attacker with nothing but a can of iced tea, and screaming for his life, and I had to fight back tears for a second.
One of my nephews is exactly Trayvon's age. He's a smart kid, great student, lots of friends. Has the same occasional smart mouth most teenagers have, but never been in any real trouble a day in his life and doesn't fight with anyone except his brother. I think about how I would feel if he were walking home from the store one evening, and some guy with a gun decided he was "suspicious" enough to chase him most of the way home, shoot him to death, and then claim he had been attacked and it was self-defense. I can't lie, I imagine something like that happening to that beautiful boy, and I can't help but weep for the Martin family.
I listen to the tapes, and read the transcripts, and stare endlessly at every little thing that gets released, and I have yet to see a single thing which justifies this man's actions that night in the slightest. From the moment he decided to get out of his car, to his decision to take his gun, to his failure to identify himself, to his decision to give chase, to his decision to ignore the warning to leave the kid alone and continue searching, up to the moment of confrontation; at what point do people stop making excuses for this guy and how "hurt" he thought he was, and start looking at the fact that he likely got those wounds trying to beat down and detain an unarmed kid who had committed no crime?
Sorry, but I don't look at Trayvon Martin and see some kid that must have been up to no good because of his age, race, or clothes. I see a teen who should be at home with his family right now, and isn't because George Zimmerman made a laundry list of bad choices that ended in murder and was able to defend those bad choices by wrapping them in a poorly written law.
It just hurts my heart, that's all.