17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #31

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Unless a person has a crystal ball or a person is psychic, there is absolutely no way anyone can know that for sure. I thought surely Casey would be convicted, and look what happened in that case. We won't know anything until we go to trial and the hear the verdict. It's inflammatory to insist on outcome when the trial hasn't even started yet. I may want him convicted, and hope for it, but I cannot insist that is going to happen because there's no way to know that for sure. And after Casey's case, I learned the hard way than anything is possible.

Have I told you lately how awesome I think you are?:seeya:
Actually I knew Anthony would not be found guilty. I happen to be at a bar the day the verdict was read. And before the jury ever spoke I said aloud she's going to be acquitted... You should have seen the looks I got after the Jury read it's verdict exactly as I said it would be...

It's the same thing here Zimmerman will be acquitted mark my words... He was attacked and defended himself it's going to be near impossible for the Prosecution to prove otherwise.

Being in right in once case doesn't mean the same will happen with all cases. We don't even have all of the facts of that night yet, or even know what the prosecution has. A person can't be right in this case because he or she was right in another case that, by the way, was TOTALLY different and WAY more complicated than this case. I personally am waiting for all the facts and the trial. I am not going to insist on an outcome,<mod snip> .
At this point we don't know what Chief Lee's role was in stopping the arrest of Zimmerman as lead investigator wanted to do or whether he short-circuited the investigation in any way so I will reserve judgment on that. I do object to the way he handled speaking about the case. IMO he sounded like an advocate for Zimmerman, not someone seeking the truth. On March 15, he said "“If someone asks you, ‘Hey do you live here?’ is it OK for you to jump on them and beat the crap out of somebody?” Lee said. “It’s not.” He had only GZ's word that he said that and I would like to know just when that happened. It certainly didn't happen when he was on the phone with the police operator and Trayvon supposedly came up to his vehicle to check him out. So did it happen after GZ stopped his pursuit and turned back to the truck and Trayvon came up behind him and said "Do you have a problem?" or whatever the GZ story is about that?



I was just searching for this quote and couldn't find it. I really need to improve my search skills.

For the Chief of Police to say that is beyond unprofessional, it's inexcusable.

He had to step down for a very good reason. He's no scapegoat.

They're not representing the victim in this case. The victim is DEAD! They are representing the victim's family.


Imo, saying he is representing the victim is shorthand for saying the victims family. Sorry I did not spell it out.
Actually I knew Anthony would not be found guilty. I happen to be at a bar the day the verdict was read. And before the jury ever spoke I said aloud she's going to be acquitted... You should have seen the looks I got after the Jury read it's verdict exactly as I said it would be...

It's the same thing here Zimmerman will be acquitted mark my words... He was attacked and defended himself it's going to be near impossible for the Prosecution to prove otherwise.

You might be right, and if Zimmerman is as guilty as I think he is it will alter his life forever. The people who did dirty things in this investigation will also pay the rest of their lives.
BBM: No they are NOT representing the victim in this case, they are representing the victim's family. The prosecution (State Attorney's Office) is representing the victim.

Right, the victims family. And there are about FOUR attorneys that I have seen representing the Martin family, and they are covering the airwaves, and the radio waves and speaking on 5 ot 6 shows a day at least. Probably more.

And O'mara, by himself, goes on a couple, and everyone attacks him for it.

De-emphasizing those two prongs of the State's case would have allowed prosecutors to focus on something that might have successfully convinced a jury to convict. It certainly helped the lawyers who prosecuted the civil case. (I realize the criminal and civil cases aren't perfectly analogous for a number of reasons; I'm just saying the lawyers in the second trial had the advantage of knowing what did not work in the first.)

--george will be in a similar situation.

--they will (say the legal experts, b/c they would be foolish not to) request the 'SYG immunity hearing'----where the defense has the opportunity to present their case, in the hope the judge (no jury present) will find george to be immune from prosecution and dismiss the case completely.

--if the judge does NOT rule in their favour-------they get a "2nd bite of the apple" @ trial, where they can then re-fine their testimony etc. , using the same SYG defense.
Can someone please list the Attorneys that are representing The Martin family? Their lawyers? Besides Crump and Jackson?

It wasn't respectful when he allowed and endorsed his client's very public apology to the family when they specifically made it clear that wasn't what they wanted.

It wasn't even an apology, it was condolences and he did not have enough respect for them to say I would like to offer my....... and give them a chance to say don't. IMO

It wasn't respectful when he allowed and endorsed his client's very public apology to the family when they specifically made it clear that wasn't what they wanted.


I was addressing his media interviews, but yeah, I agree. I think I would've advised against that. He did say it was in response to the mother's saying in an interview that she wanted to know those specific things (and after a failed attempt to telephone them to provide those answers). But I think it would've been better had O'Mara just expressed those sentiments for GZ in an interview (or not at all) as opposed to allowing GZ to do so in court. I have no idea whether O'Mara cooked that up or whether GZ insisted.
I will respond to what you wrote:

You have officers of the court that hold a grave interest in the prosecution succeeding in this case. Intrinsically, it's no different. Ethically, I do not agree with any of it. I think they should all keep their mouths shut. However, if one side is doing it, I think that both sides should be able to.

So are you saying that in your book two wrongs make a right? And going by your words you think that the prosecution should be able to go on all the talking heads shows and talk, talk, talk but never have to show one bit of proof?
Being in right in once case doesn't mean the same will happen with all cases. We don't even have all of the facts of that night yet, or even know what the prosecution has. A person can't be right in this case because he or she was right in another case that, by the way, was TOTALLY different and WAY more complicated than this case. I personally am waiting for all the facts and the trial. I am not going to insist on an outcome,<mod snip> .

I'm not insisting on a particular outcome in the case. I'm saying he will be acquitted mark my words... All other issues aside the man was attacked and he defended himself.
O'Mara helping George Zimmerman in court of public opinion


A month ago, this moment seemed about as far off as the next NASA moon landing: George Zimmerman is beginning to look like a regular guy........

When Zimmerman took the stand on Friday and spoke for the first time since he became the target of thousands of marchers, he became something more than an accused racist who gunned down an unarmed black teenager in a hoodie.

He became human.......Make no mistake. This wasn't a spontaneous moment. Every word was likely carefully considered by O'Mara and rehearsed by Zimmerman.

More at link...lot of comparisons of MOM and Baez....

I was just searching for this quote and couldn't find it. I really need to improve my search skills.

For the Chief of Police to say that is beyond unprofessional, it's inexcusable.

He had to step down for a very good reason. He's no scapegoat.


Not only is it unprofessional, but the context of the statement implies that Zimmerman approached Trayvon, and thus far the stories that we have heard all claim that Zimmerman had broken off following Trayvon, that he was innocently looking for an address, or was going back to his vehicle, and was somehow surprised and sucker punched breaking his nose and rendering him unable to defend himself except by shooting. This statement where the Police Chief says that you shouldn't be attacked for asking if you live here sounds very much as if Zimmerman approached Trayvon, who we know was at that time on the phone. No circling around and lying in wait, no sucker punch and no attack from behind....So if Zimmerman got punched and his nose broken, IMO it was because he attempted to stop Trayvon by putting his hands on him first, catching his arm, or clothing....Then maybe he got punched, but IMO that means that the one who is now deceased was standing his ground NOT Zimmerman.

I still find it nearly impossible to believe that a man armed with a loaded gun could possibly have found himself in fear of his life from an unarmed teenager, and not have punched or kicked or scratched him...basically lay there like a limp noodle and got beaten until he was afraid for his life and never landed a single blow, and that the teenager managed to punch his lights out making him fear for his life without bruising his knuckles, or getting a single mark on him. Just strains credibility for me IMO JMHO and stuff.
So are you saying that in your book two wrongs make a right? And going by your words you think that the prosecution should be able to go on all the talking heads shows and talk, talk, talk but never have to show one bit of proof?
I'm saying that if one side is presenting their side in a manner that could affect public opinion, the other side should be able to, as well. It's only fair.
You know I never look at it as the State is representing the victim. I see it as the State is representing the Law and the Laws purpose is to see Justice done.

Zimmerman is standing before the court demanding Justice and the State will give it to him according to the Law.
Right, the victims family. And there are about FOUR attorneys that I have seen representing the Martin family, and they are covering the airwaves, and the radio waves and speaking on 5 ot 6 shows a day at least. Probably more.

And O'mara, by himself, goes on a couple, and everyone attacks him for it.

The attorneys representing the victims family are NOT a party to the case of State of Florida vs Zimmerman, and are therefore not held to the same ethical standards that O'Mara and the prosecution are held to in discussing this ongoing case.
I have seen Crump, and Natalie Jackson and

Jasmine Rand, an attorney representing Trayvon Martin&#8216;s family, spoke to Fox News&#8217; Bill O&#8217;Reilly on Tuesday night about how the case has been unfolding. O&#8217;Reilly asked about the new information about Martin&#8217;s school records, which Rand said bear zero legal relevance to case. Responding to the issue of the Black Panthers, Rand said the family does not support any calls for violence.

Daryl Parks, at the law firm the two started together fresh out of Florida State University's law school in 1996. For years now, the firm has been an incubator for young, minority attorneys interested in civil-rights and public-interest law as well as a common gathering spot for community and philanthropic events. The lights often burn late into the night.
So are you saying that in your book two wrongs make a right? And going by your words you think that the prosecution should be able to go on all the talking heads shows and talk, talk, talk but never have to show one bit of proof?

The prosecution doesn't need to. One of the prosecution's biggest supporters even has his own MSNBC tv show.
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