17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

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The "danger" he felt TM presented at first was to his neighbors. He did not feel danger to himself until TM attacked him, per GZ.

The second part I find interesting, mainly because some on here have used the idea that TM SAW GZ's gun, and thus was justified in attacking GZ to "defend" himself. So using the SAME standard, if GZ thought the can of tea was a gun, shouldn't he have the SAME expectations that TM was armed and dangerous?

Why didn't he feel danger to himself if TM was circling his car and checking him out and if he felt he had to roll up his window to avoid a confrontation? Isn't that threatening behavior?

Just because he knew that he could shoot TM?
Crump was an eye witness?

"Two eye witnesses, Crump, and Officer Smith, all

Not sure how you are seeing Crump as an eye witness from reading the above?

Two Eyewitnesses
Officer Smith

Four people stated GZ/man on the bottom, was wearing red.
Nothing will EVER make it all better. But you CANNOT, as the Martins did, REJECT an offer to speak with GZ for an apology, then say he wouldn't GIVE an apology, then say the apology he DID give was self serving. You have to pick ONE side and stick with it.

I suppose it depends on your definition of "apology." My preschool students think that *smack* followed by an immediate "sorry"= an appropriate apology end of story. Some people do the more twisted "apology"-- "I'm sorry you misunderstood me" or "I'm sorry you feel that way," or "I'm sorry your child is dead," but don't take any responsibility for the actions necessitating the apology.

In any case, can you provide the actual quotes from the Martins that state the things you imply above, so that we can all see them in context and such? Thanks so much:)
What was wrong with it, was that it was a disingenous apology forced by his lawyer, much like Casey Anthony's phony apology in court to her friend that she stole from! Too little, too late!

Respectfully, I don't believe for one minute that GZ was forced to apologize. This case is in no way comparable to the Casey Anthony case, and MOM is in no way comparable to JB.

I think under the curcumstances, that "better late than never" fits much better.

Why didn't he feel danger to himself if TM was circling his car and checking him out and if he felt he had to roll up his window to avoid a confrontation? Isn't that threatening behavior?

Just because he knew that he could shoot TM?

Because TM ran away. I do not usually perceive those running AWAY from me as a threat to me.
"Two eye witnesses, Crump, and Officer Smith, all

Not sure how you are seeing Crump as an eye witness from reading the above?

Two Eyewitnesses
Officer Smith

Four people stated GZ/man on the bottom, was wearing red.

Was Crump an eyewitness? How would he know if he was not there???? jmo
Respectfully, I don't believe for one minute that GZ was forced to apologize. This case is in no way comparable to the Casey Anthony case, and MOM is in no way comparable to JB.

I think under the curcumstances, that "better late than never" fits much better.

Mark O'Mara may be a better and higher class attorney than Jose Baez, but I actually see many parallels between George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony's sense of entitlements, parents bailing them out, and never taking personal responsibility for their problems, and they are both liars!
"Two eye witnesses, Crump, and Officer Smith, all

Not sure how you are seeing Crump as an eye witness from reading the above?

Two Eyewitnesses
Officer Smith

Four people stated GZ/man on the bottom, was wearing red.

I thought the two eyewitnesses were named Crump and Officer Smith.

Four people sounds more authoritative than two people but if only two of the four are eyewitnesses it only counts as two people imo because they are the only ones with first hand information. Others are just repeating what they've heard from the witnesses so adding Crump and Smith to the mix doesn't add any weight.
She said she tried to call him back. Her parents may have been out for the evening. He was suppose to be in a safe environment, a gated community. I doubt he told her his exact location other than he was in Sanford. I'm sure she was concerned but never expected he was dead. Obviously she ended up in the hospital when she heard she had talked with him right before he died. It's really not fair to speculate about what a 15/16 year old should have done when we are adults putting our expectations on her. Kids do not always think about dying, or someone dying and in particular someone their age dying. It's not the first thing they think will happened to someone. jmo

As far as I'm concerned, it's not about the g/f - i don't think she wanted anything to do with this in the first place. The fact of the matter is, she never called TM's parents, why? Three weeks, no call.

Was she listening to something she didn't want to have any part of? I can't imagine anyone hearing what she says she heard, not telling someone - five year olds call 911.

I have no bad feelings about the girl at all, I think, IMO, she is caught up in something and probably wishes it were over already.
Because TM ran away. I do not usually perceive those running AWAY from me as a threat to me.

But it seems to me that GZ did because in the 911 call, after he says that TM ran, he is asked for his address and he sounds reluctant to say it because he doesn't know where TM is.

Why would it be a problem unless he perceived TM as a threat?
So you think the charges of 2nd degree murder are just for show?????

Some people have alluded to the fact that the prosecutor has her own political reasons for upping the charges, as a way to make up for the public anger against her in the minority community, for some of her past transgressions. Just sayin...
Mark O'Mara may be a better and higher class attorney than Jose Baez, but I actually see many parallels between George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony's sense of entitlements, parents bailing them out, and never taking personal responsibility for their problems, and they are both liars!

Not really sure how you can compare Anthony's Dad helping her hide a BODY right after the crime, with a plea deal 7 YEARS ago, that may or may not have been helped by his parents.
I think we would have heard that was a lie by now, don't you??? jmo
Your post (#302 in this thread) said "obviously" she went to the hospital when she learned she had talked to him just before he was killed. Respectfully, we have not heard whether that is true or not. JMO
If Trayvon had been your Son would GZ's apology make everything all better?

Of course as a loving mother, I would be sick at heart for a very long time if I lost my son this way. A sincere apology would help closure begin though. Now, if Sybrina is half the person she comes across as, then she knows that holding hatred in your heart will not allow healing. I don't believe she will choose to harbor hatred because that will affect everything she does for the rest of her life.
You are correct, they are under NO obligation to accept one. But by TAKING that stance, that they will NOT accept an apology, they negate their ability to then complain that he did not GIVE one. You CANNOT state, "We will not accpet an apology, but why didn't one come SOONER?" (FTR, not quoting them, quoting what their ACTIONS are saying.

As far as saying sorry for his actions, he did what HE though he had to do to survive, why would he be sorry for that? He is not accepting responsibility for the shooting, because his defense is SELF DEFENSE, and that makes him NOT responsible for the death.

It appears that the only apology some of you will accept is one in which he destroys his claim of self defense and claims he murdered TM intentionally.


What some of us or any of us accept is of no consequence - it's what the MARTINS choose to accept that matters. And they declined to accept GZ's so-called apology that was really not an apology at all, and furthermore, directly contradicted his words to the 911 operator. I can't blame them a bit for wanting no part of it.
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