17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #9

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That is possible too.
But not every time one throws a punch do his knuckles get bruised.
Not sure any one looked at TM's knuckles...why would they?

If they throw a punch hard enough to knock a man off his feet then there should have been damage to Trayvons knuckles, IMO and the Funeral Director would have had to decide how to position Trayvons body in the casket, to fold his hands and if they could be shown or must be covered, he was in a perfect position to see if there appeared to be any fight damage on his hands.
Poppycock! How embarrassing!

I can't believe this man of the bench is blithely repeating such an obvious story. I know he's GZ's dad, but come on! In truth, I'm just waiting for the relationship between said dad and the State Attorney, Wolfinger, (who gave the word to the higher ups to spring GZ) to become clear. Golf buddies, perhaps? School chums, old law partners? I'm having visions of old society pictures being readied to surface...


His Dad has lived in the area for many years now though retired from Virginia. It is highly likely that he knows those on the bench and prosecutors in the area. Also, GZ didn't know about the call TM was on with his girlfriend documenting the last steps of Trayvon. Put GZ's 911 calls and her testimony together and I believe a jury will convict him. Oh, and the video at the police station that shows no injuries to warrant shooting TM.
That is possible too.
But not every time one throws a punch do his knuckles get bruised.
Not sure any one looked at TM's knuckles...why would they?

Under the circumstances, a competent medical examiner would have checked every inch of TM's body. And documented any abrasions, bruises or other marks with photographs. The bullet wound was clearly the cause of death, but other marks help complete the story.
Under the circumstances, a competent medical examiner would have checked every inch of TM's body. And documented any abrasions, bruises or other marks with photographs. The bullet wound was clearly the cause of death, but other marks help complete the story.

If thoroughly examined in a timely fashion.
Two young men get into a violent struggle in a case that draws widespread headlines. In the chaos of the confrontation, one pulls a weapon and kills the other.

The dead youth was unarmed.

The victim was not Trayvon Martin, but Kendall Berry, a Florida International University football player stabbed to death by a fellow student in March 2010 during a physical confrontation.

The facts of each case are much different, but they highlight one of the vexing issues facing authorities since Florida lawmakers in 2005 loosened the state’s self-defense law: At what point does a confrontation escalate so much that it is reasonable to use deadly force against an unarmed person?

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/26/2719927/when-does-brawl-turn-into-deadly.html#storylink=cpy
I'm sure the autopsy report will give much more detailed info than the funeral director.
I wondered that... I admit I'm not digging for it, because by the time I found it I think it would be published somewhere! LOL I just find it extremely coincidental that the State Attorney was consulted about GZ's being held or released that night, and by the Chief of Police and Capt. in investigations. I don't think GZ's little stint in criminal studies at the state university is enough to garner that kind of response on his own. Ergo, I'm looking at Daddy. :)

We'll see, probably in the morning! :fence:

I am sure that in one of the first written media articles I read that GZ told the police that night his father was a supreme court judge (retired) but they very well may know who is since he now lives in the area.
Under the circumstances, a competent medical examiner would have checked every inch of TM's body. And documented any abrasions, bruises or other marks with photographs. The bullet wound was clearly the cause of death, but other marks help complete the story.

Yes the ME would know, the funeral director's statement means nothing to me. The pooling of blood for the bruising is possible to have faded by the time he was sent to the funeral director. MOO and IME
HiHater - IIRC that was taken not too long ago and was his mom's birthday - they went horseback riding.

Makes me sad to see him, thinking now he'll never get to ride a horse again. He had so much life ahead of him.


He had wanted to be a pilot and was enrolled in some type of aviation school. So sad he won't get to do this.
If I was them I would sue SL.
He put them in danger.

I hope that they do sue him, they deserve compensation not just for having to leave their home and pay for a hotel, but for the pain and suffering that being fearful caused them. I also hope that this stupidity will stop others from doing stupid stuff like trying to track down Zimmerman and tweeting freaking addresses and such.

I would not have accepted his apology phrased as it was, because I have every reason to believe that he is going to continue to embroil himself in this nastiness, since he only apologized for retweeting the address without checking it out

He should have been apologizing for being a party to the whole mess to start with. IMO JMHO and stuff.
Yes the ME would know, the funeral director's statement means nothing to me. The pooling of blood for the bruising is possible to have faded by the time he was sent to the funeral director. MOO and IME

That's kinda what I've read too.
I hope that they do sue him, they deserve compensation not just for having to leave their home and pay for a hotel, but for the pain and suffering that being fearful caused them. I also hope that this stupidity will stop others from doing stupid stuff like trying to track down Zimmerman and tweeting freaking addresses and such.

I would not have accepted his apology phrased as it was, because I have every reason to believe that he is going to continue to embroil himself in this nastiness, since he only apologized for retweeting the address without checking it out

He should have been apologizing for being a party to the whole mess to start with. IMO JMHO and stuff.

ITA with this post.

And I think the apology should have been a phone call or a visit.

How many elderly couples Tweet?
But most of the outrage in this case has been racial profiling.

There have been marches against racial profiling, congress meetings about racial profiling, celebrities wearing hoodies to combat racial profiling.... The list goes on and on.

Can't have it both ways.

It can't be said that it would be ok to profile GZ. It just doesn't make sense.


It's not the same at all and it's not having it both ways.

One is chasing someone with a loaded weapon, "assuming" they're committing a crime and suspicious, because of racial profiling, and the other is being afraid because you're being followed.

Trayvon WAS being followed, by GZ. That wasn't an assumption on his part because of what GZ looked like.

And GZ wasn't wearing a suit and tie when he was chasing Trayvon.

If it was me and that guy we saw in the video was chasing me I'd be real scared, especially if I was a 17 year old kid.
That's not the media's fault.

Has nothing to do with profiling, it's about that strange adult man following him.

Why would a crime scene photo be used to identify the body? Don't families usually go to the morgue to make the identification?

I smell a cover up...:moo::twocents:

Yes. My husband identified my mother so the immediate family woudln't have to see her that way.
That's not what happened. GZ's father is either ill informed or chosing to believe what wants to. Sanford PD never returned her calls. And she was hospitalized during this time.

I do not have the links readily to hand but they are out there, what I read is that she attempted to call police the night of but she is in Miami, and got routed to a different department, and her parents did get in touch with SPD, and told them they had information that their daughter was on the phone with TM when the incident occurred and they never recieved a call back.

TM's dad tracked her down by getting the detailed phone records for TM's phone, looking at the time of calls and the number called. IMO JMHO and stuff because I am too lazy to look for the links this morning, I need more coffee...
No but what stuck out at me was it was white not red from blood.

I agree, it looked white in one part of the video. A witness said they saw a man in a white t-shirt on top of another guy. So..... Could it be that GZ took actually facts about what happened, but reversed the participants, that it was really him beating Trayvon? His Dad said that TM told GZ he was going to die, maybe he said that to Trayvon. Just speculating.
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