2008.07.16 Casey's First Phone Call Home From Jail *revisit*

Hi Capp!!!

Please allow me to clarify myself, I'm not referring to the actual 30+ days, I'm speaking about after the fact -

Once LE, SA and the media got involved, Cindy stated numerous times that she had no concerns about not seeing Caylee or Casey during these 30+ days. She claimed she thought the two were "bonding". Basically "No worries here" nonsense...

Lee's statement clearly contradicts Cindy's position after the fact.

Yep, though she posted on her MySpace that she was alarmed because she couldn't get ahold of KC or Caylee for a month.

'Course, that's NOT what she told LE.
Every single time a doc dump comes out and WSers start the ""oh no, what if she walks, there will never be enough evidence to convict" train I feel like telling them to go back and listen to this call again.

this call seals the deal.
there is no bleeding heart in the world with a bleeding enough heart to be able to explain away this phone call. Believe me I am the bleedingest of all hearts and the tone KC takes and the way she talks to these people blows my poor little heart into "I am against the death penalty but I wont be rioting outside at her execution" mode.

and let me just add another mother with a toddler story. My little 2 was playing in the kitchen while I was cleaning and then I didnt see him, I ran around the house screaming his name so loud I didnt hear my husband calling back that baby was with him. I am talking 10 seconds passing and I am already thinking to myself if it's too soon to call the cops. rather be thought a nervous fool having to call back when I found him thanlet 2 minutes pass with a missing toddler.

KC innocent? KC walking? there is no way.

BBM - You are so right, 2goldfish! :clap: :clap: :clap: Thank you for the reality check......I am guilty of hopping on that "no evidence train" sometimes. This phone call spells it out very clearly!!!

KC - :behindbars:
Yep, though she posted on her MySpace that she was alarmed because she couldn't get ahold of KC or Caylee for a month.

'Course, that's NOT what she told LE.

CA seems to live in the same, compartmentalized world as KC and frankly, the rest of the family. They can react to things in the moment without bothering to connect them to context or history and expect the world to do the same. They totally ignore patterns when convenient and expect everyone to take at face value whatever swill they are trying to sell at any given moment despite whatever they may have said on record in the past. It must make them all so very dizzy doing 180 degree verbal pirouettes...
"All they care about is getting Caylee back!" CMA = DP
It bothers me so bad, that not only was this precious child failed by her mother, but the people who should be shouting the loudest for her are not,never have and in my opinion,never will.
CMA CMA was not words shouted in the defense and outrage for the loss of this little girl,but words sent to comfort Casey, "this family is united"
Sweet Child may you experience the true love you deserved.God have mercy on all their souls for the injustice this child suffered and continues to suffer at their hands.
Yes, she is their daughter,but she is 22 and able to speak for herself.Who speaks for this innocent, who is screaming "find her killer". Why aren't CA and GA offering a reward for information as to who did this tragic thing?
..because they know who did this tragic thing...and because they know who is guilty of this " tragic thing" to happen in the first place...
I normally recount words of wisdom from my very witty late gram, but this time I can share with all of you a personal experience. On Monday, one of the children, a seven year old little girl on our block went missing (we found her in someone's home an hour later, praise God). Let me tell you, everyone, I mean everyone was frantic, we were pounding on doors, the kids old enough were riding up and down the streets on their bikes looking, we were stopping every car, her parents had called every friend the little girl had. I cannot describe it less than frantic. My little niece was terrified yelling "Missing, what does that mean, someone stole her"? All of this was going on at seven am and the parents were a holy mess emotionally, I could barely make out what my friend was saying she was crying and screaming blood curdling screams.Many of us neighbors were in our pajamas going door to door and it was raining. Everyone just jumped up and started looking. It was overwhelming how totally, scared and crying hysterically both the mom and dad were, visibly shaking. The dad even fainted right before the police arrived. All I could think about once we found little Sarah (safely in a new neighbor's home) was what a contrast to how Casey reacted. "All they care about is getting Casey back!" she said in the meanest, coldest tone and I knew at that moment the good people of the jury would not need more than their common sense to get it. My neighbors all coming to the aid of this lost little girl made me really proud of them and I think that is why I enjoy this place. 99% of you are good , salt of the earth people who just know right from wrong . If Cindy wants to sue any of you, I say bring it on. Together the community always gets to the truth and I stand with YOU!

one of my favorite poems:

You Tell on Yourself

You tell on yourself by the friends you seek,
By the very manner in which you speak,
By the way you employ your leisure time,
By the use you make of dollar and dime.

You tell on yourself by the things you wear,
By the spirit in which your burdens you bear,
By the type of things at which you laugh,
By the smile you share on your photograph.

You tell what you are by the way you walk,
By the things of which you delight to talk,
By the manner in which you can bear defeat,
By so simple a thing as how you eat.

By the books you choose from the library shelf,
By these things and more you tell on yourself.
--Author Unknown
Hi zippitydoda.
Oh okay...well that's not clarifying your statement,it's changing it.lol.
What you said was:
"The hammer comes down on both Cindy and CA with this statement. It speaks volumes about the environment in that house DURING the 30+ days."and that's what I responded to.

No worries,I just thought that this is ONE time that CA deserved a pass,because heaven knows she's not getting many. lol.

Hi agian ...No...I'm not changing my statement, I know what I meant when I wrote my post.
CA seems to live in the same, compartmentalized world as KC and frankly, the rest of the family. They can react to things in the moment without bothering to connect them to context or history and expect the world to do the same. They totally ignore patterns when convenient and expect everyone to take at face value whatever swill they are trying to sell at any given moment despite whatever they may have said on record in the past. It must make them all so very dizzy doing 180 degree verbal pirouettes...

I love it! Add verbal pirouettes to the word salad tag this case has created!
Your story and poem warmed my heart. I have shared with WS'rs the story of my stepson who went missing when he was 11. The tone of the search and our emotions mirrors your story so well. That is also how I knew KC was guilty. I am going to post your poem on my facebook because I love it so much, hope you don't mind.
I normally recount words of wisdom from my very witty late gram, but this time I can share with all of you a personal experience. On Monday, one of the children, a seven year old little girl on our block went missing (we found her in someone's home an hour later, praise God). Let me tell you, everyone, I mean everyone was frantic, we were pounding on doors, the kids old enough were riding up and down the streets on their bikes looking, we were stopping every car, her parents had called every friend the little girl had. I cannot describe it less than frantic. My little niece was terrified yelling "Missing, what does that mean, someone stole her"? All of this was going on at seven am and the parents were a holy mess emotionally, I could barely make out what my friend was saying she was crying and screaming blood curdling screams.Many of us neighbors were in our pajamas going door to door and it was raining. Everyone just jumped up and started looking. It was overwhelming how totally, scared and crying hysterically both the mom and dad were, visibly shaking. The dad even fainted right before the police arrived. All I could think about once we found little Sarah (safely in a new neighbor's home) was what a contrast to how Casey reacted. "All they care about is getting Casey back!" she said in the meanest, coldest tone and I knew at that moment the good people of the jury would not need more than their common sense to get it. My neighbors all coming to the aid of this lost little girl made me really proud of them and I think that is why I enjoy this place. 99% of you are good , salt of the earth people who just know right from wrong . If Cindy wants to sue any of you, I say bring it on. Together the community always gets to the truth and I stand with YOU!

one of my favorite poems:

You Tell on Yourself

You tell on yourself by the friends you seek,
By the very manner in which you speak,
By the way you employ your leisure time,
By the use you make of dollar and dime.

You tell on yourself by the things you wear,
By the spirit in which your burdens you bear,
By the type of things at which you laugh,
By the smile you share on your photograph.

You tell what you are by the way you walk,
By the things of which you delight to talk,
By the manner in which you can bear defeat,
By so simple a thing as how you eat.

By the books you choose from the library shelf,
By these things and more you tell on yourself.
--Author Unknown
Yes, of course, have at it! I honestly do not know the author, but I have had it on my fridge for years and years.
this call seals the deal. there is no bleeding heart in the world with a bleeding enough heart to be able to explain away this phone call.

Just wanted to chime in with my total agreement on this one. I am not going to listen to this call again tonight - I haven't listened to it in months because I realized that when I do, I identify with Christina way too much... my heart starts pounding and I feel like her anxiety and bewilderment and frustration are...right...here... :(

I know all about "there's no handbook for grief" and "who can say what is the 'right way' to react". I even agree with those statements from time to time. But this conversation... in my mind, it is absolutely crystal clear that KC has no interest in this missing baby whatsoever. :snooty:

As a side note, I have mentioned before that I first saw Caylee on NG on day 32ish and I was flipping channels. I missed most of the story, just caught the 911 call, and I remember thinking something like, "That poor grandma. That poor momma. Please God let them find that baby alive." As time went on, my opinion changed as I learned more, but I tried hard to hold on to the thought that this was an accidental death, or maybe she sold Caylee, or really lost her and couldn't find her and was scared to tell...

Then I heard this call and I knew. I could never go back to my earlier theories after this, even though I tried. And whenever I tell people about this case for the first time, I dig up this call and play it for them. No one ever has a shadow of a doubt after hearing this.

Can a jury convict her based on this call? Not legally. There is no evidence in this call that removes all reasonable doubt. But there is no way anyone can hear this conversation and think she cared a speck about her daughter, or had any interest in getting anyone - parents, brother, friends - to look for that sweet baby. It's pretty obvious that she never thought she would be blamed and her caged animal routine screams "Don't you realize who I am!???!" not "OMG! Help me find my baby!" I look forward to the day that she is told she will be behind bars forever.
one of my favorite poems:

You Tell on Yourself

You tell on yourself by the friends you seek,
By the very manner in which you speak,
By the way you employ your leisure time,
By the use you make of dollar and dime.

You tell on yourself by the things you wear,
By the spirit in which your burdens you bear,
By the type of things at which you laugh,
By the smile you share on your photograph.

You tell what you are by the way you walk,
By the things of which you delight to talk,
By the manner in which you can bear defeat,
By so simple a thing as how you eat.

By the books you choose from the library shelf,
By these things and more you tell on yourself.
--Author Unknown

I don't think I've ever read that poem before. Thanks for sharing.
This phone call is what sealed the deal for me. Unfortunately, it doesn't seal the deal legally. What is shows is that Casey is cold and selfish. It shows that she "could have" done it...but, it also shows that a person with her mindset "could" also have had a child go missing and not reacted normally. It's just not enough for a conviction in a DP case IMO. It's enough for my gut...not enough for the law. They have miles to go between "could have" and "did" -- and I really can't wait to see all of the evidence. I want justice for Caylee, too.
Fantastic piece of evidence, this call-KC scared of Cindy? Doesn't sound like it.
Great thread to be brought forward....there is so much to remember when trying to piece things together. How will THIS call figure into her "state of mind" defense, or did that "state of mind" only last during the "ugly coping", partying, tattooing period. Dr. Weitz has his work cut out for him to come up with a "state of mind" that is going to work for this defendant. I wonder how much Dr. Weitz is really aware of about this case, does anyone know if he has had much involvement so far? He may not have a report, because he may just leave shaking his head, you know, bail out like Dr. Henry Lee bailed out. Just my thoughts.
Great thread to be brought forward....there is so much to remember when trying to piece things together. How will THIS call figure into her "state of mind" defense, or did that "state of mind" only last during the "ugly coping", partying, tattooing period. Dr. Weitz has his work cut out for him to come up with a "state of mind" that is going to work for this defendant. I wonder how much Dr. Weitz is really aware of about this case, does anyone know if he has had much involvement so far? He may not have a report, because he may just leave shaking his head, you know, bail out like Dr. Henry Lee bailed out. Just my thoughts.

Funny how JB keeps having to come up with new and different experts, isn't it? Me thinks he can't find one to spin it his way on indigent wages. JMO

Funny how JB keeps having to come up with new and different experts, isn't it? Me thinks he can't find one to spin it his way on indigent wages. JMO


Maybe he'll find an expert attorney...that will tell him they should PLEA!!!
IMO everyone should go back to the first post on this thread, which includes a transcript of KC's first call home from jail. Really, "a waste, a huge waste"? I almost like the transcript better because you can visually see KC's differing reactions to CA, LA and K. From confrontation to deprecating use of terms of affection "honey"--the fact that this will come in at trial is VERY BAD for the defense.

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