2008.07.30 Ryan P interview

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Is this the same one she told she had some important info to share with him?

No, I believe that was Mark H., the military man in California with the "psycho ex". Geez, I need a new hobby.
The dad of her baby, right? The guy who's wife Lee got pregnant , then went off on publicly on his facebook calling her a *advertiser censored* for returning to her hubby and then aborting his child. So the kids would have been double cousins as they say in the South.
The dad of her baby, right? The guy who's wife Lee got pregnant , then went off on publicly on his facebook calling her a *advertiser censored* for returning to her hubby and then aborting his child. So the kids would have been double cousins as they say in the South.

Correction, she dumped Mark H her husband, dated Lee, got an abortion, dumped Lee and got engaged to another guy within in 1 month.
I do not believe they had a phone converstation that weekend. If they did they talked on the Anthony home phone to his cell and we do not have either of those records.

No calls to / from the Anthony home w/ Ryan P. 6/15 to 7/15. Unfortunately, no other dates are available. (p. 2590 - 2599)

I think they were looking for KC contacts while she was away.
No calls to / from the Anthony home w/ Ryan P. 6/15 to 7/15. Unfortunately, no other dates are available. (p. 2590 - 2599)

I think they were looking for KC contacts while she was away.

Thanks JWG.. That pretty much settles that. BJB had wondered about the landline. Glad that nails it down.

Does this interview make you wonder anything about him?
I would also like to note in addition to the longest call being at 4 Am on July 2nd for 14 minutes the next longest call is THE DAY OF HER ARREST on July 16th at 10:07 AM for 13 minutes it appears he was returning her calls that she made with out connection and a possible VM at approx 9:30 AM on July 16th.
I would like to add while I was researching something else. I came across this. In Lees statement pg 26-27. Lee states that Casey has stolen checks from Ryan P from Jacksonsville , interesting I had never heard that before.
I would like to add while I was researching something else. I came across this. In Lees statement pg 26-27. Lee states that Casey has stolen checks from Ryan P from Jacksonsville , interesting I had never heard that before.

I believe he was referring to the $400 that Ryan loaned to KC and never repaid. Cindy was aware of this. I believe as the story was passed from person to person - and in the context of KC stealing checks from Amy and her grandparents - it got relayed as stealing checks from Ryan.
Thanks JWG.. That pretty much settles that. BJB had wondered about the landline. Glad that nails it down.

Does this interview make you wonder anything about him?

No...it does not make me suspicious of him, if that is what you mean. I think with an active school life away from Orlando but sprinkled with frequent trips to Orlando, it was easy to get dates crossed. Ryan, quite frankly, comes across to me as a really nice guy, very normal (like Matt C. and Chris S.), surprised by what happened, angered by what happened.

A previous discussion which I do not want to start up again (it went to the PL) regarding the statement from Casey saying she has not seen the grandparents of Caylee since "we were little kids"...

Does this interview.. knowing that he moved away his 8th grade year but they remained friends make you wonder or does it clarify anything regarding that possibility?

I can't think of a young man alive that would be crazy enough to step forward and admit to having S-E-X with Casey in the last quarter of 2004. Not now or ever.

A previous discussion which I do not want to start up again (it went to the PL) regarding the statement from Casey saying she has not seen the grandparents of Caylee since "we were little kids"...

Does this interview.. knowing that he moved away his 8th grade year but they remained friends make you wonder or does it clarify anything regarding that possibility?

I can't think of a young man alive that would be crazy enough to step forward and admit to having S-E-X with Casey in the last quarter of 2004. Not now or ever.

Not really...I had re-read the interview prior to posting the "little kids" information. I don't think he was trying to be evasive, but the audio might be more telling in that regard. Didn't seem like Yuri picked up on anything suspicious.
Hello WS :)


(HTML Version)

Ryan Pasley
Interview with LE
July 30, 2008
(Sound of telephone ringing).
RP: Hello Detective.
YM: Hey, is this Ryan?
RP: Yes. Who's this?
YM: Now I'm about to throw my phone out the window. So if you hear something crash that's what it's going to be.
RP: (Laughs.) You uhm, were you trying to pick it up or something?
YM: Yeah (affirmative). I keep seeing your phone number call. Every time I pick it up it doesn't want to, the button doesn't want to work. It's..
RP: (Laughs.)
YM: I'll tell you.
RP: (Inaudible) I work at a place I can get you a cell phone buddy. You just let me know.
YM: (Laughs.)
RP: (Inaudible).
YM: That's, that's icing on the cake right now.
RP: (Laughs.) Yeah (affirmative).
YM: Uh, hey, I was wondering if you had a couple of uh, a couple minutes..
RP: Oh, yeah (affirmative).
YM: To talk to me.
RP: Yeah (affirmative).
YM:` Okay. Uh, well since I'm doing this over the phone I really have no idea who you are, so kind of give me some information to verify. What's your date of birth?
RP: My date of birth is(blank out).
YM: Okay. And you currently live up in Jacksonville, or you just.
RP: Yeah (affirmative).
YM: Go to school in Jacksonville?
RP: Uh, uh, well yeah (affirmative), I mean I live here but I'm, I won't be living here uh, for much longer. After I graduate I'll be going back down to Orlando. But I currently do reside in Jacksonville.
YM: What's a good mailing address if we had to mail you a picture, or mail you
something to look at?
RP: Uh,
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP:And that's...
YM: Is that an apartment or a house?
RP: It's, yeah (affirmative), it's an apartment.
YM: Okay.
RP: Uh-hum (affirmative).
YM: Okay, that works for me.
RP: Okay.
YM: Alright, uh, I'll, I'll try and make this brief. I know it's dinner time.
RP: (Inaudible).
YM: So I don't want to interrupt you too much.
RP: Yeah (affirmative), I mean you know, take your time. Man I'm willing to talk.
YM: Tell me, tell me what you know, well first of all, last, yesterday we talked a little bit you said I guess you've known Casey since you were about five years old?
RP: Yeah (affirmative), yeah (affirmative), five or six years old. I've known her for a long time. Most of my life.
YM: Would she consider you one of her best friends?
RP: Uh, prior to any of this she always referred to me as like uh, one of her best friends. I don't know what she would think about me now, you know, because of all the media coverage and everything else. But yeah. (affirmative), definitely. She knows pretty much everything about me.
YM: Okay. Yeah (affirmative), because uh, when I was looking in her phone book I know she has you listed as best friend. So that's why I'm reaching out, hoping that uh...
RP: Yeah (affirmative).

YM: Recently, when was the last time you actually saw her?
RP: Uhm, I actually saw her, this would be, ****, (making sounds), it would have to be man, I'm in July here we go. Uhm, huh..
YM: You...
RP: Just some of my dates are all misconstrued. I know I saw her uh, maybe two or three weeks before the actual date that she said Caylee went missing.
YM: So it would have been..
RP: (Inaudible.)
YM: The end of May, the beginning of June?
RP: Yeah (affirmative), and I, I, I believe I saw her once a, once uh, while I was in Orlando uhm, a couple weeks after that. But I, I don't recall, see and I, now I wish I would have, and I, you know, at the time I wasn't thinking that I was going to have to remember dates or anything, you know?
YM: Yeah (affirmative). When were you in Orlando?
RP: Uhm, well I was just in Orlando three, four weeks ago, something like that.
YM: Okay. Just for, just to visit family or?
RP: Yeah (affirmative), exactly. Family, friends and you know, I definitely spoke to her. I don't remember if I talked to her but I definitely spoke to her. Every time I'd come in town you know we tried to, you know, hang out, something, but uh, you know sometimes it doesn't pan out with her schedule and my or..
YM: If you...
RP: ..or her supposed schedule.
YM: If you look at a cal I, I got a calendar in front of me. I've kind of been using this with a whole bunch of friends to narrow down dates. If you look at a calendar right now could you kind of give me the ballpark of what day you, you drove down and what day you went up?
RP: Uh, sure. Let me uh, pull up a calendar.
YM: Sure.
RP: It would be June, I'm going to say the weekend of the 14th? Of June?
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP: That, that actually seems about right because I think that's when uh, I met up with my family and we ended up going to the beach with my, uh, I, me and my family ended up going to the beach that weekend.
YM: June the 14th? And how long'd you, how long'd you stay in Orlando?
RP: Uhm, until that Sunday.
YM: Oh, okay, so the 14th, 15th and 16th?
RP: Right.
YM: Okay. Did you..
RP: So I think it was the 13th, 14th, 15th, like the, whatever those dates are and I left that Sunday.
YM: Uhm..
RP: So it would have been, 13, 14 and 15.
YM: Yeah (affirmative), 13, 14 and 15. Okay.
RP: Yeah (affirmative).
YM: Did you go, did you meet with Casey that weekend?
RP: Uh, no. I spoke to her. Uh, and apparently it just didn't pan out. She was
supposed to I believe come to my aunt's house but she never made it out there. There was a big get together at my aunt's house that day. Uh, and I'd spoken to her throughout the day and I can't remember what excuse she came up with but there was something, you know she just hadn't, never ended up going out there. We had a big cookout with all kinds of stuff.

YM: Did she end up inviting you to Fusion that night or to go out that weekend she knew you were coming down? Or did she even know you were coming?
RP: Uh, no, she knew I was coming down. Well I spoke to her (unintelligible)
probably half the drive down here. Uhm, and yeah (affirmative), I was giving her directions to my aunt's house and everything. But no, she never mentioned uh, Fusion. In fact never, ever has she mentioned that place to me uh, until I saw it uh, in the reports.
YM: Hmm.
RP: And she never mentioned to me actually going there.
YM: Okay. Did uhm, when did you first find out about this whole thing between her and Caylee, well what's happening with Caylee? How'd you find out about it?
RP: Uhm, you mean the, the actual incident or, or..
YM: Well the fact that Caylee..
RP: .(inaudible).
YM: The fact that Caylee is missing. When did you first find out about that?
RP: I, I heard about that the morning that she got arrested.
YM: Okay. Did you hear it from her or hear it from the news or?
RP: Yeah (affirmative), I heard it from her, her mom. Her mom called me 8:30 in the morning.
YM: Okay. And I guess you're..
RP: And then I spoke to her at ten o'clock in the morning, uhm, and that's when I got the, you know Zenaida Hernandez-Hernandez crap and then uhm, uh, you know John Hopkins and all that uh, which again I was telling you yesterday that doesn't seem right to me.
YM: Yeah (affirmative), Jeff Hopkins. Well let's..
RP: (Inaudible.)
YM: Let's talk about this Zenaida. You said Zenaida and crap. That kind of,
obviously that peaks my interest.

RP: Yeah (affirmative), and she was just uh, it's, I've never heard the name and it doesn't, uh, (sighs), to me it doesn't even sound like a real name. But I have never heard the name in my life and suddenly case has known her for four years she said. I, because I asked her specifically. Because I was trying to get people up here.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP: That known how to find people.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP: You know I was trying to give them information, as much information as possible. Uhm, apparently you know she's known her for four years. She moved from New York uh, possibly I, I think she said North Carolina as well, or South Carolina, one of the two. Uhm, and she was just you know, trying to give me information on it. But I, I, I just found it really odd that, that I've never heard the name of the nanny. In fact I, I've heard of another name. I can't think of it now, but it was you know a, definitely a Caucasian woman's name, uhm, was babysitting the child.
YM: When was the first time that you, that she ever mentioned Zenaida or Zani to you? Was it on the 15th, or was it before that?
RP: It, it would, it, it's been, it was the morning that uh, she was getting arrested.
YM: Okay.
RP: Yeah (affirmative).
YM: So, so prior to that, ever since I guess the age of five, she's never mentioned the name Zenaida?
RP: Never, ever, ever.
YM: Okay. Well I know you're going to school up in Jacksonville. When did you start living in Jacksonville I guess full time so to speak? And I know you're.
RP: Uh..
YM: You're back and forth.
RP: Yeah (affirmative), yeah (affirmative). I come back and forth all the time but I moved up here uhm, you know, I guess you could say probably in January, right at the beginning of the spring semester.
YM: Okay. So prior to January you were kind of in the Orlando area?
RP: Yeah (affirmative), oh, yeah (affirmative), I, I was living there with my parents, yeah (affirmative).
YM: Okay. And prior to January I guess would you and Casey go out often or, or (inaudible).
RP: Yeah (affirmative), we'd probably like, we probably saw each other well at, at times you know it would be fairly often. You know, once every couple days and then you know other times I'd see her once every two weeks or something. But yeah (affirmative), I saw her pretty often.
YM: Would you, would she normally bring Caylee along, or would she normally

RP: Uhm.
YM: ...Caylee somewhere? What kind of, give me an idea.
RP: (Sighs.) You know, it, it was, it was probably uh, yeah (affirmative), maybe a third of the time I saw Caylee. Uh, the rest of the time she said that it was with, but she was with her nanny or her parents. And the nanny, once again, I never heard the Zenaida name. It was another Caucasian name like a, maybe a Jenny or a, a Krista, or Kristen, something like that. Uhm, but it was definitely not an Hispanic name whatsoever.
YM: Could it be..
RP: I know that.
YM: Could it be Christina?
RP: Christina? That sounds a little more, and that sounds closer. But again, I mean I don't want to you know.
YM: No, that's fine.
RP: Uh, you know..
YM: Did you, did you ever meet one of her friends named Christina by any chance?
RP: (Sighs.) Uhm, I don't think so. No.
YM: Okay. So uhm, I guess when she was down here and she was either with
Caylee or without Caylee, how would you describe her? Was she okay with
Caylee, or did, did she seem kind of frustrated being a, a single mom? Having a hard time with it or?

RP: Oh, I mean for the most part she seemed okay. I think the biggest frustration on her to be honest was the situation that she got, I guess has with her parents. Their, their relationship uhm, you know..
YM: Just bossed her or (inaudible).
RP: Uhm, both.
YM: Okay.
RP: Uh, she's always kind of had a complaint about uhm, her mom stepping in too often and stuff like that. But I mean I always defended her mom on that case just because you know you're living with your, your mom. What are you, you know, you're a young mom. She's older. She knows what she's doing, so.
YM: She...
RP: ...uh..
YM: (skip) I know the pregnancy was unexpected? Uhm..
RP: (Inaudible).
YM: Actually maybe you can even answer this. Who's the, who's the baby's father?
RP: Oh, uhm, uh, the only thing that I know, uhm, and actually it's, it's uh, apparently some transient guy. Some random guy. Uhm, I have no idea.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP: Uh, but I know that there was a, uh, a guy by the name of Jesse that was in uhm, Caylee's life that uhm, was (making sounds), uh, I guess they dated for quite some time but uh, well Caylee is not uh, not his daughter. Uh, the other guy, I mean all I was told is that you know he died in a car accident. And this was told by uh, Casey and Cindy.
YM: Well yeah (affirmative). Did she ever mention a name? Do you ever remember a name?
RP: Uh, the, a name of a guy? No. No, absolutely not. I don't know, I don't know why uh, that never came up, but no, never. It never did.
YM: Okay. Uhm, well back to, back to the way she was acting, was she making any, any, any uh, and again, this is a, a young, single mom and..
RP: Uh-hum (affirmative).

YM: She ever make any statements to you about you know, like what if she hadn't had Caylee and how her life would have turned out or?
RP: Oh, yeah (affirmative). Oh, yeah (affirmative), definitely. Uhm.
YM: Give me, give me an example of what she would say.
RP: Well, for you know, uh, uh, getting (inaudible).
YM: (Inaudible.)
RP: You, you know along the lines of well you know sometimes I wish I hadn't you know, because I'm young and I can't go out and I can't do the things I want to do. And that was pretty common.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative). Did you ever, uh, did she ever say anything about uh, wishing she never (sighs), did, let me ask you this way. Did her mom and her have a, like a conversation about uh, abortion at the time she was pregnant? Uh, was her mom like really against that? Uh, I keep hearing that from people down here. But I figured you might be the one to ask.
RP: Uhm, uh, I, I don't, I mean I know the family very well. I mean I've been over there a billion times to eat dinner and things. I don't, I've never heard a conversation like that, but (sighs), I don't really think that her parents would go for something like that.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP: Just because of the, I mean because we'll have some political conversations and things.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP: They don't seem to be very (inaudible) in their social..
YM: Right.
RP: (sic)or fiscal politics, so uh, uh, I don't think that they would necessarily say that. But again, I, I have never heard it so I don't know.
YM: Okay, that's fair enough. Uh, do you, do you, I mean we've already talked about Jason, uh, Jeffery Hopkins and, and you never heard of him. Juliette Lewis ring a bell to you at all?
RP: Juliette? Yeah (affirmative), Juliette, Juliette. I don't know the last name Lewis, but I know Juliet and she's mentioned her. And I don't know in what context.
YM: And you know uhm, a friend, or work, or anything like that to narrow it down?
RP: Oh, uh, Juliette, Juliette, Juliette, Juliette doesn't, that oh, definitely not from work. The only people that I really know her to talk about from work she, I guess she never really worked there for very long anyways, were guys.
YM: Okay.
RP: Uhm, but Juliette sounds like uh, a friend. I, I definitely don't think it was a co- worker.
YM: Can you tell me a little bit about where she used to work uhm, while, I guess we'll start with last year just because I don't want to go too, too far back.
RP: Uhm, well I mean uh, that whole time supposedly she was working at Universal. And that's the only thing she ever told me. I think the biggest problem with her is that, well with me especially, is that she had to, she this issue with uh, you know, trying to, you know, be the one-uppy? And I guess she felt kind of like her life wasn't necessarily going in the direction that she wanted it to go. So every time she would talk to me and maybe that something was going good for me like I finished up my final exams, or I'm getting this much closer to graduating, she would always come up with something to kind of make the, the playing field level between the two of us somehow.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP: I guess she felt like it was a competition.
YM: Right.
RP: So when it came to the job situation, you know I, again, I guess it was a lie, but she was an event coordinator at Universal Studios. Uhm..
YM: How, how long was she tell, how long had she been telling you she was doing that?
RP: Oh, man, for quite some time. And I know I, I, oh, probably two years. Three, two or three years probably.
YM: Really, that long?
RP: Uhm, yeah (affirmative), and, and she, I guess at one point uhm, her, because her mom called me try to confirm some lies that Casey had said. Her mom called and said, because uh, oh, at the time I was, you know, I was like oh, (inaudible) at twenty one, uhm, I was working at Sports Authority. And uh, I guess because I loaned her four dollars.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP: (sic) And I guess at that time she was telling her mom that she worked at Sports Authority with me. (skip)
YM: And go back to the four hundred dollars. I, I think I missed you on that one. What was that about four hundred?
RP: Well because I just lent her four hundred, oh, well I didn't lend her. I, I mean I basically it was, it was..
YM: Right.
RP: She was supposed to give it back but I, I, I lent her four hundred dollars for what she said was rent to her parents, which it didn't make any sense really to me because I would think that as a single mother that doesn't really have the faculties to take care of a child they're not going to charge their daughter rent.
YM: Right.
RP: But I went along with it anyways because whatever. I don't know. I guess she needed it more than I did.
YM: Alright.
RP: So I gave her the four hundred dollars and I guess during that time she was telling her mom she worked at the Sports Authority and many like nights that she's out uhm, that her excuse was that the reason why she was staying out late is because there would be inventory, things like this. And that the only reason why her mom never really got upset about it, and this is what even Cindy told, the only reason why Cindy got upset about it because she knew I was there and that she was okay, when in fact this never even happened.
YM: Hmm.
RP: She never, she never, she never worked there. She just hung out with me. Because I was (inaudible).
YM: Let me guess. Was this the Sports Authority over here at Waterford?
RP: Uh, it, uh, well no. Originally that, uh, this is what uh, Casey, uh, Cindy told me is that originally she worked at the one with uh, me, uh, with me uh, at 436 and Colonial.
YM: Gotcha.
RP: And then she transferred to the one uhm, in Waterford.
YM: But she never worked for Sports Authority.
RP: Never worked at Sports Authority. But that's what's she, that's what she told her mom.
YM: Well when, when, did you find this out last year or, or just recently?
RP: No, I found, I found this out uhm, about a month, no, not, uh, three months, maybe three, three and a half weeks before Caylee went missing. Her mom, Cindy called me and told me not to talk to Casey because she didn't want me to get hurt because she's been lying about a lot of stuff, and put her in, stole money from her and her grandmother. And she doesn't want me to get hurt, you know. Which I, you know, I was, I said, "Okay. You know, I understand." And she, you know, she seemed really upset. She was just calling me to tell me all, what was going on and, and also to ask about some lies that she had suspected Casey of telling.
YM: Oh.
RP: Uhm, so she actually phys...she just called me. Her mom called me uhm, you know, uh, in my summer semester, at one of my classes. I remember the
specific time and what I was doing. And she basically told me, "I don't, I don't
think it's a good idea that you even talk to Casey anymore because she's a," uh, the actually, those are the exact words that came out of her mouth was that she was a sociopath.

YM: And that's, and mom said this?
RP: Yeah (affirmative).
YM: Wow. And does that match the Casey that you know?
RP: Uhm, it makes sense. I just thought that Casey was just a little bit of a white liar, you know. I would catch her in certain lies like (sighs), you know, just stupid things about what she was doing or uhm, you know, and who she was hanging out with. And so that, but it never really uh, caught my attention. And then you know later on I started finding out that she's, you know, she was doing drugs and she never, ever did drugs. And when she did drugs. And when she uh, and it's, and we were always totally against it. I mean everybody smokes pot. I get that. You know it's not a big deal.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
RP: You especially in college like I, I mean, you know, I know, I know you're a
detective and probably don't want to hear this come out of me but..
YM: No, I'm, I'm..
RP: It's not a..
YM: I'm, I'll, I'll tell you straight up. When I was in high school I did the same thing, so.
RP: Yeah (affirmative), but and so you can, uh, you can understand that. So I mean she was, she started telling me that she was you know, smoking pot and this and that. (Inaudible.)
YM: Well what other, what other this and that because uh, I'm, I'm trying to make sense of what her friends are telling me down here.
RP: But, but that, that's literally what she would say. You know I would uh, like she would get into drugs and, and you know, I would ask her specifically what and she said, "Well you know just pot and you know whatever else is around," is actually the, the, sort of the way she put it.
YM: Do you know if she was rolling? Was she doing.
RP: Uhm.
YM: Was she doing Ex, popping pills or?
RP: It's a very good possibility to be honest with you because uh, you know, just the fact that she actually released to me that she was smoking pot, you know, she always, she's always known that I've been against it completely.
YM: Right.
RP: Uhm, and just the simple fact that she released that little bit of information from me, if she, well she felt very apologetic after she even told me that. Like she was trying to explain herself over and over again, you know?
YM: How long ago did she...
RP: So..
YM: Did she actually open up to you about this?
RP: Oh, gosh. Uhm, maybe a week and a half before uh, uhm, uh, Casey or Caylee actually was reported missing.
YM: Oh, so she said she had you know, maybe some pot and whatever else is
around? Well..

RP: Yeah (affirmative), that, that was pretty much the way it was said to me. Just (inaudible).
YM: Did she say she was having any problems uh, handling all these drugs or any, any blackouts, or flashbacks, or anything?
RP: Uh, not that I know of. But again, I mean she, everything just I mean for the last decade has been a lie.
YM: Oh.
RP: You know, her mom told me that. Because uh, I mean we confirmed stories and talked back and forth. Pretty much everything is a lie.
YM: Alright.
RP: Uhm, her schooling, she said she's been going to school. She's not going to school. Uhm, all sorts of things. Everything's just a lie.
YM: Huh. Amazing.
RP: I mean it, go ahead.
YM: No, no, I said amazing.
(end of part)

What is posted here from this interview has been edited for space.


I think she'll be even more pizzed if she learns that RyanP was fallin all over himself to get into the jail and get KC to talk....
But maybe what we are seeing in the last motions hearings are the reasons why LE/the state never released anything like that-RyanP would have definately qualified as an agent of the state had he gone in under those circumstances-And Annie, and Mark H. (by the state, FBI aside) and anyone else that did not have a SOLID reason to want to question KC of their own free will and desire to find Caylee, without LE's prompting and assistance.


And just for a refresher here is Ryan Pasley's July 30, 2008 Interview with Yuri Melich.


IMO Casey must have dumped Ryan (who has known Casey since they were 5/6 years old) as her BFF after reading his interview with Melich

Ryan told Yuri he spoke with Casey in the morning (the 16th I guess) and Ryan says
That's when I got the Zenaida Hernandez crap, and then, the Jeff Hopkins and all that..again..I was telling you yesterday that doesn't seem right to me."
"I have never heard of the name (ZFG) in my life and suddenly Case has known her for 4 years she said."
Moving posts over

Amazing....ICA has to one up everyone, just like dear old mom...

I nearly spit my coffee out when RP was asked about being a character witness for ICA, he said basically, I wouldn't be good...he's known ICA since he's 5 or 6 years old and said the past decade has been all lies. He's allegedly her BF and never heard of this ZFG person nor did he know she was Caylee's babysitter, last he knew of Kristina although he can't remember her name only references her at first as a caucasian name. Also ICA told RP, she wishes she basically never became a parent....CA called him to tell him to stay away from ICA, she's a sociopath...I wonder why CA felt the need to do this, humiliate ICA only made the hatred grow stronger. It appears from this end, CA pushed ICA to doing the unthinkable. Too controlling, telling her how to parent, etc...RP tries to say to ICA, well she's older and has more experience...blah...poor Caylee being a pawn between these two not realizing how far ICA hated being a mother...I can't see ICA getting anything less than a guilty on the captial murder. I've always thought, even if it were an accident, it can't be viewed as an accident since Caylee's remains were found with duct tape...Now I think about the miranda rights and the State cannot loose anything that pertains to ICA naming a nanny...It's all over everyone's tongue, their depos...ICA's mouth and the family...and CFS's report on how ICA was emotionally detached from Caylee...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I'm wondering.....

YM: I'm not going to put you in that position. Uhm, with that being said, you know that you could actually set up visitations down there. And we're, we're, uh, contrary to what the news media is saying we're trying to keep vivitations, the video visitations confidential. So uh....
RP: Okay

If this vist ever happened? :waitasec:

Page 14 Line 11

YM: Let me guess. Was this Sports Authority at Waterford?

What's the Waterford connection? Does that location have a significant meaning to YM? TIA
Casey did frequent the Waterford Lakes Town Center Mall (it's a very large outdoor mall)..
She went to the movies there
She went to the Ale House or some other restaurant there
She spent Amy's money at the Super Target there..
So it wouldn't be such a stretch for her to lie and say she worked at the Sports Authority there..:crazy:
Bump-asaurus Rex..."Old" friends, will they be in? Tawk amongst yourselves...
Last night I had HLN on TV but wasn't really watching it. All of a sudden I realized NG was looping over and over again certain portions of the jailhouse visits between KC and her family.

At one point I tuned in and heard KC say to CA and GA (after CA had asked if she could deliver any messages to anybody), 'Tell Ryan P. thanks for all of his help'. I'm pretty sure KC said his full name outloud. This comment had never registered with me before. KC said this right after she told CA to tell Amy that she (KC) was sorry.

I wonder what help Ryan P. provided KC? :waitasec:
Ryan P. is porch guy, the one I think Caylee looked like.
Last night I had HLN on TV but wasn't really watching it. All of a sudden I realized NG was looping over and over again certain portions of the jailhouse visits between KC and her family.

At one point I tuned in and heard KC say to CA and GA (after CA had asked if she could deliver any messages to anybody), 'Tell Ryan P. thanks for all of his help'. I'm pretty sure KC said his full name outloud. This comment had never registered with me before. KC said this right after she told CA to tell Amy that she (KC) was sorry.

I wonder what help Ryan P. provided KC? :waitasec:
Ryan P. is porch guy, the one I think Caylee looked like.

Sounds byotchy and sarcastic to me, she probably got wind of his interviews with YM and that he was talking to Cindy. Ha, too bad Kc! :loser:
Caught in lies for the past ten years
Blaming motherhood for not being able to go out, yet she did go out .
Blaming parents for being too bossy, yet she refused to work and move
Blaming parents and making them look bad as an excuse to be given money
Using drugs to bring more attention to herself and upset her friend
Jealousy about others success
cindy is right. There is every symptom of sociopathy.

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