2008.10.02 Jesse on Today Show

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You are welcomed, Enjay and everyone!

About Jesse...I don't have any problems with him coming out in the media defending himself. There are people that will believe CA's accusations against him, and I surely would not want to wait until there is a trial to clear my name.

Same goes for his father...He's protecting and defending his son who is being accused by CA of the most atrocious act of having something to do with Caylee's disappearance when she knows (IMO) that her daughter is the only one resposible for it. All of these people are being dragged through the mud, their lives are being disrupted because of this evil girl.

I'm not saying become a media wh o re and go on TV every single night, etc. But the Today Show is a national program - so I don't blame Jesse for going on there to defend his name, and I don't really blame his father for wanting to protect his son. Plus RG witnessed lots of stuff, watched the baby, saw what KC was doing to his son, etc. So I'm sure he has lots to say and probably a lot more that he's not saying (yet).
I think there's some BIG truth in that statement, for sure...

i agree with your point of view only want to add that Jesse stood up to Cindy when she tried on several occassions to cut her down in front of him calling her a lier, saying how she never worked and it was her Cindy who was paying the bills.

So Cindy knew right from the start of their relationship that she needed to turn Jesse off and eventually her daughter as well for the same reason you assert to gain and keep control of Caylee.

And it most likely was Cindy who persuaded Casey to leave Jesse.
In that video...there is a pic of KC with her engagement ring....wonder if she gave it back!? LOL
I think it is because CA tried to ruin his good name. When someone is pointing the finger at you in a murder investigation, you tend to want to tell your side.

CA brought this on herself, just like they inflame the demonstrators.

I agree that CA is the one that started the ball rolling by putting herself out there. She did more talking about defending her daughter than putting information out to help find Caylee. My point is who is JG trying to convince? If he has an issue with CA he should talk to her. Trying to convince the public your innocent is a losing battle! JG will have an opportunity to tell his story when the trial starts. I guess I just look at it if your innocent and you have right on your side that's all you really need. Going on TV serves no purpose...:waitasec:
My thoughts on Jesse are different than most.
I think that Casey still cares about Jesse, afterall, he stuck with her through the whole birth with Caylee, and was still going to marry her even though he found out Caylee was not his. Somehow she wanted to introduce him to Tony for approval of sorts..Maybe Jesse feels that although she broke it off with him, that somehow he can still get through to her..
I think Jesse realizes that through all, he has always been there for her and he feels he can make a difference in her talking..
The opportunity he had this morning to say something directly to her, may make a difference..She may not speak right now, but knowing the one love in her life who still says she was a fun person, and was a caring mother, just may shake her up a bit. If there is any chance of that happening, I wish Jesse would go on tv daily..
No, you are not ignorant, Tate, and I do not imply that you are, LOL! I have had an uneasy feeling about RG from the beginning having looked at his MySpace page after he had written a statement to this board back in the beginning of this case. I have read subsequent messages RG has written also. I state it as my opinion only, but I do agree with Aleve 100%.

I also honestly believe that not one witness in this case should be making TV appearances or blogging on a board. This is what I believe, Tate, and I make no excuses for my beliefs.

As far as RG is concerned, it is also my firm belief that Jesse should speak for himself - and he has. I like JG, he has passed a stringent polygraph, and I admire him for having come forward even before LE got to him. That being said, I still think he is far too important witness to be out in the media before trial. Sorry, JMHO.

If RG has a beef with Cindy, or anyone else in this case, I do not feel the media is the place for it and that Jesse has already spoken out enough. JMO.

Sorry, Tate, this is just the way I feel!!!

Peace! :)

My sentiments exactly :)
I have no problem with JG going on national television to clear his name. More power to him.
I am not surprised by this at all really, and it would not shock me to find out that Cindy saw a relationship and possible marriage to Jesse as interfering with access to her granddaughter. I do think that having primary access to Caylee was very important to Cindy the details of the will and not naming a father to Caylee after the paternity test lend credence to this. If Casey was out of her house Caylee would be out of her house, finding out Jesse was not the father would have provided the right pretense for Cindy to enable the bad behavior of her daughter knowing that it might facilitate the end of their relationship. I could see Cindy suggesting that Casey focus on herself, enjoy being young, offer to take care of Caylee etc, etc. My opinion only of course.

I absolutely agree. CA felt threatened by JG so getting him out of the picture gave CA more control and she feels GUILTY now and can't bring herself to admit the FACTS.....it's not JUST HOPE!!!!! IMO :banghead:
I agree that CA is the one that started the ball rolling by putting herself out there. She did more talking about defending her daughter than putting information out to help find Caylee. My point is who is JG trying to convince? If he has an issue with CA he should talk to her. Trying to convince the public your innocent is a losing battle! JG will have an opportunity to tell his story when the trial starts. I guess I just look at it if your innocent and you have right on your side that's all you really need. Going on TV serves no purpose...:waitasec:

But God knows when there will be a trial, it could be a long time away...and to have a dark cloud over his head of suspicion until then could ruin his life - especially of being accused of what he is being accused of. He has every right to get out there and defend himself. He has cooperated, he has taken a lie detector (which the family should do!) and he needs to get his point across that he is innocent of wrongdoing on a "national" level in the media. Also, maybe he DID try to talk to CA...who knows.
This is exactly how I feel as well, Aleve N Fla.

Enough is enough, tho. Jesse will be an important witness at trial and I do not think such witnesses should be all over the media as some of them are, but that is just me. I honestly do not think that ANY witnesses should be on TV talking about the case, or even posting on message boards. I do not want anything to go wrong when it goes to trial. This just gives Baez fodder for stating that Casey cannot get a fair trial.


I couldn't agree more. As much as we (the public) want to hear directly from the people involved, it opens them up for the defense to pick them apart on the witness stand. Even the tiniest discrepancy will be blown into a big lie to discredit them. The more the witnesses talk to the media, the higher the chance they'll remember something slightly different than their sworn statement. Most jurors can see past that, but what if one can't? Casey walks or they declare a mistrial? The defense team will point out every show they've done to make them appear to be out for publicity. It's all about discrediting witnesses in order to create reasonable doubt and I'd be willing to bet Baez is picking apart every single word he says.

One example, NG did a montage of all the ridiculous theories LP had. He will have zero credibility on the stand IMO.
I have no problem with JG going on national television to clear his name. More power to him.
Me too. The only issue I have with Jesse's statements is that he doesn't seem to find it strange that she basically tried to dupe him into believing he was Caylee's biological father. And he doesn't think that that was an indication of her lying and deceiving ways??? He obviously had his doubts about her truthfulness way back then already - or he wouldn't have requested a paternity test.

ETA - Everyone involved in this saga seems to just kind of skip over this fact...It's momentus to think how paternity (real or not) can/does affect the lives not only of the possible father and mother but their families and friends as well. This is a HUGE deal that somehow, just keeps being kind of overlooked. (I mean, its not like she was just lying about where she went on a Saturday night...)

I couldn't agree more. As much as we (the public) want to hear directly from the people involved, it opens them up for the defense to pick them apart on the witness stand. Even the tiniest discrepancy will be blown into a big lie to discredit them. The more the witnesses talk to the media, the higher the chance they'll remember something slightly different than their sworn statement. Most jurors can see past that, but what if one can't? Casey walks or they declare a mistrial? The defense team will point out every show they've done to make them appear to be out for publicity. It's all about discrediting witnesses in order to create reasonable doubt and I'd be willing to bet Baez is picking apart every single word he says.

One example, NG did a montage of all the ridiculous theories LP had. He will have zero credibility on the stand IMO.

I guess my post did not come across like it should have. I once again was thinking that KC would think logically. If her mom wanted Caylee and she wanted to party then why not. I have just always felt that CA should have been the caregiver and not left KC in charge of Caylee during the day while she was at work. Though I have never been in that position and some of you have so I can see where there is a line you have to not cross.

In any case I think Jessie did care for Caylee, and I can't say if I would do interviews or not in his position. Thank goodness I have never had to be in that position.

Geez this case has made me loopy!
Based on what I've seen on past cases, the witness list can be fairly flexible and people can be added.
My thoughts on Jesse are different than most.
I think that Casey still cares about Jesse, afterall, he stuck with her through the whole birth with Caylee, and was still going to marry her even though he found out Caylee was not his. Somehow she wanted to introduce him to Tony for approval of sorts..Maybe Jesse feels that although she broke it off with him, that somehow he can still get through to her..
I think Jesse realizes that through all, he has always been there for her and he feels he can make a difference in her talking..
The opportunity he had this morning to say something directly to her, may make a difference..She may not speak right now, but knowing the one love in her life who still says she was a fun person, and was a caring mother, just may shake her up a bit. If there is any chance of that happening, I wish Jesse would go on tv daily..
I agree. I think if there's anyone that could get Casey to finally tell the truth, it would be Jesse. There appears to be a bond there that Casey had with him, one that she never had with anyone else in her life.
I'm glad he was given the chance to "talk" to Casey.
If she wasn't watching this morning, I'll bet she will see it sometime on video, cause I don't think she misses any news story about herself!

Thank you to Hunnydoll for transcribing the interview!:)
To the doubters, the Grunds are only out there because CASEY and her FAMILY put them out there. Id do the same thing, and go on tv and defend myself!
PS Nice of Jesse to try and ask Casey to tell the truth about Caylee, but she never ever will. Sociopaths lie to their grave.
I'm trying to remember which poster has a quote about the fact that being UNJUSTLY ACCUSED is one of the most difficult things to endure........
that would fit right here with the idea that JG and RG might be compelled to keep reiterating their innocence of any complicity in Caylee's disappearance.....some folks might handle it differently but defending yourself when you know you are innocent is a natural , human reaction........at least , IMO
AND, the fact that J publicly implored KC to tell what she knows is not a bad idea either.......also, IMO..........
I never get disgusted at hearing the truth...it's the lies from the Anthonys that disgust me.

I noticed you referred to it as "telling the same story"....too bad Casey hasn't told the same story.

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