2008.11.06 Nancy Grace

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I thought the part where he said they had the car in the garage (Cindy says with the battery out so no one could steal it) and the smell was filling the space and Cindy said "that is the rotting pizza right?" and he says "yes, it is the pizza".... was so horribly sad.

What did he think would happen if he said no honey, "it is not pizza, we need to see Casey and Caylee right this minute, we need to call the police something is very wrong".

I wonder if he wishes he had the moment in time back to do over.
Ya know...I really do feel for George, especially after that interview, but if he knew there was something SO wrong, why didn't he call the police?
Right - I'm asking upon what do you base that opinion.

Are you asking about the reprimands by the Supreme Court? You can find that on Wikipedia. They do not give her a very favorable review.

I always think about the time Elizabeth Smart was on her show and how intrusive she was to her. Ms. Smart even told her she didn't appreciate her continuing to ask her about her experience. It was so uncomfortable, I almost felt sorry for NG.
That is it in a nutshell:genie:

I can't be there to search, I wish I could. But I, like many others, have tried to do at least something to be of some help to all those who are searching.
If anyone would "gut a gator" to look for Caylee, it would be our cowboy LP.
I think LP & Tim make a pretty awesome team.
You know, my husband can't stand to watch her. I have her on every night. I explained she is a victim's advocate and she takes no bull. Her show is informative and keeps cases out in the public eye. He then said he liked how at the end of the show she recognizes those who lost their lives in Iraq, as he is a Veteran and wishes the war would end. He puts up with her because she is TRULY a victim's advocate. I understand how people don't like her, but why watch the show and then come on the thread to bash? I don't get that....

I don't understand that either. Cannot understand all the hatred for Nancy or Leonard.
If it is someone you don't like--stay away from them. Don't watch the frickin' show.
We do not change each other's opinions so why fuss so much about all of it?:confused:
If the gag order is passed I don't think we are going to be seeing Kobi on NG anymore. WFTV just showed him when they were talking about the gag order saying this will include Kobi. He is one of the few besides JB, CA, GA, and any other defense key players. The show will not be the same without him. :boohoo:
No Way! I think this is probably the closest MJ has ever been to bein' Bi!ch Slapped and by our own NG no less. I say kudos to NG. It's about time someone called these snarky, spinners of the truth, liar defending, whitewashing attorneys on the floor and NG took MJ to the wood shed to boot. I'm still giddy.

Had to watch it a second time it was just too funny.:clap:
Not true - the size 6 dress that was "found" or more like planted, was being touted by Nancy Grace as the same one that Caylee was wearing in her pictures when she was approx. 18 months old.

I'm awfully proud of Nejame tonight! :)

She could have had them in a number of sizes like she did the other princess dresses in the pictures and videos.

I felt if it was "planted" then someone with the Anthony's arranged that to get the search centered in that area. I think they KNOW exactly where to search and I do believe we will find her this weekend. I will be in tomorrow night and look forward to working the area with my dog. He has been very successful in other searches. I plan to stay for at least a week and maybe longer if needed.
Ya know...I really do feel for George, especially after that interview, but if he knew there was something SO wrong, why didn't he call the police?

Probably for the same reason he didn't answer Cindy's question honestly. He has not been in control or steering that family like a responsible parent/spouse/man of the house for a very long time, if ever. In the middle of the biggest crisis of their life is not probably the moment he is going to stand up and lead.

Cindy is a control fiend (borderline personality disorder IMO) and she chose George for a reason and not challenging her delusions about the world, herself and her kids is a major part of his role in her life. He was adaptable to that role she would have filtered him out early on and found someone that would.
I missed the good points. I thought he started off being an azz and ended that way. I have no respect for an attorney in his position to come on national television and call LP "a clown". I think LP should have said "sure thing count". I did get the Tom Thumb comment but I think Drac fits better.

OMG, that would have been a hoot!
Chilly ...I agree 100%

I remember that show very clearly & NG was strongly "Hinting" that it was the same dress Caylee was wearing in the photo

I like Nancy & I watch her every night but she definetly "Jumped The Gun" on the dress.....

During the Laci Peterson case she said on Larry King that her sources told her Laci was found in her pj's. It wasn't true and I didn't like NG at the time but I have grown to love her from that case and acccept her faults.
:clap::clap: LP has put his money & his heart where his mouth is. He came into this thinking Caylee was alive. He sooned learned everything was nothing but lies. He manned up to being wrong & he did it in public. He is going to be boots on the ground this weekend with Tim. I respect him & everyone else that is doing this. I remember Nancy being nasty to him in the beginning, when he bailed KC out. She SO didn't agree with that & let him know it. Perhaps now she treats LP with the respect he deserves because he has earned it. :blowkiss: Hey cowboy LP, you rock. :blowkiss:

I don't always agree with LP, but as far as I'm concerned he was duped out of 50k and he remained a gentleman the whole time he was in FL.

If you look at the vids before he put up the $$$$, then following the meeting immediately after, he looked like he'd been kicked, hard. He swallowed it and set off to find a new path to Caylee. That was when he made me believe he was all about team Caylee, everyone else be damned.

When LE released the 1st lab reports indicating a deceased Caylee had been in the pontiac, the Padilla's had been sucking it up for 8 days, LP visibly snapped. He was exhausted, disgusted and disgruntled, I could see in his eyes that he was done taking it. In my opinion he remained a gentleman, still backing the A's and seemingly keeping his mouth shut about what had transpired in the house, but willing to answer questions honestly as they came up.

This whole thing has been a shock to his system. While he is used to tracking scummy, lying felons. He's not used to this behavior from the family of victims. I would warn anyone who tries to get between his team and Caylee, 'lookout the cowboy's back in town and he's not gonna take it'.
Leonard says he will find Caylee by Mon. 11/10.

Do we have a TES support search thread again?
If the gag order is passed I don't think we are going to be seeing Kobi on NG anymore. WFTV just showed him when they were talking about the gag order saying this will include Kobi. He is one of the few besides JB, CA, GA, and any other defense key players. The show will not be the same without him. :boohoo:
No Kobi...shucks.

(I couldn't understand why he was still reporting on NG. IMO he should have been long gone.)
I don't understand that either. Cannot understand all the hatred for Nancy or Leonard.
If it is someone you don't like--stay away from them. Don't watch the frickin' show.
We do not change each other's opinions so why fuss so much about all of it?:confused:

I can't answer for everyone, but for myself, I can explain. I don't usually comment on my dislike for her, however, tonight I made an exception, ha ha.
Because I am not local, the NG show is the only place I go that we all are at in real time. I like that aspect of it. I very much appreciate her subject matter, but I think she is getting more and more rude. I didn't mean to offend anyone, I just thought that tonight all the haters and the lovers were brought out. It was kind of fun. well, sorta.:waitasec:
I just deleted 15 insulting back and forth posts. I am going to ask one time to cut it out. Stay on topic and stop being rude.
If someone is rude to you and you are rude back everyone gets a TO.
Report any bad posts...do not respond.
You don't understand the difference between Cindy proving that she had Caylee's dress, vs. Nejame?!?

Can you explain the difference a bit further, b/c I don't see the difference between either (1) Cindy (Nejame's client) or (2) Nejame (Cindy's attorney) explaining away the infamous dress (which I don't personally this all that important anyway, but nonetheless...)

Nejame doesn't speak for Caylee nor Casey - they are not his legal clients.

ITA on the above...but it doesn't have any relevance to what you say above, with which I disagree, nor with what you say below, with which I also disagree. :waitasec:

Cindy is not legally bound from proving that she was still in possession of Caylee's dress.

Can you explain who, then, is "legally bound from proving" anything, cause I sure don't recall any gag orders or anything similar that would preclude anyone from proving anything in this case...
I just deleted 15 insulting back and forth posts. I am going to ask one time to cut it out. Stay on topic and stop being rude.
If someone is rude to you and you are rude back everyone gets a TO.
Report any bad posts...do not respond.

:blowkiss: Thanks, JBean!
She could have had them in a number of sizes like she did the other princess dresses in the pictures and videos.

I felt if it was "planted" then someone with the Anthony's arranged that to get the search centered in that area. I think they KNOW exactly where to search and I do believe we will find her this weekend. I will be in tomorrow night and look forward to working the area with my dog. He has been very successful in other searches. I plan to stay for at least a week and maybe longer if needed.

:blowkiss: Thank you & your great dog. Know our prayers and wishes are with all of you. I have made several donations to TES but became a member last week. It feels good to be in such wonderful company.
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