2009.03.12 Casey Anthony Motion Hearing

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It's not cool at all when the State misses physical forensic evidence in a capital case.

But I sure thought it was cool of Jose to point out to the State that his forensics guy is much better than their forensics guy and if he'd just been allowed to perform all the forensics, they would have been much better off!

<3 Jose's generosity!
Does anyone know how KC is getting these outfits for court? I heard somewhere through JB but is buying them for her?

Wasn't it Cindy who delivered the outfits and that is when she tried to sneak in the braclet in the socks?
I really appreciate all the updates since I missed the hearing - thanks everyone.

I have a question. I see that Baez is asking for the notes from the computer forensics because they differ from the final report. How does he know that, if he doesn't have the notes?

Screen shots were in YM's reports. They want those.
That's right. The fact that Lee was able to find 17 hairs that were not collected by evidence techs will be used to show a lack of thorough collection and bias. That theme can then be carried to other areas of the State's investigation. Ironically, the defense could argue that the State should have been as obsessively and exhaustively thorough as a Websleuther. :D

Unless, the hairs found were from Lee & JB, plus anyone else who had examined the car after the initial examination?

Were control samples of JB & Lee taken? Were they suited up? :wink:
LKB is so abrasive IMO. Perhaps she is grandstanding for the SA and Judge but get that woman in front of a jury and they will rip her to shreds. I read somewhere on here that JB would be smart to seat as many middle age men on the jury as possible, but they will be totally turned off by LKB.
I'm sorry. I thought it was Lee that found the 17 hairs. Did the State previously find those and Lee was just joking about finding them himself?

It was my understanding also that Lee found hairs in the car that LE had not found. JB kept saying LEE found 17.
It's not cool at all when the State misses physical forensic evidence in a capital case.

Again, just to put out that it is an assumption that the state missed evidence, as opposed to these being hairs shed normally by techs &/or JB and Lee themselves after the initial evidence gathering.

Until we know whose 17 hairs were found, and have control samples to exclude techs, all guesses, including Lee's and JB's are assumptions. Nothing more, nothing less.

To imply the State has already screwed up is premature based on the facts as known, versus JB's statements today.
Unless, the hairs found were from Lee & JB, plus anyone else who had examined the car after the initial examination?

Were control samples of JB & Lee taken? Were they suited up? :wink:

OCSO was watching Lee when he found the hairs.
I Love...LOVE that George wears a pin with Caylee's face on it for Casey to see.
It was my understanding also that Lee found hairs in the car that LE had not found. JB kept saying LEE found 17.

Hairs are thought to have been found on a Sprite can which was in the car . . . not specifically the TRUNK of the car.
Are we surprised that they are going to make a big deal over Lee's alledged finds?? After all he did go on NG right away and make a big deal out of it.

Well it might bite them in the a$$ at the trial when they bring up the fact that Lee has a habit of finding evidence that CSI misses like he did in the Spector trial....remember that fiasco??

Did he say Lee found 17 hairs??? I mean that is quite a bit, I'm shocked honestly.

I agree that they are showing their hand at what's to come. I wonder who processed the 17 hairs Lee found..did I miss that somewhere?

Yes, but what kind of hairs? Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My. Or human hairs?
It's not cool at all when the State misses physical forensic evidence in a capital case.

Hot Dog: Before you jump to the conclusion that the CSI tech missed the hairs, consider this: Lee, JB and another person examined the vehicle, went to lunch came back and examined it again (that is what I understood from court today). do we know if Dr. Lee, JB and the other person were 'suited up' like the techs were when they looked over the car? If they weren't suited up, there is a good possibility those hairs came from them! There is also the possibility the hairs came from other people who perhaps looked at the car AFTER the tech examined it for evidence. If you google the subject, you will find lots of articles about how much we humans 'shed' every day, hair and skin, etc. If I were the State, I would ask for a control sample of hair from Dr. Lee and JB and spend the money to have these compared to the hairs Dr. Lee found. Just the way JB harped on the '17' hairs during the hearing - even after he was told to get back on track - it is obvious he is trying to do exactly what you just did - question the capability of the CSI people. Now, I may be completely wrong, but do consider there might be another explanation then the "CSI People screwed up"
Wasn't it Cindy who delivered the outfits and that is when she tried to sneak in the braclet in the socks?

I suppose if they are coming from Cindy that would explain why nothing seems to fit properly, Casey has gained a few pounds.
But that purple shell under the too small white sweater was awful,it looked faded and stretched out.

Also, LKB is not the type of woman that a FL jury will embrace.
She is bossy, loudmouthed and just plain unlikeable.
Macushla, I did hear this same theory when this was first discussed.

Thank you for your explanation
Unless, the hairs found were from Lee & JB, plus anyone else who had examined the car after the initial examination?

Were control samples of JB & Lee taken? Were they suited up? :wink:

I seem to recall there was a photo of the defense looking into the trunk and they WERE NOT suited up. I believe Lee was in the photo, not sure about JB.
If the hairs are not from contamination, would you consider the failure to collect them by OCSO a kind of "screw up"?
dr. lee supposedly found 17 hairs that csi did not..state objects..jb no further questions...thank gawd

Yessss, duh, cuz that is what the "meeting" at the A house w/ all the "friends" was for..... ploink ploink ploink (ploinkin' out everyones hair and givin, them to JB):crazy::crazy:
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