2010.04.29 Motion to Seal Casey's Jail Logs. Why?

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Is that same article anywhere other than Caylee Daily, which continues to horrify me about things of the virus persuasion?

I'm wondering what the general feeling is here, whether this motion has merit and may be granted?
Could it have anything to do with this article:

It shows that the motion to recuse Judge Strickland was filed with the court at 4:48 PM on Apr. 16th signed by Casey and notarized by Mason. Yet, the jail visitor log shows Mason left the visit with Casey on that day at 4:52 PM.

Thanks! That was the link I was referring to that denjet posted on the old thread.

I have never worked in a county before that allowed motions to be filed via fax. Everyone I have ever worked in you had to file in person at the clerk's office or via their website. Frankly, filing via fax seems dangerous, to me. Too many things can go awry with fax machines and often, time stamps are very important.
My first thought was family....she is lonely.

Her family wouldn't have attorney-client "in person" privilege, they'd have to see her on the video taped monitors, so I doubt that would be the case,?
Is that same article anywhere other than Caylee Daily, which continues to horrify me about things of the virus persuasion?

I'm wondering what the general feeling is here, whether this motion has merit and may be granted?

I don't see why it would be granted. It seems like another request for 'special treatment'. Along the same lines as the motions for private family visits and unmonitored phone calls.
Thanks! That was the link I was referring to that denjet posted on the old thread.

I have never worked in a county before that allowed motions to be filed via fax. Everyone I have ever worked in you had to file in person at the clerk's office or via their website. Frankly, filing via fax seems dangerous, to me. Too many things can go awry with fax machines and often, time stamps are very important.

I didn't realize it had been talked about before, sorry, but glad to link it for you again.

Do you think Mason could have faxed the motion from a laptop during the jail visit? Is that possible? Hmmmm, inquiring minds want to know.
I don't see why it would be granted. It seems like another request for 'special treatment'. Along the same lines as the motions for private family visits and unmonitored phone calls.

Right? Where the heck did they get the notion that KC is "special". Well, she is "special", just not in a special way.
I get the defense wants "special" treatment for KC, regardless of the Sunshine laws...they have played this card from day one. But I don't see any real reason to hide her visitors unless it reveals some sort of defense strategy. If her parents/Lee come to visit...that is not exactly earth shattering news. But if a specific type of expert were to visit her that would reveal some type of strategy on the part of the defense that is another thing entirely. JMO. But good opinions all around and thanks for responding to my thread everyone.
I haven't read all the thread yet, but my first thought is..someone like barbara walters or oprah winfrey paid to come get an interview from Casey in jail. Is that possible?

I've seen jailhouse interviews before.
Uh, after Cindy cancelled on Oprah? I don't think Oprah has any interest in any of the Anthony family members. And if Barbara is smart, she won't go near Casey with a ten foot pole...there is something really wrong with this world if Casey makes her most interesting people list...of course Tom Cruise made that list...

No, I'm thinking they want it sealed because they aren't going to have anyone visit her anymore and don't want us to know about it. I mean they already don't visit her much as it is. How would it look if they stopped altogether?

But then again the likelihood of this motion being granted is nil, so maybe it's just to look like they're doing all they can for Casey so she has less to appeal?

Who knows. It hurts my head to try to and think like Casey's defense.
Since this once again seems to be a jail policy issue, do you think the judge has the authority to order the sealing of the visitor logs?
Can we PLEASE stop pretending that KC is special and deserves preferential treatment different from the rest of the inmates housed in the same jail? She already has her own "private suite" inside the jail, what else does she need? She already gets to live it up lavishly with her commissary purchases..what ELSE does she need? What has she done to deserve any sort of preferential treatment?! Kill her daughter? Lie to everyone about everything anytime her mouth opened? Waste taxpayer's money? I mean my goodness. If she didn't want to be "high profile" maybe she shouldn't have been so bizarre and not to mention maybe she shouldn't have killed a precious angel like Caylee..then she wouldn't have captivated a national audience interested in her demise! I don't feel sorry for her!
Since this once again seems to be a jail policy issue, do you think the judge has the authority to order the sealing of the visitor logs?

I am NOT an attorney........and I am going from memory......but I think the difference is this......

Previously, the defense asked that jail videos of visits to KC be destroyed after review. Judge Strickland stated that it was not his jurisdiction to order destruction of records. (IMO......that would be illegal)
The jail has a protocol to follow in order to ensure the safety of inmates, employees, and visitors. Judge Strickland I think went as far as to hint to them to request that they be sealed and that if media wanted them, they could be viewed in camera and reported on, but not necessarily released.

I hate to comment and not link so again I say that I am going from memory and will link up later.

Now......given that the jail logs would be considered public records discovery, if the defense has a good enough reason.....he is within his rights to order them sealed if the reason is in fact valid....but that is far different than destroying them.
Oh.....let's see.......
Because they read WS and other forums to see what we know about the visitors?

Because a new team member will be consulting and they want it kept secret, citing work product and protecting their "strategy"?

Because they don't want any more...."let's check the visitor log to see if the docs were notarized properly"?

Because the time of day that visits take place could be "misconshtrued"?

Because KC is a celebrity errrr target for gossip?

Because defense visits to the jail may "imply" they aren't visiting often enough?

Because the 24hour marathon sessions begging her to plead out may give people the wrong idea?

Because they want us to use our "Jedi" powers to figure it out without docs? Wait....no....Lee is the Jedi.

Ok........the possibilities are endless and I am tired of typing.

:Jumpie: :thumb: :bow:

'nuff said.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh......I just thought of another one.....and then I revert back to logical and neutral SOTS.....

So that the spouse of a "jailhouse visitor" doesn't find out that the emergency midnight meeting was really an excuse to deliver contraband foodstuffs to a client.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen.....we'll be here all week. Be sure to tip your servers and mods before you leave.

Sometimes humor is required to get you through the rough times.
Maybe all the whispered rumors that Jose is going walkies and moving on to talking head land are true and they want to introduce her to her new team member so the transition can go smoothly, but don't want to give John Q. Public advance notice and a headsup. Because if we saw the name of a new lawyer showing up, that person's A-Z would be all over the web within 10 minutes from when they (read we) see a new name on the jail logs.
I am NOT an attorney........and I am going from memory......but I think the difference is this......

Previously, the defense asked that jail videos of visits to KC be destroyed after review. Judge Strickland stated that it was not his jurisdiction to order destruction of records. (IMO......that would be illegal)
The jail has a protocol to follow in order to ensure the safety of inmates, employees, and visitors. Judge Strickland I think went as far as to hint to them to request that they be sealed and that if media wanted them, they could be viewed in camera and reported on, but not necessarily released.

I hate to comment and not link so again I say that I am going from memory and will link up later.

Now......given that the jail logs would be considered public records discovery, if the defense has a good enough reason.....he is within his rights to order them sealed if the reason is in fact valid....but that is far different than destroying them.

I was thinking along the same lines sort of....
The media has to request the tapes right?
So if the log is sealed then the media will not know when someone besides her attorneys visit and therefore will not know to request the tape.
Jose Baez is probably just getting some much needed practice in the troublesome task of writing motions.

Or~ they don't want us to see a few experts on sociopathy come knock on her door.

My money is on the first.
could be as simple as "jose garcia's signifigant other doesn't like that he spends hours with a infatuated inmate who has a major crush on him. I've noticed since this became common knowledge mr garcia only spent 30 minutes with the inmate.
How DO you view the visitor logs anyway? Is there a link for that or do you have to go in and look at them?
Wasn't it a representative from the jail who stood before JS and said they could not keep records from the public if they were requested because the jail would be violating the law and they can't do that. If records are requested they have to release them. This is from memory also but I am pretty sure that is what she said when this matter came up before. jmo

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