2010.05.14 Some "NEW" Photos on CBS Website

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This photo was taken in the A home in the LR.

It is, IMO, likely a reverse image of the original photo. The A sofa is white....and they have end tables with that exact motif ( which can be proven by viewing the other photos in the CBS montage).

So............my question......why has this photo.....with Caylee wearing a red jersey, and holding a stuffed animal, in front of a red pillow / backdrop of sorts (when references to red fibers and other unknown fibers have been made in LE reports) been released?????

An attempt to show Caylee at home with possible fibers????

Something IS NOT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think it is a reverse image. I believe she was in the recliner by the front door. Here are still shots I took of a video for reference


Also, the way her bottom lip falls and her eyes look even stranger in the reverse image you posted.
I haven't read all the responses but this picture of Caylee passed out with her little mouth hanging open with "Teddy" is killing me :sick:

Whoops, just caught up and I see I was not the only one bothered by this photo. It looks like she was propped up and posed with that bear. When my nephew and niece have fallen asleep sitting up, their little heads relax and flop to their chest or to the side and I would lay them down. They have never looked like that. Her mouth is far too relaxed and her eyes are almost cracked open. Which wouldn't be a big deal if we hadn't seen other pictures of her sleeping naturally and peacefully where her eyes don't naturally do that while she sleeps.

I know this pic bothers a lot of people but I can't find anything wrong with it. To me she just fell asleep sitting up like she is. Her eyes look totally closed to me. My great granddaughter is the same age as Caylee was and she has fallen asleep sitting up with her mouth open like that. I don't know what the motive would be for someone to prop Caylee up to take this picture. She could have had her arm around her teddy but when she fell asleep it fell down to where it is. It does look like someone laid it there on her though. With the Anthonys one never knows.
I don't think it is a reverse image. I believe she was in the recliner by the front door. Here are still shots I took of a video for reference


Also, the way her bottom lip falls and her eyes look even stranger in the reverse image you posted.

What a girly girl in that pic in her pink outfit and heels... so darling.
Here, Cindy is holding the same bear imo.

But it's not the same bear from the memorial? :waitasec:
ITA ... they definitely have a plan ... it probably also involves moving assets out of their names should the bank and/or lawsuits come after them ... They stopped paying their mortgage in June '09 and although they received money from 48 Hours that aired in the Fall '09 they didn't use any of that to pay their back mortgage payments ... IMO that means they had already decided they wanted to dump the house ... and live there as long as the could for free ...

Wasn't their house payment really reasonable? Seems like it was around $800 a month? If they ever want to buy another house or even rent they are in for a big surprise when it comes to the cost! I don't know how high Florida rents are but I'll bet they don't come cheap. They are crazy not to make those payments but still I think it comes down to them not being able to stay there because of Caylee and what they have done to her since she was murdered....selling her pics and videos..blood money...turning their backs on her and taking up for her killer...all of the lies trying to save her mother, etc.
Maybe they find it easier to live with themselves if they aren't constantly reminded of Caylee.
I know this pic bothers a lot of people but I can't find anything wrong with it. To me she just fell asleep sitting up like she is. Her eyes look totally closed to me. My great granddaughter is the same age as Caylee was and she has fallen asleep sitting up with her mouth open like that. I don't know what the motive would be for someone to prop Caylee up to take this picture. She could have had her arm around her teddy but when she fell asleep it fell down to where it is. It does look like someone laid it there on her though. With the Anthonys one never knows.
I hope no one ever feels the need to analyze our family pics! I have seven kids and countless foster babies. This pic does not strike me as odd.
My kids joke that I always look drunk in pics because my eyes are always half closed. I blink.What can I say.
I may be wrong , but isn't this same red shirt that Caylee had a picture taken in while she was crying ? And that same picture was used as a missing poster sign at the beginning of this case ? I think the poster said something like " Do you like seeing me cry?"
I was just wondering if maybe the picture where Caylee is asleep on the couch with the teddy bear was taken the same day the crying picture was , and lil Caylee wore herself out from crying so hard.

I have been looking for that picture and can't find it anywhere.


Is this the poster photo you are talking about?
Here, Cindy is holding the same bear imo.

But it's not the same bear from the memorial? :waitasec:

I believe that the teddy bear was discussed around the time of the memorial and it was speculated that the bear is a memorial bear or something like that that held the ashes after she was cremated. Don't know if it was ever decided if this was true or not.
What bothered me the most about these photos of Caylee was not the posing.

I have many photos of my kids and grandkids where they aren't giving the big grin smile. I have a good amount of Santa and Easter bunny ones with crying toddlers.

However, I would NEVER sell any of them to the media, much less give them ANY of those unflattering photos if one of mine was murdered or passed naturally.

The photos of Caylee that were in ICAs photo bucket account were included in discovery, no choice but the release them. But the ones CA SOLD were not. CA made a conscious decision to include those when she sold them. And CA claimed she loved Caylee ........:furious: CA couldn't/wouldnt protect Caylee in life and sold her in death.
I know this pic bothers a lot of people but I can't find anything wrong with it. To me she just fell asleep sitting up like she is. Her eyes look totally closed to me. My great granddaughter is the same age as Caylee was and she has fallen asleep sitting up with her mouth open like that. I don't know what the motive would be for someone to prop Caylee up to take this picture. She could have had her arm around her teddy but when she fell asleep it fell down to where it is. It does look like someone laid it there on her though. With the Anthonys one never knows.

Sorry, but her shirt looks like she was picked up and then sat that way. If she fell asleep in that position, why is her shirt all bunched up near her collar up pulled up around her belly? I wish we could see all of her in the picture, I'd like to see the positioning of her right hand, legs and feet.

Every time I've witnessed my nephew crawl into my mothers recliner and pass out, he curls up quietly in the fetal position and lays his head on the arm watching TV.

The picture bothers so many I think because it shows a vulnerable little girl and you would have to be pretty heartless to tape her face, especially in a state like that.
I believe that the teddy bear was discussed around the time of the memorial and it was speculated that the bear is a memorial bear or something like that that held the ashes after she was cremated. Don't know if it was ever decided if this was true or not.

That's what I thought a Teddy Bear Urn...
Sorry, but her shirt looks like she was picked up and then sat that way. If she fell asleep in that position, why is her shirt all bunched up near her collar up pulled up around her belly? I wish we could see all of her in the picture, I'd like to see the positioning of her right hand, legs and feet.

Every time I've witnessed my nephew crawl into my mothers recliner and pass out, he curls up quietly in the fetal position and lays his head on the arm watching TV.

The picture bothers so many I think because it shows a vulnerable little girl and you would have to be pretty heartless to tape her face, especially in a state like that.

She could have fallen asleep in an awkward position, perhaps her head over to one side, and someone shifted her to a more comfortable position without waking her. I have done that to my son when he was small. Or she might have been sitting even higher and slid down a bit after she fell asleep, which might account for her arm not being around the bear.

I think we find this picture so disturbing because we KNOW what happened, or at least have a pretty good idea of what happened and this picture bothers us because of that. And yes, it breaks my heart to see how vulnerable she was. She was killed by a monster, a human monster and that is the saddest thing in the world.
After reading this thread, I feel like I need to take a step back from the photos. This case is so emotional for me, and yes, some of those photos unsettle me. But a lot of you are right that that there really isn't anything wrong with those photographs. They just make me feel wrong because of this case and what we know.

To see her passed out with her eyes closed or crying just draws such emotions out of me. I just want to reach out and comfort her, or wake up her up so that the thought of her eyes closed with duct tape over her mouth doesn't haunt me. Sometimes I feel so bad, and so near tears, and I want to apologize to her for not protecting her when there's no way I could have done that.

This case just hurts so much, and sometimes, I just want to tear Casey's eyes out for what she did. The fact that justice is taking so long hurts too. It didn't take long for that poor child to die, but it's taking forever to bring her murderer to justice. The fact that Caylee's own grandparents sold these pics and continue to betray her makes me hurt even more.

And that pic of Cindy holding the bear in Caylee's room just makes me FUME. I just want to yell at her that if things were so perfect, Caylee wouldn't be dead. I want to yell at her that she never deserved Caylee in her life and how dare she support the very person who took Caylee's life in the first place.

So many emotions, so much hurt for a child that never had a chance. I'm so very glad I found Websleuths, not just for the information here, but for people that can keep me grounded when I go to too much of an emotional place like with these pictures. They still disturb me, but at least I know it's because of the case and not because there's anything really sinister about them. You guys are the best, and I'm glad to be here and know you!
After reading this thread, I feel like I need to take a step back from the photos. This case is so emotional for me, and yes, some of those photos unsettle me. But a lot of you are right that that there really isn't anything wrong with those photographs. They just make me feel wrong because of this case and what we know.

To see her passed out with her eyes closed or crying just draws such emotions out of me. I just want to reach out and comfort her, or wake up her up so that the thought of her eyes closed with duct tape over her mouth doesn't haunt me. Sometimes I feel so bad, and so near tears, and I want to apologize to her for not protecting her when there's no way I could have done that.

This case just hurts so much, and sometimes, I just want to tear Casey's eyes out for what she did. The fact that justice is taking so long hurts too. It didn't take long for that poor child to die, but it's taking forever to bring her murderer to justice. The fact that Caylee's own grandparents sold these pics and continue to betray her makes me hurt even more.

And that pic of Cindy holding the bear in Caylee's room just makes me FUME. I just want to yell at her that if things were so perfect, Caylee wouldn't be dead. I want to yell at her that she never deserved Caylee in her life and how dare she support the very person who took Caylee's life in the first place.

So many emotions, so much hurt for a child that never had a chance. I'm so very glad I found Websleuths, not just for the information here, but for people that can keep me grounded when I go to too much of an emotional place like with these pictures. They still disturb me, but at least I know it's because of the case and not because there's anything really sinister about them. You guys are the best, and I'm glad to be here and know you!

ITA, I have gotten too emotional the last few days...the new pictures...reviewing Diane Downs trial..attitude etc.....

Yes, I am glad for ws too because it keeps us coming back to why we are here...and for some fellowship as it were to hurt together for Caylee and other dear children like her.
Eidetic, you are right! The position of Caylee's head is not how it would be when she fell asleep. It is as though someone repositioned her for the photo (and threw the bear in, too). Her head is not lolling to either side nor to the front as would be natural. Your observation about the wrinkled shirt just above her armpit is right on. You can almost see the outline that someone's thumb left.

If someone did reposition her, as (our ever logical Macushla suggested) I would think she would be laid down in a cradling position ~ rather than set up straighter.

So I do think she was repositioned, but not for comfort; instead I believe she was repositioned for a good "shoot." I don't think we can conclude that this was necessarily evil, though. Just maybe a bit uncaring. And certainly not a picture that I thought was cute or sweet on any level and can't imagine why anyone would include it in a group of pictures to sell. But, then, I wouldn't have sold any of them!
This picture could certainly be as simple as people have already speculated. Someone sat Caylee up while she was sleeping and put the teddy bear in her hands. That would explain the crumpled shirt and all.
I noticed the redness and bags under her eyes too. Caylee had some of the biggest beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. This is heart breaking.

Kids should not have bags like that under their eyes almost ALL the time. So sad.

Don't have the time to look it up now, but in the letters that KC wrote to her jail friend, she said something about Caylee's "hazel" eyes. Did she forget already? Did anyone else notice that in one of her letters?

Also, the pic of CA next to Caylee's bed, holding the bear, makes me wonder where that blanket came from if one was found with Caylee. I still can't believe she didn't tell the LE it was missing.

I agree with the people who see the circles, sadness and redness around Caylee's eyes and mouth. It is not allergies, or sickness. Just my gut feeling. IMO it is a sign of extreme tiredness and something that irritated her mouth. She did not look very happy the older she got. And if you look at some of the happier time pics, she did not seem to have that tendency toward circles and discoloration. God Bless you Caylee.
I too believe CA got paid WAY more than the 20Gs she claimed. These are exclusive pics that no other media site has on a case as popular as this. No way 20Gs would do it. Especially after GA was heard yelling at her about getting money for that other interview in advance. He knows WELL how to work the money angle... So sad for Caylee:C

Also has anyone seen this video of Caylee at breakfast? Didn't know where else to ask.
I just wanted to add my :twocents: in regards to the sleeping picture. To me it screams drugged. As a medical professional I have seen a lot of drugged people in my career. This photo looks to me like Caylee didn't have a chance to fight the chemical induced sleep. I have looked at it so many times. The position seems so unnatural, she's not leaning aginst the arm rest at all. I also saw the buckeye leaf on her shirt which to me looks like marijuana leaf. Perhaps that is how Casey saw it and got a kick out of taking a picture of her drugged daughter in her stoner jersey.

Another thing I was thinking is that Casey would drug Caylee before going out so mommy dearest couldn't get to share time with Caylee. CA could have taken the picture, likely thought it was cute Caylee was sound asleep not knowing the circumstance behind it.
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