2010.05.26 ~ Hank & Lisa= Unscripted reality show

Maybe he said "HaLeigh happened" becasue he didn't know the words to express at that point in time.

Should he have said ...then HaLeigh got murdered , then HaLeigh was kidnapped, then HaLeigh was given away, then HaLeigh was sold to perverts ect. There are so many stories to choose from, I think I would have said the word happened.

I would have said "then the incident with Haleigh happened" and IMO that is exactly what Hank Sr was trying to say.

I agree he is not too articulate with his words and he probably meant it this way as well- being that he claims to not know what in the world happened to her. It is nonetheless a poor choice of words, or poor choice of a word.
To their credit, it's worthwhile to mention that Hank and Lisa have managed to stay together, cling to one another, despite the adversity in their lives. If they had been separated or divorced, things might have been worse for their children who appear to lack positive coping skills.

In some ways, I see Hank as an apologist for his family's problems, but I do think that the HaLeigh situation is taking its toll on him. The fact that Lisa didn't want to be interviewed tells me that she, too, is suffering because she brought these wayward children into the world. My thoughts and prayers are with them in their strife.


Thank you so much, BDE! I am not excusing the mistakes the elder Croslins made with their kids that helped lead them down the path to drugs and running afoul of the law, but murdering innocent children was not part of their reportoire. Addiction and poverty and illiteracy are heavy burdens to bear that feed off of each other and become part of the continuing cycle causing many otherwise good people to fall off of life's track. And folks, believe me, it can be a long, uphill, and in some circumstances, never-navigated path back.

These folks obviously haven't profited from this case at all - they are living in a shelter. They are ostracized and have their every move, gesture and verbal nuance scrutinized. They are not media-savvy insta-celebrities. They have struggled and failed at many of life's tasks, and now this comes to darken their door. I am unable to judge them harshly.
Maybe he said "HaLeigh happened" becasue he didn't know the words to express at that point in time.

What exactly should he be saying? ...then HaLeigh got murdered , then HaLeigh was kidnapped, then HaLeigh was given away, then HaLeigh was sold to perverts ect. There are so many stories to choose from, I think I would have said the word happened.

I would have said "then the incident with Haleigh happened" and IMO that is exactly what Hank Sr was trying to say.

TY Zaha. Was just about to post these thoughts myself!

Thank you so much, BDE! I am not excusing the mistakes the elder Croslins made with their kids that helped lead them down the path to drugs and running afoul of the law, but murdering innocent children was not part of their reportoire. Addiction and poverty and illiteracy are heavy burdens to bear that feed off of each other and become part of the continuing cycle causing many otherwise good people to fall off of life's track. And folks, believe me, it can be a long, uphill, and in some circumstances, never-navigated path back.

These folks obviously haven't profited from this case at all - they are living in a shelter. They are ostracized and have their every move, gesture and verbal nuance scrutinized. They are not media-savvy insta-celebrities. They have struggled and failed at many of life's tasks, and now this comes to darken their door. I am unable to judge them harshly.

I agree.

I honestly wish Dr. Phil would take Hank Sr. and Lisa and WORK with them. They need alot of help.

It is never too late to QUIT drugs.
It is never to late to be ALL you can be!

The reason I do not add his children to my list to Dr. Phil is because they seem to have no problems with themselves.
Hank Sr. has admitted to his faults, and THAT take alot of guts.
If we opened a thread on here and had to post OUR faults & failures and also include ALL the "bad" things we have done on our lives, I don't think, even though we are hiding behind our comupter, that most people would admit to their failures or faults.

I obviously have a soft spot for Hank Sr because he can not read and he is obviously not an articulate speaker, you really have to LISTEN to hear what he is saying. To be honest, he reminds me of my son.

I pray that my son will lead a better life than Hank Sr was dealt, but, this is a cold harsh world, that does not accept misfits.

One thing I wish people would realize is that SOME dyslexics will NEVER learn to read.
I wonder how persistant Hank was, before the trafficking arrests. not very, I'd assume. His daughter, his son, his nephew, & probably his other son are all caught up in this. He's looking at the real possibility of his whole family being wiped out by this case, so I understand his fear. He has reason to be scared. But, what I'd like to hear him say to Misty, is that he doesn't care who in their family gets hurt, enough is enough, tell the truth. He seems to feel the need to look respectable in the public eye, but nothing would bring more respect than putting Haleigh 1st.

I don't have the link, so fwiw, IIRC, Hank Sr. DID tell Misty in one of the jail videos the truth needed to come out, no matter who was involved.

Maybe it is so wrong of me, but I feel sorry for the guy. He was injured pretty badly in an accident right when Haleigh disappeared, and now IMO his name is basically mud. He's in trouble with the law over what appears to be an addiction to pain meds, and I have seen this happen to a lot of people, he's one step up from living on the street, he appears to have been looking for work and not finding it, etc. Not a position I would want to be in.

Thank you so much, BDE! I am not excusing the mistakes the elder Croslins made with their kids that helped lead them down the path to drugs and running afoul of the law, but murdering innocent children was not part of their reportoire. Addiction and poverty and illiteracy are heavy burdens to bear that feed off of each other and become part of the continuing cycle causing many otherwise good people to fall off of life's track. And folks, believe me, it can be a long, uphill, and in some circumstances, never-navigated path back.

These folks obviously haven't profited from this case at all - they are living in a shelter. They are ostracized and have their every move, gesture and verbal nuance scrutinized. They are not media-savvy insta-celebrities. They have struggled and failed at many of life's tasks, and now this comes to darken their door. I am unable to judge them harshly.

I am unable to judge the Croslin family any more harshly than the Cumming's. Interestingly, those who've expressed disgust, anger, repulsion, etc. at Hank Sr. & Lisa for their failure as parents, fail to see the similarities between the Croslin children's upbringing and HaLeigh and Jr's life... As I see it, far more information/resources is/are available today regarding the repercussions (long-term effects) upon children raised in an abusive, drug-addicted, dysfuctional environment. There is far more open discussion about child abuse than ever before. NO ONE can claim ignorance that they didn't realize the effects their abusive lifestyle/behavior would have on their children! I'm not excusing Hank by any means but I've heard him express far more regret and honesty about his failures as a parent than Mr. Ronald Cummings, who has never acknowledged his own failures as a parent. JMHO ~
I agree.

I honestly wish Dr. Phil would take Hank Sr. and Lisa and WORK with them. They need alot of help.

It is never too late to QUIT drugs.
It is never to late to be ALL you can be!

The reason I do not add his children to my list to Dr. Phil is because they seem to have no problems with themselves.
Hank Sr. has admitted to his faults, and THAT take alot of guts.
If we opened a thread on here and had to post OUR faults & failures and also include ALL the "bad" things we have done on our lives, I don't think, even though we are hiding behind our comupter, that most people would admit to their failures or faults.

I obviously have a soft spot for Hank Sr because he can not read and he is obviously not an articulate speaker, you really have to LISTEN to hear what he is saying. To be honest, he reminds me of my son.

I pray that my son will lead a better life than Hank Sr was dealt, but, this is a cold harsh world, that does not accept misfits.

One thing I wish people would realize is that SOME dyslexics will NEVER learn to read.

Thank you is not enough! BBM so true and it does run in families and without special education classes and families who will work daily with the person once they understand and KNOW what to do to help they end up like Hank. He never had a chance! Thank goodness my children did!

Edited to add in no way am I blaming families for people with learning disablities not being able to read regardless of all the help they give them sometimes it just is very hard for the person to learn. My son struggles to this day and he is almost 43. He is the most loving, caring giving person. He overcame so much to get to where he is today. He reads all the time!! His younger sister learned to read at five because she helped him everynight with his flash cards. He couldn't understand why it was so easy for her and hard for him. Oh yes he has a genius IQ as do most dyslexics. Their brain is just wired different making it harder to remember.

Also when Hank and my son were in school not much was known about LD problems so no one knew what to do. My older daughter now 47 had the same problems but no one knew said she was slow. She was able to get the help she needed finally! When our son came along and had problems his first grade teacher told us when she would have him copy off the blackboard she would have to give him two sheets of paper to write on because when he turned the page over he turned over everything on the board because that is the way he "saw' things. Had to hold it up to a mirror to read. As long as he had enough paper he could copy from the board all day! The next year we moved to Florida and Clay county who has wonderful schools and immediately we were told what was wrong and he had special reading classes. He had to repeat 2nd grade which he was proud to do. His older brother asked what are you going to say if someone teases you and his reply "well I'll be the smartest in the class not the dumbest". He was not dumb by any means. I can just imagine that Hank felt similar and had no one to explain why he had problems. He though he was dumb and he wasn't! JMO!!!
I am so pleased to see everyone's compassion being poured out in spite of what the article said about bloggers! :grouphug: We have a wonderful, caring group here. Thank you all so much!
I am so pleased to see everyone's compassion being poured out in spite of what the article said about bloggers! :grouphug: We have a wonderful, caring group here. Thank you all so much!

This is why I read so much more than I ever post. I want to make sure that whatever I post doesn't contribute to the cumulative heap of negativity that gets dumped on some peripheral people involved in these cases. I never want to be the cause of someone's bad (or worsening) day.

Thank you so much, BDE! I am not excusing the mistakes the elder Croslins made with their kids that helped lead them down the path to drugs and running afoul of the law, but murdering innocent children was not part of their reportoire. Addiction and poverty and illiteracy are heavy burdens to bear that feed off of each other and become part of the continuing cycle causing many otherwise good people to fall off of life's track. And folks, believe me, it can be a long, uphill, and in some circumstances, never-navigated path back.

These folks obviously haven't profited from this case at all - they are living in a shelter. They are ostracized and have their every move, gesture and verbal nuance scrutinized. They are not media-savvy insta-celebrities. They have struggled and failed at many of life's tasks, and now this comes to darken their door. I am unable to judge them harshly.

IMO - Profited - They got a car which they have run to the ground... phones .... which since they are involved in drugs they have been allegedly robbed.... IMO these folks sould win the lottery and in 6 months would be right back where they are today. Sorry to be so crude but reality is reality. Seriously, I am sure someone has sent them money.... and believe me that money goes to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.. it goes really fast ....

It really would be nice to give these folks the benefit of the doubt but go ahead and do one of the following ...

Send them some money or if you live close give hank a dry wall job and give Lisa a cleaning job... Bets are they would not show up, not show up on time, steal something from you (past), or be so messed up do a terrible job all together and than when you paid them the money would go to the above.

Again, sorry to be the dose of reality and this is all in my humble opinion!

Curious G

I am unable to judge the Croslin family any more harshly than the Cumming's. Interestingly, those who've expressed disgust, anger, repulsion, etc. at Hank Sr. & Lisa for their failure as parents, fail to see the similarities between the Croslin children's upbringing and HaLeigh and Jr's life... As I see it, far more information/resources is/are available today regarding the repercussions (long-term effects) upon children raised in an abusive, drug-addicted, dysfuctional environment. There is far more open discussion about child abuse than ever before. NO ONE can claim ignorance that they didn't realize the effects their abusive lifestyle/behavior would have on their children! I'm not excusing Hank by any means but I've heard him express far more regret and honesty about his failures as a parent than Mr. Ronald Cummings, who has never acknowledged his own failures as a parent. JMHO ~

I agree with your post...it did get me wondering...

WHY is no one questioning Ronald Cummings upbringing?
How many husbands did RC's mother have?
How many husbands did GMS have?
WHY did GMS take Ronald to raise him as her own? Why did she take her own daughter to court over him (they seem to get along just fine now)?
Why was Ronald names as a "son" in his Step-Grandfather's obit?

So many questions about the Cummings family yet, the media is not interested?

Is there such a thing as a private gag order?
I'll put this here, I guess, in a way it's about the calls/videos release:


Hank Croslin and family in Putnam: an unscripted reality show

more at link

snipped from link above:

...Misty Croslin's attorney, Robert Fields, said he never anticipated the fallout the case has generated. Family members, Fields said, have become caught up in the rise of what he considers tabloid media -- including bloggers and other Internet sites.

Fields characterized some of the blogs and other attention as "venomous" and done by people who have nothing better to to do with their lives.

"In looking at it objectively, (Hank and Lisa) did not directly create the situation, but Misty is partly a product of their parentship," Fields said. "They are public figures, but I don't think they put themselves out there. Misty put herself out there. It is interesting."

Mr. Fields is correct in that Hank and Lisa did not directly create the situation. Indirectly? More than likely-- given we can see how trouble 2 out of 3 of their children turned out. JMHO.

Yes Mr. Fields they are considered public figures because they did put themselves out there.

How soon after Haleigh's disappearance did they begin to involve themselves with the investigation by speaking to PI's not directly involved with local LE?

How soon after Haleigh disappeared did Hank and Lisa give statements to the press and interviews to media?

Why does Hank continue to give interviews and make comments to the press?

The media and the internet communities are not to blame for any of their misfortune at this moment in time. IMHO. I would even wager to say if Hank and Lisa had not made statements to the media and had not made statements to a cast of characters that descended on that area shortly after Haleigh was reported missing. (Which IMHO was like watching clowns pour out of a car at the circus---without the aid of a shoehorn or vaseline).

I do understand that many people do not realize that their actions reported as a peripheral character in a missing child being covered on national TV will be scrutinized---not just by media but also by responsible members of the internet that want to know the same thing as the reporters. Who is this and why should we trust what they are saying about this?

But you would think that given a learning curve that after a while. It just might be in your best interest to hush up and fade away. I will not insult Hank Sr. and Lisa by saying that they are incapable of not knowing that by directly commenting on this case to the media that they haven't brought some of the attention to themselves. They know and they didn't have a problem with it until they could use it as a reason why they are unemployable.

It's an excuse.

Do I feel sorry for them? Yes. I do. I feel sorry that they have this far by all appearances lived their lives by making not only poor choices but horrific choices. Over and Over and Over.

I don't feel sorry enough for them to say to myself "aww, poor things this is just none of their fault and bless their hearts they have always done the best they could and look how they get kicked when they are down" (not saying anyone on here is saying that). Because at the end of the day they are reaping what they sowed years ago, and not so long ago too.

All of the above is just my opinon.
Maybe he said "HaLeigh happened" becasue he didn't know the words to express at that point in time.

What exactly should he be saying? ...then HaLeigh got murdered , then HaLeigh was kidnapped, then HaLeigh was given away, then HaLeigh was sold to perverts ect. There are so many stories to choose from, I think I would have said the word happened.

I would have said "then the incident with Haleigh happened" and IMO that is exactly what Hank Sr was trying to say.

As I was reading all the comments about Hank's choice of words, I was thinking the same thing. This man was in the hospital when "Haleigh happened." He can't read or write, and does not have the ability to express himself like we do. I cringe when I hear him criticized, because I don't feel that he is fair game. (can not possibly be involved in Haleigh's death) I don't think he can do his regular job because of his injuries, and he certainly can't do an office job. Never mind that no one wants to hire him because of who he is. I feel sorry for him!
IMO - Profited - They got a car which they have run to the ground... phones .... which since they are involved in drugs they have been allegedly robbed.... IMO these folks sould win the lottery and in 6 months would be right back where they are today. Sorry to be so crude but reality is reality. Seriously, I am sure someone has sent them money.... and believe me that money goes to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.. it goes really fast ....

It really would be nice to give these folks the benefit of the doubt but go ahead and do one of the following ...

Send them some money or if you live close give hank a dry wall job and give Lisa a cleaning job... Bets are they would not show up, not show up on time, steal something from you (past), or be so messed up do a terrible job all together and than when you paid them the money would go to the above.

Again, sorry to be the dose of reality and this is all in my humble opinion!

Curious G

I admit that I am not familiar with the "car being run to the ground" scenario, or that their phones got stolen, and that I am financially unable to send anyone money or offer anyone a job, as I am one of the ranks of the unemployed and searching for work. I agree that it is possible that what you predict may occur. I also am not of the opinion that I have any voice in the way somebody to whom I pay wages spends their money. I do require that the job is done correctly if I pay somebody to do it, but I would never give them the money if it wasn't done to my satisfaction.

The Croslins are never going to be paragons of virtue. They are what they are and are products of their environments and the sum total of their lives to date. I am not naive. I just try not to judge.
IMO - Profited - They got a car which they have run to the ground... phones .... which since they are involved in drugs they have been allegedly robbed.... IMO these folks sould win the lottery and in 6 months would be right back where they are today. Sorry to be so crude but reality is reality. Seriously, I am sure someone has sent them money.... and believe me that money goes to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.. it goes really fast ....

It really would be nice to give these folks the benefit of the doubt but go ahead and do one of the following ...

Send them some money or if you live close give hank a dry wall job and give Lisa a cleaning job... Bets are they would not show up, not show up on time, steal something from you (past), or be so messed up do a terrible job all together and than when you paid them the money would go to the above.

Again, sorry to be the dose of reality and this is all in my humble opinion!

Curious G

Granted, what you say may be true however ask yourself WHY this is the case?
I can tell you right now, it isn't because they don't want their lives to be different or better, it's because they do not believe they are worthy of good things in their lives..... Their minds have been programmed to accentuate their negative thoughts about themselves rather than attempt to eliminate the thoughts that are sabotaging their basic need to even survive.. Yes.... They may have made a mess of things in reference to raising their children, but many parents do...
They can't go back and change what has been done, however they do have the power within themselves to strengthen what remains...Problem is they don't have a clue as to how to do this...These are all FEAR based people..Everything they do and say stems from FEAR to live...And that is learned at a young age... JMO
I agree with your post...it did get me wondering...

WHY is no one questioning Ronald Cummings upbringing?
How many husbands did RC's mother have?
How many husbands did GMS have?
WHY did GMS take Ronald to raise him as her own? Why did she take her own daughter to court over him (they seem to get along just fine now)?
Why was Ronald names as a "son" in his Grandfather's obit?

So many questions about the Cummings family yet, the media is not interested?

Is there such a thing as a private gag order?

You are correct ... This family is exactly the same. They jus have been able to stay out of the way plus none of RC's Jail House Video's or Phone Calls have been released. One of them has been and that is it. Unfortunately, for those that are following this case all we have are the 300 phone calls and videos of the Croslins and it does make for quite of a circus and I can only imagine what the Cummings calls and videos are like.
IMO - Profited - They got a car which they have run to the ground... phones .... which since they are involved in drugs they have been allegedly robbed.... IMO these folks sould win the lottery and in 6 months would be right back where they are today. Sorry to be so crude but reality is reality. Seriously, I am sure someone has sent them money.... and believe me that money goes to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.. it goes really fast ....

It really would be nice to give these folks the benefit of the doubt but go ahead and do one of the following ...

Send them some money or if you live close give hank a dry wall job and give Lisa a cleaning job... Bets are they would not show up, not show up on time, steal something from you (past), or be so messed up do a terrible job all together and than when you paid them the money would go to the above.

Again, sorry to be the dose of reality and this is all in my humble opinion!

Curious G

Ouch! I would help Hank and Lisa out if I lived in the area. If they did the right thing with the money, then good for them. If they did the wrong thing, shame on them. I would have a good feeling in my heart, just knowing I'd done the right thing.
I admit that I am not familiar with the "car being run to the ground" scenario, or that their phones got stolen, and that I am financially unable to send anyone money or offer anyone a job, as I am one of the ranks of the unemployed and searching for work. I agree that it is possible that what you predict may occur. I also am not of the opinion that I have any voice in the way somebody to whom I pay wages spends their money. I do require that the job is done correctly if I pay somebody to do it, but I would never give them the money if it wasn't done to my satisfaction.

The Croslins are never going to be paragons of virtue. They are what they are and are products of their environments and the sum total of their lives to date. I am not naive. I just try not to judge.

You are right... I started out February 10th watching NG and just being extremely curious and than realizing there are boards like these to joining and I think after the last 25 tapes ( I tried to listen to them) I went from being curious to judgemental or just cynical about these people. Thanks for putting me in check but I have to tell you, I think you are a much better person than me, because I am finding it really hard not to go to Florida and get these people on their feet and get them moving. ToC has 3 Children and TiC has 3 Children and CS has 2 Children so as a result of this case we know of 8 children effected by these poeples choices in there lives.

As for the car and the phone ... On the tapes ToC mentions that Hank and Lisa got their car and phone stolen and when Toc called a few times the guy that took the stuff answered their phone. My judgemental self went to they were trying to buy drugs in a bad part of town and a drug deal went bad and they got robbed.... just like MC did .... Again this is all speculation and my cynical self being very judgemental.

Curious G should change her name to Cynical C
There is a saying that adversity introduces a man to himself. For some, the moment occurs on the deathbed. For others, it comes mid-life when an individual faces another kind of death. It's the height of self-awareness and brutal honesty with oneself. A spiritual process, excruciatingly painful but ultimately enriching. That is where Hank is now. We hear it in his words and see it in his face. Who the he!! am I to kick a man as he struggles with his self-reckoning?
I admit that I am not familiar with the "car being run to the ground" scenario, or that their phones got stolen, and that I am financially unable to send anyone money or offer anyone a job, as I am one of the ranks of the unemployed and searching for work. I agree that it is possible that what you predict may occur. I also am not of the opinion that I have any voice in the way somebody to whom I pay wages spends their money. I do require that the job is done correctly if I pay somebody to do it, but I would never give them the money if it wasn't done to my satisfaction.

The Croslins are never going to be paragons of virtue. They are what they are and are products of their environments and the sum total of their lives to date. I am not naive. I just try not to judge.

To be perfectly honest, I don't know too many people who are paragons of virtue..
Their dysfunctionalism has just been exposed for the world to see due to their daughter and their son's involvement in this case.
And their not as good as hiding theirs as the Cummings have been...

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