2010.07.14 Investigators re-interviewing people who saw Kyron; Kyron seen w/out Terri

IMO, Kyron & TMH did there thing of looking around and Kyron headed to class with TMH heading to the parking lot, but doesn't actually leave. The class breaks into group with TP & Kyron in separate groups. Kyron tells TP, as they are leaving with their separate groups, that he is going to the see the electric exhibit. TP goes with his group downstairs, while Kyron goes with his group to the gym. TK sees Kyron with his friends/group The says friends, since they are kids Kyron's age and he is older) in the gym and without TMH. At some point, while in the gym full of people distracted with looking at science fair projects, TMH is able to get Kyron to leave the gym via one of the exit stairwells off of the stage to her truck, which is waiting in the parking lot or possibly with all of the people in the gym, they go out the door at the parking lot end of the school hallway. School personnel possibly see Kyron leaving with TMH. And he is gone.

If I recall, LE has said that TMH was the last known person to have seen Kyron, but they don't say when and where. Maybe they know he left with her, so she would be the last person to see him, IMO. Maybe school personnel can verify that TMH left with Kyron, so they deduct that TMH was the last person to see Kyron in the school, prior to his disappearance.

Geez, I hope they find this precious boy soon!
I'm bringing this here because I'm seeing rumors in all of the threads including this one. Kimster warned a couple of days ago.... If you don't comply you will be on a little vacation. So let's get it right. This warning was a gift and falls randomly in the thread.

From Kimster:
Current issues on the forum
We have a couple of issues on this forum and both of them are causing WAY too much work for the mods. We can't be here 24/7 and we are not editors, we are moderators.

The main two issues are RUMORS and RUDENESS. We are done dealing with these issues with warnings. If you do not want a time out, then pay attention to your posts.

RUMORS: If you are posting about something that you read "somewhere, don't know where", you are posting a rumor. If you read something that some random blogger wrote and are stating it as fact, it is a rumor. You MUST link all blogger comments. EVERY time.

RUDENESS: If you are posting using another poster's name or saying the word "you" to respond to a quote, then you may be considered to be calling out another poster. Responding to posts by saying "this post doesn't make sense to me? Please explain?" is fine. Responding to posts by saying "you obviously didn't read 'blah blah blah' or you wouldn't have posted that" is NOT fine. It is rude.

This is a frustrating and passionate case. However, we are not going to take out our frustrations on those who loved Kyron by spreading gossip about them nor are we going to tolerate watching everyone take it out on each other.

The end.
MOO is that more than one witness saw them walking toward an exit or just outside of an exit...but did not see them get into the truck or drive away. Just seeing them walk toward the exit doesn't prove they left (even if it contradicts TH's story). I'm also of the opinion that there's some interesting things about the 'doctor visit' yet to come out and the teacher who marked Kyron absent had every reason to feel she was correct in doing so...but that's just MOO.

But Kyron's friend's statement contradicts this to the extreme. Even if Kyron's friend's timeline is off, the information is not necessarily unreliable, and Kyron's friend says that when the teacher was asked where Kyron was, she responded by saying he was probably in the bathroom or getting a drink of water.

Now, when he failed to return, she may have convinced herself that he was gone to his doctor's appointment, but that, according to a witness, wasn't her first response which tells me it isn't what she initially believed.
But..... this little boy also referred to a substitute teacher that was inside the classroom that day. Matt Shelby, Portland Public Schools, stated that there was NOT a substitute teacher in this class on June 4th. This little boy may be an unreliable witness because of his statement about the substitute.

Why is it that none of these people recall seeing TH with her toddler? Her husband stated that, to the best of his knowledge, she took the toddler to the science fair.

IMO, Shelby was playing semantics. The child probably can't distinguish between a sub and a parent volunteer, not being privy to the arrangements. Doesn't mean it's not true that there was an adult there helping to conduct the small groups in their tours. I am loathe to have that make him an unreliable witness. Just my :twocents:
But..... this little boy also referred to a substitute teacher that was inside the classroom that day. Matt Shelby, Portland Public Schools, stated that there was NOT a substitute teacher in this class on June 4th. This little boy may be an unreliable witness because of his statement about the substitute

Respectfully edited and BBM. Below (in Italics) is my earlier post on "the last person to see Kyron" thread. I believe that the term "substitute" could used by students when the person assisting the teacher is actually a parent volunteer. I don't feel that it speaks to the child's credibility or lack thereof; it is a misunderstanding that could be easily explained, imo.

The term "substitute teacher" in this case has baffled me from the get-go. If Kyron's regular classroom teacher (Mrs. Porter) was in the building that day, why did she have a "sub"? Was the substitute teacher actually a paid employee of the school district, or was this a parent volunteer whom students might have thought was a substitute?

There are occasions when a classroom teacher can be in the building doing record-keeping, reviewing test scores, etc. and a substitute can take over the teacher's duties for a half-day or full-day, if warranted, but this individual is being compensated. Volunteers are just that - there is no remuneration for their presence in the school.

I don't know whether or not the "two teachers" were two of Skyline's permanent teachers, or one of the "teachers" was a district substitute, or the "two" people were Kyron's teacher and a volunteer parent. Confusing. jmo
A 7 year old may well refer to an adult assistant as a 'substitute'.

I don't think it's that no one recalls seeing the baby. I think the vast majority of people are complying with a LE request not to talk about it. Kaine certainly was sure Terri had the baby at the school.

I don't get why LE won't confirm if baby K was with her, Kaine says she was so why won't they confirm? Is it because possibly she wasn't with Terri that day and they can't confirm or do they just not want to divulge that for some reason? It confuses me why Kaine says yes but LE hasn't confirmed.

I guess they are saying quite a bit more than LE now though so maybe I shouldn't be so confused. :crazy:
But Kyron's friend's statement contradicts this to the extreme. Even if Kyron's friend's timeline is off, the information is not necessarily unreliable, and Kyron's friend says that when the teacher was asked where Kyron was, she responded by saying he was probably in the bathroom or getting a drink of water.

Now, when he failed to return, she may have convinced herself that he was gone to his doctor's appointment, but that, according to a witness, wasn't her first response which tells me it isn't what she initially believed.

Could it not be that Kyron's friend saw him at his science fair project and was asking the teacher where he was because he wasn't in class? Meaning he never went to class and his friend was actually the first person to notice him missing?
But Kyron's friend's statement contradicts this to the extreme. Even if Kyron's friend's timeline is off, the information is not necessarily unreliable, and Kyron's friend says that when the teacher was asked where Kyron was, she responded by saying he was probably in the bathroom or getting a drink of water.
Now, when he failed to return, she may have convinced herself that he was gone to his doctor's appointment, but that, according to a witness, wasn't her first response which tells me it isn't what she initially believed.

If what that friend has stated to the press is true I have wonder why the teacher would say that. For those of you that have children in school do they have to ask permission or tell a teacher if they are going for a drink of water or to the bathroom? I know we had to. Furthermore if the teacher thought this why wouldn't she have wondered why he never returned?
I realize that none of us want to believe that TH had anything to do with little Kyron's disappearance. That's pretty much a given. I don't want to either, but the evidence that we've seen so far is leading me that way. The FBI came into this case very early on and I have this gut feeling that they are the ones who are calling the shots in this case. I believe there has been a plan in place for several weeks now and what we are hearing is exactly what LE wants us (and more importantly, TH) to hear. I also believe that TH has an accomplice (if for no other reason than someone was helping her with the baby that morning). This "firming up" of the timeline encourages me to believe that LE may be getting ready to make a significant move. I pray it is so for Kyron and his family.


I'm pretty sure that was debunked with by KH and DY themselves. They stated that the little one was with TH that morning at the school. I believe it was the Oregonian video. I can dig it up the link if need be...
I don't get why LE won't confirm if baby K was with her, Kaine says she was so why won't they confirm? Is it because possibly she wasn't with Terri that day and they can't confirm or do they just not want to divulge that for some reason? It confuses me why Kaine says yes but LE hasn't confirmed.

I guess they are saying quite a bit more than LE now though so maybe I shouldn't be so confused. :crazy:

Personally, I find Kaine to be very credible, so I just take his word for things. He spoke definitively about Terri having the baby with her in the school. He didn't hedge. I have no reason to doubt him.
Thanks. I haven't read that anyone at the school mentioned seeing the baby so I just assumed (I really do know better) that she wasn't with her.
If what that friend has stated to the press is true I have wonder why the teacher would say that. For those of you that have children in school do they have to ask permission or tell a teacher if they are going for a drink of water or to the bathroom? I know we had to. Furthermore if the teacher thought this why wouldn't she have wondered why he never returned?

With the day being what it was because of the science fair, I suspect the normal rules were not in place. The children were roaming freely and the school schedule had been modified.

There has been much debate over the substitute teacher comment and the timeline. The sub comment is a non-issue for me, as I believe it was either a parent volunteer who subbed on occasion or the friend simply used the word sub because that's more familiar to him than "parent volunteer." The timeline could be off because the day was an anomaly in the school schedule; perhaps he remembers it perfectly, and his timeline is 100% accurate, but time is sometimes relative for children and it was an odd day. The conversation aspect, though, is quite specific. Why would he make it up? Why would he create a conversation and then fill in the details? I don't believe he would.
See Terri could have told Kyron, I already talked to your teacher I'll give you five minutes, I'm putting the baby in the truck, just hurry up or we will be late. Terri leaves and Kyron comes out and hps in the truck a few minutes later.
Personally, I find Kaine to be very credible, so I just take his word for things. He spoke definitively about Terri having the baby with her in the school. He didn't hedge. I have no reason to doubt him.

How would he know she took the baby with her? Even if she was loading baby in the car, she could have driven somewhere to drop the baby off with a babysitter before taking Kyron to school. So was Kaine with her at the school that morning or did he follow her there on his way to work? Just wondering.
It is odd that no one mentions the baby, not even any of the children, as far as we know. I would believe them if they noticed a baby more than I would believe they noticed Terri or her vehicle. I'm just not sold on the kids' versions, no offense to anyone, but as soon as the first child claimed to see Terri leave and to see Kyron going to see the project and to be the one to notice Kyron missing...well, he just saw too much for my box of salt to take.

I hope all of this stuff coming out does not hurt whatever LE is doing as I feel confident that they know who was where at what time by now, and know which statements fit it with events at the school.
actually Kaine said he beleived that the baby was with her.. I think, does anyone have the exact quote?
Hmm, the way it is written in the article leads me to believe he saw the truck in the parking lot during the science fair. It may be the writer of the story or may be something else. I can see where different people will interpret that sentence differently. I"m okay with the old saying, 'lets agree to disagree!'. I just don't want you to think I want to argue that point, because I don't. UGH - crazy case! :banghead:

Maybe he saw the white truck as he walked into the building and into the gym?

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