2010.08.16 Tim Miller Interview

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Naw, don't think that will work for JB. The invoices have to be detailed. Even if JB finds 100 names that he picks out of any list he has, it will take time and money to investigate.

And given what we know of HHJPs extreme knowledge and feelings about this case, HHJP would surely pick up the dates and names JB could conjure up.

No, I don't believe even JB is stupid enough to attempt to pull one over the eyes of HHJP and the JAC.

And remember too, any names JB could come up with will have to be turned over to the SAOs office in his first and probably only discovery. We can bet JAshton would be all over it.

Two hour conferences, pick up reports, preparation of reports. The PI today has only to go online and can find a wealth of information, even if it is not the right person and get the information on any criminal charges. They're public record. My guess is they will focus on the locals and branch out from there. It's what PI's do. So far defense's PI has not had one bill denied with the same or similiar descriptions above. jmo

ETA: I wonder if AL's people are still willing to burn the night oil to help out????
First off, let me say, I also think the interview with Tim Miller was great. It is also good to see him look well rested & healthy.

I know when you become a member of TES ( as I am) you sign that they can do a background check. What you fill out for membership is far more detailed than what you sign to just do a search. Searches are often put together very quickly & a media call for volunteers might go out. If you are needing lots of people on fast notice, you do not have time or a way to background check. What will keep people from coming out is if they release all 4,000 names. There were searches all over Orlando, why release those people's information. All they need is who was close to the area & they have that.
I hope people would continue to go out & search for someone's missing loved one............it's just the right thing to do.

well, if you helped search for little Caylee, I look forward to hearing what you ate for lunch on any given Tuesday in 5th grade.:croc:
WOW ~ that interview ~ leaves me speechless.

I think that of ALL of the stupid moves that this entire bunch has made, whatever their real reason's for Conway stepping down, and now Tim Miller coming out and ripping them all apart.........oh......they should be very afraid.

Very, very afraid.

Thanks for those links friends......wow.
Those were some pretty powerfull words, statements and opinions from TM.
...and I love that he reminds us all that he will be called by the State!
Yep, and they have to PRIVATELY, without ANYONE else in the room, {like they claim Conway had access}, put that "fish" of their own making into the bait "box".

They never have wanted to look at all 4000+ names.
That would take to much time and they might miss some facetime on some tv interview show.

Known to them cause they sat in their office and filled out the volunteer sheet~!!!!

Or slip in one of the faked search sheets made up by MSmith?
Tim Miller is one of the few witnesses I really want to see when this trial takes place he will tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth and it is truely sad that this man who is honest and hardworking has been placed in a position where his motivations that help hundreds of families get the closure, reconnection or peace that they seek from a lost, murdered or missing family memeber have been rendered effortless on some counts because of this family whom he whole heartly tried to help, we live in a sad sad world when people can't volunteer without worrying they will be drug thru the mud by a NOBODY defense attorney, well said TIM MILLER!:Jumpie:
Tim Miller is one of the few witnesses I really want to see when this trial takes place he will tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth and it is truely sad that this man who is honest and hardworking has been placed in a position where his motivations that help hundreds of families get the closure, reconnection or peace that they seek from a lost, murdered or missing family memeber have been rendered effortless on some counts because of this family whom he whole heartly tried to help, we live in a sad sad world when people can't volunteer without worrying they will be drug thru the mud by a NOBODY defense attorney, well said TIM MILLER!:Jumpie:

Ya know, when my family member was kidnapped and later found murdered, I wish there was such a man as Mr. Miller.
I dont usually post, so if this is not appropriate, please delete.

You know Cindy and her camp are not going to take Tim's with their mouths shut. I guess they will be on the Today show again.

I dont usually post, so if this is not appropriate, please delete.

You know Cindy and her camp are not going to take Tim's with their mouths shut. I guess they will be on the Today show again.


I agree! Now, why did flying monkeys suddenly pop into my head?:waitasec:
I"ve tried and tried to no avail....perhaps a transcript????? (hint, hint)----

I was waiting for someone to start this thread. I don't know how yet. Tim Miller was outstanding. No mincing of words, no guessing at how he feels. Has there ever been a more honest interview on this thread?
There are lots of people supporting you, Tim.:woohoo:


Yes!! more power to Tim. I will continue to help him anywhere he goes.The truest words ever spoken! Why DO they need an attorney? Tim is right on,everyone should just back off of them!! If they are SO truthful,they dont NEED an attorney.

P.S. mac66 I dont know how to start a thread either.LOL.:dance:
The Sadness & pain shows on Tim Millers face. Tim Miller is my hero. I thank him for all he has done for Caylee. He is truly a Angel with wings and a halo.

My prayers go out to him.With all of this he has had his own heartbreak to deal with.:angel:
I dont usually post, so if this is not appropriate, please delete.

You know Cindy and her camp are not going to take Tim's with their mouths shut. I guess they will be on the Today show again.


What is that word?? oh yes,boycott sponsors.
WOW! Just WOW!!!

Tim Miller is a hero!!!

If anyone ever had any doubt whatsoever, listen to this interview for all the answers!!!

Makes me want to empty my bank account to support Tim Miller & Texas Equusearch!

Your timing is excellent!! Below taken from TEXAS EQUUSEARCH WEB SITE. Please pass this on to everyone you know. TES and the families of the missing need our help!! I am proud to be a TES member and searcher. I was one of those 4000+ searchers!

To donate go to http://texasequusearch.org/

Thanks! (All bolding and underlining is mine!)

Posted on 13. Aug, 2010 by smckinney.
We have been very extremely busy with searches this year. We recently recovered our 118th victim, and we have brought over 300 people home alive. Requests for our assistance have increased, but our donations are at an all-time low. In today’s economy, it is very difficult for people to pay their own bills, much less donate to charity. Nevertheless, we are in need of immediate cash flow/donations in order to sustain our operations. We want to be able to continue to help families find their loved ones, but it is becoming increasingly difficult with the current state of our funding. If everyone who reads this would donate $1.00, $5.00 or any other amount you can, it will help ensure that we will not have to tell a family we cannot help them because of our finances. Tim Miller made a promise to his daughter, Laura, that he would never leave a family alone. Therefore, we ask you to donate anything you can. Please pass this on to your friends and family. Remember –
I wish that when TM finally gets his time on the stand, that he can bring and show that other box.
The one filled with receipts for 108 thousand dollars that he has spent so far on this case. He's looking at more I'm sure since this is dragging on and on ~

That would be great if he could ~
"They are the most cold blooded family in America" or something like that...made me think of LA mouthing "I love you" to CMA right before testifying without emotion about the day he discovered his niece was nowhere to be found.

Or how about the way he responded to the prosecuting attorney when she wanted to see if his "i love you" was meant for her? Absolutely Not" in the most f-u, disrespectful, cold-blooded manner...in a court of law! He should have been reprimanded.
I bet the "bat-phones" are hidden from Cindy right now.
Otherwise, she would have left a nasty-gram for TM by now, much like she did before, in her oh so pleasant way that only she can pull off.
I do not physically anger. I haven't been in a fight since I was 5 years old but man this defense has me physically angry. The wake of damaged innocents is just sickening. There is almost no chance of KC being found innocent and yet they are willing to hurt anyone in an effort to make that 1% chance happen. They've now damaged the abilities of future missing children due to their disgusting behavior.

GA knew she was dead but CA wanted to use TES for her own little story and not the real story. Thanks CA, I hope that every missing child that TES looks for in the future weighs heavily on your mind. I hope you think about how many volunteers didn't come because of your outrageous behavior.

The A's, IIRC, claim to be born again. The problem is if you go back to the same deplorable lifestyle after being born again it doesn't help. IMO, it probably angers God more. So CA if you truly want forgiveness then confess your sins and stop doing the same sins over and over. I fear it's too late for you with all of the damage you've allowed to happen, but your best chance is to come clean publicly about what you've done wrong and actively working to correct the damage you've caused to sooooo many innocents. God already knows everything and you're insulting him by doing what you've been doing.

Geez, I feel like punching a pillow now.



Ban me if you must, but I had to say it.
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