2010.08.22 Brad Conway speaks out on Steph Watts show

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Interesting that Brad denies Cindy has had plastic sugery, but laughs when asked about the phantom Nanny, admits he doesn't believe it. From what I know about Cindy, she'd much rather him question the existance of this nanny than admit to any facial reconstruction she has had. She has schooled him well.

From Brad's denial of the duct tape on the LK show, I realized he was doing more than protecting his clients, he was protecting Casey as well. I have no respect for the man.

It would have been nice if Brad had taken MN's stance of representing his clients, while drawing the line at defending Casey. The fact that Brad didn't give the Anthony's these necessary boundaries, is probably why they agreed to go with him in the first place.

After listening to the broadcast, I get the feeling Brad is REALLY ticked off. He has had enough of JB and he wants to talk about, but at the same time, sound like he is taking the high road.

He was willing to sit amongst and work for liars. Huge liars. The biggest. If there was a Liar Hall of Fame, these people would be in it. When they're lying about someone else (like, a murdered toddler), he is fine with it. But the minute someone tells the slightest lie about him, he jumps ship. JB said he got preferential treatment? Grow a pair. Excuses, excuses. No, he is not an ethical man. Nothing ethical about that decision. Not that I blame him for the decision, and I'm glad he did, but I like to call a spade a spade.

And he should have seen that coming. You roll with pigs, you get dirty. Period.

I just wish the A's would go ahead and start bashing him publicly so he can see how little his "thousands of hours" of work were actually appreciated, and so that the next guy who is thinking of representing them sees exactly what will eventually become of his name if he takes them on. They're like a mafia family or something. Only loyal to each other. Sky high expectations of everyone else though, of course.

And if he thought this was only going to last 6 months (he said he signed on the day before the body was found?), well, pretty much any one of us could have told him that estimation was FLAT WRONG.
I keep asking myself, what did Brad accomplish? He made a deal for the A's to sell pictures of their granddaughter. What else? hhhmm, he flew with the A's around the country to be on TV. Let's see, what else? Just like Ms. Lyons. They flocked to the circus, got their names out there and accomplished NOTHING in the name of justice for Caylee. How dare Brad tell us that he is STILL trying to find the truth about what happend to Caylee! When did he start?
Spacegirl -
you are so right (and funny) - thank you for that post.
My vote goes for "Professional Association". Along the lines of a LLC, C Corp, etc...for liability reasons.

That is exactly right. It refers to the way the firm is structured for taxing and liability issues.
Tuned in half way thru...my impressions....
1. Brad knows KC is guilty
2. The Zanny the Nanny story is just that...a story. Will be used by prosecution to show KC's lies
3. Brad knows the A's like none of us do. He knows them as people, as a couple up close. He sees them as a hurting couple in horrendous circumstances. He allows Cindy her grief denial.
4. He recognizes their need for a lawyer. They could be charged in the future with obstruction of justice.
5. Ray Kronk is just a person who found the remains. Defense will not be able to pin anything on him.
[B]6. After all the time he has put in with the A's, he is disappointed that Baez has not utilized him as part of the team. [/B] He is not impressed with Baez' defense of KC, neither are the A's.
7. While he did not disparage the A's in anyway, does not want to harm his reputation as a good lawyer, this man is longing to be free and speak what he really knows.
8. He deserves some time to go fishing.

BTW...how do we know the person who was banned (justice something) was Michelle Bart? I find that curious and funny!

BBM This is the payment he was looking for.
Twelve minute mark Brad explains he "May be called to the stand to testify to facts my clients disagree with". He said repeatedly the quid pro quo that Baez alleged was an absolutely untrue statement. Clearly then the authors of the letter , mom and pop, were lying too, or Baez would have a blank page as his exhibit.
Steph asked how did Brad resign. Brad answered, "The conversation was matter of fact. As an officer of the court my integrity is of utmost importance". Cindy and George were off the deep end. When they lied about others he likely tried but failed in getting through to them. Now it was personal, lying about him was the "Last straw". ( His word, not mine ).

Recently we learned through the WHY letter from pop that he was no fan of the Cheney and Jose who had summoned him to inform him of Casey's sexual abuse allegations. We know from reading Cindy's letters that , at best, she thinks the pair of them have been handling Casey's case all wrong and she could do it better. So for her to go along with this nonsense and write a letter that she knows is going to wind up in a legal document, that contains what he deems to be lies that involve him and reflect poorly on his ethics, his good standing with the bar, he implied he had no choice but to bail. None whatsoever. The Anthonys effectively spat in his face, imo. Tim Miller was so right when he said every single person that has gotten involved in this case gets body slammed.

As for him working pro bono, in my opinion the three grand he received hardly would suffice to cover his fees for nineteen months of time. He has had to have his paralegal and secretary do work on this matter and he pays their salaries. That is just one of many fees a lawyer pays that are outside of donating his or her time. My husband does pro bono work and indeed does charge the clients for costs. That is reasonable; because, just ordering the transcripts from depositions can cost hundreds of dollars. Think of it like this, if your friend agrees to put in your new kitchen tile floor, you would obviously not expect him to purchase the tile, right? So Brad wasn't lying, imo, that he worked on the case all this time without compensation.

There is plenty of things that he has done that I do not agree with, AT ALL. This just isn't one of them. Can you just imagine how very often he got a call from Cindy with her ever present historyonic emergency needs. I couldn't put a price tag on it. With a guilty verdict looming, there will be appeals well into the future and so for his sake I know he will be relieved that he found a jumping out point.

He said he knows Judge Perry and what to expect from him, having practiced law there for years and years. I had never studied Brad, I did mistakenly belive, that he was a newbie just by the completely crazy notions the Anthonys walked into the civil depo with and how they acted throughout them. The young attorney in the Morgan and Mitnick firm that was questioning Cindy was shocked. He said something to the affect of ...Brad, come on, you know the rules, for your edification today I can cite them, or do you want to take a break and speak to your client?

What I was happy to hear Brad say or elude to is the nanny never materialized." I wouldn't put any stock in that", he said.
Kronk simply found the baby's skeleton, that ship wont sail. "Everyone has a past", Brad said.
Mom and Pop have made conflicting statements to police that potentially they will be impeached by, for example George's grand jury account ventures far afield from his later sworn statements.
He laughed at the question Steph posed...Will Jose remain on the case?
He believes that Mason will take charge ( he is already lead chair ) and he will do the best he can with his vast experience.
What we didn't hear him say is I believe Casey Anthony is innocent and she will be vindicated when she gets her day in court.
Often what one does not say tells their deep thoughts.

He said he doesn't want anything to derail this case so therefore he will not be filing any bar complaints against Baez. If he felt the wrong person was being tried he wouldn't have been concerned over derailing Casey being prosecuted and possibly getting a fresh new do over with a new lawyer. Is that what you infer from that?
If he has shared with mom and pop what his take on these matters is, as he opined to Steph, I can imagine that very very busy bus heading his way in new morning show interviews. He has been around enough to know this. My hope is that he made some kind public remarks, but does indeed not show up in court to help them.
Brad, set the glass down and step away from the Kool-aide. Now, run, Don't walk.


This is a great interview of Mark. Now here we are again.

For Steph:

Yes, Steph, Cheney did say she will get a life sentence.
Twelve minute mark Brad explains he "May be called to the stand to testify to facts my clients disagree with". He said repeatedly the quid pro quo that Baez alleged was an absolutely untrue statement. Clearly then the authors of the letter , mom and pop, were lying too, or Baez would have a blank page as his exhibit.
Steph asked how did Brad resign. Brad answered, "The conversation was matter of fact. As an officer of the court my integrity is of utmost importance". Cindy and George were off the deep end. When they lied about others he likely tried but failed in getting through to them. Now it was personal, lying about him was the "Last straw". ( His word, not mine ).

Recently we learned through the WHY letter from pop that he was no fan of the Cheney and Jose who had summoned him to inform him of Casey's sexual abuse allegations. We know from reading Cindy's letters that , at best, she thinks the pair of them have been handling Casey's case all wrong and she could do it better. So for her to go along with this nonsense and write a letter that she knows is going to wind up in a legal document, that contains what he deems to be lies that involve him and reflect poorly on his ethics, his good standing with the bar, he implied he had no choice but to bail. None whatsoever. The Anthonys effectively spat in his face, imo. Tim Miller was so right when he said every single person that has gotten involved in this case gets body slammed.

As for him working pro bono, in my opinion the three grand he received hardly would suffice to cover his fees for nineteen months of time. He has had to have his paralegal and secretary do work on this matter and he pays their salaries. That is just one of many fees a lawyer pays that are outside of donating his or her time. My husband does pro bono work and indeed does charge the clients for costs. That is reasonable; because, just ordering the transcripts from depositions can cost hundreds of dollars. Think of it like this, if your friend agrees to put in your new kitchen tile floor, you would obviously not expect him to purchase the tile, right? So Brad wasn't lying, imo, that he worked on the case all this time without compensation.

There is plenty of things that he has done that I do not agree with, AT ALL. This just isn't one of them. Can you just imagine how very often he got a call from Cindy with her ever present historyonic emergency needs. I couldn't put a price tag on it. With a guilty verdict looming, there will be appeals well into the future and so for his sake I know he will be relieved that he found a jumping out point.

He said he knows Judge Perry and what to expect from him, having practiced law there for years and years. I had never studied Brad, I did mistakenly belive, that he was a newbie just by the completely crazy notions the Anthonys walked into the civil depo with and how they acted throughout them. The young attorney in the Morgan and Mitnick firm that was questioning Cindy was shocked. He said something to the affect of ...Brad, come on, you know the rules, for your edification today I can cite them, or do you want to take a break and speak to your client?

What I was happy to hear Brad say or elude to is the nanny never materialized." I wouldn't put any stock in that", he said.
Kronk simply found the baby's skeleton, that ship wont sail. "Everyone has a past", Brad said.
Mom and Pop have made conflicting statements to police that potentially they will be impeached by, for example George's grand jury account ventures far afield from his later sworn statements.
He laughed at the question Steph posed...Will Jose remain on the case?
He believes that Mason will take charge ( he is already lead chair ) and he will do the best he can with his vast experience.
What we didn't hear him say is I believe Casey Anthony is innocent and she will be vindicated when she gets her day in court.
Often what one does not say tells their deep thoughts.

He said he doesn't want anything to derail this case so therefore he will not be filing any bar complaints against Baez. If he felt the wrong person was being tried he wouldn't have been concerned over derailing Casey being prosecuted and possibly getting a fresh new do over with a new lawyer. Is that what you infer from that?
If he has shared with mom and pop what his take on these matters is, as he opined to Steph, I can imagine that very very busy bus heading his way in new morning show interviews. He has been around enough to know this. My hope is that he made some kind public remarks, but does indeed not show up in court to help them.
Brad, set the glass down and step away from the Kool-aide. Now, run, Don't walk.


This is a great interview of Mark. Now here we are again.

I agree with your take on this. I think he tried to help them out. I think he did succeed in reigning them in a little. I think he may very well have helped prevent or stave off charges against CA. He mentioned having several conversations with SA about it. He clearly thinks JB is er um incomeptent and that the zanny story is absurd. He is kind about CAs crazy Caylee is alive mantra. He is at the end of his rope and being dragged into the ridiculous mud slinging was the last straw.
BC is much smoother than I thought he was....that's not to say he can get one past we the Websleuths...But he was quite natural in his answers.
In one sense, I know I saw BC try to do the right thing on a couple of occasions to no avail (LKL, when CA lied about the diary and BC tried to correct the false accusation she made-she just talked over him)...on the other hand, he is fibbing as I write:

BC says his clients have nothing to do with his stepping down-Uh, correct me if I am wrong, but his client is the one that penned the lying garbage that JB used as his latest exhibit in his motion re: NeJame. So how is it that his clients did not force his hand?

Furthermore, between me, BC and the wall-It's pretty uncomfortable working in the same building with John Morgan when your client calls him a drunken slug. Don't want to catch the elevator with him after that...

A little disappointed with Steph, I had hoped Steph would have thrown a few more hardballs and a few less booty-smooches. BC had his own agenda for going on the show, so Steph really did not have to accomodate him as much as he did.
FWIW, PA after an attorney's name stands for Professional Association, PC stands for Professional Corporation, LLC - Limited Liability Corp. I am sure JB had to change the name because he changed his filing status, perhaps he incorporated his business to protect his personal assets. It is very common, and nothing hinky about doing this.
He told the media how the A's haven't lied about anything. He told the media that there was no duct tape. Brad is a liar. The monies he recieved for brokering the media deal is just the tip of the iceburg and he knows it. He has enabled the A's to continue their pathetic denial tour. He is just as much a media *advertiser censored* as the rest of them. I'm sick of people like him that think they are smarter than the rest of us by giving a few tid bits of information that he knows the public wants to hear and then expects to become the hero. A hero would have stopped the A's in the beginning. A hero would have instilled some respect for the deposition process to his clients. A hero would stop the A's finger pointing and conspiracy theories involving LE. A hero would have persued justice for Caylee. He is no hero. Barf

Quote Respect coco puff :cool2:

ITA. Great post. :thumb:
Part of the problem I think is that attorneys seem to believe they are saving the world, fighting the good fight, like Mason said "helping the poor", etc, as if they are to be lauded as defenders of truth and justice. Of course not all are that way...but you can hardly see an ad (why are they advertising anyway?) without all the symbolism - the scales of justice, lady justice, the noble symbols like some coat of arms from thousands of years ago, meant to imply that we mere mortals are witnessing an age old tradition, far above our understanding and position in life - and therefore we should be intimidated and in awe of these amazing people we call lawyers.

Maybe if they didn't put that image out there and always seem to try to impart some mystical element to what they do, which is largely game playing and manipulation, people wouldn't try to see them in black and white terms? I don't know - I just wish that society would have the same fascination with people who do real good on a daily basis.

Respectfully Quoted Horace Finklestein :cool2:

Wow. What a super duper great post. Every single word is perfect. I bolded my favorite part but the whole post is wonderful. I was one of those people who thought there was a true code going on with lawyers, that they had to follow strict codes of conduct and keep their honor...

I am growing up on Websleuths! When I hear other adults say...hey, it's what's done...none one expects people to be a "hero"...I realize in a flash why the world is the way it is. Speaking the truth, and only the truth(and when you can't then keep your mouth closed) would be the first thing "adults" could do to help the world. When do we ever need to lie? Only when we have done something wrong. It's amazing we will spank children for lying but most adults make a living from lying, or excuse me...stretching the truth.

Why do we tell children not to lie?

There is being a human being or not being human and it has nothing to do with religion. IMHO. Do unto others as you would have done to you. Mr. C sure did not like false ideas, words, allegations(whatever), anything false being thought or said about him...yet he had no problem standing by while his clients threw innocent people out to be accused of MURDER.
If Mr. C can laugh at the idea of "Zanny the Nanny" I am glad because someone needs to get a good laugh out of this case... :sick:

Boo! Brad Conway. Boo! He is just as gross as the rest of them, says he's still going to stick by George and Cindy. Birds of a feather... :snooty:

BC is much smoother than I thought he was....that's not to say he can get one past we the Websleuths...But he was quite natural in his answers.
In one sense, I know I saw BC try to do the right thing on a couple of occasions to no avail (LKL, when CA lied about the diary and BC tried to correct the false accusation she made-she just talked over him)...on the other hand, he is fibbing as I write:

BC says his clients have nothing to do with his stepping down-Uh, correct me if I am wrong, but his client is the one that penned the lying garbage that JB used as his latest exhibit in his motion re: NeJame. So how is it that his clients did not force his hand?

Furthermore, between me, BC and the wall-It's pretty uncomfortable working in the same building with John Morgan when your client calls him a drunken slug. Don't want to catch the elevator with him after that...

A little disappointed with Steph, I had hoped Steph would have thrown a few more hardballs and a few less booty-smooches. BC had his own agenda for going on the show, so Steph really did not have to accomodate him as much as he did.

I agree! BC only tells his UNTRUTHS in a soft-spoken, more palatible manner than say, Cindy, for example ... but he is still lying nonetheless and I find his manner to be very manipulative. I hate that! Don't smooth talk me, and expect me to be too stupid to realize you are lying. It is dishonesty at it's core, just wearing a different face. IMO

Regardless of the fact that he could not control his doberman-on-a-lunge-line client -- BC did enough lying on his own, along with enabling of the doberman. Dr. G's autopsy report had just been released, and was CLEAR about the duct tape around the skull, and in Caylee's hair -- yet BC, himself (not Cindy) went on national TV two days later and said there was no duct tape in the hair and probably not wrapped around the skull. That is intentional deception and an intentional effort to soften the horror towards Inmate Anthony, which the public felt when they learned that information.

BC only resigned when his back was against the wall, and he felt he actually had no other choice. I give him no respect for that. He is not even being honest in his resignation, by blaming it completely on JB, when it was Cindy who caused the problem to start with.
The World According
"He said he doesn't want anything to derail this case so therefore he will not be filing any bar complaints against Baez. If he felt the wrong person was being tried he wouldn't have been concerned over derailing Casey being prosecuted and possibly getting a fresh new do over with a new lawyer. Is that what you infer from that?"

What I take from BC not filing a Bar complaint, as any officer of the Court would normally be obligated to do, when they have personal knowledge of wrongdoing by another attorney, is that BC does not have the courage to rock the boat that much. He has to live and work in the area. He does not want the Anthonys furious with him, and does not want anything to spoil his future book deal with them.

As for derailing the case ... I don't see it, when Inmate Anthony has two other highly qualified attorneys on her case (and possibly a third with that woman attorney who recently visited her in jail). JB is not even death penalty qualified.

In essence, BC is allowing JB to get away with something that BC KNOWS is wrong, simply because this is a high profile (high profit) case. Where are the ethics and honor in that?
I keep asking myself, what did Brad accomplish? He made a deal for the A's to sell pictures of their granddaughter. What else? hhhmm, he flew with the A's around the country to be on TV. Let's see, what else? Just like Ms. Lyons. They flocked to the circus, got their names out there and accomplished NOTHING in the name of justice for Caylee. How dare Brad tell us that he is STILL trying to find the truth about what happend to Caylee! When did he start?

EXACTLY! and to add to that ... I do not give BC credit for Cindy's softer image with her hair and clothing and tone of voice and witness testimony delivery ... that was ALL the efforts of her MEDIA coach, Jim L. He is the one who instructed her to tone it down, if she hopes to ever have a chance at media opportunities in the future.
Exactly, ThinkTank,on both of your posts - so once more for me - who doesn't understand - what exactly did Brad accomplish during those 19 months as the Anthony lawyer?
No no no...he did not tell her that then. He told her that during a state deposition. We heard audio on that one but no video...The state was setting them up for the kill on the sale of Caylee items and that was when he shut her down...rudely...

Argh, I swear ... just when I thought I was keeping up.... this went right past me! When, where is this audio? Totally flew right by me.
The World According
"He said he doesn't want anything to derail this case so therefore he will not be filing any bar complaints against Baez. If he felt the wrong person was being tried he wouldn't have been concerned over derailing Casey being prosecuted and possibly getting a fresh new do over with a new lawyer. Is that what you infer from that?"

What I take from BC not filing a Bar complaint, as any officer of the Court would normally be obligated to do, when they have personal knowledge of wrongdoing by another attorney, is that BC does not have the courage to rock the boat that much. He has to live and work in the area. He does not want the Anthonys furious with him, and does not want anything to spoil his future book deal with them.

As for derailing the case ... I don't see it, when Inmate Anthony has two other highly qualified attorneys on her case (and possibly a third with that woman attorney who recently visited her in jail). JB is not even death penalty qualified.

In essence, BC is allowing JB to get away with something that BC KNOWS is wrong, simply because this is a high profile (high profit) case. Where are the ethics and honor in that?


I disagree. I haven't heard of a single attorney or legal 'talking head' in the Orlando legal community that has an ounce of respect for Baez. Considering the false allegations, I don't believe filing a bar complaint would hurt BC's relationship with his collegues. However, he is correct that IF (and that is a BIG "IF") the FL Bar found reason to suspend or revoke JB'S license before this case goes to trial, I believe the defense actually would have a viable argument in requesting a delay. Delay, delay, delay - the defense's best strategy. Though she has CM, he is still fairly new to the defense team and does not have as close a relationship with KC. Baez has been with Casey from the get-go. It is a roll of the dice on whether Judge Perry would grant the request, but it is certainly a possibility. I know HHJP wants this case to stay on track in re. the schedule, but he would have to seriously consider such a request.

In re. "he doesn't want the Anthonys furious with him" - too late for that. I am pretty positive that happened the day Conway chose to support and affirm CA's arch nemesis Nejame instead of going along with her lies about the conditions she and Baez falsely claim were imposed - signing the waiver while under duress - so that MN would allow BC to review the TES docs. Once again, CA pushed too far assuming BC would go along with the lie. On CA's scorecard, Conway shifted from advocate to enemy when he choose to back Nejame.
And yet Cindy, in her deposition, said they "had" to give Brad $3000.

Somebody speaking with forked tongue. Again.

Could be for court costs or other expenses, i.e., copies, subpoenas, service of process, etc. Very few attorneys are able to donate services plus all costs, and this is a highly active case with many factors/docs/attorneys. Basically, a money pit.
Exactly, ThinkTank,on both of your posts - so once more for me - who doesn't understand - what exactly did Brad accomplish during those 19 months as the Anthony lawyer?

Well, so far, they have yet to be criminally charged with obstruction of justice, accessory to a crime, tampering with evidence, lying to LE, etc... Not sure that is due to Conway's advice or the SA's compassion for them as the grandparents of a murdered child. Probably both. But, it cannot be discounted that Conway was advising them during that time.
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