2010.09.14 - Defense Team News Conference

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i wonder if it has something to do witht this:

Murder Docket Updated:

09/13/2010 Notice of Filing Affidavits of Service

I know what the Affidavits of Service is but I am wondering who got served and just what sort of papers they were served. Could the defense, on behalf of KC, sue Yuri Melich personally?
Could he have been a teensy bit jealous that Yuri frequented WS?

(And for whoever is reading here, by "frequented", I mean, came by for a visit. The only thing he "discussed" was his motorcycle accident.)
Since JVM directed all of her viewers to Websleuths regarding YM 'blogging'..I think the thread should be stickied front and center and renamed "Det. YURI MELICH POSTED HERE, SEE FOR YOURSELF" and let the viewers see for themselves what he posted about, which was NOTHING about the case. He is free to read anything, anywhere, case-related or not, and is free to 'blog' anywhere he wants, as long as it is not about a case he is working on! Arrrrgh. These talking heads obviously didn't even read what he 'blogged'.
Perhaps this news conference is so Jose Baez can formally announce that an eyewitness has come forward who will completely exhonerate Casey Anthony from any culpability in the death of Caylee?

Who is this new eyewitness?

Well, Curtis Jackson....you know, the guy whose letter to the jail inquiring about Casey Anthony's inmate #, address, attorneys contact information was just filed in the Case Docket (provided by MM)

Guess Jose just hasn't spent the time figuring out yet that Mr. Jackson has been in prison IN MICHIGAN since 1999.....

Well, there IS a Michigan connection though.

MARK HAWKIN'S exwife/ex-girlfriend of one LEE ANTHONY......

So, perhaps whoever this Mr. Jackson is has some inside info, or, the defense is getting their panties in a wad because of this new upcoming document release, and we are FINALLY going to see some stuff from Hawkins and maybe his ex.
Family members etc?

Something is about to hit the fan though, cause the last time that Jose held a press conferance is when his main client was stopped under an overpass and taken to jail.

Way early on the case, one of the first doc dumps contained IM's and some text messages, e-mails etc between Casey and Mark Hawkin's.
IMO, Mark seemed to be very honestly taken with Casey in those, having mentioned that he had even spoken to his mother recently about Casey and their getting back together. And, she seemed to act in the same manner, excited and happy ~ though she later tells him that she has something to tell him, but wants to do so in person.

WHOA ~~~~ what if this press conferance is to create confussion, cause "maybe" Mark Hawkin's IS Caylee's father, and, he is gonna take the entire Anthony Clan to the cleaners over a wrongfull death ~!!!!!

Whatever it is that they are going to chew and spit out, this document dump must be out of this world.

As far as "blaming Yuri", for whatever, Jose and the state have known practically from the get-go that Yuri spent some time here.
But it was very limited, and, he never crossed any lines.
So, the Yuri puff of smoke is just that, a distraction and this is the best they can come up with.

The other chatter has been "cell phone pings".....well, we will see.....

My money at this time is going with the long shot = something about Hawkin's is going to be coming around the corner, and they have to distract.

They are pretty predictable in that manner....

With this letter from an inmate in Michigan, just makes my mind go to Hawkin's.
So, maybe this Jackson inmate knows the Hawkin's, or, someone that knows them that have talked????
Interesting, dontch ya think????

{PS - I HOPE this goes through - it has taken forever for the screen to even come up and if I've "lost this post", oh man, that loud noise in the midwest will be ME ~!!}
Since JVM directed all of her viewers to Websleuths regarding YM 'blogging'..I think the thread should be stickied front and center and renamed "Det. YURI MELICH POSTED HERE, SEE FOR YOURSELF" and let the viewers see for themselves what he posted about, which was NOTHING about the case. He is free to read anything, anywhere, case-related or not, and is free to 'blog' anywhere he wants, as long as it is not about a case he is working on! Arrrrgh. These talking heads obviously didn't even read what he 'blogged'.

I agree but that would assume folks who want to know the 'real facts' rather than the scandal, speculation and, headlines (viewer numbers) = ads and $$$$.

I find HLN more and more focused on agenda-based quick hits of scandal as entertainment rather than any news reporting (both sides). Tabloid reporting.
Since JVM directed all of her viewers to Websleuths regarding YM 'blogging'..I think the thread should be stickied front and center and renamed "Det. YURI MELICH POSTED HERE, SEE FOR YOURSELF" and let the viewers see for themselves what he posted about, which was NOTHING about the case. He is free to read anything, anywhere, case-related or not, and is free to 'blog' anywhere he wants, as long as it is not about a case he is working on! Arrrrgh. These talking heads obviously didn't even read what he 'blogged'.
...and for all we know...every single one of the defense team has been on here in one form (name) or another. Gimme a break. We're talking about the murder of a 2 year old little girl named Caylee Marie. More nonsense, IMO. I wish JB would just move this case along.
Since JVM directed all of her viewers to Websleuths regarding YM 'blogging'..I think the thread should be stickied front and center and renamed "Det. YURI MELICH POSTED HERE, SEE FOR YOURSELF" and let the viewers see for themselves what he posted about, which was NOTHING about the case. He is free to read anything, anywhere, case-related or not, and is free to 'blog' anywhere he wants, as long as it is not about a case he is working on! Arrrrgh. These talking heads obviously didn't even read what he 'blogged'.


Aha. I wondered why my connection kept getting tied up trying to access the site tonight. Thanks for the mention, JVM. One can only hope and trust that the guests visiting are following links and finding info not only on Caylee's case but on other cases near and dear to them.
Personally, I couldn't care less if Mason left JB, I don't see him as either a help or a hindrance to the case w/Casey.

Bold mine.

I agree...let's get rid of Mason and get someone in there that can be understood by us during trial, and that also can hear! *rolleyes*
So I wonder if YM 'blogging' is at the heart of what the defense claims is 'new evidence'.. afterall, carp did seem to hit the fan as soon as the SA handed over YM's hard drive info.
I don't think the document dump being pushed back a week and this press conference are simply a coincidence. Maybe they have convinced Casey that she'll do less time and serve it in a better facility if she goes with an insanity defense. Given the choice of innocence (not guilty) or crazy surely the defense has a better chance of proving she's crazy as opposed to innocent.
So I wonder if YM 'blogging' is at the heart of what the defense claims is 'new evidence'.. afterall, carp did seem to hit the fan as soon as the SA handed over YM's hard drive info.

Still holding out for "change of plea."

YM never "blogged" about this case.
Yes, I know. There's other stuff there too. I linked it mainly to show how the defense might use certain things to try to get rid of Melich. That's exactly how they work, take false and misleading information and try to discredit the fact that Casey killed her daughter (fact is my opinion).

But Melich is not like HHJS, or attempts to discredit one of the prosecutors. They cannot get rid of Melich. He is going to be there at trial. The best they can hope to do is to discredit him somewhat or call his motives into question. But he cannot go away or disapear. And that rather long tape from Universal with KC lying and lying and lying to him about where Caylee is, and what happened to her, and where she worked, and Zanny and on and on. Well no amount of lost or late delivered pieces of paper will undo that.

And if they did have something to actually use at trial against Melich, why the hell would they dump it in the press now? What possible strategic reason would they have for doing so? At best they may get a couple of obscure and tertiary pieces of evidence tossed for spurious reasons. But the real hard stuff, that Universal Interview, it's coming in. Melichs statements about the dead body smell. They try and claim he lied? Ummm his observations back up the perp's own mothers statements.

This is going to be another Baez Dog and Pony show with nothing but nastiness and hints of misdeads and a poor innocent mother. uh huh! Bet a dollar on it.

One would hope that the defense has a slightly deeper plan then "do what Cochrane did, build a snappy mnemonic and accuse a cop of corruption"! About the only silver lining in what will surely be an infuriating and insane morning news conference is that if he does go after YM, or some of the other LE players, he will have likely entered into a fight he cannot win. In most courts and in most state bars, they have learned from the famous OJ case. And they have been reeling with the liberties taken against law enforcement officers in the courtroom by defendants. Many, especially in the south, take accusations said against police very seriously. If you speak such you had best be prepared to show a full blown and accurate presentation of evidence before the judge. And a judge addressing such accusations is almost never the defenses friend. Alot of state bars are trying to dial back the tactics used against individual LE for fear of the litigational and judicial butt kicking that will eventually be coming down the pipe,
The spin starts here .....

This is just an opportunity to make a [fake] revelation about the belated discovery (that LDB informed JB about) as well as YM's deposition to both portray that they have 'new' information that is significant and needs 'investigating', as well as was not investigated by LE -- since YM was totally focused on ICA and not these other perps.

This is the best opportunity yet that the Defense have had to cause a seachange in opinion, they don't have anything but they are going to play it for all it is worth ... and then some.

Sheesh! Spin ... spin ... spin.

I think this is exactly what the defense intends to do at tomorrow's news conference. I hope that Kathi Belich is there...someone needs to email her and tell her to ask why Jose's website still says he has won 32 out of 34 trials, after the Bar told him to take it off his website. :banghead::furious:
So I wonder if YM 'blogging' is at the heart of what the defense claims is 'new evidence'.. afterall, carp did seem to hit the fan as soon as the SA handed over YM's hard drive info.

Surely Yuri didn't use his police equipment computer for personal use such as at home blogging?
Since JVM directed all of her viewers to Websleuths regarding YM 'blogging'..I think the thread should be stickied front and center and renamed "Det. YURI MELICH POSTED HERE, SEE FOR YOURSELF" and let the viewers see for themselves what he posted about, which was NOTHING about the case. He is free to read anything, anywhere, case-related or not, and is free to 'blog' anywhere he wants, as long as it is not about a case he is working on! Arrrrgh. These talking heads obviously didn't even read what he 'blogged'.

I was just thinking the same thing! I remember that thread when Yuri was on sick leave after falling off his motorcycle and breaking his leg. When we heard about his accident, we all posted about how sorry we were to hear he was hurt and sent our best wishes for speedy healing. I think everyone here was surprised when Yuri popped in on the thread to thank everyone for the get well wishes. That's all it was!

I agree.............that thread should be an easy-to-find sticky so people looking for it could find it. I also think a copy of that thread should be sent to JVM and NG, just so they have the truth in their hands and not some sort of wild guessing that YM was actually blogging about the case.
Well, there IS a Michigan connection though.

MARK HAWKIN'S exwife/ex-girlfriend of one LEE ANTHONY......

So, perhaps whoever this Mr. Jackson is has some inside info, or, the defense is getting their panties in a wad because of this new upcoming document release, and we are FINALLY going to see some stuff from Hawkins and maybe his ex.
Family members etc?

Something is about to hit the fan though, cause the last time that Jose held a press conferance is when his main client was stopped under an overpass and taken to jail.

Way early on the case, one of the first doc dumps contained IM's and some text messages, e-mails etc between Casey and Mark Hawkin's.
IMO, Mark seemed to be very honestly taken with Casey in those, having mentioned that he had even spoken to his mother recently about Casey and their getting back together. And, she seemed to act in the same manner, excited and happy ~ though she later tells him that she has something to tell him, but wants to do so in person.

WHOA ~~~~ what if this press conferance is to create confussion, cause "maybe" Mark Hawkin's IS Caylee's father, and, he is gonna take the entire Anthony Clan to the cleaners over a wrongfull death ~!!!!!

Whatever it is that they are going to chew and spit out, this document dump must be out of this world.

As far as "blaming Yuri", for whatever, Jose and the state have known practically from the get-go that Yuri spent some time here.
But it was very limited, and, he never crossed any lines.
So, the Yuri puff of smoke is just that, a distraction and this is the best they can come up with.

The other chatter has been "cell phone pings".....well, we will see.....

My money at this time is going with the long shot = something about Hawkin's is going to be coming around the corner, and they have to distract.

They are pretty predictable in that manner....

With this letter from an inmate in Michigan, just makes my mind go to Hawkin's.
So, maybe this Jackson inmate knows the Hawkin's, or, someone that knows them that have talked????
Interesting, dontch ya think????

{PS - I HOPE this goes through - it has taken forever for the screen to even come up and if I've "lost this post", oh man, that loud noise in the midwest will be ME ~!!}

Yeah, with the exception of when you look up the record of this inmate on the prison website and see the various charges he is doing time for (this time), I personally don't get the impression that he and the Hawkins ran in the same crowd, kwim? This guys record is pretty impressive..

And an interesting little side note.....

Prior to the troubles related to his recent imprisonment, he was charged with SENDING THREATENING MAIL COMMUNICATIONS (interesting in itself) but the arrest warrant was returned unserved (assuming he was already on the run)..

He is also in a much older age group than Mark B or his ex-wife...

But ya never know! :dance:
I think this is exactly what the defense intends to do at tomorrow's news conference. I hope that Kathi Belich is there...someone needs to email her and tell her to ask why Jose's website still says he has won 32 out of 34 trials, after the Bar told him to take it off his website. :banghead::furious:

Ooh! I think I missed that or forgot. What is that about? Is he misrepresenting himself?
Regarding my recent post, #103, and Yuri's hard drive being looked into ~ There again, it may lead back to something in regards to Hawkin's. Notes, personal thoughts of Yuri's, etc.

Yuri DID go out to California and interview Mark Hawkin's ~ Just saying.
I really, really think that this is all smoke blowing, and they are using Yuri as their fire for the next document dump, which WILL {hopefully} have something about Hawkin's. {IMO and pleeeeeese}

They really need to stop gargling in the bong water......they are to easy to read.
So I wonder if YM 'blogging' is at the heart of what the defense claims is 'new evidence'.. afterall, carp did seem to hit the fan as soon as the SA handed over YM's hard drive info.

Where did you see that it was turned over?
Thanks nums and PattyG for the JVM links. I see now they are talking about cell phone pings and new witnesses?? Something the state held onto since 2008?
PattyG, that was so precious! Happy weekend. What a sweetie!!!
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