2010.09.21 Doc release: Interview - Joe Jordan

Am I reading this right? Prosecutors feel the new information regarding Joe Jordan's illegal interview with Casey Anthony's defense team investigator Buchanan helps put the story together of what happened to Caylee.

:waitasec: I wonder where the interview is regarding what was said by the person who was working with the defense team? If the prosecution feels this will help their case it must be pretty damming info IMO. Anyone found the interview yet? Or has that portion not been released? TIA

I just read the same thing and someone's gone haywire with that line - I don't see how they can say that. But Laura B. had better have her answers ready.
Why would a search volunteer be asking George about the incest rumors. Seems like too many volunteers get way too involved when they should just be simply searching and doing it right.
Hmm, well one thing we know is Baez creates a big hoopla in the media, just before something is coming out in a document that makes him look bad, or has information in it that isn't favorable to the defense.

Is this what it is? Laura B. working with the Baez team, trying to get Joe Jordan to say something different than what happened? The media is going to run with this one, and of course Baez denied it.

However if the OCSD is investigating it, is this a gotcha moment for Baez?

By the way, I didn't see any smirk on Baez face when he was interviewed in Tennessee. I loved the way Mason said they were going to question the scientists and pick apart what they had to say to him about their methods of testing. Mason can't even say a whole sentence that makes sense, how is he going to question a scientist and his/her methods?

That's an even sillier concept than - say - me trying to have a conversation with Joypath! And by the way, in that clip, Baez looked like he'd lost his lunch.
They (defense & LB, DC, etc) wanted JJ to go along with them & say their paperwork is accurate & he's saying it's not.... so LE is saying... oh, so there's falsified TES documents out there right? that the defense has that wasn't turned in daily, as required.... & their forms for a time could be downloaded from online..... so anyone could of gotten a hold of one & filled it in however they wish...... right???? LOL

When I "think" I know what's going on, I second guess myself & think,.... oh, no way peeps would be crazy enough to do that....lol
They (defense & LB, DC, etc) wanted JJ to go along with them & say their paperwork is accurate & he's saying it's not.... so LE is saying... oh, so there's falsified TES documents out there right? that the defense has that wasn't turned in daily, as required.... & their forms for a time could be downloaded from online..... so anyone could of gotten a hold of one & filled it in however they wish...... right???? LOL

When I "think" I know what's going on, I second guess myself & think,.... oh, no way peeps would be crazy enough to do that....lol

It hasn't been confimed that there are falsified docs out there as far as I know. But JJ told LE he was suspicious if an attempt to falsify docs was being made. LE has checked into it.

TM told LE that in a search this size it would be possible for forms to go away with people, for copies to be made and for people to get their hands on forms. LE has gathered the forms of LB, JJ and DI and are looking into it. That's what I conclude from this doc dump. I haven't read LE's conclusion.
maybe this will be what finally sinks Baez ship, nothing has worked so far. I hope he doesn't get away with this like he has everything else. I bet this is why JB has been throwing such a fit about the TES documents, he wanted to sneak this form in those papers and claim he found it and it had been there the whole time. I bet LE gave MN and TM aheads up about this before hand.
It hasn't been confimed that there are falsified docs out there as far as I know. But JJ told LE he was suspicious if an attempt to falsify docs was being made. LE has checked into it.

TM told LE that in a search this size it would be possible for forms to go away with people, for copies to be made and for people to get their hands on forms. LE has gathered the forms of LB, JJ and DI and are looking into it. That's what I conclude from this doc dump. I haven't read LE's conclusion.

I have a vague memory of LDB mentioning something about a document LB gave to Baez's investigator that was not part of their (the SA's) documentation. Some kind of a TES document - I didn't pay too much attention to that at the time, anyone else remember that?
Hmm, well one thing we know is Baez creates a big hoopla in the media, just before something is coming out in a document that makes him look bad, or has information in it that isn't favorable to the defense.

Is this what it is? Laura B. working with the Baez team, trying to get Joe Jordan to say something different than what happened? The media is going to run with this one, and of course Baez denied it.

However if the OCSD is investigating it, is this a gotcha moment for Baez?

By the way, I didn't see any smirk on Baez face when he was interviewed in Tennessee. I loved the way Mason said they were going to question the scientists and pick apart what they had to say to him about their methods of testing. Mason can't even say a whole sentence that makes sense, how is he going to question a scientist and his/her methods?

That's an even sillier concept than - say - me trying to have a conversation with Joypath! And by the way, in that clip, Baez looked like he'd lost his lunch.

Hehe - maybe they told JB that in the fields was the only place they could meet for the depo! That would be a hoot!
JMO..I don't see how anyone could walk off with the document. When we were there we had to fill it out at the table and hand it to the people working the table along with our ID. There was no place to make a copy of it. At least this was the way it was at the 2nd search. We were in a field. The document at one time could be downloaded off TES website.
So is JJ saying LBuchanan said she was a Kentucky LEO? Isn't she a blogger from New Jersey?

I think from blogs at the time it was found that she was in the Fish and Wild Life service, I don't know her job title..... but I think that by telling people down in Orlando that she was in Law Enforcement she was expecting them to assume she was in the Police...
Oon't know about ya'll but I hate liars, I don't like any of the Anthony's lying----but if any of these allegations about trying to falsify TES' s search reports are true I'll go fricking ballistic!!! This is the murder of a young, innocent child!!! Ignoring all the evidence that supports Casey's guilt------I hope the future jurors will stop to think what kind of mom doesn't report her child missing for 30 days, That fact alone convinced me Casey murdered her daughter,
Oon't know about ya'll but I hate liars, I don't like any of the Anthony's lying----but if any of these allegations about trying to falsify TES' s search reports are true I'll go fricking ballistic!!! This is the murder of a young, innocent child!!! Ignoring all the evidence that supports Casey's guilt------I hope the future jurors will stop to think what kind of mom doesn't report her child missing for 30 days, That fact alone convinced me Casey murdered her daughter,

I think I am confused about something in regards to LauraB-Was she actually working with JB/Mort, etc., or was she lying abuot that, too? I know she prolly wasn't a KY LEO and that she was lying about searching with TES, but was she lying about calling from Baez's office?
Is there a possiblity they recruited her? If so, and it is remote, I have to wonder if anything was said by the defense in front of this woman, who is not bound by any professional privilege, that could cook KC...or maybe something said by CA that CA got from Baez-While that is hearsay, CA can be asked directly on the stand if she said something incriminating.
JMO..I don't see how anyone could walk off with the document. When we were there we had to fill it out at the table and hand it to the people working the table along with our ID. There was no place to make a copy of it. At least this was the way it was at the 2nd search. We were in a field. The document at one time could be downloaded off TES website.

Tim said in the interview I listened to today that at the end of each day people were supposed to turn their search sheets into the office but there were so many people there it was hard to keep track of all the forms and no one would have known if someone didn't turn theirs in.

So I suppose if you were in a really busy area with people signing up with their ID, would it have been easy for someone to pick up one and be accidently handed another one by one of the leaders or organizers - fill out one and palm the other?

Can someone who was there answer if that was possible?
I have a vague memory of LDB mentioning something about a document LB gave to Baez's investigator that was not part of their (the SA's) documentation. Some kind of a TES document - I didn't pay too much attention to that at the time, anyone else remember that?

Yes. At the very last hearing, LDB told the judge she had to stop a depo b/c the deponent had presented a TES doc that did not match the docs in states evidence.
And, iirc, this was a doc that didn't match TES records either. This was a depo she had to travel out of state for.

ETA: It's in part 2 of the hearing, towards the end. JB didn't look too happy at that point. I'm going to go look for the link and re-watch to see if it was LB. ( I think it was)
No wonder Mortimer has faded away into the background. Sounds like they created their 'evidence' possibly.. And all the media campaigning Baez has done in the last year about TES 'witholding information'.. yep. They didn't go to MN's office to look at the docs because there was nothing there they needed.. they already forged what they wanted.
Unscrupulous. If LE can snake the varmits out in this scenario, I hope charges will come.
And, iirc, this was a doc that didn't match TES records either. This was a depo she had to travel out of state for.

ETA: It's in part 2 of the hearing, towards the end. JB didn't look too happy at that point. I'm going to go look for the link and re-watch to see if it was LB. ( I think it was)
Laura Buchanan?
No wonder Mortimer has faded away into the background. Sounds like they created their 'evidence' possibly.. And all the media campaigning Baez has done in the last year about TES 'witholding information'.. yep. They didn't go to MN's office to look at the docs because there was nothing there they needed.. they already forged what they wanted.
Unscrupulous. If LE can snake the varmits out in this scenario, I hope charges will come.

Not to mention, JJ got the feeling Mort was asking very leading questions-plus the threat of exposing JJ's domestic relations issues that JJ felt looming.

What kind of PI does that sort of stuff, anyway? Well, okay besides DC and Mort...Isn't the point of being a PI to find out to truth and report to client? It's like hiring a PI to spy on your cheating spouse, and the PI comes back with photoshopped pics-Causes more harm than good and is pointless-Do they do this to justify their existence in this case? Go back to Chi-town, then Mort, and find a legit job.

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