2010.12.21 Stream of Motions - General Discussion

Okay, I've been a little out to lunch lately but.....does this mean all these newly filed motions have to be heard this week since JP is on vacation next week?!
Or am I confusing things here? :crazy:

If that's the case will we be in court at 5pm on the 23rd for a few hours?
who is BB please, I so wish we could use real names? sorry

Brian Burner, the neighbor from whom she borrowed the shovel. There is a lexicon somewhere on the site, jsut do a search for who's who. Sorry I can't find it for you right now dear, I'm heading to bed.
I agree. The fact that she had sexual relations with him the entire time Caylee was "missing" IS relevant IMO.

He'll testify about her waking up with nightmares a few times. Why will the jurors think she was sleeping in his bed? Or is that next?

I remember that ICA used to have Caylee in bed with some of her guys... was it either of these two?
I have to believe that these Motions in Limine are being filed at an "appropriate" time (although they also manage to detract from some other unfortunate defense moves). I recall Judge Perry, when discussing earlier motions in limine, that they should be heard closer to the trial.

Someone had mentioned upthread that Judge Perry had ruled that responses were only necessary if there was to be no hearing. Perhaps Cheney (and Baez) want responses so that the judge would rule on these without a hearing.

Somehow, I have a feeling we'll know if the State wants a hearing by their lack of reply.
I remember that ICA used to have Caylee in bed with some of her guys... was it either of these two?

Wasn't it Tony Lazzaro who said she could not be in their bed, and didn't all three sleep in R.M.'s bed?
^ Yes, Tony said his entire apartment was no place for Caylee (good on him BTW for calling it, most students apartments aren't a place for a two year old) .. and yes, she played 3 in-a-bed with Ricardo Morales.
Wasn't it Tony Lazzaro who said she could not be in their bed, and didn't all three sleep in R.M.'s bed?

I think you are correct. I remember reading/seeing TL's interview and he came across as a mostly responsible kind of guy regarding what Caylee shouldn't be around/see going on (pot smoking, ppl going & coming at all hours). He also seemed to be kinda freaked out about Casey getting so serious so quickly, IMO.
I have to believe that these Motions in Limine are being filed at an "appropriate" time (although they also manage to detract from some other unfortunate defense moves). I recall Judge Perry, when discussing earlier motions in limine, that they should be heard closer to the trial.

Someone had mentioned upthread that Judge Perry had ruled that responses were only necessary if there was to be no hearing. Perhaps Cheney (and Baez) want responses so that the judge would rule on these without a hearing.

Somehow, I have a feeling we'll know if the State wants a hearing by their lack of reply.

You mean like failing to file the Lee travel receipts or the info on Kronk? Could that be the reason for the filings right now?
I thought that Casey said she was willing to "lie, cheat, and steal" to protect Caylee? How in the world is the defense going to prove that if they get all the evidence of Casey lying and stealing thrown out?

If it does get thrown out :)rolling:) how are they going to prove Casey did anything to find Caylee? Because let's be honest, other than lying and stealing, Casey did NOTHING but play house-wifey for 31 days while her baby was "missing."

IMO, everything and anything that Casey did during the 31 days Caylee was "missing" is relevent! She can blame no one but herself for not even giving the appearance that she gave two-craps about Caylee. I could care less about all the pictures leading up to June 16th... anything after June 16th is relevent! I am sure that His Honor will agree!

Borrowing a shovel from a neighbor, when there is a usable shovel on the Anthony property, is a big deal, imo. It's especially a big deal because the cadaver dogs alerted in the backyard where Casey was tending to the bamboo shoots with that neighbors shovel.

The knife? I have never put to much thought into the knife. I have all kinds of stuff in my car... some stuff I probably don't know about, but if the defense is trying to get it thrown out... then Casey must want it thrown out for a reason, imo.

I don't have a problem with the defense trying to get things thrown out... it's their job. I just am happy that the majority of stuff that they want thrown out will not be thrown out because it is 100% relevent to the case against Casey Anthony.

Just as much as the defense has to be able to put on a defense for their client... the State has to make their case against their client... if everything the defense wants to be thrown out in this case got thrown out in every case, no one would ever be found guilty. It also shows, to me, that the defense literally has NOTHING else to go on. Which makes me smile!
I thought that Casey said she was willing to "lie, cheat, and steal" to protect Caylee? How in the world is the defense going to prove that if they get all the evidence of Casey lying and stealing thrown out?

If it does get thrown out :)rolling:) how are they going to prove Casey did anything to find Caylee? Because let's be honest, other than lying and stealing, Casey did NOTHING but play house-wifey for 31 days while her baby was "missing."

IMO, everything and anything that Casey did during the 31 days Caylee was "missing" is relevent! She can blame no one but herself for not even giving the appearance that she gave two-craps about Caylee. I could care less about all the pictures leading up to June 16th... anything after June 16th is relevent! I am sure that His Honor will agree!

Borrowing a shovel from a neighbor, when there is a usable shovel on the Anthony property, is a big deal, imo. It's especially a big deal because the cadaver dogs alerted in the backyard where Casey was tending to the bamboo shoots with that neighbors shovel.

The knife? I have never put to much thought into the knife. I have all kinds of stuff in my car... some stuff I probably don't know about, but if the defense is trying to get it thrown out... then Casey must want it thrown out for a reason, imo.

I don't have a problem with the defense trying to get things thrown out... it's their job. I just am happy that the majority of stuff that they want thrown out will not be thrown out because it is 100% relevent to the case against Casey Anthony.

Just as much as the defense has to be able to put on a defense for their client... the State has to make their case against their client... if everything the defense wants to be thrown out in this case got thrown out in every case, no one would ever be found guilty. It also shows, to me, that the defense literally has NOTHING else to go on. Which makes me smile!

Nooooo - she got a tattoo, stole some cheques, bought groceries and new underwear, went dirty dancing at that club, helped Tony look for a new apartment, washed his jeep, stole her dad's gas cans, dumped her car......she was quite busy....
Exactly!!! If the Defense are writing all of these noisy Motions to try to eliminate small fry ... given a mountain of circumstantial evidence against ICA ... then you can be very confident that there is no compelling story that we will all digest at trial and remark ... now I understand, now it makes sense. There is nothing.

The Defense would not waste precious time sweating this small stuff and trying to eliminate it _if_ they had something, anything. They got ... zilch.
Nooooo - she got a tattoo, stole some cheques, bought groceries and new underwear, went dirty dancing at that club, helped Tony look for a new apartment, washed his jeep, stole her dad's gas cans, dumped her car......she was quite busy....

Oh yes, that is right... I forgot Casey that was all part of Casey's "Looking for Caylee." Man I need to "Get with the script." Too bad it seems Casey misplaced that script... Was she told to flushy-flushy?
I thought that Casey said she was willing to "lie, cheat, and steal" to protect Caylee? How in the world is the defense going to prove that if they get all the evidence of Casey lying and stealing thrown out?

If it does get thrown out :)rolling:) how are they going to prove Casey did anything to find Caylee? Because let's be honest, other than lying and stealing, Casey did NOTHING but play house-wifey for 31 days while her baby was "missing."

IMO, everything and anything that Casey did during the 31 days Caylee was "missing" is relevent! She can blame no one but herself for not even giving the appearance that she gave two-craps about Caylee. I could care less about all the pictures leading up to June 16th... anything after June 16th is relevent! I am sure that His Honor will agree!

Borrowing a shovel from a neighbor, when there is a usable shovel on the Anthony property, is a big deal, imo. It's especially a big deal because the cadaver dogs alerted in the backyard where Casey was tending to the bamboo shoots with that neighbors shovel.

The knife? I have never put to much thought into the knife. I have all kinds of stuff in my car... some stuff I probably don't know about, but if the defense is trying to get it thrown out... then Casey must want it thrown out for a reason, imo.

I don't have a problem with the defense trying to get things thrown out... it's their job. I just am happy that the majority of stuff that they want thrown out will not be thrown out because it is 100% relevent to the case against Casey Anthony.

Just as much as the defense has to be able to put on a defense for their client... the State has to make their case against their client... if everything the defense wants to be thrown out in this case got thrown out in every case, no one would ever be found guilty. It also shows, to me, that the defense literally has NOTHING else to go on. Which makes me smile!

Trouble is everyone likely to testify would only have known Casey the LIAR. for at least the last two years of Caylee's life. Remember her, Casey with the fake job, fake nanny, fake office, fake boss, he's a hoot apparently....fake co-workers, Juliette, she's sub leasing her apartment dont ya know...fake income, fake bank account, fake trustfund for Caylee. :waitasec:

Baez will have to acquaint them with Muffin, stay at home mom, looking for Mr Right, who grifts her way through life.

Yep could get complicated keeping all those lies from the jury. :crazy:

Will never happen.....As J Perry has a habit of reminding this defense team you need to P.A.T.I.C.U.L.A.R.I.Z.E. Mr Baez.
They want the jury to believe that her own family supports her 100% and in no way shape or form would they, could they, ever believe that this most honorable and loving daughter committed this crime. That's why they want those remarks tossed. How this will have any bearing on what everyone else says is beyond me...perhaps they will find a reason for everyone "lying" about Casey.
You know, when I start thinking about this trial, and all the criss-cross of evidence and what could be testified to and/or will be testified to, my head just starts to buzz. And not in a good way.

I think I'd better rejoin my gym. I think I'm going to need to bulk up (in a good way) to have the stamina to stay on top of Baez's games at trial. Whew!

I just watched 3 episodes of "Disorder in the Court" in a row, (to get prepared).:innocent:
When the jury hears this it wont matter if boy number one, Ricardo was Wednesday and boy number two, Tony L. was Sundays and Thursdays. The state was never going to ask sex life questions, imo. only where it relates to her whereabouts.

The nuts and bolts are these lies, after lies after lies to LE. I couldn't care less about the sex questions. THe fact that she slept at men's houses, without Caylee, while she was allegedly searching for her is all that matters, it wouldn't matter if it was a bingo game and pizza sleep over. We had a happy go lucky Casey and NO CAYLEE, that is all that needs to be gained from how she spent her nights and with whom.

The defense underestimates what the prosecutors are going to focus on. Either that or they file all of these motions, for purely perfunctory reasons. This is not Linda or Jeff's first case. They know the rules. They have lived and worked under those rules for twenty years now.

If the jury hears her lying through her teeth to the detectives, it is over, imo.
They get her to admit, repeatedly, that she indeed is lying! You just can't make this stuff up.
The defense better hope for lesser common sense with the jury than what Judge Strickland thought of her lies!!!

We can expect many, many more motions before May. It is OK. Remain calm. They haven't learned much since their early misteps. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m65Rzc2LpFA[/ame]
MM you really do rock! Thanks so much for getting all these motions for us.. nice that we get them 1st.

Looks like they used a really bad cookie cutter when they did these... Not only do they have the same typos, they forgot the certificate of service on the first one so none of them have it. Wonder if they actually forgot to send the SA copies of these motions. Was there a contest for the most unprofessional motions today?
MM you really do rock! Thanks so much for getting all these motions for us.. nice that we get them 1st.

Looks like they used a really bad cookie cutter when they did these... Not only do they have the same typos, they forgot the certificate of service on the first one so none of them have it. Wonder if they actually forgot to send the SA copies of these motions. Was there a contest for the most unprofessional motions today?


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