2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

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Smith v. State , 873 So.2d 585 (Fla. 3rd DCA 2004)

Psychological history report and an addendum to that report prepared by defense team constituted opinion work product, and thus order requiring defense to disclose documents to prosecution would be quashed, where documents summarized witness statements, italicized certain portions, thus disclosing counsel's opinions and strategy.


The above is a cache version of the Smith vs State

FACDL - The Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Smith v. State , 873 So.2d 585 (Fla. 3rd DCA 2004) Psychological history report and an addendum to that report prepared by defense team constituted opinion work product, and ...

www.facdl.org/MembersOnly/CaseLaw/2004/SeptemberOctober/Printable.html · Cached

The above is for members only, so I can't get in to read it..JMHO

It appears to me, Baez still wants to do a trial by ambush for he doesn't want to furnish his discovery, yet, he chose to participate...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
"Mason's motion claims Perry didn't fully understand some key details in the arguments and said certain statements made by the judge were false."


Talk about nerve. I understand that Cheney has practiced law for many years, but his blunders in court, coupled with his lack of knowledge about the details of this case, make him seem arrogant, ill informed and repulsive.

Baez has to know that Cheney doesn't know all of the facts of this murder case and I feel sure that Jose is using that for his benefit. I am so glad that the Judge sees right through this and continues to refer to Jose as the "lead attorney".

It seems to me that Jose uses these attorneys, new to the case, whenever he can't answer to the court. Judge Perry has and will see right through this.
"Mason's motion claims Perry didn't fully understand some key details in the arguments and said certain statements made by the judge were false."


Talk about nerve. I understand that Cheney has practiced law for many years, but his blunders in court, coupled with his lack of knowledge about the details of this case, make him seem arrogant, ill informed and repulsive.

Baez has to know that Cheney doesn't know all of the facts of this murder case and I feel sure that Jose is using that for his benefit. I am so glad that the Judge sees right through this and continues to refer to Jose as the "lead attorney".

It seems to me that Jose uses these attorneys, new to the case, whenever he can't answer to the court. Judge Perry has and will see right through this.

ITA--along the same lines I don't think that Baez knows the the facts of the case either---But do ponder....that if you were representing this case in front of anyone---why wouldn't you get familiar with the facts? Why don't they pay attention to what has already been given to them? Why don't they come prepared to status hearings? Why do they always leave their homework at the office? Starting to think that they will object to the canine due to the dog eating their homework....they are like children whining all the time! This isn't fair....please grow up and be lawyers this isn't playtime or recess......:banghead:
"Mason's motion claims Perry didn't fully understand some key details in the arguments and said certain statements made by the judge were false."


Talk about nerve. I understand that Cheney has practiced law for many years, but his blunders in court, coupled with his lack of knowledge about the details of this case, make him seem arrogant, ill informed and repulsive.

Baez has to know that Cheney doesn't know all of the facts of this murder case and I feel sure that Jose is using that for his benefit. I am so glad that the Judge sees right through this and continues to refer to Jose as the "lead attorney".

It seems to me that Jose uses these attorneys, new to the case, whenever he can't answer to the court. Judge Perry has and will see right through this.

Thanks were not enough for this post as I think you hit it right on the head!

I think Mason originally agreed to come on board with this case with the impression that he was going to be the Midnight Cowboy RIding Into Town to Save the Damsel in Distress.....but it quickly became obvious to him that Baez was NOT going to relinquish ANY control at all....and now Mason is stuck because he knows Perry isn't going to just let him get back on his horse and saunter out of town!

So Mason is putting in as little time and effort as possible (remember his claim during hearing of only putting in 600 hours since he became involved?) until this case concludes so he is strictly relying on brief conversations with Baez concerning details of this case, INSTEAD OF READING DOCUMENTS! :banghead:

I have commented about this before in regards to Mason's musings in motions...he is stating ASSUMPTIONS BASED ON JOSE COMMENTS instead of stating ACTUAL FACT...

For example.....stating Henry Lee found 13 additional hairs....bet that is what Baez TOLD him, but Mason didn't even bother to put in the time to read the report HIMSELF before claiming it as fact!

What a way to ruin a reputation.....on the coattail of Jose Baez...

(Someone may want to advise him that "If Jose says it....it is true"...just ain't so! :rocker:
Way back when: At the hearing where JB asked for a jury consultant, HHJP denied the request. He said something along the lines of CM was perfectly capable of picking a jury because he had presided over a murder trial where CM as lead attorney. I wonder what the outcome of that trial was? IF HHJP ruled on issues at that trial against CM, would that affect how CM reacts in front of HHJP now?
I'm guessing the only fact, the single truthful fact that JB has not shared with anyone is ICA is responsible for Caylee's murder.
]"Mason's motion claims Perry didn't fully understand some key details in the arguments and said certain statements made by the judge were false[/B]."


Talk about nerve. I understand that Cheney has practiced law for many years, but his blunders in court, coupled with his lack of knowledge about the details of this case, make him seem arrogant, ill informed and repulsive.

Baez has to know that Cheney doesn't know all of the facts of this murder case and I feel sure that Jose is using that for his benefit. I am so glad that the Judge sees right through this and continues to refer to Jose as the "lead attorney".

It seems to me that Jose uses these attorneys, new to the case, whenever he can't answer to the court. Judge Perry has and will see right through this.


ICA is facing the death penalty. Her defense team missed a court-ordered deadline for turning over expert witness testimony, one of which was over the second autopsy performed 2 years ago. When questioned by the judge over why the deadline was not honored, Mason didn't know, and Baez didn't care.

Yeah, I don't fully understand it, either.
Snipped by me.

I wonder if JB had reports with dates near the dates of examination. JB has claimed he has no reports and wonders how he can go back to his witnesses and get them to forward another report with a current date. Just my sleepy suspicions and opinion only. No factual support.

Oh what tangled webs.....

I believe he has no reports because the 'experts' did not offer anything that would help him. He has nothing but maybe was hoping that by trial he could find someone/anyone to refute the State's evidence.
Wait, so he whined like heck in the motion but then paid the fine?!?!?!!

Did he just want to whine for moment and not have to face this in court tomorrow? I am very confused. What was the point of filing that motion if he was going to pay the fine anyway? Is he expecting a refund check? Or is the check just proof he's going to pay if he needs to, like it hasn't be cashed yet, just turned over pending the outcome of the hearing tomorrow?

And wow he got the money fast, too. I was just kidding about the pole in Casey's cell, but now I'm starting to wonder...

You know, my husband calls me obsessed about this case. I told him it's not my fault. Just when I think I've lost interest, the defense keeps reeling me back in!
I hate it when I have to sleep. How do we know JB paid the sanctions? What did I miss?
Thanks were not enough for this post as I think you hit it right on the head!

I think Mason originally agreed to come on board with this case with the impression that he was going to be the Midnight Cowboy RIding Into Town to Save the Damsel in Distress.....but it quickly became obvious to him that Baez was NOT going to relinquish ANY control at all....and now Mason is stuck because he knows Perry isn't going to just let him get back on his horse and saunter out of town!

So Mason is putting in as little time and effort as possible (remember his claim during hearing of only putting in 600 hours since he became involved?) until this case concludes so he is strictly relying on brief conversations with Baez concerning details of this case, INSTEAD OF READING DOCUMENTS! :banghead:

I have commented about this before in regards to Mason's musings in motions...he is stating ASSUMPTIONS BASED ON JOSE COMMENTS instead of stating ACTUAL FACT...

For example.....stating Henry Lee found 13 additional hairs....bet that is what Baez TOLD him, but Mason didn't even bother to put in the time to read the report HIMSELF before claiming it as fact!

What a way to ruin a reputation.....on the coattail of Jose Baez...

(Someone may want to advise him that "If Jose says it....it is true"...just ain't so! :rocker:

I read this and immediately thought of how the signature page of his motions are crafted. At the very bottom it says in italics.
One of the Attorneys for Defendant

That has always struck me as sour grapes. MOO.
Wait, so he whined like heck in the motion but then paid the fine?!?!?!!

Did he just want to whine for moment and not have to face this in court tomorrow? I am very confused. What was the point of filing that motion if he was going to pay the fine anyway? Is he expecting a refund check? Or is the check just proof he's going to pay if he needs to, like it hasn't be cashed yet, just turned over pending the outcome of the hearing tomorrow?

And wow he got the money fast, too. I was just kidding about the pole in Casey's cell, but now I'm starting to wonder...

You know, my husband calls me obsessed about this case. I told him it's not my fault. Just when I think I've lost interest, the defense keeps reeling me back in!

He (JB and CM) is hoping for refund if they win their wimpy motion. You see, they read here and knew they could not wait till the last minute to pay (a lesson JB should have learned when his license to practice was delayed due to 'payment issues') additionally they knew that if they waited till Friday to get a ruling the judge would add $500 for the day they were late when their motionless motion is denied! (all, JMHO......etc.....LOL)
He (JB and CM) is hoping for refund if they win their wimpy motion. You see, they read here and knew they could not wait till the last minute to pay (a lesson JB should have learned when his license to practice was delayed due to 'payment issues') additionally they knew that if they waited till Friday to get a ruling the judge would add $500 for the day they were late when their motionless motion is denied! (all, JMHO......etc.....LOL)

I bet there are more than a few members here who would be more than happy to send a couple of bucks to reimburse JB ... IF HE WOULD JUST SHUT UP and get on with the case.
Wait, so he whined like heck in the motion but then paid the fine?!?!?!!

Did he just want to whine for moment and not have to face this in court tomorrow? I am very confused. What was the point of filing that motion if he was going to pay the fine anyway? Is he expecting a refund check? Or is the check just proof he's going to pay if he needs to, like it hasn't be cashed yet, just turned over pending the outcome of the hearing tomorrow?

And wow he got the money fast, too. I was just kidding about the pole in Casey's cell, but now I'm starting to wonder...

You know, my husband calls me obsessed about this case. I told him it's not my fault. Just when I think I've lost interest, the defense keeps reeling me back in!

You will notice that while the fine is paid, the court ordered reports/documentation has not yet appeared. That is what this is about. Trying to fight the discovery yet again. The fine is minimal and only directed at JB. Also take note that this recent motion does not even have JB's signature. It came wholly from CM. So we really are not sure who is fighting what or why?
apologize if this is a repeat...

nice summary by ritanita (as always)

When I planned this article, it was merely to say that we will have the next status hearing on Friday, December 14 at 2 PM. I was expecting to write about what hotels the defense would ask for versus the State's request. I was considering if the defense team would bring up the idea of a huge jury questionnaire similar to one they proposed for Casey's fraud trial. I was wondering if Judge Perry would deny them again saying that he didn't care for them.

Boy, was I ever wrong!


I bet there are more than a few members here who would be more than happy to send a couple of bucks to reimburse JB ... IF HE WOULD JUST SHUT UP and get on with the case.

As much as I want him to SHUT UP and GET ON with the case -- I would NEVER pay him a cent for anything! And shhhh, don't give him ideas how to make money - he might just do it! (He reads here you know! :seeya:)
Just a thought....if JB sent a check to the courts, do ya think it might bounce? LOL

After all, he has had money problems in the past!
You will notice that while the fine is paid, the court ordered reports/documentation has not yet appeared. That is what this is about. Trying to fight the discovery yet again. The fine is minimal and only directed at JB. Also take note that this recent motion does not even have JB's signature. It came wholly from CM. So we really are not sure who is fighting what or why?

So what were those three hundred or so pages that Cheney wrote about ... claimed the clerk of the court office would not accept them faxed. Cheney (assistant to the undersigned) Cheney hisself :floorlaugh: wrote he hand delivered the "package" to the court clerk the next morning.

I'm certainly not trying to give Cheney more credit than he deserves (in my very humble opinion is lower than pond scum), but we don't know if these three hundred pages are what HHJP demanded and ordered. Oh, and all of a sudden out of the sky these expert reports appear .... :waitasec: :hand:
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