2011.02.04 - Status Hearing

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After the hearing did anyone else see Mason grab SA George by the arm to talk to him and [it looked like] George pulled his arm away? LOL!
The tweets being brought forth by prosecution

Judge inquiring very matter of factly if any of JB's experts have telephones or email

Judge schooling JB on how to handle his panty knot over the diary

Judge schooling JB on change of venue

Prosecution stating that yes, they will continue to do their job, thank you for your concern JB.

Judge saying You may not agree with it - but it is the law.

Oh Beach,
don't spoil the show with a recap. Wait until you can watch it after it's posted .
Soooooo worth the wait ! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

That's hard to do with all that endless endless whining from Baez - he got several extensions for expert testimony - but my mind is almost shutting down after enduring almost an hour and a half of that. Brutally painful to listen to! Consider yourself lucky you missed it. Seriously!

'Beach, ninety percent of this hearing is Baez whining, LOL!

I should have known. Some things NEVER change. :floorlaugh:

I am going to re-read. I saw some interesting tidbits about DNA and the Diary....and of course, HHJP making calls to the lab himself?!?

ooohhhh.... JB is not having a good 2011 at all. Not even a little bit.
I'm starting to wonder if Baez is smarter than a fifth grader...

Thats an insult to fifth graders everywhere.
U know a lot of what the judge did today had nothing to do with law and more to do with common sense.
Do you have a phone?
Can u email? do u use fed ex , mr baez.
The judge made it aware to the defense that he knows they are playing games and he has had enough!!
Do u know how many lmbo moments i had today.
HHJP schooled and thoroughly embarrassed him today!!
This is the first hearing in a long while I've been able to listen to (well mostly, still working) and it was great. I'd give anything to hear the conversation between HHJP and that particular lab.
Well there's rope and then there's rope. Baez has already had plenty of rope to hang himself. Now the rope is extending to the SA. Even if LDB and JA breaks their backs to do the work in time they're clearly starting to be emotionally and psychologically and maybe even physically impacted. Stress is a killer. I'm DISGUSTED.
om goodness. I am usually at work and do not get to see these hearings. You really need to see JB in all his smarmy firstyearlawstudentness to get the full effect!

Only problem is that most firstyearlawstudentness are better than JB. We have first years in our office now that have never appeared in Court ever before and could mop the floor with him.

Problem is that our associates have been to some amazing schools throughout the country and it didn't take them 8 years to finally get admitted to the bar.
Can someone please help me? Was Baez scheduling time off to "meet" with Kathy Reichs in Tahiti? In Florida? I'm confused on that part. :(
the judge schooled him alright, but I am betting he will flunk, as usual. As to JB being embarrassed, I am not sure he has that ability. I know he should be embarrassed, I just doubt that he is. Afterall, he is the lone ICA superhero, a caped crusader of sorts.
I should have known. Some things NEVER change. :floorlaugh:

I am going to re-read. I saw some interesting tidbits about DNA and the Diary....and of course, HHJP making calls to the lab himself?!?

ooohhhh.... JB is not having a good 2011 at all. Not even a little bit.

Those two were classic HHJP putdowns - plus the location choice lecture - you will love those.
Oh yes, the questioning re Dr. Reich's testimony was funny but the blathering by Baez went on and on as he tried to weasel out of it.
Thats an insult to fifth graders everywhere.
U know a lot of what the judge did today had nothing to do with law and more to do with common sense.
Do you have a phone?
Can u email? do u use fed ex , mr baez.
The judge made it aware to the defense that he knows they are playing games and he has had enough!!
Do u know how many lmbo moments i had today.
HHJP schooled and thoroughly embarrassed him today!!

Exactly!! JB was trying it on with lame excuses and HHJP was responding with common sense solutions, as well as making sure any/all deadlines were BEFORE the planned conference in late Feb ... other than Spitz.

This was all about HHJP stage 'managing' JB so he gets his work done, meets his deadlines and does not just try to push the ball further down the road ... for another month.

JB wants to delay, delay, delay and seek trial by ambush and HHJP is blocking his every dodge and move.
After the hearing did anyone else see Mason grab SA George by the arm to talk to him and [it looked like] George pulled his arm away? LOL!

I missed it. I was looking at the seat of JB's pants to if they were "soiled" after HHJP asked for the Labs phone #
Can someone please help me? Was Baez scheduling time off to "meet" with Kathy Reichs in Tahiti? In Florida? I'm confused on that part. :(

There is a legal convention during that time period when several experts will be either speaking or attending. Clearly Baez was trying to catch them all together and get some kind of agreement or comments from them since an actual report appears beyond his ability. I have a feeling this meeting Baez is talking about is in his mind only. They probably signed off their email with "see you at the convention" to just get away from him.
YEP! and people were wondering IF the bar complaint MIGHT "effect" or have any impact on JB!....UMMMMM I do believe that THIS is a prime example! :floorlaugh:

That's what I thought too. HHJP doesn't trust JB. If he did he wouldn't have requested the name and phone number.
so wait, if the judge calls the lab and the lab says, no he has never tried to contact us in anyway. Does that mean that baez lied in court in front of the judge?? can that get him in more trouble??
oh yeah, forgot my mostest favorite highlight of the hearing


Judge on JB's MIA experts if its not in their report or in a depo, they don't testify to it.


Sorry JB - if the delay tactics were to try and line up a last minute gotcha expert, even if you find one at this late date, no payoff. ha ha
I wonder what happens if the judge calls the lab & finds out they have already issued their report. Anyone know?

Also, Baez sure was worried about that diary wasn't he? I can't wait to see more reports on that!!
What were the final results on all the late expert reports? I saw some dates float by on the early pages, but it looked like there were a few different dates?

my notes

2/15 4pm Logan & Reichs
2/21 4pm Rodriguez
2/10 Noon DNA testing status (unknown if that changes with request for phone number)

2/11 4pm Haskell follow up (thought they said entomology, but is he plant guy????)
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