2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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I see....early January. So I guess someone forgot it was in that drawer, because there was certainly time between when Hailey went missing and the time of this search to have removed it....


IF she truly did forget it was there, was she notified it was taken? Do the police give a list of items removed from the house as they are removing them???
IF she truly did forget it was there, was she notified it was taken? Do the police give a list of items removed from the house as they are removing them???

Yes, LE makes a list and gives it to you to sign. It's to prevent people saying LE stole stuff from them when executing a search warrant, I believe.

ETA: lol. prevents people saying, "Hey! You stole my child *advertiser censored*! That stuff was expensive!"
The video with the kid holding the baby on you tube ?? What is up with the look on his face. Please tell me It's not what I think it is. You tube video SA.
I sort of thought it was that he found out she had a little boyfriend that WASN'T him. A guy who has "caught his girl with another guy" would probably be angry enough to call her promiscuous... I mean, in Shawn's mind, she was involved with 2 guys at once, assuming there was something going on with him.


Interesting point. Shawn knew when School reopened in the New Year there was a good chance Hailey would either reunite with her ex-BF or find another, so perhaps this explains why Hailey had to vanish from her home over the Holidays.

Did BD ever say who told her Hailey had been seeing a boy her own age shortly before the Xmas Break?

Did Billie ever bond with her daughter? They aren't communicating with each other and that would make living together in the same house nearly impossible. It also places Hailey in harm's way.

There was a blow-up between BD & HD over Xmas because Hailey wanted to go live with her father, and it is possible Shawn wouldn't allow her to separate and "leave him" so he stopped her.
A very close friend is a survivor of incest. Her father was caught when her elder sister was getting married at 18, the father lost his mind, beat her mercilessly (even following her down the drive still yelling and punching).
The sister escaped but my friend was trapped there (at 12), the vile letters that the father sent to elder daughter saw him sentenced to 8 years in jail (he served 4).
Upon his release my friend was thrown out because her mother wanted the father to be able to live back with her.

All 5 daughters were victims, but 1 daughter and friends mom both supported and defended the dad.

My reason for sharing is that often the fear of losing or sharing a victim can lead to very violent behaviour.
A very close friend is a survivor of incest. Her father was caught when her elder sister was getting married at 18, the father lost his mind, beat her mercilessly (even following her down the drive still yelling and punching).
The sister escaped but my friend was trapped there (at 12), the vile letters that the father sent to elder daughter saw him sentenced to 8 years in jail (he served 4).
Upon his release my friend was thrown out because her mother wanted the father to be able to live back with her.

All 5 daughters were victims, but 1 daughter and friends mom both supported and defended the dad.

My reason for sharing is that often the fear of losing or sharing a victim can lead to very violent behaviour.

Yes indeed.

If SA is responsible for Hailey’s disappearance, the fact he didn’t wait for his new mask suggests to me this was a “crime of passion” IMO.

Crime of Passion n. a defendant's excuse for committing a crime due to sudden anger or heartbreak, in order to eliminate the element of "premeditation." This usually arises in murder or attempted murder cases, when a spouse or sweetheart finds his/her "beloved" having sexual intercourse with another and shoots or stabs one or both of the coupled pair. To make this claim the defendant must have acted immediately upon the rise of passion, without the time for contemplation or allowing for "a cooling of the blood." It is sometimes called the "Law of Texas" since juries in that state are supposedly lenient to cuckolded lovers who wreak their own vengeance. The benefit of eliminating premeditation is to lessen the provable homicide to manslaughter with no death penalty and limited prison terms. An emotionally charged jury may even acquit the impassioned defendant.

Yes indeed.

If SA is responsible for Hailey’s disappearance, the fact he didn’t wait for his new mask suggests to me this was a “crime of passion” IMO.

Crime of Passion n. a defendant's excuse for committing a crime due to sudden anger or heartbreak, in order to eliminate the element of "premeditation." This usually arises in murder or attempted murder cases, when a spouse or sweetheart finds his/her "beloved" having sexual intercourse with another and shoots or stabs one or both of the coupled pair. To make this claim the defendant must have acted immediately upon the rise of passion, without the time for contemplation or allowing for "a cooling of the blood." It is sometimes called the "Law of Texas" since juries in that state are supposedly lenient to cuckolded lovers who wreak their own vengeance. The benefit of eliminating premeditation is to lessen the provable homicide to manslaughter with no death penalty and limited prison terms. An emotionally charged jury may even acquit the impassioned defendant.


Could of been both BD/SA also. Theory only...
Fight over X box? Hailey going to tell on them. SA/BD high.......
I can see mother (exmple CAnthony strangling ICA) going after daughter,
BF helps, child dies and BF cleans up (has fun doing it)
Neither can say a word, both go down. Mom says SA is AWESOME
and he keeps quiet. Both into deep dark world as is AB and EBaker.
ITA belimom. Someone has an obsessive addiction and/or has made a side business out of their hobby. Absolute boatloads of images. Right now, I'm thinking a hobby that turned into an addiction that parlayed into a business endeavor. I don't like the implications in regards to Hailey, not one bit. MOO.

A horrible and scary thought. Clint did say that a certain person had ways of making money, was always thinking of money, and the house sure was paid off fast IMO. SA is said to have been a loner though. What if Haylie was going to tell about a number of different things involving child *advertiser censored* and drugs.
There may be many, many arrests eventually. They tend to "share" their pictures with other like minded individuals, so LE goes after all of them. In the Houston area a couple of years ago they arrested 9 people in one day....they had all been sharing their pics. So LE may be preparing a case against more people than SA.

There may be a chance that who ever they were communicating with and sharing may know where HD is or even have her.

Who's "him"? I've talked to him a little bit, and I'll have to talk to Shawn again. (Paraphrasing) That is one odd statement...if it isn't just Billie Speak. imo
There is a minor living in the home with the computer. I wonder if it's used by the entire family? :mad:
93-95% of child *advertiser censored* prosecutions lead to conviction or guilty pleas.


That's an impressive conviction rate. SA & BD should be afraid - very afraid. One or both of them are facing prison time.

I know of someone who pled guilty and was very remorseful. Received 10 years probation for having several hundred photos. No where near the amount that was allegedly found at BD's house. So hopefully we will see jail time for at least SA.
Yes indeed.

If SA is responsible for Hailey’s disappearance, the fact he didn’t wait for his new mask suggests to me this was a “crime of passion” IMO.

Crime of Passion n. a defendant's excuse for committing a crime due to sudden anger or heartbreak, in order to eliminate the element of "premeditation." This usually arises in murder or attempted murder cases, when a spouse or sweetheart finds his/her "beloved" having sexual intercourse with another and shoots or stabs one or both of the coupled pair. To make this claim the defendant must have acted immediately upon the rise of passion, without the time for contemplation or allowing for "a cooling of the blood." It is sometimes called the "Law of Texas" since juries in that state are supposedly lenient to cuckolded lovers who wreak their own vengeance. The benefit of eliminating premeditation is to lessen the provable homicide to manslaughter with no death penalty and limited prison terms. An emotionally charged jury may even acquit the impassioned defendant.


Or SA knew he would have to be getting rid of the old one because of possible evidence that might be found on it? (DNA, etc) So planned ahead and ordered a new one?
I have decided I am no longer going to refer to child *advertiser censored* by that terminology.

I am going to refer to it as *crime scene photos and videos*, because that's exactly what it is - crime scene photos and videos of the brutal torture, rape and destruction of children.

ETA: Anyone who possesses/views this horrific material enjoys participating in the rape, torture, and destruction of children. Anyone who enjoys that sort of sadistic activity is beyond all hope.
I have decided I am no longer going to refer to child *advertiser censored* by that terminology.

I am going to refer to it as *crime scene photos and videos*, because that's exactly what it is - crime scene photos and videos of the brutal torture, rape and destruction of children.

ETA: Anyone who possesses/views this horrific material enjoys participating in the rape, torture, and destruction of children. Anyone who enjoys that sort of sadistic activity is beyond all hope.


And because they are BEYOND ALL HOPE..its my opinion that the punishment for possessing these videos and pictures that depict the rape..torture..and destruction of what ARE THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY{i.e. our children}should be BOTH EXTREME AND SEVERE!

Meaning that just as we have had many/multiple pedophile..sexual predators..state that it is "INCURABLE"..that even after such drastic measures as castration that they still have the desire..the "urge" to violate children.. Given that I wholeheartedly PURPOSE THE FOLLOWING:

The law to state that in "possessing" these videos/images of violence..rape..torture..and destruction of children that the punishment be right off the bat 15-25 yrs{and just as those drug folks in Satsuma THAT ALL OF THE SENTENCE BE SERVED..NOT TIME OFF FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR}..

and that upon returning to society from their 15-25yr sentence that it be mandatory that they agree to 24/7 surveillance{through whatever methods our latest technology can provide}..

If at any time for the remainder of their lives here on this earth that they somehow find their way around the tracking technology{and they always do}and they again engage in or possess anything related to the violation of our children there are no questions asked..no plea deals..etc..once convicted the sentence is DEATH! period.. end of subject!

This is the only way IMO that we can better protect our future..our children..and IMO it more than takes the perpatrators rights into account because personally in my opinion I would say..1st offense straight to DEATH..there's no passing go..no collecting 200..you possess "it"..u engage in "it" and the punishment is DEATH..THE VERY FIRST TIME!..

SO I find my above proposal MORE THAN FAIR IMO... which allows them a second chance by first serving the mandatory 15-25yrs{again with ZERO SENTENCE REDUCTION FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR..YOU SERVE EVERY HOUR OF THAT 15-25 YR SENTENCE}..and if after having been released you possess or engage in these brutal crimes..you go straight to be put to death..just as you would a mad dog with rabies..you put that dog down..Same with pedophiles only IMO the attacks{crimes}far outweigh that of the mad..rabid dog...IMO these perps are monsters and far from human..and for that reason they should be treated as such...

Lastly I just wanted to add that why in the hell can those who possess or engage in these crimes not be made to serve mandatory sentences of 15-25yrs w/no time off for good behavior..FOR THEIR VERY FIRST OFFENSE???

They can give those down in Satsuma barely out of childhood..still in their teens{Misty Croslin} MANDATORY 25 YR SENTENCES W/NO TIME OFF FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR FOR THEIR VERY FIRST OFFENSE FOR DRUGS!



**ETA- I know that many will not agree and find such a proposal preposterous and outlandish.. I just want to make clear just what destruction is done when a child is violated in this way "JUST 1 TIME".. From the moment that the monster violates a child in this way it has FOREVER ALTERED THAT CHILD'S ENTIRE LIFE..HE/SHE'S ENTIRE FUTURE..HE/SHE'S EVERY LAST DAY OF THE REMAINDER OF THEIR LIVES..THIS IS A FACT..EVERY SINGLE TIME..IN EVERY SINGLE CASE..THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS EVER!..Yes some are more affected than others..some recover more than others{greatly dependent on the child's immediate family and support system}..and some in such tragic and traumatic..negative ways that it begins a cycle of abuse and violating children for generations to come... BUT WITHOUT EXCEPTION EVERY SINGLE CHILD EVER VIOLATED BY ONE OF THESE MONSTERS HAS FOREVER ALTERED THAT CHILD'S ENTIRE LIFE!

This IMO trumps all in crimes..So why not trump all with the punishment that this crime warrants?..but this is jmo..
93-95% of child *advertiser censored* prosecutions lead to conviction or guilty pleas.


That's an impressive conviction rate. SA & BD should be afraid - very afraid. One or both of them are facing prison time.

I can't think of any reason why charges won't be laid against BD and SA for possessing child *advertiser censored*.
I know of someone who pled guilty and was very remorseful. Received 10 years probation for having several hundred photos. No where near the amount that was allegedly found at BD's house. So hopefully we will see jail time for at least SA.

I was reading Noreen Gosch's website (son Johnny was kidnapped in 1989 and, she believes sold into sexual slavery) and she was talking about this "major" pedophile group that was busted "recently". LE left the group running and posed as the group's leader (who they had arrested) and were able to arrest quite a few more. That group had a cumulative total of just over 70,000 images.

Shawn's Mom's computer had almost 55% MORE than an entire MAJOR pedophile ring!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also found an article here: http://www.buffalonews.com/city/special-reports/article106546.ece titled Women are seldom consumers of child *advertiser censored* that says:
Nationwide, experts estimate that far less than 1 percent of the people convicted of possessing or trading child *advertiser censored* images are women.

"You very rarely find women who are attracted to this kind of material. I've never encountered one yet," said Dr. David G. Heffler, a Lockport psychologist who counsels sex offenders.

I think this statistic has a lot to do with my belief that Billie was NOT interested in child *advertiser censored*. That DOESN'T mean she had no idea Shawn had such material, just that I doubt it was HERS, per se.
All I can say about women and "child *advertiser censored*" is that the 1% come from somewhere..Meaning that though it may not be the "norm" to have a female engaging in child *advertiser censored* IT DOES INDEED HAPPEN{and IMO we will see with future stats that come out that it is on the rise..jmo tho..several recent articles have stated that women engaging in viewing/downloading/possessing *advertiser censored*{not child} has drastically risen}..

I'll also say that Billie herself..as well as her behaviors..statements..and actions..NOT ONE OF THEM ARE OF THE "NORM"..INFACT EXTREMELY ABNORMAL..

And that is why I will not be surprised in the VERY LEAST when it is infact proven that she was involved just as deeply as Shawn Adkins..

I have decided I am no longer going to refer to child *advertiser censored* by that terminology.

I am going to refer to it as *crime scene photos and videos*, because that's exactly what it is - crime scene photos and videos of the brutal torture, rape and destruction of children.

ETA: Anyone who possesses/views this horrific material enjoys participating in the rape, torture, and destruction of children. Anyone who enjoys that sort of sadistic activity is beyond all hope.

Sorta O/T... and I know we are not supposed to tell others how or what to post... but even before this *advertiser censored* information came to light, some people whose theories involved Shawn molesting and killing Hailey, used the euphemism "have his fun with her" or similar, perhaps in an effort to be "delicate". Honestly, it kind of made me sick. I understand that HE may be "getting his jollies" by molesting a young girl or watching kiddie .... er.... *crime scene photos and videos* but to me, the euphemism "harmed her" is less offensive and addresses his perversion as "harmful" rather than "fun".
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