2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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Sheriff Toombs confirmed that there are images of child *advertiser censored* included on the memory stick itself. (Along with bestiality *advertiser censored*, which is not in itself illegal in Texas). The images from the computer at Shawn's mom's house are going to be the toughest to definitively tie to a specific person(s) if it was really used by as many people as Shawn says, imo. If any images from mom's computer were copied onto the memory stick, that will make it nearly impossible for Shawn to deny knowledge that there was *advertiser censored* at mom's, imo.
P.s. so glad we know that Billie and Shawn's sexcapades were on the memory stick; no way for a false claim that it was planted... JMO

If he were buying images off a *advertiser censored* site or trading email pics it will be easy to figure out. He thinks because he said 10 people use that puter they cant figure it out. In their research about horrible crimes it doesnt seem he learned about electronic forensic evidence, cell phone evidence etc.
I don't think he used credit cards. I think if he did we would have seen arrests already. I think he did a lot of 'trades' and I also believe that there were other people in that home that may have also shared his hobby. [ uncle, cousin, stepdad maybe?] So that has muddies the waters and made Shawn confident that he will be free for awhile. imo

There would be no credit cards, "trades" and no passwords/login info. The *advertiser censored* on the computer was most likely downloaded from an anonymous peer to peer server (there are a lot of them out there) since that is where people get free *advertiser censored* from these days. There is a huge amount of *advertiser censored* and pirated movies/software of all sorts and descriptions available from those sources and it is all free. The people you exchange file parts with don't know who you are, you don't know who they are, you never communicate directly. The only info you would have is some temporary code that identified the remote computer. All the real info is stored on the server, probably at some place in Europe or Russia or who knows where.

If the *advertiser censored* was downloaded in this way it will be impossible to determine who did it if multiple people had access to the computer.
There would be no credit cards, "trades" and no passwords/login info. The *advertiser censored* on the computer was most likely downloaded from an anonymous peer to peer server (there are a lot of them out there) since that is where people get free *advertiser censored* from these days. There is a huge amount of *advertiser censored* and pirated movies/software of all sorts and descriptions available from those sources and it is all free. The people you exchange file parts with don't know who you are, you don't know who they are, you never communicate directly. The only info you would have is some temporary code that identified the remote computer. All the real info is stored on the server, probably at some place in Europe or Russia or who knows where.

If the *advertiser censored* was downloaded in this way it will be impossible to determine who did it if multiple people had access to the computer.

While I do agree that there may be tons of free "normal" *advertiser censored*, I don't think the same can be said for child *advertiser censored* and beastiality. You have to know where to go to get that, it's not just flying around every where, especially the child *advertiser censored*.
Who is brave enough to google free child *advertiser censored* and see what you come up with? Im :rocker:
BD admitted that she is on that with SA in their 'private life'..........they love their videos.
I am wondering if they tried to get Hailey in one and she freaked out.
Hailey was going to dad's (part of original story) to tell him and never made it there,
BD & SA put her in a car alive (no decom) then taken away and killed.
This article appeared on my twitter account this morning, and it's a person out of Houston who was arrested for 20,000 child *advertiser censored* pictures. As Tugela states, it's peer to peer. I wonder if this person supplied pics to Shawn? Or could it the other way around? Or just another sick one?

BTW, there is no name listed in the article.

Man arrested for 20,000 child *advertiser censored* images

HOUSTON — A west Houston man arrested Thursday after being charged with possession and sharing pornographic images of children. Investigators say he had more than 20,000 photos.

There would be no credit cards, "trades" and no passwords/login info. The *advertiser censored* on the computer was most likely downloaded from an anonymous peer to peer server (there are a lot of them out there) since that is where people get free *advertiser censored* from these days. There is a huge amount of *advertiser censored* and pirated movies/software of all sorts and descriptions available from those sources and it is all free. The people you exchange file parts with don't know who you are, you don't know who they are, you never communicate directly. The only info you would have is some temporary code that identified the remote computer. All the real info is stored on the server, probably at some place in Europe or Russia or who knows where.

If the *advertiser censored* was downloaded in this way it will be impossible to determine who did it if multiple people had access to the computer.

i don't think they're that smart
Did LE take electronic devices from Billie's home (with consent) in one of their first voluntary searches and then go back on 1/7 with the search warrant to search again and seize anything that wasn't voluntarily released by Billie earlier? I know they went over to Shawn's mom's (probably knowing full well Shawn wasn't there) the day after they first interrogated him and voluntarily got mom's computer. They had to mark the computer as evidence and put it in the search warrant to keep it in police custody when she demanded it back.

If LE already had the memory stick in possession in late December (like the computer), they would have been looking at its contents, presumably, and started piecing together what else might be important in the house. Is that why they took a poster from Billie's bedroom (according to Billie)? It would prove that some incriminating or illegal videos/pics were shot in that room, even if participants were masked or denied that anything took place there. Why else take a poster? (though we don't know what was depicted in the poster). Speculating...:waitasec:

Note: Billie's car and the Xbox were definitely not taken until 1/7:
1/7/11 Earlier in the evening, authorities took away one of Billie Dunn's vehicles as well as an X-Box from the home. Law enforcement told Tatro they were looking for any clues regarding Hailey's disappearance. The vehicle is expected to be taken to professionals to be inspected.
If he were buying images off a *advertiser censored* site or trading email pics it will be easy to figure out. He thinks because he said 10 people use that puter they cant figure it out. In their research about horrible crimes it doesnt seem he learned about electronic forensic evidence, cell phone evidence etc.

Good point. For the computer, LE will still have to reasonably rule out that anyone else who had access could have also used the same email or purchase method. Likely, it's taking more time to definitively tie the computer images to an owner than it is the memory stick,imo.

"Right now we know that multiple people had access to these devices. At this point, anyone who had access is a possible suspect," Toombs said.
Toombs said investigators are taking a two-pronged approach with this case: Detectives are questioning those who had access to the devices about the material, and computer experts are working on the devices themselves to see what leads they provide.


I hope LE successfully eliminates the others who had access quickly so it can go to a Grand Jury with a strong chance of indictment. Child *advertiser censored* - it doesn't get any worse... JMO.
Billy D interview I thought she said she was fascinated with serial killers? I hope I didn't dream this! I just remember her voice when she was trying to explain the "Hobby they both share" We have WS as our hobby. It was the tone of her voice. I will go back and listen to her.

Dunn said she was relieved to hear that the memory stick retrieved from her home did not contain any child *advertiser censored*.

“One of the investigators told me that there was no child *advertiser censored* on it. That made me feel a little bit better,” she added.

and apparently she did go see the searchers this weekend.

“I’m on my way taking water to the groups right now,” she said from her cell phone

and apparently she did go see the searchers this weekend.

Once again I am confused. According to this news article


Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs confirmed Tuesday that a computer taken from Shawn Adkins' mother's home in Big Spring and a memory stick taken from the home shared by Hailey Dunn's mother, Billie Dunn, and Shawn Adkins in Colorado City both contained child *advertiser censored*
While I do agree that there may be tons of free "normal" *advertiser censored*, I don't think the same can be said for child *advertiser censored* and beastiality. You have to know where to go to get that, it's not just flying around every where, especially the child *advertiser censored*.

If you go to limewire, bearshare, frostwire, or any other peer to peer downloading site, it's there and it's all over the place.
I'm not going to type any of the words here, but in researching child *advertiser censored* statistics for other cases, I came across a set of keywords that pedophiles use when searching for that kind of *advertiser censored*.
It seemed the words were pretty much common knowledge amongst those kind of people.
Just because Billie is saying that there was no child *advertiser censored* found on the memory stick doesn't make it true. I only believe a "little bit" of what comes out of her mouth.

Once again I am confused. According to this news article


Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs confirmed Tuesday that a computer taken from Shawn Adkins' mother's home in Big Spring and a memory stick taken from the home shared by Hailey Dunn's mother, Billie Dunn, and Shawn Adkins in Colorado City both contained child *advertiser censored*

Exactly! He did state that. I'm taking LE's word on this. Maybe BD wasn't shown child *advertiser censored* by LE while she was shown parts of what was on the memory stick.
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