2011.02.25 - Nancy Grace

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Ok - one thing I haven't seen mentioned at all is the XBox. Those will play flash drives - you have to log into an XBox - each one of them could have had an account - BD, SA, HD and DD.

Have to wonder if the images on that drive are showing up in the cache of the XBox and under whose log in was it?

Remember LE kept that XBox.

And when the pictures were viewed. If they were viewed at night when Billie and Shawn were likely together then I think that implicates her as well. If they were viewed during the day when Shawn was home for lunch then that may mean he looked at them when alone (maybe locking the door to make sure none of the kids interupted him).
This is what scares me....
The CD that was found hidden behind stacks of CD's that had Haileys name on it...:maddening:
The CD that had Hailey's name on it was found in Hailey's room, not behind the DVDs so it was probably just Hailey's CD, nothing sinister. Also a report today said Hailey was not in any of the *advertiser censored* pictures.
If Billie truly had no knowledge of the *advertiser censored* on the device, she would have said that she had no idea where it came from, not that it did not belong to her OR Shawn. She would have at least said she did not have a "chance to ask him yet" if it was his.
I think somebody has a bus coming. BD could say she was "holding it" for (insert name) and she hid it in her drawer but had no idea what was on it.

But I say the XBox drive is going to blow that theory right outta the water!
Let's stay on topic for this thread, please.

There's another thread for discussing the 'deviate images', etc.

Maybe they weren't buying drugs that night. Maybe they were buying new "pics/video" ... just a though - MOO
I don't believe she realizes anything.....she is seeming more & more like a mother from another very familar case ( CA )
Ok - one thing I haven't seen mentioned at all is the XBox. Those will play flash drives - you have to log into an XBox - each one of them could have had an account - BD, SA, HD and DD.

Have to wonder if the images on that drive are showing up in the cache of the XBox and under whose log in was it?

Remember LE kept that XBox.

We only have to sign into my sons xbox if we are playing a game or watching movies online. I just pop a dvd or music cd in and it works. The box has no idea who I am. I'm pretty sure it would be the same for a flashdrive or stick.
I can't imagine being Clint tonight as he hears this. God help him.
JMO...the only sane thing I've heard BD do within the last three hours CST is to call the NG show back and decline going on the show.

I hope she watched...... :)
SA thinks he cleaned his hard drive but unless he installed a new one, the old info is on there :great:
Wonder if that was something they were searching for in the dumps? A tossed hard drive ?
I can't imagine being Clint tonight as he hears this. God help him.
a good reason to side with the POI, if you are a party to the *advertiser censored* thing ! Just Wondering ! Hope CD is not involved in the *advertiser censored* etc....
BD Mom according to KTXS was jailed for possession of a controlled substance !
Our PattyG has had a very busy day today but she let me know that she will have tonight's NG show up by 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. I forgot to ask her which time zone :) so we will just say Pacific.


Am just now able to watch NG but followed along earlier via mobile as you guys were posting play-by-play of the show{TY for all of us who couldn't watch}..so am able to hear and see a little more detail and demeanors of those like MK and I can say that first off IMO he has definitely done a 180* turn from his stance of supporting Billie..
He also made sure to reiterate that he thought that BJD was not involved in harming her daughter{IMO fully showing that he's not certain at all any more with all things concerning Billie}..whenthe therapist spoke about the serious deviant behaviors and them escalating and that if Billie were somehow naive to what was actually going on with Shawn and his apparent deep involvement in child *advertiser censored* and all of his other deviant behaviors that she would be the most naive..most gullible..most clueless of any innocent person that she had ever seen..MK immediately following the therapist making this statement says that he wants to make clear that Billie IS NOT A NAIVE PERSON..NOT an easily fooled..gullible..person..NOT AT ALL! That Billie IS VERY AWARE OF HER SURROUNDINGS AND WHAT IS GOING ON AS WELL AS EXTREMELY STREET SMART..{him stating this immediately following the therapist statement says A TON!!!!!jmo}

MK after finding out this "bombshell" evidence and just what it entails{child *advertiser censored*} along with his personal time spent with Billie Jean Dunn..witness to seeing just what she is all about and in that he found that she is NOT as she has attempted to display to the community..the public..the media..and possibly LE as well..attempting to portray a naive..gullible..not having a clue of who and what was the goings ons in "her" household..not having a clue about "street smarts or street drugs"{just as Billie stated in the raw video on BC "that never had illegal drugs been a part of her life..NEVER"}..
MK now having some large pieces of this puzzle IMO sees more and more that it certainly seems more and more a possibility that Billie could have alot more involvement than he certainly earlier was "duped" into thinking she had{he and Jean C both remark that they were duped into to believing the "facade" of Billie I described above}

**since the NG thread was closed I thought this thread would be most appropriate one to post this :)
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