2011.03.02 Motions Hearing - #2 (PM)

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This Hearing was how long? Approx. 5 hours? The only time I have seen ICA appear to "Cry" was at the very beginning of the video I have posted below? Wow, and that becomes Newsworthy?!? :(

RAW VIDEO: Cindy Anthony Testifies (Part 1 of 3)

ITA...and truly sad. The mass media is just pandering to the vast majority who don't follow this case as much as we do. Which is truly sad because most people crave knowledge...it is power. It is a dumbed down, watered down reporting of the news because the media still doesn't get that we, all crave knowledge...that we would rather hear (the majority of us) something complex and exciting and invigorating than some watered down report that appeals to exactly less than 20% of the population. They underestimate us. Period.

OT but it is why a lot of us watch the Oscars...so we can hear about the movies we haven't seen...not watch really boring presentations designed to so obviously pander to the uninterested 18-35 year olds. People crave witty...they crave smart. They do not crave dumb...

Casey's "tears" for 5 seconds may have made the news tonite...but where were those "tears" on the 911 phone call, in which her mother, Cindy, not Casey, reported Caylee missing? Not there. Were those tears there when the police came to her home? Where were those tears when Casey was punching JB (or shoving him as some claim) in the arm today when he wasn't objecting in a way to her liking? Where were those tears when the smell in the car was mentioned? Where were those tears when many months ago JA laid out how they believed Caylee met her demise at the hands of her cruel and heartless mother...? Oh that is right, Casey can only be heard saying to JB,"Make it stop. Make it stop."
What am I missing? What did GA say that upset KC so much @ about the 6:00 minute mark? Part 1 of 2 GA testifies.


I can't honestly say. Clearly GA is talking about one of the detectives using or trying to get contacts that Casey might have called, off of her cell phone...she looks up, immediately has a bizarre reaction, and looks behind her for assistance...(???) and then starts fidgeting bizarrely, and appears to be saying something to CM , like, "that isn't right...." Just my best guess...but when she was arrested her cell phone was brought back to her parents? I think.

Also, we have to remember that KC clearly says, back at home and on the 911 phone call, that she had JUST received a call from Zanny that day, around lunch time or so, and was able to speak to Caylee, and that the number was untraceable...My best guess, is that it has to do, with this phantom phone call she received...perhaps...because these were statements that she made on the 911 phone call...before LE even got to her house to question her. Something though, is bothering her about the list of contacts...or maybe she is still re-living her lies about how she had those two phones from Universal (where she didn't work) and one would not keep a charge and one would and she just kept switching the sim card back and forth between the one that would charge and the one that wouldn't and gosh she wants to be helpful to LE in providing all of these phone numbers for contacts but her sim card is missing along with the missing phone and her other phone just doesn't have those contacts.

Here I think what you may be seeing is that KC is still playing with her lies from the past...and her defense is like, "okeedokee" and just ignoring her. It may be that she simply doesn't understand her initial lies were totally inadequate and the Defense is refusing to "run" with her version of events...it is interesting...though her reactions to stuff...
Cindy suckers me every time...and then within hours (or minutes) I hear or see or remember something that changes my mind. Today it was her lie about Det. Melich being intimidating with Casey when he questioned her in the spare bedroom. I just listened to that interview, and he was so soft-spoken and calm it was incredible. Here is a link for anyone who wants to take a listen

Poor little Caylee, her grandparents are trying so hard to defend her killer. Will Uncle Lee follow suit?

Of course he will. In the past he has shown us he's been drinking the Kool-aide. Even after the "info" ICA has written about.
No, no - no - no - no - no - fingers in ears - lalalalalalalalalala! Hitting Scamperoo's ignore icon - again and again! Lalalalalalalala!

LOL ! I can't believe I'm even thinking it! I just keep seeing JB getting a lot of what he requests "because death is different". I not only want this statement in,I think the jury should see every video taped phone call and visitation .If I had my way the reaction to finding Caylee would also come in .Judge Strickland made it pretty clear that it showed guilt. Unfortunately ,the Judge has to weigh the defendants rights into this equation. I really hope I'm wrong. I'll gladly eat my hat (the chocolate one :innocent: ) if I'm wrong.
ITA...and truly sad. The mass media is just pandering to the vast majority who don't follow this case as much as we do. Which is truly sad because most people crave knowledge...it is power. It is a dumbed down, watered down reporting of the news because the media still doesn't get that we, all crave knowledge...that we would rather hear (the majority of us) something complex and exciting and invigorating than some watered down report that appeals to exactly less than 20% of the population. They underestimate us. Period.

OT but it is why a lot of us watch the Oscars...so we can hear about the movies we haven't seen...not watch really boring presentations designed to so obviously pander to the uninterested 18-35 year olds. People crave witty...they crave smart. They do not crave dumb...

Casey's "tears" for 5 seconds may have made the news tonite...but where were those "tears" on the 911 phone call, in which her mother, Cindy, not Casey, reported Caylee missing? Not there. Were those tears there when the police came to her home? Where were those tears when Casey was punching JB (or shoving him as some claim) in the arm today when he wasn't objecting in a way to her liking? Where were those tears when the smell in the car was mentioned? Where were those tears when many months ago JA laid out how they believed Caylee met her demise at the hands of her cruel and heartless mother...? Oh that is right, Casey can only be heard saying to JB,"Make it stop. Make it stop."

Really great post, LittleBitty. I tried to send a copy to the media so they'd snap out of it but they've already gone back over to Charlie Sheen's.
Cindy suckers me every time...and then within hours (or minutes) I hear or see or remember something that changes my mind. Today it was her lie about Det. Melich being intimidating with Casey when he questioned her in the spare bedroom. I just listened to that interview, and he was so soft-spoken and calm it was incredible. Here is a link for anyone who wants to take a listen


Can / will LDB bring this in to impeach Cindy tomorrow,or has that train left the station?
It's just the perfect compliment to the "I didn't want KC arrested"/ "I have someone in my home I want arrested"
and "it was offered to me (charging KC with theft)" /"Mrs. Anthony asked me to"

Do Cindy and George even comprehend they are being thwarted by LINDA?
Really great post, LittleBitty. I tried to send a copy to the media so they'd snap out of it but they've already gone back over to Charlie Sheen's.

BBM and OT ,but can you say "Manic Phase" ?
Would the SA be allowed to set up an easel with a giant poster of Caylee to display in the courtroom? I don't see why not - she's the silent victim in this ... the one without a voice other than the State. I don't feel that she should be forgotten. Trying to recall if the prosecutors did this in the courtroom for Laci.
Really great post, LittleBitty. I tried to send a copy to the media so they'd snap out of it but they've already gone back over to Charlie Sheen's.

You are too sweet! :)

OT...unless, CS gets some serious help...I fear he will be dead soon. This scares me...someone I was very close to, recently died, in a hotel room, alone, with lots of drugs around her...and apparently, while she appeared to not have been alone when she OD'd there were obviously people with her who fled...

The media, just like the Oscar (bomb that it was this year) producers, don't get that we totally want truth...we want facts. Why is it that apparently quite a few people watch true crime on television...???because we all like who dunnits? Sure...but easy ones that you can figure out...five minutes into the book/movie/news report...that is what has the media stumped...how to report an obvious who dunnit (meaning Casey A. is the bad guy) without ruining the cliff hanging appeal? Simple. Report the mound of outrageous facts against Casey and then counter with the absolute conspiracy theories lodged by the defense and then counter those conspiracies with actual facts...

Totally dig your handle...
I agree,but the law and the judge may not.The Universal statement wasn't about KC being a thief or embezzeler,IMO.It was about her lying about everything,including where she left Caylee ,IF she left Caylee.
By Universal ,LE already knew she wasn't working ,so why have a nanny? Why lie about where you last saw her?
They also knew about the smell in the car.
I absolutely believe they did what they had to do to find Caylee and find no fault with how they did it. I just think it may get tossed out .
What really bothers me is that we'll have to endure some gloating from the defense.:sick:

ETA : Actually ,YM didn't know ICA wasn't working ,only that she wasn't working at Universal ,so I'm correcting myself.
Still,HHJP has to consider if this can be an issue worthy of an appeal. He will most likely err on the side of caution ,IMO.

Looking at Miranda definitions and exceptions on Wiki - for this to be tossed out the only thing I can see is that the defense would have to prove there was a "great danger to public safety." <------ To prove that, they have to prove the detectives:
1. Knew at that moment that KC killed Caylee or
2. Felt she did and had reason to believe there were others to follow (parents, etc.)

I don't see that they have proved that detective JM or anyone felt(at that point) that it just wasn't adding up and that they were not about to rush into an arrest. They gave her every benefit of doubt and opportunity to make sense of the 'mis-speaks'

So what's up tomorrow? Will Lee be there? I think I will be calling in sick.
Just wanted to thank everyone for the play by play today. You peeps rock! :rocker:
The side-bar at the end of today's hearing was speculated upon by Tony Pipitone in the link below. As the side-bar progressed the court-reporter's transcript was real-time coming up on the laptop on the desks of the defense and prosecution. I couldn't read it, but with a keen eye there are those who could and I think TP was one of those. Therefore, he may have a real clue about the prosecution and defense working out the "showing cause motion". We may never see this argued!!
I have noticed, during GA's testimony while he is being questioned by the Defense he constantly nods his head in the affirmative. When he is being questioned by LDB, once she stops stroking his ego about him being a former member of law enforcement, GA shakes his head in the negative to many things she says.
Can someone tell me when this happened? Is it during Yuri's testimony? I'd like to see it...maybe it's time to put the cuffs back on.


Or if that link doesn't work, go here and click on Detective Testifies, Part 4.


Forward to about 11:40 for background as to what they were talking about (Det YM had just been given a photo of a smiling ICA) and it happened just after that, at about 12:18.

She is lucky a guard didn't tackle her to the ground.
Looking at Miranda definitions and exceptions on Wiki - for this to be tossed out the only thing I can see is that the defense would have to prove there was a "great danger to public safety." <------ To prove that, they have to prove the detectives:
1. Knew at that moment that KC killed Caylee or
2. Felt she did and had reason to believe there were others to follow (parents, etc.)

I don't see that they have proved that detective JM or anyone felt that it just wasn't adding up and that they were not about to rush into an arrest. They gave her every benefit of doubt and opportunity to make sense of the 'mis-speaks'


ANJ, as scattered as JB's questioning of YM was today, there was a method to his madness. He chose several "signpost moments" where one could make the argument that KC should have been Mirandized/was not actually free to leave/would not have reasonably thought that she was free to stop the conversation and depart. These included:

- When the rookie cuffed her for 4-5 minutes (or 30-60 minutes by GA's accounting)
- When she was talking with YM alone in the spare bedroom
- When she got in Acevedo's car to go point out places Caylee/ZFG might be
- When they were at security at Universal
- When they were at the end of the hall at Universal
- In the room at Universal
- Back at OCSO

Most significant seemed to be the end of the hall at Universal. YM agreed that at that point he recognized that KC had clearly lied to LE (4 of her original arrest warrants are for this crime), yet they continued into the room and continued the conversation with KC w/o Miranda.

YM very believably stated, about 4 times I think, that he just could not believe that the mother of a missing toddler would lie so expansively, and indicated that he kept trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. JB kept trying to make hay with the concept of "when did LE become suspicious of KC, and trying to imply that LE considered KC a suspect long before she was arrested.

(ETA: THANK YOU for that screen grab! :shocked2:)
I have no idea but I hope not!!! I want a Baez smackdown big time! I'm just feeling vindictive enough at the moment to be completely honest about it!
:slap: :skip: :skip: :skip: :slap:

Thanks Amil!!! Just one question I keep hearing about an outburst in the courtroom when YM was testifying..I was watching but this occurred during one of the black outs...can you please (pretty please with sugar on top) tell us what happen? TIA!!!:rocker:

I did not hear or see any outburst of any kind.
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