2011.04.06 Frye Hearing Thread

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Hehehe, JB just needs to let CM get up and talk.
HHJP asked JA why they did not try to contact the witness in the NY case (Patrenko?) and he had an answer that I couldn't hear, then HHJP asked JB what their position would be if they did, and JB responded that they wouldn't like it. Then he said they would want a quid pro quo, and HH said that didn't answer his question, if he objected what would the be the basis of their objection.
HHJP is asking JB what position he would take if a person was called to testify? The witness is from NY he is a dr.

HHJP: if we called him to get his opinion and testify would you object?
yes, we can't cross?

HHHP: you wouldn't have a crawford issue, he would be subject to cross. would you object and what would be the basis?

JB: our basis would be hearsay

HHJP: how could it be hearsay if he is testifying...

JA: speaking
HHBP - would you object and what would be your basis for objection?
JB - everything he said would be hearsay
HHBP - Mr. Mason wants to talk to you
JA - I don't object to Mr. Mason talking
How would it be heresay if he is subject to cross?? Judge

Mr. Mason wants to talk with you. Judge
GOOD LORD! HHJP is giving JAB soooooooo many clues!
All the grown ups in the courtroom now have to repeatedly "dumb down" HHJP's question for JB.

This expert from New York must have the goods on Baez
and they don't want the prosecutors talking to him.

Novice Seeker
The sound quality is so poor today, I hope it's gonna be better for the trial.
I can only make out a few words! aaaarhg
Sounds like HHJP is getting pizzed..
HHJP: says this dr. testified about this root banding that has been generally accepted in the scientific community.
Something hypothetical I think - wants to know what JB would do if JA called a certain witness from NY to give evidence. JB would offer an objection - not good enough for HHJP - what would you do?

The Defense table appears to be in a shambles....
Poor Judge Perry! This trial is going to test his patience that's for sure
IMHO: HHJP is signaling that HE will let in "pM root banding"
OK, my sound is now so good, that I can faintly hear the "backround" music for Bejeweled. Whose computer is on in the court and the mic is picking this up?
CM and JB pretending they do not understand the judge or are they that dumb?
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