2011.05.13 - Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day Five)

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I have had to miss most of the last two days due to RL (which is much less interesting in many ways than my time here at WS but whaddaya gonna do?). I'm tempted to say "OK, so fill me in!" but I suspect there would be much rotten fruit flung in my direction if I did. :innocent:

I will say that I'm not worried about the juror who "can't judge" because IMO she will look to other jurors for input etc. I don't think she would be unable to vote ICA guilty. Do have concerns that she would just never open her mind to considering the DP however.

(And wow I've missed you guys SO MUCH! Thanks to everyone who posted so helpfully--it makes it so much easier to catch up. :blowkiss:)

I'm with you! :)

I think juror 1319 is going to shock everyone - I've got a tingling in my fingers that tell me the defense wanted her off but the State jumped the gun and blew it.

When the juror said she didn't like to judge anyone (keeping in mind her faith and belief system - "judge not others lest you be judged") her answer was to be expected. Judge Perry has told the jurors they must tell the truth which is exactly what this lady did. In her personal life outside the courtroom she does not judge her fellow man on the opinions and words of others - quite right too for a practicing Christian one would think.

However, inside the courtroom is not the same thing and I too don't think it would be a problem for other jurors to explain the evidence to her and help her along so to speak. I think she is going to turn out to be one hell of a juror and the defense messed this up big time. Sucks to be them :)
I can't imagine at least the defense side wanting a jury to be completed without using all 10 of their challenges. And right now they only have one. And they can still remove all 8 of the ones approved, if they wanted to be stuck with the next 8. Or they can remove two, and interview two more. Etc...
And they need to get to 20 somehow, after all of the challenges from both sides. It will get done, but not tomorrow and maybe not Monday.
Day1 Jury Selection

Day5 Jury Selection

Love this blog!

"I don’t care if Jose thinks crying is a bad idea; he wasn’t there to see it work on my mom for 20 years, so he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’ll show him."
I have had to miss most of the last two days due to RL (which is much less interesting in many ways than my time here at WS but whaddaya gonna do?). I'm tempted to say "OK, so fill me in!" but I suspect there would be much rotten fruit flung in my direction if I did. :innocent:

I will say that I'm not worried about the juror who "can't judge" because IMO she will look to other jurors for input etc. I don't think she would be unable to vote ICA guilty. Do have concerns that she would just never open her mind to considering the DP however.

(And wow I've missed you guys SO MUCH! Thanks to everyone who posted so helpfully--it makes it so much easier to catch up. :blowkiss:)

Welcome back - missed you!! :hug:

I share your same thoughts about that potential juror.
Day1 Jury Selection

Day5 Jury Selection

Interesting! You'd think she was trying out for Jr. Miss Pageant on day 5! *rolleyes*
Day1 Jury Selection

Day5 Jury Selection

Has she no concept what she is facing? Anyone know what was so "pleasing" to her today to warrant the huge smile? :waitasec:
Did they lighten the meds today? She could move around a bit. Imo, she shouldn't be able to hide her responses to being tried with medication-- one purpose of having her in the courtroom, after all, is to witness her behavior. It's bunk.
Whoa - Yakety Yak!!! Just noticed I hit the 6000 mark! Geez, talk much?? LOL!
I'm probably going to hit over 10K by the time this trial is over. Then when anyone asks me if I've ever done a 10K, I can say "sure I have"
(People up here are real marathon runners - yawn)

Wait until you hit 27,000. I did that on another forum. I go there once a month now just to check in & keep my account open. You guys stole me! I cry Kidnapping!!:floorlaugh:

Love this blog!

"I don’t care if Jose thinks crying is a bad idea; he wasn’t there to see it work on my mom for 20 years, so he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’ll show him."

I have never read anything there that didn't sound like a teen age rant. Effin this & effin that. Just not my style. I'm from the old school apparently.:sick:
Has she no concept what she is facing? Anyone know what was so "pleasing" to her today to warrant the huge smile? :waitasec:

on http://www.wftv.com/index.html -- the link for "Casey Walking In" "See Images" , this was one of the times when she entered the courtroom and had just sat down. Looks like maybe she is talking to AF. Regardless, it's as if a different person walks in every day. Considering why she is there, I would expect more of a down mood. This is somewhat manic. But then again I imagine her nerves and emotions are all over the place.
on http://www.wftv.com/index.html -- the link for "Casey Walking In" "See Images" , this was one of the times when she entered the courtroom and had just sat down. Looks like maybe she is talking to AF. Regardless, it's as if a different person walks in every day. Considering why she is there, I would expect more of a down mood. This is somewhat manic. But then again I imagine her nerves and emotions are all over the place.

Thank you. I haven't been able to watch any of the proceedings today. :)

I agree, however, that her facial expressions have been from one extreme to another during jury selection, and was more or less curious if potential jurors were present when she showed this happy face.
okay, I was going reply on the other session thread, but seems to be closed!! Someone asked to do a screen shot when RB's computer is on WS - BUT!! HOW do you do a screen shot?? I'll do it next time I see it - but someone PLEASE explain HOW!! Thanks!! :great:
okay, I was going reply on the other session thread, but seems to be closed!! Someone asked to do a screen shot when RB's computer is on WS - BUT!! HOW do you do a screen shot?? I'll do it next time I see it - but someone PLEASE explain HOW!! Thanks!! :great:

Niner, I just learned this myself so hopefully I'll explain it the right way.

On the top of your keyboard there should be a key that says "Print Screen" (on my Toshiba laptop it's fourth from the top right, says "PRTSC".) When you see a frame you want to save, hit that key.

Open the "Paint" program and paste the image into it.

Use the "Crop" tool to frame your image.

Use the "Resize" tool to make sure the image is 100kb or less.

Save the image to desktop.

Add image to your post.

Day1 Jury Selection

Day5 Jury Selection
Day 1 - this was all new and ICA was just beginning her meltdown.

By Day 5 - and this is JMHO only - but I do believe she is being medicated now. ICA meet Zanny the Nanny - prob a lil pill in the AM and another one right after her sammich at lunchtime.

The past two days she has seemed more "calm" sometimes even placated. She certainly is not as animated as she was.

Again, JMHO
okay, I was going reply on the other session thread, but seems to be closed!! Someone asked to do a screen shot when RB's computer is on WS - BUT!! HOW do you do a screen shot?? I'll do it next time I see it - but someone PLEASE explain HOW!! Thanks!! :great:

If you press "Alt" and "Print Screen" at the same time it will capture the active Window and copy it to the Windows Clipboard. Then, open a graphics program such as "Paint" and "Ctrl V" to "Paste" the image into the program. You can then crop the pic using Paint's cropping tools. Then "Save As" a jpg image and there ya go....one instant screen cap.

There are also programs such as "Snag It" that do much better job of getting screen captures. Research it if you're interested. I believe Snag It has a trial period.

Hope that helps.
Wow what a week. What time do we start tomorrow?? I know I better manage to do some work during this trial...it's starting to show and work will be wondering what the heck I do all day.
Wow what a week. What time do we start tomorrow?? I know I better manage to do some work during this trial...it's starting to show and work will be wondering what the heck I do all day.

Umm - 8:30am which is another 5:30am time for me sigh - I think i've aged 10 years this week!
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