2011.05.26 TRIAL Day Three (Afternoon Session)

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Is this the guy with the "Win Her Over with Chloryform" reference?

No - I believe that was Ricardo M.

Can anyone tell me the name of the guy she's been friends with since grade school? Has he been on the stand yet?
Here we go with JB asking if he knows how Caylee died.
OMG JB's voice is trying to sound sad about how "shocking" it is to know all these were lies by KC>
why does JB keep asking "how caylee died"? I'm sorry, but it seems ridiculous to me
Where is Jose going with this?
Yup - Melissa England

Awesome...cause if I'm a juror I know there is a huge difference between coping skills and pathological lying...yes the state is doing great!!! :floorlaugh: I'd have loved to see ICA's face for that one.

ID kept up with kc on messenger online . . worked @ universal . . .asked what did kc do with with Caylee . . .she has Nanny known for 6 years . . .never heard of Nanny before . .. AOL instant message svc. . doorknob375 . . .kc0marie . . IM's from 6/13/08 , 6/19, 6/20, 7/14 . . previously reviewed these . . .
(objection . . relevancy .. .overrule . . enter as evidence)

ID . . .7/13/08 . . .publish to jury . . .topic kc moving out soon . . .kc looking for apts @ winterpark villas . . she wanted to move within a week . . .her Nanny while kc was working . . .has a Nanny "I love her" . . .kc had a boyfriend TL . . his picture was on myspace @ time . . .maybe an interest to start relationship w/kc @ that time . . .context of these messages she was interested in relationship . . .(overruled on time) . . .Fusion sushi by day and night lounge by night . . .invited many times to Fusion by kc . via IM's . . .ID never attended . . .

JB . . .

(drum roll please . . . .wet, lather, rinse, repeat) . . .

ID known KC for 1 1/2 years by that time . . she worked @ Universal . . Event planner, had a Nanny, shocking to find out none of this was true . . .never noticed any difference in her behavior . . . friendly/ougoing/nice person before and after . . .

can't tell how Caylee died.

JB one more question . . .

Did you tell LE that KC was (heavy?) drinker . . leave early and drink (light or late?)

Witness Excused

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