2011.06.06 Nancy Grace:Tot Mom Murder Trial Day 11: NG Live From Orlando 8 EST merged

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Jean Casares: This started on direct due to paper towels found in the trunk with fatty acids, JB said it could be hamburger meat, expert said they'd have to eat it with a paper bag over their head........JB said hamburger or chicken.....defense doesn't want a body in the trunk, they want the chemical analysis to be trash not decomposing body.

Showing video from testimony

Diane Dimond: Old trick that defense does, throw spaghetti against the wall and hope it sticks. He's trying to give some other possible reason why the trunk smelled like it did. Expert isn't the only one who said it smelled like dead body; GA, CA, and tow yard man did too

Penny Douglass Furr, Darryl Cohen guests

DC: Sometimes the best cross-examination is none at all; this is stupid and hurting their client

PDF: They should bring their own expert; they're just trying to get this State expert to agree now.

Natisha Lance: Not determined yet if jury will smell air samples; so much other evidence coming in about it now anyway, including what Dr. Vass said.
What is it JB beef or poultry that was in the trunk? Absolutely insane the way he is trying so desperately hard to make anything fit into his ridiculous story. By time we are done with this trial we will have had the entire food chain in that trunk. How about fish next? Rotting fish stinks to high heaven.
Baez trying to give some other reason to the smell in the car but Cindy said it, George said it, Lee said it and Dr. Vass said it

... Even the cadaver said it but not in so many words. Not to mention the tow yard guy - JB is fighting the wrong battle and when he concedes this one his credibility is further shot.
What is it JB beef or poultry that was in the trunk? Absolutely insane the way he is trying so desperately hard to make anything fit into his ridiculous story. By time we are done with this trial we will have had the entire food chain in that trunk,

lmbo, nevermind that everyone has said human decomp has it's own smell
Baez all cocky when he suggests the burger. LOL

I KNOW. lol He looked so proud of himself. What a Perry Mason moment. Does he think the jury is buying the hamburger and dead raccoon scenario?
Baez trying to give some other reason to the smell in the car but Cindy said it, George said it, Lee said it and Dr. Vass said it

Don't forget - YURI said it!

At least I can give NG credit for not siding with the defense.
I really wish the media and others would stop giving the DT tips and ideas on how to build a stronger case for ICA......let him continue just as he is....................he's doing a fine job all by himself.................................(being sarcastic) :)
Someone should compile the "many faces of Casey" I saw one today of her first time in handcuffs, wow
Timer55 hasn't had a picture for awhile now (week or two)......at least we can listen though. Or wait and check out Patty's YouTubes later :)

That's what I'm doing. Not at home, vcr not working. Caught the beginning of JVM but then she had Kobi on who is DT biased of course. Before that I saw LKB on Prime News and just flipped right by HER.
No reaction from Casey today when hearing about organs becoming liquid. Jury taking notes and at the edge of their seats. Cindy also taking notes today.
I am so glad it came out that Febreez and dryer sheets don't cause chloroform!
Little can be said to dispute Dr. Vass's testimony.
Someone should compile the "many faces of Casey" I saw one today of her first time in handcuffs, wow

The pic with blue hood? While she struts and smirks that evil smirk.
Back from commercial with video clips..........

NG: Renowned scientist Dr. Vass described overwhelming stench he knew was a dead body. JB said possibly source of fatty acid stain in trunk was from hamburger meat or possibly chicken. Dr. Vass said it would take pounds of meat!

Natisha Lance: No reaction from Casey. You're hearing about organs becoming liquid. Jurors listening very closely, few taking notes, even CA taking notes.

NG: Mounds of exhibits in court today........

Dr. Michael Arnall: All humans have fat underneath skin and around organs; fat becomes chemical compounds during decomposition. JB is in a tough situation, probably very little can be said to dispute Dr. Vass' testimony; he has to say something but this is probably the wrong choice..........
What's on the menu JB?, err, pizza or maybe raw hamburger ... Nah chicken, or maybe rotten potatoes and what about the smell?, err Febreeze and dryer sheets and gasoline.

What was ICA's car trunk ... A convenience store? What's your beef JB?
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