2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

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ok so I missed the whole morning and I am trying to catch up here at lunch....haven't gotten very far. But I'm guessing I missed A LOT given WFTVs headlines. Anyone have any advice whether I just watch the morning tonight and watch the afternoon live or what?

stay live with us. . .watch the morning session tonight. . .IMHO

ETA: GA on redirect with JB. . .more fireworks, I'm sure.
Although george seems to be more truthful today, I can't disregard all the lies he's told. As for suicide, people intent on that just do it, they don't talk about it.

I have to completely, 100% disagree with you on people's intentions on suicide. It's categorically untrue that people intent on it just do it and don't talk about it.
We are about to get started again. I have to ask - does anyone think that the legal teams watch HLN on InSession during lunch?

THANK GOD someone in that family stood up!!! I am sooooo glad that GA did. Man I have a lot of reading to do!!!! Did they get in trouble for not being there at 8:30? I am glad JA was helping GA (still listening to recaps). Also, did they rest? TIA

Gawd, oversleep ONE day and miss the BIGGEST bombshells...
I want to take a moment and thank everybody for their posts - I'm having a horrible work day and am barely able to keep up listening - but the comments are helping me - thanks!

Cherry, I'm waving my magic wand that troubles and stress fly away and Horror of a day becomes a Hooray! of day.

thinking of ya.
@JimLichtensteinJim Lichtenstein
"There was a lunatic screaming at Judge Perry as he walked to lunch. Saying he tampers with juries. The #VelvetHammer kept strolling. Smooth."

I love love love Mark Eiglarsh's take on this case

I do too. I just added him to my twitter, he is funny to me.

When I added him I then got a screen that said some others you might want to follow and LKB was the 2nd person on there. OH he77 no, I don't want to follow her.
Has this case made anyone else start using legalese with their friends and loved ones? I swear to God, I said both "I object" and "asked and answered" to my boyfriend and best friend recently.

You mean like asking my kids to adhere to my admonitions? I wouldn't do that. ;) :crazy:
I believe that sociopaths are born and their environment plays a huge factor in whether they will be "functioning" sociopaths, able to get along in the world without doing too much damage, or whether they will go on to become serial killers. (ETA: Not to blame all parents for all serial killers. IMO, a sociopath could be raised in the best of circumstances but still turn out bad. It's a cr@p shoot.)

There has been brain research in recent years that, IIRC, shows that chronic offenders have brain malfunctions. IIRC there is a section of the brain (amygdala?) that controls empathy and in criminals it doesn't properly function.
OH no judge has someone at podium wonder if it was a spectator
I think the screaming lunatic is in court. At the podium! :eek:
Live in the courtroom now. Who is the guy with the plaid shirt standing at the attorney's dias?
Has this case made anyone else start using legalese with their friends and loved ones? I swear to God, I said both "I object" and "asked and answered" to my boyfriend and best friend recently.

I don't know how many of my sentences have started with "For the record. . ."
I have to completely, 100% disagree with you on people's intentions on suicide. It's categorically untrue that people intent on it just do it and don't talk about it.

You are absolutely correct. It is really dangerous that some people continue to believe the old myths about suicide.
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