2011.07.03 Defense (CM) Closing Arguments #2

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don't worry the jury tuned cm out when he opened with that 300 year old
rambling story, and them having sat there for 8 hours on a sunday.
I guess they will break for dinner and then come back for State again?
ICA bottom lip is so stuck out my mom would have said you can walk to town on that lip!

Ha hja ha Mine used to say " Don't trip on that lower lip on your way out."

ICA is really pouting. CM makes her feel like a martyr and she really eats that up. She is enjoying this but I bet the jury has checked out already, imo.

I HOPE LDB can do her follow up tomorrow morning.
This is pre-law 101. Shaking head, I've known some great defense attorneys, I feel sorry for them today.
We are all going to need some sort of 12 step program when this case is over. Might have to start a support thread for members:crazy:
Wow, CM said the only thing we can be sure of 100% is we're going to die. At a murder trial you say that?
I am reminded of that unruly type who hurled a shoe at Pres. Bush.

I am so wishing his cousin was in the courtroom about now.
how long will this go on for? will LDB do rebuttal tonight?
At this point if I was on the jury I would vote guilty just because of the time this defense team has taken up. This is nothing but grandstanding now.

Taking up all the time with hopes that the SA won't get to do rebuttal until tomorrow & that gives the jury TIME to think about what THEY said!
when he slows down I get worried he won’t start up again

closing now
Sweet goodness, he said he is about to close!!
So far, the prosecution has spoken for 90 minutes today and the defense has spoken for what feels like 29 1/2 years. Please make it stop. Someone? Anyone? I have a fistful of money I can contribute to the cause ... Well, ten bucks or so. :)
I just know we will have another break before linda... let this be over soon...
Jurors will be alert and what Linda says will be fresh on their minds if they finish tomorrow. A plus for the prosecution.
~Dang it..Torrential downpour here in SL...I'm stuck here in my house with no more fixin's for my Margarita glass...CM's babbling is leading me to need a strong one!

i'm in stl too...i'll bring a bunch of strong ones over for you! :)
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