2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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I certainly doubt that Casey is going to 'get honest' and 'do good.' Look at what she did to escape her guilty verdict. She falsely accused her Dad of rape and incest and made up a phony accident story. Her attorneys are even now admitting that was just a phony story. So these past 3 years were not ones in which she reflected upon her past wrongs and changed anything,imo.
As we speak she is appealing the verdict upon her lying charges, and claiming indigence so the state will pay for it. Meanwhile her team of attorneys is putting her up in some swank place and giving her a makeover to prepare for her million dollar media blitz. She has not changed her ways. In fact, she is empowered by her 'victory.'

Well, you were not there when she was growing up and neither was I , so I dont know what she went through and what she didn't. I dont believe she was sexually abused, but I believe she was emotionally abused. And I dont know what she thought about for 3 years in solitary and I know you don't either. I hope she does better with her life and some hope she dies by sniper, cest' le vie!!
I kinda like the sniper idea personally.
I dont think she will steal when she has her own money. Her stealing was out of desperation. jmo

Stealing out of desperation is when you can't feed your children because you can't get a job due to the crappy economy. Not because you want a new push up bra and you're too lazy to get or keep a real job.
Have you seen a pic of Arnold Schwarzeneggers maid. Compared to Maria,not even close. But it happened.

Wow! She is very beautiful! I think he is a bit handsome too but my moral compass would not allow me to want someone like him. I don't need fame and money at this type of expense. Men like him have his beautiful wife and his little cash cow on the side. Poor Poor Casey she probably thinks he loves her.
It was said that was what she did with the check she stole from her Grandma SP..............which started the whole fight on father's day thing that CA says did not happen but LA says did.

Things sure would have been different that night if Cindy would have called the cops on her daughter for theft.
Mr Dahmer was a nice man. I watchedhim in an interview. I do believe Jeffrey Dahmer had a mental illness. Sure wasnt Mr Dahmers fault. And youre right he didnt make excuses, cover up, lie, etc. Im sure he felt awful.
BTW, I havent read alot about him but to me Joran Van der Sloot looks mentally retarded. He doesnt look right. Has he had an IQ test done?

This is off topic a bit. Dahmer's mom moved out of the house and took the brother to Calif without telling the father. They were separted at the time. Dad had no idea Jeff was living alone in the house. Things were not ok in this family either. What is really scary is..Jeff told police he planned to kill a neighbor, a doctor who jogged by his house everyday. On the morning he planned the kill, the dr did not jog for some reason.
CA tried to choke the adult daughter that she enabled.
GA tried to choke the adult daughter he refused to question prior to her arrest. (in front of strangers no less)

Violence breeds violence
? George tried to choke Casey?
Stealing out of desperation is when you can't feed your children because you can't get a job due to the crappy economy. Not because you want a new push up bra and you're too lazy to get or keep a real job.

I agree! But having no money at all would make someone desperate. I mean she was chronically stealing gas. The signs were all there that something was wrong. They knew she was stealing, but I think Cindy was too proud to have a daughter in jail for theft. Later karma got her and her daughter was in jail facing the DP.
Actually, no one is entitled to decide for another whether they get to have a productive life or not. She was acquitted and anyone who thinks they get to decide is vindictive and vengeful, IMO.

It is certainly up to her how she goes about that and how she chooses to deal with all of this, but it's really not okay, IMO, for people to purposefully get in her way. (That, of course, is not the same as people choosing not to help her--I'm fine with that).

If the public is seeking to harm her ability to function within society based on what they believe is a rightful return for a perceived injury then that is being vengeful.

I am struggling with my responses to what is going on with Casey now. I admit I'm not convinced she was guilty of premeditation but I do think she almost certainly somehow is responsible for Caylee's death. And certainly she did many strange and downright wrong things in the aftermath.

But even so, I am trying very hard not to wish her ill. For my own karma or spiritual health or whatever, I am trying not to perpetuate the negativity the Anthonys put out into the world. We've seen them all lie, hate, accuse, and god only knows what else. And I'm sure some of that is embedded in their functioning and will only continue.

But it would be satisfying on some levels if someone as damaged as Casey could somehow, genuinely, could find her way to redemption. More important, the world does not need more evil or pain. So I don't want to see anyone do anything horrible to her. And I will do my best not to succumb to glee or schadenfraude (sp!?) if she's caught working a stripper pole or ripping off some gullible admirer. If by some miracle she can change, and in some way start contributing something good into the world, how can I oppose that?
Things sure would have been different that night if Cindy would have called the cops on her daughter for theft.

Hindsight is 20/20.

Cindy told Casey she would take Caylee...the next day Caylee was dead.

You can always look at the bright side...........

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The financial fallout from the case against Casey Anthony could cost lead defense attorney Jose Baez his home.

Foreclosure documents indicated Baez owes more than $650,000 to creditors. Baez said he blames his foreclosure on the real estate downturn.

Baez purchased his lakefront home three years ago for $670,000. On Wednesday, he admitted it's only worth about half of that amount.

In a foreclosure complaint, Baez's creditor, U.S. Bank, claimed, "the installment, which became due on the note and mortgage on Sept. 1, 2009, and each payment thereafter have not been paid."

In the mortgage he signed, Baez financed $601,000. He agreed to pay $4,500 a month plus interest. In the foreclosure complaint filed in May, he owed $655,000.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/24425702/detail.html#ixzz1SPFpeIuj

Actually I think that tender moment CA described was just another lie trying to cover up the fight that she won't admit to.

When they were playing the jail tape of the 911 call yesterday, I heard a section that I'd never heard before, I don't know if it was just prior to the call, but they had the words up on the screen. It was Cindy threatening Casey that she would take custody of Caylee away from her! Did I see that right?
I thought so too for awhile. I must admit she had me fooled with that Oscar worthy performance in court crying her eyes out and folding herself over double. Then she committed perjury and I snapped out of it.

Thank you x100. Me too. Will never venture back there again.
Yeah, and her mom didn't press charges. She had to have known Casey was not working. She knew her daughter was troubled and she just went on her way ignoring there was something wrong with her daughter hoping for the best. She had an obligation to her grandchild and there is more than enough proof she knew how bad Casey was. When you grow up with a head in the sand mom and a messed up cheating dad, it WILL mess you up. But it was more important for Cindy to live in her fantasy world, and I dont blame her, it had to suck to have a messed up daughter and no good husband. Being away for 3 years was the best thing that happened to Casey. I hope she thrives and gets honest and does good.

I know this post/response is going to show up 10 pages from now, but I have to respond.

Why is the mother always blamed for the way a child behaves and/or turns out???????? There are a lot of families like the A's but the daughter doesn't do the things that FCA did (not reporting an accident, not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days, acting like she isn't/wasn't even a mom, let alone driving around with her deceased daughter in the trunk; dumping her in the swamp like she was trash and on and on)...
I know parents can mold a child but this girl (FCA) is a cold hearted, non-caring, liar and thief not to mention an abuser and a murderer...
I don't care much for Cindy or George but how much can we blame them for the way FCA is............this is one of reasons she is like she is.........she has always blamed someone else for everything.........or someone has always picked up the pieces behind her
until she accepts and becomes responsible, she will continue to hurt those around her.......
I believe she is truly evil, but that is my own opinion
I agree! But having no money at all would make someone desperate. I mean she was chronically stealing gas. The signs were all there that something was wrong. They knew she was stealing, but I think Cindy was too proud to have a daughter in jail for theft. Later karma got her and her daughter was in jail facing the DP.

Cindy had to know there was no nanny and no job.

Actually I think that tender moment CA described was just another lie trying to cover up the fight that she won't admit to.

That combined with ca's Walton moment of tucking both Caylee and KKC in bed that night.
States attorney said the suicide note had a suggestion of responsibility of sexual abuse in it???

Why on Earth would they have fought to have the note put into state's evidnece and the DT did not want the whole note in???

Makes no sense to me.

Do you have a link to this info?

That was what JB said during trial there was nothing in the suicide note. Im personally dissapointed and amazed that some are taking the word of a lawyer that doesnt even know the truth himself only what his lying client told him. We arent talking about a women that lies she takes it to the most extreme I have ever seen. I guess the saying fool me once fool me twice might come in to play here.IMO it wont be long and no one but KA will be responsible for her undoing and breaking the law.I give her 3 years tops.JMO
CA tried to choke the adult daughter that she enabled.
GA tried to choke the adult daughter he refused to question prior to her arrest. (in front of strangers no less)

Violence breeds violence

I do not call choking your murdering daughter abuse...I call it just shaking the tar out of her to get the truth. She murdered my Grandchild and clammed up she's have a 38 in her face til she copped to it.
Actually, no one is entitled to decide for another whether they get to have a productive life or not. She was acquitted and anyone who thinks they get to decide is vindictive and vengeful, IMO.

It is certainly up to her how she goes about that and how she chooses to deal with all of this, but it's really not okay, IMO, for people to purposefully get in her way. (That, of course, is not the same as people choosing not to help her--I'm fine with that).

If the public is seeking to harm her ability to function within society based on what they believe is a rightful return for a perceived injury then that is being vengeful.

But that is totally my own opinion.

I think she should try really hard to become, I don't know maybe not a burden on society. Whether she can be productive , I'm not sure. What dose she have to offer someone to make it worth hiring her? Or should she be given some position just because she was acquitted of major charges?What makes her situation conducive to hiring her over someone more trustworthy?
I really enjoy hearing the different opinions of everyone..even if I don't not agree. But I am really uncomfortable with any mention of KC being killed. That is not justice ..it's murder. vigilantism is so dangerous.
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