A New Message From Carol Espy and Our thanks to Carol

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Kudos, Tricia!

Many, Many Kudos!

This is such good news!
Oh, this is most excellent! Carol's WSspeak is coming along nicely :D She's a kick! She gets us! :woohoo:
Oh, this is most excellent! Carol's WSspeak is coming along nicely :D She's a kick! She gets us! :woohoo:

Chico What is scary is that someone actually gets all of us nutz here. But knows how passionate we all are about cases.:crazy:
I just realized, going back over this thread that I hadn't thanked Carol for having Tricia on her show and allowing her to get the word out about Websleuths. I'm also pleased to see Tricia is going to be a regular. As you read the voluminous pages of Websleuths, it's obvious Tricia will never run out of material. :(

It's so refreshing to see someone in the media understand what forums like Websleuths is all about. We don't just read or watch the news, we try to figure out a solution. And more importantly, we show support for the victim and the family and friends.

There are times when we're wrong on who the perp is and other times, we just can't figure it out. Like LE says, there is 'no evidence.' But we keep trying. Oh, and 'yes,' there have been times when members of forums such as Websleuths, have connected a perp in one crime, to an old cold case in an entirely different state. That is one instance when it really gets exciting.

As this thread is on the Nancy Cooper forum, I'd just like to take a second to talk about this case. Well, not JUST this case, but IMO, domestic violence. Yes, we do NOT know as of this moment, all the true details and who did this horrible crime. But, LOL, as anyone who's read any of my posts, I make myself clear on where I stand. Yes, I could be wrong, but right now, I don't think so.

What cases such as the Nancy Cooper crime should do, is bring better awareness of domestic violence. By throwing ideas back and forth, bringing links from studies, perhaps just one, hopefully more, person reading these pages will see themselves and realize that they too are in danger. In danger of being one of our subject forums. That realization just may save their life.

When the secrecy of domestic violence is revealed to the masses, perhaps they would then have the knowledge of those little subtle things that happen with a family member or friend, that they just may recognize that something bad is happening behind closed doors. They can then be a friend of a potential victim and let them know they are not alone.

There are so many cases discussed on Websleuths that have gone unsolved. It's not necessarily that there is 'no evidence,' just not the 'right evidence' that can insure a jury will convict. Maybe some day someone will be listening to your show and realize they may have the key LE needs on a dusty cold case. With life and crime, you just never know.

Anyway, thank you Carol for recognizing Websleuths and what we do here. I'm also glad to see you enjoy reading Websleuths and see that you're becoming just one of the gang, a Websleuth-aholic! ;)


PS...Oh, and thank you for recognizing me on your show. I really do appreciate it. Maybe some day I'll be able to call in!
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