A psychic involved in the Anthony case faces a criminal investigation

In all seriousness, One visit to the website and you know that you need to disclose your credit card information to so much as leave a tip for them.

This has been a joke from the start.
In all seriousness, One visit to the website and you know that you need to disclose your credit card information to so much as leave a tip for them.

This has been a joke from the start.

Im not sure where you got that from but its not true, the site is free (they do have more options and other memberships that can be paid for) and there is a contact option that directs you to email them just as you would email anyone else.
Im not sure where you got that from but its not true, the site is free (they do have more options and other memberships that can be paid for) and there is a contact option that directs you to email them just as you would email anyone else.

Yeah it is completely free........don't understand what he is talking about either. I honestly would trust Gale with my cash
Yeah it is completely free........don't understand what he is talking about either. I honestly would trust Gale with my cash

The contact option carries a warning that messages may not be read for up to six months, that in order to reach them immediately or to post on the board they check you must "join the site" and provide your bank information.
I don't know anything about this Gale person, but since the Hornbeck case was in my neck of the woods I followed B's predictions closely and I can tell you the dream drawing that he had early on showing the apt complex where they eventually found the 2 boys was right on. That's when I gained some respect for his abilities. Hope I don't get in trouble for posting this, JMO
The contact option carries a warning that messages may not be read for up to six months, that in order to reach them immediately or to post on the board they check you must "join the site" and provide your bank information.

........I haven't seem this but I honestly haven't looked into the purpose of purchasing or becoming a member of their site so I don't know but their Caylee stuff was updated daily. Either way, I can honestly say I'd trust Gale with my money
There isn't anything wrong with her cadavar dogs. The media got their info wrong about the dogs hitting on animal remains. I think anyone willing to get out in the heat, bugs, snakes and gators for 12 hour days deserves our respect and not our redicule.
I strongly agree. The hotel overcharged the donor. That has happened to me more times than I care to even talk about. Like another poster said, at least this woman and her team were out looking for Caylee. We all know that the majority of Florida was not, including the girl's very own family.
I don't know if she is psychic or not but I do know she has been down in FLA for many weeks searching for Caylee in the heat and humidity. I think this is a case of the media making a mountain out of a misunderstanding. Is this a case of "NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED" ? Don't know but I would guess yes.
ok...hmmmm, well if she is physchic why hasn't she found Caylee?
I can't belive people buy into this crap. That B was even trying to make money off the Duckette case.

They never found him either. These people are just trying to profit from missing children. It's really the lowest form of life.

I don't know if she is psychic or not but I do know she has been down in FLA for many weeks searching for Caylee in the heat and humidity. I think this is a case of the media making a mountain out of a misunderstanding. Is this a case of "NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED" ? Don't know but I would guess yes.

I have to agree. It seems that everyone that tries to help some way or another gets dragged through the mud. Psychic or not she was out there in the elements looking. She did more than GA, CA, LA or KC. I know she has done more than I have. Which is sit on the end of my couch in an air conditioned house, typing away. AS for the charges at the hotel...I cant tell you the times a hotel screwed up my bill, matter of fact I have caused more scenes in hotel lobbies my family will not go any where near me during check out time...Profit, Not profit at this point who cares, she went and looked for a missing child and as a victim advocate she should have our praise and only that.
I hope NG follows up on this story. She wasn't exactly thrilled when she interviewed the psychic on the show a few weeks back - and that's putting it mildly.
These people took time from their familys and went to search for Caylee. They did more that CAylee's own family did and that is sad.
I have to agree. It seems that everyone that tries to help some way or another gets dragged through the mud. Psychic or not she was out there in the elements looking. She did more than GA, CA, LA or KC. I know she has done more than I have. Which is sit on the end of my couch in an air conditioned house, typing away. AS for the charges at the hotel...I cant tell you the times a hotel screwed up my bill, matter of fact I have caused more scenes in hotel lobbies my family will not go any where near me during check out time...Profit, Not profit at this point who cares, she went and looked for a missing child and as a victim advocate she should have our praise and only that.

exactly wht about lee and his donation site i wonder if he has a tax id as well at least she was out there searching her heart out with the monies what are the A's doing with there donation monies?
Yes, the news story was one-sided and scornful, looking for sensation. The psychic was untroubled and credible. There are enough sharp angles to this case and to the involved parties w/o adding more.
I hope NG follows up on this story. She wasn't exactly thrilled when she interviewed the psychic on the show a few weeks back - and that's putting it mildly.

I wasn't either, and still am not!
There isn't anything wrong with her cadavar dogs. The media got their info wrong about the dogs hitting on animal remains. I think anyone willing to get out in the heat, bugs, snakes and gators for 12 hour days deserves our respect and not our redicule.

I'm with you!

I will stop there. I don't want to get banned from my fav forum!
I am a believer in psychics as my hubby is one when not ill, but he cannot control what is fed to him, usually not what he is asking or looking for and not all the time. I too support anyone who put up with the elements down there to search... I know that I am not aware of all there is in the universe and I am willing to look at anything as a possibility. There are other threads here that I am not sure I believe in what they are persuing, but you know what, I rarely read them, but they could be onto something too. Anything that brings closure to this case is great in my book.
I agree completely. This is an inappropriate thread. Just a bash fest for those who don't know what they're talking about.

a lame psychic should be off limits but Caylee's grandparents are fair game? :waitasec:
This news story wasn't one sided, and this is a discussion of a legitimate news story about a probable crime that is/was being investigated in regards of Caylee Anthony. We discuss such things every day on this board and rarely does someone lament that a crime story is one-sided. Now Brian and her have ran off with their tails between their legs, him claiming he is closing the case because people are after him. Anyone else aware of his dealings in the past knows that this is what he does when people call him out on being a fraud (shuts down a case for a while to get the heat off of him). As for Gale: she should have NEVER taken donations through that animal foundation to finance a trip that was not related to what the foundation exists for. That is something she will have to answer to her state and the feds about, if she was given a substantial amount of donations through the foundation. (I think they claim they got around $4000... definitely a substantial amount of monies, for sure.) On top of that, she was stupid to go and refuse a request of documentation on things when she openly sought donations under a IRS charity code. Where she has now shown letters from over 5 years ago on being attached to a charity in NY, she has still yet to show current proof, nor has she shown how that donated money was spent. If you act shifty on the monies, you deserve to be called out and reported on... you simply do not use a missing child case for your own personal gain. And that goes for anyone making money off of Caylee... including her own family...

Don't be fooled by charlatans getting out and doing things. Yes, they went down there, but at the end of the day they were there for personal gains, hence she was always wearing her Body Hunter shirt (a tv show she is trying to get picked up). And when TES was asking for volunteers to help in a legitimate LE enforcement backed search, this group of charlatans stood by and said if they were needed then they would help TES, but not once did they go and sign up to help. That should tell you something...

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