Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #182

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So graciously giving the families free photos of the girls for their funerals. Something I remember was talk of the thin books removed from the house. But nothing on the search warrant log mentioned that.
I feel certain that the killer was interrupted, just based on the small window to complete all these activities before DG and others were actively searching the area. Bonfire makes no sense to me unless it was part of whatever fantasy the killer was playing out. This, I suspect, is the reason for the sticks placed there - some demented fantasy. It could have been a ritualistic killing with a ritual of his own design; frankly linking the crime to area paganists doesn't wash with me.
It's always interesting how we place a designation (not sure if that's the right word) on them. From all the docs, etc I've read, it seems like they wear coats of many colors. Some of them can be Odins if they choose to be or they can be Heathens or Berserkers or Vindlanders or Christians or...?

This article details the history of some of these groups from Indiana.
This Defense has NEVER been ready to present a valid defense case for RA to a jury. Period. Not on the agreed upon original Jan 24 like they said in their begging statements crafted by Hennessy not to be taken off the case Oct 18th, not in their appellate lawyers statements to the SCOIN (they were ready to go to trial back on the original Jan 24 trial date), and not after they were reinstated by the SCOIN.

They weren't even close to ready when they filed the Motion for Speedy Trial. Now they've painted themselves in a corner and all they can do is ask for a continuance because they ARE STILL NOT READY, and will now have to blame it on the State for not hand delivering, specifically crafted reports of 'all the darn discovery that they haven't had a chance to look through yet'. Don't forget the Discovery that continues to trickle in, which can happen in any case up to the day of trial.

They did not have depositions completed, did not have Expert Witness identified or their testimony completed, I could go on all day. They were too busy riding on the coattails of adulation and glory of the SM, Podcaster and Twitter X hangers on, oh and defending themselves on Contempt charges.

I'll say it again, they have done their beloved Rick no favors. Even RA deserves better representation than these 2.


I think they are excellent attorneys, but I agree they may have bitten off more than they can chew. I don't think they had any idea how huge this case is until they really got into the Discovery and evidence. And the State counted on lackadaisical attorneys who would just get him to plea. Hence trying to get them kicked off the case.

While I think LE knows exactly what happened, who all is involved, and has this case completely solved (in private), I think this defense team may just "solve" it for the public because of their deep dives/digging/investigating. And I don't necessarily think that's a good thing, so I do really hope this goes to trial in 2 weeks as planned so they can move on to their next phase of arrests/prosecutions. But, I doubt it will.

With the driver working right inside.
The driver who reported he was on the trails that day, wearing similar clothing to BG.
For five years.
It’s possible, but we don’t know that he wasn’t noticed. We only know that it took five years to have enough to obtain a search warrant and probable cause for a subsequent arrest. They couldn’t arrest him for merely being on the bridge.

It’s possible, but we don’t know that he wasn’t noticed. We only know that it took five years to have enough to obtain a search warrant and probable cause for a subsequent arrest. They couldn’t arrest him for merely being on the bridge.

We also had no idea to look for a Ford Focus because they only said they wanted to know the DRIVER of "A" car. So nobody was looking for a Ford Focus.

Incidentally, none of the witnesses reported seeing a Ford Focus or any car resembling a Ford Focus, but I guess that doesn't even matter anymore.....

(If I was a juror, it would matter to me.)

That mention of possible tripod impressions is extremely upsetting, as well as searcher taking photos of the crime scene area...who knows what that actual means.
There may have been instructions to searchers to photograph objects of interest and notify police. Clothing found in the river was handled in this way. I was skimming all too quickly through the transcripts from the contempt hearing and never picked up the context of a particular discussion. My bad.
Maybe this is only done in the movies.

They should have pulled up a google map of Delphi, put a marker on the crime scene, drawn a 2 mile radius around that circle and then gone for a drive. They would have had the car, a location and a homeowner's name. Maybe they could have put the pieces together from there.
We also had no idea to look for a Ford Focus because they only said they wanted to know the DRIVER of "A" car. So nobody was looking for a Ford Focus.

Incidentally, none of the witnesses reported seeing a Ford Focus or any car resembling a Ford Focus, but I guess that doesn't even matter anymore.....

(If I was a juror, it would matter to me.)

Yes, it was frustrating to hear they wanted to know who was driving a car, without knowing what car.

The PCA states that a vehicle that resembled RA’s 2016 Ford Focus was seen on the HH video heading towards the bridge at 1:27 pm the day of the murders. Hope we see the video and how clear it actually is.
It’s possible, but we don’t know that he wasn’t noticed. We only know that it took five years to have enough to obtain a search warrant and probable cause for a subsequent arrest. They couldn’t arrest him for merely being on the bridge.
If they had spent those five years investigating the man that told them he was on the bridge that day then I would be right on board. They didn't, according to their own accounts. I've seen no new evidence implicating RA that wouldn't have also existed in 2017.
Actually, if they had investigated RA in Feb 2017 we would have been watching this trial before the absurd YBG sketch even came out. If it was RA and he acted alone, that's five years of opportunity to destroy evidence. If it was RA and he didn't act alone, that's five years to do the same. If it wasn't RA at all, God help us.
There may have been instructions to searchers to photograph objects of interest and notify police. Clothing found in the river was handled in this way. I was skimming all too quickly through the transcripts from the contempt hearing and never picked up the context of a particular discussion. My bad.
Bad? I'd feel bad if I had enough free time to read all this stuff and wasted it actually reading all this stuff.
I think that's a great point, in fact I'd be more suspicious if modern people didn't take photos with the stupid phones that go everywhere they do. Technology can make you feel really old sometimes.
If they had spent those five years investigating the man that told them he was on the bridge that day then I would be right on board. They didn't, according to their own accounts. I've seen no new evidence implicating RA that wouldn't have also existed in 2017.
Actually, if they had investigated RA in Feb 2017 we would have been watching this trial before the absurd YBG sketch even came out. If it was RA and he acted alone, that's five years of opportunity to destroy evidence. If it was RA and he didn't act alone, that's five years to do the same. If it wasn't RA at all, God help us.
I haven’t seen the evidence either, only the PCA. I look forward to learning at trial when they officially linked RA to evidence.

But, I also feel like LE hasn’t told the whole story, and I don’t believe the account that RA only came back on the radar after a misfiled tip was suddenly found.

There were plenty of missteps along the way. LE has been open about that. But when it comes to RA, I believe they had him in their sights for quite some time, but had to wait for enough evidence to nail him.

A 2016 Black Ford Focus with black rims was parked right there at CVS in downtown Delphi for months on end and no one noticed.
They haven't shown us the video or any stills from it, so we really don't know what could be said about it as far as make/model/year/exact color. I wonder if it would have made a difference if all images/descriptions of possible suspect vehicles were shown on the poster, along with the "short" height estimate and picture of RA/BG. I wonder, did the FBI have any guesses about the vehicle?
I also feel like LE hasn’t told the whole story, and I don’t believe the account that RA only came back on the radar after a misfiled tip was suddenly found.
I'm just hoping part of that whole story LE hasn't told us is ironclad proof that RA is at least involved. What I've seen is not enough for me. As a juror I would hang my jury on that. If they have to build a house of cards to get there, I'm almost certain they could still get a conviction. But it will not be a satisfying victory by any measure, and it likely won't stand up on appeal anyway. It will never end.
This is my message to Nick: You said he did it, great! Now prove it and end this thing!
Then we can figure out how to fix Indiana. :D
They haven't shown us the video or any stills from it, so we really don't know what could be said about it as far as make/model/year/exact color. I wonder if it would have made a difference if all images/descriptions of possible suspect vehicles were shown on the poster, along with the "short" height estimate and picture of RA/BG. I wonder, did the FBI have any guesses about the vehicle?
Barbara MacDonald did show us the car. It's loaded onto the tow truck while it's still daylight outside. You can see the silver rims on the truck but RA's vehicle is totally black.
34:45 mm I have screen caps if anyone can't see the video.
Barbara MacDonald did show us the car. It's loaded onto the tow truck while it's still daylight outside. You can see the silver rims on the truck but RA's vehicle is totally black.
34:45 mm I have screen caps if anyone can't see the video.
I think the reference was to the video still from Hoosier Harvestore, to compare them. At least that's how I took it.
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