Since early on, I have been wondering how much RA knows/understands re: the legal options he has available.
I am not doubting his mental capabilities to stand trial. However, there were warning bells ringing for me since he penned this letter from jail asking for a public attorney -
Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen pens jailhouse letter saying wife is in hiding
A few observations:
a) He had no idea how expensive a defence attorney would be. A lot of the defendants we encounter in True Crime are well-versed in the legal system, either because they are career criminals, or because they are true crime enthusiasts (BK Idaho) or they are mega millionaires who have the best teams advising them. RA is a unique case - he seems to have never had a brush with the law and his job/everyday life didn't prepare him for the bureaucratic nature of the system. I just want to highlight how intimidating this can be - I had to deal with civil legislation in two different countries and even though I have dealt with legal matters at my work, it still felt extremely overwhelming.
Speaking of overwhelming...
b) He comes across desperate. Guilty or innocent, he seems in over his head, which is entirely understandable. But that level of desperation and lack of understanding of the system, plus a history of depression, can lead to a person refusing to engage/understand the process if they think it is hopeless anyways.
c) He keeps bringing up his wife. Yes, he seems worried about himself, but reading the letter he seems absolutely torn over his wife. Not daughter/mother, but mostly his wife. We know that Dr Wala testified about RA's bond with his wife, it is interesting (and honestly, heart-breaking) to see he is willing to beg not for himself, but for her.
Why am I bringing this up?
MOO: I believe that RA has less understanding of the legal system than most people who engage in conversation in this forum, and even for us, the whole process would be overwhelming. That, coupled with what the DT said in the FM about how RA refused to engage at times and help his own defence, makes me wonder if RA is fully informed on what is happening. Does he understand his options? Does he realise he can plea? Does he fully understand what will come out during trial?
I am not accusing his DT of not informing him, I am simply wondering if he is making sensible decisions atm vs reacting out of desperation and taking the path of least resistance, even though it will cause much more heartache later on.