aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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KCL said they weren't allowed to talk about what they saw which was 'basically nothing' and since DT was ex-parte in chambers it sounds like they were reporting the 'nothing' and the possibility the jury had seen the 'nothing' - didn't someone say the jurors were called into chambers one at a time?
I have been confused by the reference to the jury "hearing" something... the jury is not brought in until all counsel and the defendant are present. Many have said JA was never brought in from the holding cell. There was an ex partie hearing in the beginning with only DT present in chambers and this hearing was sealed. (probably about their motion for victim impact statements to be videotaped). So nosey me just hopes to have all the answers eventually.
The way I heared it, and this is just a rumor, Jodi got under the defense table and refused to come out. I guess she made some statements that made them haul her away. That is actually a rumor I heard.

Perhaps you should share this rumor with the folks over at HLN. They could spend endless days reenacting it. :doh:

IDK, but last night watching DD he came unhinged at Mark Longeyelash. After commercial break, Mark was gone, (as in "poof") DD did a short rant about Mark, when it was he (DD) that lost it.

I don't get HLN. What happened? I love Mark.
While I agree that convicts give interviews, I think she should have been prevented from doing so until this trial was over.


She has 1st Amendment rights. If she wants to sink her own boat, she has that right.

Unless the judge issued a gag order she can say what she wants if anyone cares to listen.

Dio you want to live in a country where your speech is quashed because people don't like you? I don't.
The way I piece this together is back in January they had the first get together or chat and bonded (whatever he said.. made a connection i think) she agreed back then to let him be the first to interview her if she was convicted of 1st Degree Murder (cue Imodium for her Attorney's 5,4,3,2,1 stress all time high for them I imagine) And lo and behold she was convicted. Night before (Sunday) she followed up by message to Troy, this is our big day, I'm a woman of my word (when I say I'll kill you I'll kill you...same goes for tv appearances, if I say I'll talk, dag nammet I'll talk) So this had to be cleared by the Sheriff Arpaio but as with any other inmate, they would get the go ahead to speak, just most of them are not this colorful so the media is not interested. You can tell what boundaries for time were set, she said you have to do it right away, I don't know how many minutes I'll be there. She must have been told by her Sheriff that she can do it but when the school bus leaves it leaves kid, you need to be on it. Conviction came in at 2:00pm and trials are over at 4 to 6pm, so my guess is that ended up giving her plenty of time to jabber on with Troy. (cue more Imodium for the team!)

I just don't understand why the Sheriff let her get away with that. Perhaps he did it to let her hang herself so to speak, and maybe the Sheriff spoke to JM to make sure he was aware as well. All that said, for someone who apparently prides himself on his tough jail etc etc, why let a convicted felon do something like that? I don't get it. They should have made her wait til the trial is over
I do not get it! This woman apparently was perfectly free to arrange her own interview??!! I didn't realize, until I listened to this recording, that she...herself...Set this up! What a joke our correctional system is! Perhaps, someone in jail, pending a trial and still not found officially guilty/not guilty, should maybe have some rights, but that witch walked right out of the guilty verdict....A convicted murderess...and walked down the hallway, to give a prime-time, nationally broadcasted interview...Arranged by herself, for herself....I wonder if the bailiffs laid a red carpet down for her to walk on too. :stormingmad: Don't these monsters have any rules? The rest of us sure do!

I kinda got this idea that maybe Sheriff Joe put her in a padded room as punishment for this - not 'cause they really thought she was a danger to herself/others.
This fan of Jodi, Troy, says he used his contacts at the jail to gain access...and, he claims the same again in his latest cuddle up with
the convicted killer. Maybe Sheriff Joe needs to find out who, at the
jail, is so cozy with Troy? Or.....maybe he's a liar like his favorite killer and the access to Jodi is through her attorneys?

i read an article awhile ago how troy had gone to the jail spent a long time w. jodi, but agreed not to print because it was all off the record - which i thought was weird because he is suppose to be a reporter, and how he had been visiting and talking w/ her since, this was the report where it showed all the inmates holding up signs saying free jodi, so either he has been cultivating her for this exclusive to launch his career or he has also fallen under her spell idk which
I do not either! What was he thinking? She needs locked into a cell, all by herself, and actually I would be fine with occasional bread and water, and nothing else.

Peanut butter and bread every day should be enough to make a person fly right! I would rather be dead than have to eat that every day and I would probably starve. My DH can eat the same thing day after day and he went months at a time eating grilled chicken ceaser salads every night. I need variety, doesn't have to be complicated, even cheerios are good, but peanut butter and dry bread, no way!
I wish that I could feel certain about this, but Judge Stephens seems to have placated the defendant and the defense team throughout the trial. I don't know whether JSS felt sorry for Jodi or was yet another individual who allowed Arias to manipulate her, but I felt that Judge Stephens allowed Jodi to run the show. Maybe JSS doesn't think that Jodi deserves the DP, or even LWOP, and will sentence Jodi to LWP in 20 years. :moo:

I am pretty sure there is a kind of point system, or scorecard, that is used when sentencing. I do believe that there has to be certain criteria met for a particular sentence to be imposed. No doubt there is a bit of overlapping in such a scoring system which would allow for some discretion by the judge but when all is considered, if all criteria are met for LWOP, the judge probably would not get away with imposing a lighter sentence.

I am of course speaking from how it works where I am, but unless AZ is operating from a galaxy all its own, it probably works similar there.

In spite of all the nonsense the judge allowed the defense, I do not see that the judge likes Jodi, feels sorry for her, or was unwittingly manipulated by her; she actually had no choice sometimes but to rule in JA's favor. Example: Even if the judge did not believe Jodi was feeling ill when she claimed to be, she had no choice but to recess. Had she not, it could have, and probably would have, come back some time later to bite her you-know-where.

All JMO.
"wow, funny how we all hear things differently."

This never ceases to amaze me. Case in point - the verdict and the number who voted "Premeditated" and those who voted "Premediatated and Felony". There had to be at least 30 comments/questions posted either giving incorrect information about the count or asking for clarification. (And in this case it was easy enough to find the correct information.)

But I am constantly amazed at posters who watched the very same thing as I did broadcast on a TV show and then they post something that does NOT reflect what was just said! A sore subject, but a recent example: "Jodi said in her post-conviction interview that Travis wanted to have sex with a twelve year old girl." No, that is not what she said. She said, "Travis FANTASIZED about having sex with a twelve year old girl". Both statements are UNTRUE - but they are distinctly different statements.

I don't know what causes this type of "mishearing". Is it that people somehow hear what they want to hear?

It has led me, along with "eyewitness" testimony, to question any "she said/he said" testimony in a trial. Because I have seen lots of very well intended folks here on line who are posting things that just were NOT said!

I think it is human nature, I have see just about all the talking heads on hln do it also. I also agree about not trusting that type of testimony and eyewitness testimony.
Uh oh the word liar and cold blooded killer type things may have made their way onto some of my posts, are those no no's? can i go edit that out and not get another time out?

Truthful observations about the convicted murderer, particularly those that are supported by the jury's findings, are fine. Name changes and straight-up nicknames, not fine. Visual bashing, also not fine.

If you find yourself wondering "Hmm, am I crossing a line here?" that is a good sign that you may want to back up and rephrase.

We're aiming for a more elevated level of discussion here at WebSleuths than one might find on your run-of-the-mill discussion board.

I just don't understand why the Sheriff let her get away with that. Perhaps he did it to let her hang herself so to speak, and maybe the Sheriff spoke to JM to make sure he was aware as well. All that said, for someone who apparently prides himself on his tough jail etc etc, why let a convicted felon do something like that? I don't get it. They should have made her wait til the trial is over

I don't get it either. It seems to go against his SOP. Why let her have the upper hand like that, controlling what she does and when she does it?

But, maybe there are reasons we don't know of. The Sheriff isn't an idiot, that's for sure! :rockon:
Unfortunately, while the killer is on psych watch she can't be put on the chain gang. dang it.

I am pleased to think of Jody when not at trial, being wrapped in a TACO suit.
It is gratifying to think of Jody in the gown and paper slippers, plus I have a laughing attack that make me change my poise pads.
"convict interviews in prison" and hit "videos." I got 130,000,000 results

Interviews with convicted people behind bars happen all the time. All the time

I understand the "behind bars" interviews, but didn't this happen at the Courthouse? That's what I don't get.
I wonder after Arias is moved to this big crime prison and placed in her cell, will she ever see herself in a mirror again ?

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" That mirror would break!
Wow, leave for 24 hours and I might as well have been gone for 24 days the way these threads move. So, I think I have the basics of what happened after the interview that Jodi gave 20 minutes after her M1 conviction:

1. No aggravation hearing took place on Thursday 5/9/13
2. Aggravation hearing postponed until Wed 5/15/13.
3. Joe Arpaio has Jodi moved to psych ward and under suicide watch ; competency evaluations to be conducted
4. Rampant speculation about what prompted her move to psych ward; was it the post-conviction "I would rather get death penalty than LWOP" because "longevity runs in my family"; or did she go ape ***** in the courtroom
5. In the midst of all this commotion, some nut job takes to twitter & makes bomb threat against Maricopa courthouse
6. Nut job claims he will never be arrested; and is then promptly arrested
7. Jodi's phone message to Fox reporter asking for interview asap if M1 comes down has been released causing Sleuthers' hinky meter to ratchet up to all time high
8. Speculation here has it that Nurmi does not like his client "10 days out of 10" since the interview
9. Jodi may or may not be looking for new legal representation; who wants to dump who is up for debate
10. DT has filed motion to hear victim impact statements via video; in other words Jodi doesn't to be in the same room with the Alexander family when they finally have their say

Do I have this right? Did I miss anything. TIA
Seems to me people are far beyond offended. Calling for the utter ruin of any person who has defended Arias, or who is any way associated with her or her defense, is nothing less than hysteria.

I agree. I'm always particularly bothered when people attack lawyers for "defending criminals." Somebody has to do it (no, seriously, they have to - read the Sixth Amendment), and I for one am glad somebody does.
Originally Posted by AngelWings444
I think the DT had no clue about the interview and were really, really ticked off. I believe they have asked to withdraw from the case. JA threw a huge hissy fit. There was a rumored loud argument the day of the verdict, it makes sense.

Furthermore, I believe she is really ticked that Sheriff Joe threw her in the crazy bin because of the words in the interview. The convicted killer did not expect that..remember, she chose her suicide words very carefully on prior occasions to avoid being on suicide watch.

Also, I believe she absolutely does not want to hear from the family, she wants the last word, trashing Travis. But, it's not going to happen. JSS is going to make her sit there and hear from the true victims, the family of Travis Alexander.

I have a different take on the latest events.

I agree she knows exactly the words to use/not use regarding suicide. She knows and has specifically mentioned the consequence of uttering the words "I want to die." Therefore, we can conclude she arranged the interview in advance to make sure that her words "I want to die sooner rather than later because I want freedom" was heard by those having control of her--the prison and specifically Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Why did she want to be placed on suicide watch? Because it saved her from the humiliation of returning the the jail as a loser to her peers, her underlings mind you. Her power in prison is eroded the minute the prisoners know that she is leaving. They have a volatile power structure, gangs and all, and there is always competition. She has enemies and may feel that her life was in danger if she went back to Estrella with diminished power.

Supporting this idea is the fact that she pitched a fit in court over whatever it was. Her new strategy is "I snapped" so now she needs some examples of her snapping, doesn't she. "Under pressure," Judge, "I snap and I can't even remember what I said or did."


"Judge, I meant that they would pay their attorneys if they try to sue me legally. I know it sounds like I was threatening violence, but the truth will come out."

Meanwhile she takes away the momentum of the verdict, a momentum that was building towards the Death Penalty. With some additional time, she is presenting (no, demanding) that she be spared facing the family and actually being forced to walk through the HIGHLY PREJUDICIAL FACTS of how she butchered in cold blood a man that was by all accounts a wonderful, compassionate person--the opposite of what she is.

She needed time to come up with another strategy and scenario to save her worthless a$$ and she is just doing what is necessary. Remember how Casey Anthony walked police officers into the building and down the hall where she "worked." And she didn't even look guilty or upset when she said, "OK, I don't work here." She might as well be saying, "What time is it?"

We see the same matter-of-fact this-is-just-business-not-personal attitude with Jodi Arias. Her crying act was pathetic when she tried to squeeze out some tenderness around the subject of her mother. Don't forget, she WROTE THE QUESTIONS for this Troy Hayden, who is a pathetic excuse for a journalist for having whored himself out by agreeing to this (please don't give me a TO)

She has a goal. She always has a goal and since she is not really human, her goals transcend all that is good and holy to any normal feeling people in society.
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