AL AL - Titus, Fem Skeletal 663UFAL, 30-40, shallow grave, bound in green tarp, Jul'07

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Here's your side by side for Tiffany Phelps and JD

I like to see them this way, it's easier, IMO! I do like this match.
This JD looks Native American more than anything, to me, the high cheekbones and nose, anyway..... I wonder what drugs does to your bones, anything? Anybody know?
I'll look at some other females too!


  • Copy of phelps_tiffany.jpg
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Here's your side by side for Tiffany Phelps and JD

I like to see them this way, it's easier, IMO! I do like this match.
This JD looks Native American more than anything, to me, the high cheekbones and nose, anyway..... I wonder what drugs does to your bones, anything? Anybody know?
I'll look at some other females too!

that's a good's so hard to definitely determine someone's ethnicity anyway. and a missing person determined to be "African American" could in fact be a mixture that even they themselves are unaware of (due to slavery and mixing of Native American tribes and African Americans, in some areas of the country, etc). and Hispanic could be a mixture of the Spaniards who came over (or Italians, or Portugese), with the native tribes of that region. So, needless to say, one's dominant ethnicity, when looking strictly at skeletal remains, is difficult to determine, and other possibilities cannot be ruled out .
I also keep coming back to this missing woman, Ricarda Tilman-Locket:

What a beautiful girl! The report states that Ricarda's relationship with her estranged husband had been abusive. That could possibly account for the improperly healed bone damage found on the UID.

The fact that the husband was to give Ricarda a ride to the domestic violence shelter when she disappeared, definitely makes me suspicious of him.
ok - got my first possible match:

Tiffany Marche Phelps

Tiffany's eyes are a little farther apart than the UID's, but it's the closest match I've found so far - everything else fits.

we are looking for someone that likely went missing between 2003 and 2007.

I'm not sure I see the match here, I'm a complete NEWBIE, but the facial structure doesn't line up for me....JMO :)
Here's a side by side Ms. Ricarda on left, Jane on right

The length of Janes chin and the roundness (not sure that's a correct term) of Ms. Ricardas forehead, has me in doubt, that these two are a match. The healed fractures could be a factor...... I came across Ms. Ricardas case and said a prayer that maybe she is just hiding out, hoping that the ex would move on and she could be safe to come home! Her son also being safe with her relatives, could be the reason she made that decision...I pray!!

I have a friend that was involved in a violent domestic situation, her ex almost killed her (twice) the first time, he abducted her when she was leaving work, held her for two weeks, drugged her, then wrapped her in duct tape and plastic, left her to die in an old barn, Thank goodness the farmer who's barn it was, decided to store some hay there the next day and found her, she was in hospital for 3 weeks, the ex was convicted and received 12 years, only served 3, got out, attempted to abduct her again about a year after he beat her with a club when she would not get in his vehicle, he was sent back for 2 years, got out, almost a month later he calls her, don't know how he got her phone number, but anyway, she was packing her stuff to move in with her parents, it appeared she set down on the sofa to rest and died of a heart attack!! The Investigator said later, that the last phone call she had received was from a pay phone 4 miles from her home, they suspect it was the ex and whatever he said to her caused her to panic and have a heart attack, she was only 44 years old...
So, I am truly praying that Ms. Ricarda is somewhere safe for now and will come home when the time is right!!!


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Here is side by side of Christina.... Jane is in the middle...
The two photos of Ms. Julian appear so different!! The pic where she is wearing a Cross necklace looks more like Jane than the other one..... IDK!!
Good finds though, FC!!! You've been doin' some serious searching!!!:clap:


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I think this UID might be :

It says sherry had a lot of healed trauma to the nose also like in the description of the UID and she has short dark hair and i think she even resembles the UID construction a little as well. Also the heights match and she is also missing from alabama.

I think this UID might be :

It says sherry had a lot of healed trauma to the nose also like in the description of the UID and she has short dark hair and i think she even resembles the UID construction a little as well. Also the heights match and she is also missing from alabama.


the only problem is that the UID is biracial, and Sherry, as far as we know, is not. and I'm not sure the bone structures match - the UID has a much wider nasal bridge than Sherry, and bigger lips.

although, it just occurred to me that, since lips aren't bone, I'm not sure that a skeletal reconstruction would be able to tell how thin or full a UID's lips are. what do you guys think?
the only problem is that the UID is biracial, and Sherry, as far as we know, is not. and I'm not sure the bone structures match - the UID has a much wider nasal bridge than Sherry, and bigger lips.

although, it just occurred to me that, since lips aren't bone, I'm not sure that a skeletal reconstruction would be able to tell how thin or full a UID's lips are. what do you guys think?

It doesn't say for certain that she is, they just think she might be and that doesn't necessarily show on a face.

Reconstructions arent always on especially when an iud could be up to 4 years old especially on what the nose looks like, sherry has the same injuries to her nose as the uid also.
has been updated to say her DNA is: Available; State Lab.
She is not in Namus. There was a grand total of three female cases from Alabama entered in there, and she wasn't one of the honored.

The missing ladies are better represented in Namus.
Sherry Ann Milton's Namus page says her DNA initial inquiry is under way. Dental information / charting is available and entered
Christine Julian's page says a sample is not available. Dental information / charting is available and entered
Ricarda Tilman-Locket has no DNA sample available. She has no dentals either.
Tiffany Phelps Namus page says DNA tests are complete. says it's available at the Univ. of Texas. Dental charts for her are not available.
Katesia Weathers has neither dentals nor DNA.
Image of medallion adhered to forehead of skull :


Wish they would show a "zoomed out" shot of the skull so we could see which way the pentagram is oriented... upside down, or right side up?

Maybe this is why LE is saying it is possible the body was first buried elsewhere, and later moved to this location - because the medallion would've been affixed to the skull after the flesh was gone?

What the heck??


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OK, I just emailed the NamUs case manager re: the pentagram and a list of rule-outs. I'll post what I find out.
If the body had previously been buried (wrapped in lime filled tarp) under a newly poured concrete slab for a few years and then moved, forensics would/should be able to should evidence of the concrete pour (on the tarp), right?

What if the body were wrapped in a lime filled tarp, a layer of soil added on top and then a concrete pour was done? Due to the fact that lime is an ingredient in concrete mix I would think this would be hard to establish.

If the body had previously been buried (wrapped in lime filled tarp) under a newly poured concrete slab for a few years and then moved, forensics would/should be able to should evidence of the concrete pour (on the tarp), right?

What if the body were wrapped in a lime filled tarp, a layer of soil added on top and then a concrete pour was done? Due to the fact that lime is an ingredient in concrete mix I would think this would be hard to establish.


Good points - beyond any area of knowledge that I have...however it seems strange that they say could be few months to a few years that she was buried there? I took that to mean THAT spot???

I hadn't seen the pentagram mentioned before, so figured was newly added since the last time this thread was active...It HAS to mean something, right? Personalizes it? I just wonder if anyone recognizes it Native American? Witch-related? Just a trinket?

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