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I too keep thinking about the phone. I wonder what will happen if it ever just turns up one day. I think the person who got rid of it would be worrying too. The whole getting things done in limited time frames/under duress would not bode well for it being completely destroyed/hidden forever surely?

Unless it was totally smashed to pieces before it was thrown away.
If it wasn't smashed however and is still out there because it was either lost or not disposed of in the way they wanted then i agree they would be very nervous.
Unless it was totally smashed to pieces before it was thrown away.
If it wasn't smashed however and is still out there because it was either lost or not disposed of in the way they wanted then i agree they would be very nervous.

......... especially if, say, when they went to look in its original hiding place it wasn't there any more! JMO
......... especially if, say, when they went to look in its original hiding place it wasn't there any more! JMO

Ooh yes, they wouldn't have a clue who had it. Wouldn't it be funny if someone just decides to check out a phone they found ages ago and WHAM!
......... especially if, say, when they went to look in its original hiding place it wasn't there any more! JMO

It would be a heart in mouth moment! I imagine the police would have had the BC's under such tight surveillance before the arrest. I'd love to know the lengths police go when doing this kind of surveillance, is it sitting in cars with binoculars eating donuts and drinking copious amounts of coffee or is it satellites and high range microphones now? That intrigues me!

Such a long time before the arrest anything was possible bit was the mics placed in the BC's seniors car when they were searching it, in the houses? Could this court case could divulge fantastic technology?

More plain clothes police than caterpillars around that area-swarming!:eek:ddsmiley:
Maybe - it's password protected

That's true Maigret! What happens if the wrong password is punched in too many times? But the phones charge died and the police would know if it was found & put back onto a charge somewhere.
That's true Maigret! What happens if the wrong password is punched in too many times? But the phones charge died and the police would know if it was found & put back onto a charge somewhere.
If the wrong password is entered a few times in a row it will usually lock and you often have to ring the provider... but the police would have a way to by pass any password wouldn't they?
Hi Olli - good to see you back!!! :rose:

Dr Phil had a recent show where a US soldier had come out and told all these lies about his service in Afghanistan. He was at the point where he was believing them and wasn't willing or able to separate his reality from the lies. A bit further along the spectrum than pure Narcissism. They change their history to match the story at hand. Dr Phil suggested that if you ever come across a person like that run for the hills! Apparently its part and parcel of a personality disorder!

Thanks Liadan. Isn't this the same reason that lie detectors don't always work. If you can't separate reality from lies, how could a lie detector possibly work.
Thanks Liadan. Isn't this the same reason that lie detectors don't always work. If you can't separate reality from lies, how could a lie detector possibly work.

That is most likely correct BN, Dr. Phil asked this guy if he would take a lie detector test and he said no. In my opinion no innocent person would refuse a lie detector test. That is just my opinion tho. Maybe people think differently if they knew more about the techo details of the test. But this guy had convinced himself that he was a highly decorated vet who had seen serious battle and in fact he had been in hospital in Germany with and ear infection.

Dr Phil then went on to say - you know if you want to function in real live you need help so I am going to offer you that help but you have to 'man up' and realise that you are sick and things are going to hard and not always go your way.
Does anyone know if the BC's have made statements? If not I can't believe they have this right to remain silent. A few threads ago a local sleuthed that there was movement at skull manor with lawyers there, maybe preparing them for the court?
Where is this money coming from for this case it must be costing a fortune. Could GBC be offering them a part of Allison's insurance or the money from the house next to the Dickies, if they get him off? He has a lot to loose if he looses & surely the children should inherit it all if he's found guilty.
So many questions and only time will tell.
The only real answer is that GBC is a train wreck in slow motion
Does anyone know if the BC's have made statements? If not I can't believe they have this right to remain silent. A few threads ago a local sleuthed that there was movement at skull manor with lawyers there, maybe preparing them for the court?
Where is this money coming from for this case it must be costing a fortune. Could GBC be offering them a part of Allison's insurance or the money from the house next to the Dickies, if they get him off? He has a lot to loose if he looses & surely the children should inherit it all if he's found guilty.
So many questions and only time will tell.
The only real answer is that GBC is a train wreck in slow motion

I've always wondered the same, how can they possibly get away without saying anything?
Regarding the cost of this, the lawyers would surely need more than a promise of payment IF he gets off, wouldn't they? Even to them it would have to look very slim. lol

It's always been a puzzle as to where all of this money is coming from.
Believing ones own lies is definitely something I would expect of GBC.

Its my guess that he will find next weeks proceedings shocking, in that his "memory" of events and stories will now have been altered to what he prefers to believe, and in turn what he expects the rest of us to now believe.

He has so many traits of someone with a personality disorder, and fabricating the truth, compulsive lying, and denial, are just another of those traits.

He will be very interesting to watch next week as information comes out and witnesses give evidence, but its my bet he will deny (to himself, as no-one will be hearing from him) all that is said. We will see a lot of head shaking and turning of his back, as if he cant listen to such rubbish.

What he will be prepared to isten to will be all those witness reports that portray him as the amazing bloke he is (in his mind only).
And if there are any statements like that, they will be ALL he hears on the day, and all he talks about afterwards to his lawyer and family.

All my opinion only. Happy to place bets though...hehe
Hey, speaking of which, is centrebet offering odds on the outcome of the committal hearing yet?? :floorlaugh:
Hey, speaking of which, is centrebet offering odds on the outcome of the committal hearing yet?? :floorlaugh:

I've imagined Marley outside the courthouse carrying a white bookmaker's bag yelling out the odds. I think the odds could be worth a wager.
Does anyone know if the BC's have made statements? If not I can't believe they have this right to remain silent.

I think this came up a few threads ago, but I cant remember a lot about it, but isn't this right going to be looked into, as it hinders police investigations so badly? There was something to do with police trying to solve bikie crimes, and coming up against the wall of silence.

It does seem so wrong that you can choose to remain silent during a police investigation. MOO
I too keep thinking about the phone. I wonder what will happen if it ever just turns up one day. I think the person who got rid of it would be worrying too.

At the moment, we only know the bare minimum made public to keep GBC from getting bail. I am hoping the phone has already been found and has given up all its secrets. (Or at least the movements have been tracked and call/text records used to add to the the compelling circumstantial evidence)

BTW, does anyone know if the committal hearing witness list been made available to the public yet?
Hey, speaking of which, is centrebet offering odds on the outcome of the committal hearing yet?? :floorlaugh:
I believe that about 90% of cases that have a committal hearing are committed for trial. The magistrate just has to decide if a properly instructed jury MAY find the accused guilty. So with all the circumstancial evidence I believe it is almost 100% certain GBC will be committed for trial.

The REAL cross-examination (rather than establishing the evidence) will happen at the trial. Depending on the veracity of the evidence that is established after cross examination, I would not at the moment venture the chances of GBC found guilty at trial. At the moment we know of very strong circumstancial evidence but there seems, from what has been revealed so far, to be no evidence that places GBC actually at Kholo bridge. I am sure that is a point the Defence will cling to. I will be very interested whether at committal if DNA evidence of Allison's blood in the Captiva will be established. It is important to remember that it is incumbent on the prosecution to prove his guilt, not the reverse for GBC to prove his innocence. There is a difference and he is not obliged to take the witness stand. It will be interesting, when it goes to trial whether he will elect to take the witness stand. If he does that will leave him wide open to difficult questions on cross examination.
All going well, I plan to be at the Committal tomorrow. It will be the only day that I can make it, Is there anyway members can identify each other? I have got a quite large silver calalilly necklace, so if I wear that it will identify me. Does anyone know what time the Magistrate's Court actually opens its doors? I suspect to get a seek we will need to be there early and as Alicoop said in an earlier post go straight to the appropriate court. According the the Courier Mail it is Court 17.
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