April 29 weekend of Sleuthiness

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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JP mentioned the "Strange Michael" possibly being involved with drugs as well. He also sounded as though he could have been hopped up on something when he was talking to the police.

Did CPD investigate any kind of drug connection?

I wondered if he was throwing suspicion on M. M.? I think that's correct.
I absolutely thought his taped interview with the CPD sounded like he was on something....especially compared to his calm and almost soft demeanor on the witness stand. Poles apart.
You really thought that BC thought they would bring scent dogs to his house? And her scent should have been in that house...she lived there.

Of course he knew that. When someone leaves the house by foot and goes missing, they bring in dogs to track the scent. It is one of the first things they try to do. Why would that not occur to him if his story was that she went jogging? If the dogs had a fresh scent off the dress she wore the night before, they could have tracked her scent right to the crime scene, even on a trail. Even if the body was moved, they could have gotten that far. The dogs didn't get past the house. They kept turning around and coming back. And BC sat out front as was quoted as saying, before the dogs arrived, "I wish they would bring the tracking dogs in." Does that not suggest he knew?
He asked the detective about getting tracking dogs in the search. Why would he ask if he did not expect it? And how convenient that all her clothes were washed.
I was put off by her telling MH not to talk with the police--and wondered if she told everybody in the 'group' the same thing. Some on here have speculated that she murdered NC but I don't see that at all. And I don't understand why she was so dead-set against BC unless she simply hated him based on what she was told by NC. That's an extreme emotion, based on nothing, except hearsay. I have had many close friends over the years that I would do almost anything for but getting this involved in a murder case and trying so very hard for *everything* to point to BC is something I would not do. I hope she is interviewed as well as the jury when this trial is finished.

I don't believe she had anything to do with the murder...but I do believe she was hell bent on making sure BC was held responsible.
Brad's a smart guy, perhaps he wouldn't bother to pay off any debt with that money. He'd declare bankruptcy, default on the house, and move to France. :fence:

Exactly why moving to France was BC's perfect out. He could have easily moved to France, dropped all the debt, and not bothered to pay alimony or child support. He'd be free and clear.

So why would he kill his wife?
I'm on my way outdoors to finish what I didn't get finished yesterday. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts on *everything* about this trial. It's an endless question mark.
They must have searched for the ducks too. No where to be found. That doesn't mean these items were not there, it means police didn't look.

As someone else pointed out, the black duck was completely visible on top of the fridge in the photos. I wonder how it ended up in the same box with the two 'foyer ducks'. The only word we have as to where those ducks were, is from brad's mother. I guess perhaps the black duck got lonely for it's own kind, and one night managed to get off the fridge and find it's way to the one of many boxes containing the other two ducks. Or perhaps those other two ducks simply appearded out of nowhere, much like the peterson blow poke.
So are you saying your wife 'baby-sits' for you so you can go jogging every day?

I don't consider it baby sitting. Just like I'm not baby sitting my kids this weekend or during any of the multitude of activities my wife does on her own each week.
I wondered if he was throwing suspicion on M. M.? I think that's correct.
I absolutely thought his taped interview with the CPD sounded like he was on something....especially compared to his calm and almost soft demeanor on the witness stand. Poles apart.

I'm pretty sure Det. D asked him about both MH and MM during that interview and he said no wasn't them.
This wasn't an *attack*, this was a clean, proficient murder. No defensive wounds on the victim, no sounds. No one *heard* a thing. No robbery, no rape, just a murder. So how many other 'murders' of joggers in the raleigh/cary area remain unsolved? And that would have to be 'murders of joggers' where the body is also transported to a different location. Random killers of joggers don't normally transport the body away from the scene of the crime. Too bad brad didn't have enough 'common sense' to dump the body along a jogging path. MOO

Sexual assault was not ruled out, and was a possibility. Just because they did not find bodily fluids does not mean an assault did not take place. And there was evidence of her being defensive, as they find stuff under her fingernails, they just could not get usable DNA evidence.

Random killers usually do transport the victims away from the scene of the abduction to a quiet place. That's one reason why people are ALWAYS told that its better to run and scream than to allow someone to take you to another location, even if the abductor has a weapon. And an ideal location to take someone would be where no one would hear: an area exactly where she was found!
I guess Brad removed it before she went to HT on the 11th too, right? The necklace theory has gone poof....just like the duck theory.

That is the problem with circumstantial evidence and hearsay-even in the affidavits by the friends there was so much he said, she said, i.e. "once I walked into the kitchen and heard NC tell my wife etc.etc.etc. The ducks and necklace seem trivial but are a perfect example of how the CPD based their investigation on the 'friends' gossip and it all went poof. I went back and read HP's affidavit and, so much of it is utter nonsense, IMHO. I think now having her sit in the courtroom and giggle all day with KL makes all these women look unreliable at best.
It seems that all the heavy duty cleaning was in that area. We were shown Brad Cooper's pillow case, he was not the cleanest dude and he obviously DID NOT do laundry on a regular basis..I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't having the kid's help him do laundry that day

Yeah, one would have thought, in that mighty laundry fiasco, he'd have at least washed his bedding. :rocker: It was pretty disgusting IMO>
Right. Eveyone points out that Brad is a liar and they don't believe anything he says. Yet this is the one thing they do believe him on. Sounds convenient to me. I do believe he cleaned the floors that morning.

I believe he cleaned the floors that morning also, because the argument that NC had with him was that he left the place a mess while she was gone. There is a logical reason for him to have cleaned that day: because NC was on his case about it. Same reason he cleaned out space in the garage: NC told him (in front of one of their friends, I think it was JA) that he hadn't done a good enough job cleaning it before because she wanted to be able to fit her car in there so that it wasn't so hot during the summer.

It would be more suspicious had he not been cleaning.
They must have searched for the ducks too. No where to be found. That doesn't mean these items were not there, it means police didn't look.

To me, it means that they looked (however thoroughly or not) and couldn't find. Tomato, tomahto. Opinions vary.
Sexual assault was not ruled out, and was a possibility. Just because they did not find bodily fluids does not mean an assault did not take place. And there was evidence of her being defensive, as they find stuff under her fingernails, they just could not get usable DNA evidence.

Random killers usually do transport the victims away from the scene of the abduction to a quiet place. That's one reason why people are ALWAYS told that its better to run and scream than to allow someone to take you to another location, even if the abductor has a weapon. And an ideal location to take someone would be where no one would hear: an area exactly where she was found!

This is what I also thought from the forensic scientist expert, who I thought was excellent witness. She did not find evidence only because of the lack of specimens to actually test.

I have also wondered from time to time after going thru the Motion to Compel there was issue with the defense not getting any results regarding a used condom found at the dump site. Does anyone have any further information regarding that piece of evidence? A link discussing that here on the boards or in testimony?

Yep, that's my opinion....you have obviously have yours too.

Kurtz...thank's for confirming my point he is more prepared than the state.
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Sunny and 70 in Raleigh.
Time to enjoy the great outdoors w/ the family

So if any expert that is brought in by the defense is either a "hired gun" or someone looking for attention, what is the point of having trials?
In today's episode of Fun with Powerpoint in 30 Minutes or Less, I started with the TWC Self-Install Instructions for Digital Phone, specifically Diagram C. I then grabbed Google Images of the other equipment to hack together some diagrams that approximate BC's home network that everyone has been discussing here for weeks.

Three diagrams are attached.

The first diagram is the type of connection that someone with TWC Digital Phone and a home VPN router (aka Hardware VPN) would have. You'll notice that the difference here from TWC Diagram C is that most people don't just connect a single computer to the Internet port on the cable modem. They connect a router allowing multiple devices to connect to the Internet.

The second diagram is, based on what I have heard and read, something very close to what BC would have had beginning in Jan/Feb 2008 and lasting until some unknown date. This was when he was using a Cisco VoIP small-business type setup for his home phone. One or more of the IP phones was supposedly wireless.

The last diagram is what would be needed to have seen this alleged/rumored Duplicate Address error in the event log on the Thinkpad. Note that, as I indicated on the diagram, all we would really know [if this error did in fact occur] is that the Thinkpad and the 3825 were on the same LAN. We don't necessarily know that the 3825 was connected to the TWC network. (My guess as to what Howie will argue is that it wasn't.)

Of course there are things that can be (and probably will be) quibbled with in the topologies. E.g., on the right side, the order could have been:

cable-modem <-> 871 <-> personal router


cable-modem <-> personal router <-> 871

I don't see such particulars as all that important in this case.

Discuss amongst yourselves.


  • Typical-Home-Hardware-VPN-Setup.jpg
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  • Small-Business-VoIP-with-FXO.jpg
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  • Topology-Needed-To-Get-Address-Error.jpg
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As someone else pointed out, the black duck was completely visible on top of the fridge in the photos. I wonder how it ended up in the same box with the two 'foyer ducks'. The only word we have as to where those ducks were, is from brad's mother. I guess perhaps the black duck got lonely for it's own kind, and one night managed to get off the fridge and find it's way to the one of many boxes containing the other two ducks. Or perhaps those other two ducks simply appearded out of nowhere, much like the peterson blow poke.

The whole house was packed up at some point. So the black duck was added to the box with the other ducks.
I believe he cleaned the floors that morning also, because the argument that NC had with him was that he left the place a mess while she was gone. There is a logical reason for him to have cleaned that day: because NC was on his case about it. Same reason he cleaned out space in the garage: NC told him (in front of one of their friends, I think it was JA) that he hadn't done a good enough job cleaning it before because she wanted to be able to fit her car in there so that it wasn't so hot during the summer.

It would be more suspicious had he not been cleaning.

That's my opinion too. We know she gave him hell that week about it. We heard her talk about it on her dad's voicemail. She was "furious" (her own words). I believe that is why he cleaned.
It seems to me, this is their way of handling the pain. Only those who go through a trauma can enter into such place. Those effected by horrific things often cope using humor and sarcasm. Outsiders often label it odd or even insensitive.

But they didn't do this during the state's case - only started (coincidentally) with the defense case. I can assure you if it was BC's brother and SH, all of you BDIs would be going insane.
They were boxed by Nancy.
The ducks mean nothing to the case.
All it means is the struggle did not effect them...so what?
What struggle? There was no evidence of a struggle. It would seem to me that if there was a struggle in that small foyer there would have to be marks on the wall where the table hit the wall or scratches on the floor. There has been no evidence presented to indicate there was a struggle. The so called struggle was just something the CPD & prosecution dreamed up. The only notion they had to base this struggle theory on was the missing ducks that we now know were in fact not missing. Ergo there was no struggle. You're right the ducks mean nothing to the trial -- well at least not from the states point of view except for the fact that they make their witnesses look like liars?
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