GUILTY AR - Malik Drummond, 2, Searcy, 23 Nov 2014 - #1

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I'm really curious as to how this little guy was able to get the screen door open? It appears to be the type of door that has a "latch" style hook, in that he'd have to push that to "disengage the lock" for it to open... Unless that part of the door wasn't there/it was just simply a push style screen door (like in a restaurant style kitchen). If the latter, it seems upon closing, it would BANG loudly.
Whereas, if it was indeed a latch-style screen it may close more slowly, and more quietly. With a latch style it seems this little guy would definitely need help (my 5 year old still needs help opening some screen doors...) disengaging the latch, not to mention reaching the height of the latch itself.

I'm really beginning to not feel so sure about the original circumstances told to LE... just in the mere details of the screen door itself. Either it bangs & it wakes Dad up ... Or it seems step-mom would hear it, or these two beautiful kiddos went to a whole lot of effort to get the screen door open by themselves, all the while going completely undetected by sleeping Dad...
& their home doesn't appear to be so huge that it'd be difficult to hear from one room to the next.

Of course ALL my opinion
Praying this gorgeous & sweet boy is found SAFE & SOON!!!!

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I'm really curious as to how this little guy was able to get the screen door open? It appears to be the type of door that has a "latch" style hook, in that he'd have to push that to "disengage the lock" for it to open... Unless that part of the door wasn't there/it was just simply a push style screen door (like in a restaurant style kitchen). If the latter, it seems upon closing, it would BANG loudly.
Whereas, if it was indeed a latch-style screen it may close more slowly, and more quietly. With a latch style it seems this little guy would definitely need help (my 5 year old still needs help opening some screen doors...) disengaging the latch, not to mention reaching the height of the latch itself.

I'm really beginning to not feel so sure about the original circumstances told to LE... just in the mere details of the screen door itself. Either it bangs & it wakes Dad up ... Or it seems step-mom would hear it, or these two beautiful kiddos went to a whole lot of effort to get the screen door open by themselves, all the while going completely undetected by sleeping Dad...
& their home doesn't appear to be so huge that it'd be difficult to hear from one room to the next.

Of course ALL my opinion
Praying this gorgeous & sweet boy is found SAFE & SOON!!!!

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I agree that things don't add up.

Some doors of this type don't close well on their own, meaning the door might not have been latched at all and a push against the door would open it. Of course, with 2 toddlers home I would try to make sure it was latched. But, if an older sibling had left recently or something, maybe it wasn't shut good?

Just throwing out ideas. MOO, this boy didn't walk out on his own.

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I REALLY don't like that the girlfriend said she was in the bath. Just mentioning "bath" throws up so many flags to me . . . in a couple different directions; no good directions, though one scenario is better than all the others.

I'm sorry you guys, I can't ignore them. I just really hope this is a family abduction type thing.
It may not be so odd if dad were up watching the kids, but if he were already asleep or looking like he was about to pass out right when she's about to get in the bath, I don't know, I just think it's odd she'd not at least close the front door (if in fact it was open as I'm speculating)

Little Malik Drummond was reported to be 3 ft tall, which would make a push type latch easily accessible. If he did slip out unnoticed, the door probably didn't have to swing open all the way for him to get out. It was a new waxing moon that night, so not much natural light. Think I had the same thoughts about the bath story when I first heard of the case, but that came with knowing zilch about missing children cases, and older people too, that people tend to think family was involved the longer they stay missing in cases like these, and are often proved to have been wrong. If no 'foul play' was involved, and the "active but not loud" as described by his mother in MSM, sweet Malik walked out the door, maybe a little bored, a little hungry, maybe looking to return to his Mom, wild guesses, would he then set out toward where his Mom lived? The no lack of a scent trail from the first night, beyond the Spring Rd park says something but I don't know what.
I'm really curious as to how this little guy was able to get the screen door open? It appears to be the type of door that has a "latch" style hook, in that he'd have to push that to "disengage the lock" for it to open... Unless that part of the door wasn't there/it was just simply a push style screen door (like in a restaurant style kitchen). If the latter, it seems upon closing, it would BANG loudly.
Whereas, if it was indeed a latch-style screen it may close more slowly, and more quietly. With a latch style it seems this little guy would definitely need help (my 5 year old still needs help opening some screen doors...) disengaging the latch, not to mention reaching the height of the latch itself.

I'm really beginning to not feel so sure about the original circumstances told to LE... just in the mere details of the screen door itself. Either it bangs & it wakes Dad up ... Or it seems step-mom would hear it, or these two beautiful kiddos went to a whole lot of effort to get the screen door open by themselves, all the while going completely undetected by sleeping Dad...
& their home doesn't appear to be so huge that it'd be difficult to hear from one room to the next.

Of course ALL my opinion
Praying this gorgeous & sweet boy is found SAFE & SOON!!!!

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I'm not saying either one of these parents had zero to do with this at all, BUT, if a screen door did bang with two adults in the house, it's entirely understandable that one adult might think it was the other adult making the noise, or that they were on top of it if a kid did exit. Based on my own experiences with my kids when they were toddlers, the easiest time to lose track of them was when MORE adults were around, not fewer, because you let your defenses down--all relying on each other.
While running through my mind the potential scenarios I started to wonder something that may not be the case with Malik, but I would really like some feedback on if anyone has any idea or knows about it . . . If a child were to drown at home either by accident or someone killing them by holding their head underwater (not pool water, but tap water like in a bath), then that person took the child to a nearby body of water and threw them in, how soon would the body need to be found to determine they didn't drown from that particular source of water? Hours? Days? Weeks? Surely, if too much time passed then even the cause of death may not be able to be determined, but if a medical examiner is able determine the child drowned . . . then how soon before the water source couldn't be determined? (I really hope that made some sense.)

Again, it may not apply to Malik at all, it's just something that felt like a punch in the gut as I wondered if and how many people may have gotten away with killing a child by such means.
While running through my mind the potential scenarios I started to wonder something that may not be the case with Malik, but I would really like some feedback on if anyone has any idea or knows about it . . . If a child were to drown at home either by accident or someone killing them by holding their head underwater (not pool water, but tap water like in a bath), then that person took the child to a nearby body of water and threw them in, how soon would the body need to be found to determine they didn't drown from that particular source of water? Hours? Days? Weeks? Surely, if too much time passed then even the cause of death may not be able to be determined, but if a medical examiner is able determine the child drowned . . . then how soon before the water source couldn't be determined? (I really hope that made some sense.)

Again, it may not apply to Malik at all, it's just something that felt like a punch in the gut as I wondered if and how many people may have gotten away with killing a child by such means.

Wow, I've never thought of that My completely layman's thought is that it would be totally indistinguishable :(.
It may not be so odd if dad were up watching the kids, but if he were already asleep or looking like he was about to pass out right when she's about to get in the bath, I don't know, I just think it's odd she'd not at least close the front door (if in fact it was open as I'm speculating)

Your trying to rationalize a persons forward thinking, parenting, and safety measures who doesn't have custody of many of her own children from what I can see. Many, many posts about missing and loving her kids, wishing them happy bdays and not being with them. This whole situation stinks. LE is doing a great job and I hope they can find this boy.
Wow, I've never thought of that My completely layman's thought is that it would be totally indistinguishable :(.

I tyhink it would be figured out. If they put a dead child in a river, there would be 'river' water in the child's lungs. Only tap water from the home. I think so anyway.
While running through my mind the potential scenarios I started to wonder something that may not be the case with Malik, but I would really like some feedback on if anyone has any idea or knows about it . . . If a child were to drown at home either by accident or someone killing them by holding their head underwater (not pool water, but tap water like in a bath), then that person took the child to a nearby body of water and threw them in, how soon would the body need to be found to determine they didn't drown from that particular source of water? Hours? Days? Weeks? Surely, if too much time passed then even the cause of death may not be able to be determined, but if a medical examiner is able determine the child drowned . . . then how soon before the water source couldn't be determined? (I really hope that made some sense.)

Again, it may not apply to Malik at all, it's just something that felt like a punch in the gut as I wondered if and how many people may have gotten away with killing a child by such means.

This exact thought has crossed my mind. I think (hope) the truth could be discovered, but I have nothing to base it on.

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It doesn't seem that odd, the Dad was home too. He seems have told LE according to MSM to have dozed in the same room the kids were in.

I thought I read it was the bedroom...(sorry if I'm mistaken, will go back and look in a sec but don't want to forget my thought)
So, would that mean Malik would have had to get out of his bed if he was sleeping (where exactly was he sleeping (crib/bed)), walk out of the bedroom (is there a hallway?)...go into the room with the screen door (living room?) and exit ...Where exactly was the dad sleeping? (bed/chair/couch)

Or were they in the living room?

Sorry if I'm having a brainfart.
Your trying to rationalize a persons forward thinking, parenting, and safety measures who doesn't have custody of many of her own children from what I can see. Many, many posts about missing and loving her kids, wishing them happy bdays and not being with them. This whole situation stinks. LE is doing a great job and I hope they can find this boy.

You may be right. While I don't think she'd think of closing the door because of the kids, it may be an erroneous assumption for me to make in thinking she'd have done it due to privacy since she, herself, was getting into bath. And I agree, it certainly appears LE is doing a great job!

I thought I read it was the bedroom...(sorry if I'm mistaken, will go back and look in a sec but don't want to forget my thought)
So, would that mean Malik would have had to get out of his bed if he was sleeping (where exactly was he sleeping (crib/bed)), walk out of the bedroom (is there a hallway?)...go into the room with the screen door (living room?) and exit ...Where exactly was the dad sleeping? (bed/chair/couch)

Or were they in the living room?


IIRC, the report just said the same room, but didn't say anything like asleep on the couch. I recall wondering the same thing when I first read it. It sounds like they may have been in a living room area where the sister could then point to the screen door?
You may be right. While I don't think she'd think of closing the door because of the kids, it may be an erroneous assumption for me to make in thinking she'd have done it due to privacy since she, herself, was getting into bath.

Im right there with you…this is all so sad and unreal. I didn't mean to call you out. Good call on the privacy and bath! I didn't think of that, but I also don't think this person was "drawing a bath". You and I probably had 2 minute showers with the play pen brought into the bathroom just because there was not a free minute in the day, IYKWIM.
Wow, I've never thought of that My completely layman's thought is that it would be totally indistinguishable :(.

I think in another case (Jeffrey Boucher) it was said that they could do tests to tell the origin of the water in his lungs, but don't quote me on that.
IIRC, the report just said the same room, but didn't say anything like asleep on the couch. I recall wondering the same thing when I first read it. It sounds like they may have been in a living room area where the sister could then point to the screen door?

I've seen reports that say dad was asleep in the same room, but the room wasn't specified. I've also seen reports that the twins were playing in their bedroom, but those reports didn't say dad was asleep in the same room. I'm going to look back and see what I can find.

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I think in another case (Jeffrey Boucher) it was said that they could do tests to tell the origin of the water in his lungs, but don't quote me on that.
I've watched too much forensic files episodes and I do believe they can test the body of water they are found in vs the water in the lungs for a match on microbes. Same as dirt samples from car tires.
Originally posted by margarita25:

"Update:While the search goes on for Malik, we'd like to clear up what's been previously reported. We at the PD were told by certain family, as was the media, that Malik has autism. The facts are he's a 2 year old child and has never been tested for autism. None of us are medical professionals and our training about autism tells us there are many levels and types. However, the described behavior reported to us, doesn't definitively point to autism. We're looking for a missing little boy, plain and simple. Thank you for all volunteers and continued prayers for his safe return."

I wonder who originally told the PD that Malik was autistic. I assume it was one of the parents? Did they diagnose him themselves? Or is he being tested currently but not officially diagnosed?

Reading that again especially "told by certain family" I'm taking it as they are calling someone deceptive. Might be wrong but JMHO!!

Bringing this back up because I just came across an article that seems to indicate the girlfriend was the one that told LE Malik was autistic even though they refer to her as his mother.

"Malik’s mother said her son, who is autistic, wandered away from his home while she took a bath and his father slept."

Searching for MSM references to the rooms the children and the dad were in. This article says:
Malik was home with his father and stepmother when he disappeared. Clark said one of the parents was asleep and the other was giving another child a bath while Malik and his twin sibling were in the living room.

(First time I've seen it reported the girlfriend was giving another child a bath)

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