Are the protesters trespassing???

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This is true, really wish they would. Had on local news todnight that one person who was shoved is pressing charges.

That's really a shame. These people are pushing George, who has done nothing wrong, beyond the stress limits that most of us could tolerate. Is it wrong for him to push someone? Absolutely. But it's also wrong that he can't even pull his car into his own driveway without a swarming mob of crazy people surrounding him and yelling out insults. Their very presense is a threat, IMO. All it's going to take is for one of them to get violent and the rest will jump in. If LE doesn't get a handle on this someone is going to end up seriously injured. I thought Americans had moved beyond this kind of lynch mob mentality :(
Thanks for this clear info. I think others have posted that the easement is not private property, even though typically the landowner takes care of the patch of lawn on the easement in these kinds of residential neighborhoods.

Even though the protestors are not trespassing (if they are, indeed, staying off of the private property), I don't think anyone here would be comfortable with a bunch of people standing/sitting/yelling on the sidewalk in front of their house. It is quite invasive. If a strange man, for example, came and stood on the sidewalk in front of your house with a sign about your religion or about the kind of car you drive or whatever all day and most of the night for a few nights, I imagine most everybody would call the cops pretty quickly and see what could be done--even though he'd be within his legal rights on public property (unless there are some loitering laws no one is bringing up).

Now, I know that many will chime in and say that the A's don't deserve anything or they don't deserve anything more than the respect due to the very edge of their property. While I agree technically--because I recognize and appreciate the right to assemble on public property--I disagree personally, because I don't see what the protestors are doing as helpful here. They seem to be making a spectacle and I don't think they will contribute anything positive to this case or to justice for Caylee, which is what this should be all about.

I don't think that CA is going to break because someone has a doll with a sign in its hands, or because someone rings the doorbell and yells at her or her mother; if anyone breaks, it will be one of the family members, and it won't be the kind of break that contributes to the case, but the kind that is an unfortunate result of flared tempers, stress, strangers yelling at you, and consequent altercations. Sadly, IMO, that's what we're looking at, and some people seem to be hoping for.

I just hope there's a resolution to the case soon so that justice will be served.
I have no idea if it is the case here, but often easements are treated exactly the same as private property.
We keep hearing about the no trespassing signs and whether the property goes to the road, so I went to the tax office site and got this picture. Note the red outline was put there by the tax office not me.


So the answer is NO, the Anthony's do not own the property between the sidewalk and the road.

Link to website:

I am sorry but I must disagree with you. It depends on the subdivision. In most cases in the CITY the city is responsible for the sidewalks. In a subdivision it is either the homeowner’s responsibility or the homeowner associations’ responsibility. The home owner sometimes owns the land out to the street and sometimes just to the sidewalk and then the association takes over from there. And sometimes just because the government maintains and easement does not mean they maintain the sidewalks. Easements are just there to facility utilities period.

Easement - An easement is the right to use another person's land for a stated purpose. It can involve a general or specific portion of the property.

Just because the government maintains usage of an easement does not mean every tom dick and harry can walk onto that homeowner’s property into the easement. It is there for utilities usage only the homeowner still owns the land and can trespass you off of it.

You have every right to use the sidewalk and to peaceably protest but if you become a nuisance the police will just lock you up, it won’t matter if you are the next door neighbor standing in your own yard or walking along the sidewalk or driving down the street.

An angry mob trying to "break" the Anthony's is stupid, it will not happen and it's wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right! Be there hold your signs and protest let hem know how you feel if you wish, not that they care, but do it peacably. It just erks me to see people here trying to find every which way to bypass the law to annoy them.

You know if you owned a helicopter you could hover above there house 24 hours a day if you can get air traffic control permmision, after all they don't own the sky!!! <- absurd argument to prove a point.
We keep hearing about the no trespassing signs and whether the property goes to the road, so I went to the tax office site and got this picture. Note the red outline was put there by the tax office not me.


So the answer is NO, the Anthony's do not own the property between the sidewalk and the road.

Link to website:

oh your picture now shows up, yeah it looks like they own to the sidewalk, but the homeowners may own from there out, or the city, you will need the plat for the nieghborhood for that. My neighnorhood I own out to the street it says so on my plat from what I recall! but I cannot prevent usage of people using the sidewalk. Anyway if the HOA owns from there out then they can tresspass people from that spot.

It is a weak argument, he can claim fear of their lives and the cops will remove everyone from the whole area and lock down the street, it's been done before, or they will move into hiding.

My opinion, I want them where they can be seen. Leave them alone and keep an eye on them!!!
This is true, really wish they would. Had on local news todnight that one person who was shoved is pressing charges.
... they have no business there period . if they are so worried about caylee then they should be searching .doing something besides egging them on .you watch someone is gonna wind up getting killed if this doesnt stop.i wonder how they would like it done to them ? i will bet you thier tempers would be 20 times as bad if not worse than georges.. its not happening to them but look at how they are acting ,..imagine if it were one of them in the anthonys shoes .thier daughter did this .. however SHE isnt the one going through any stress .they are they have gone about things the wrong way yes i TOTALLY agree but they still have rights too . they havnt been arrested . and i think if LE thought they were really in cahoots theyd have them arrested by now .the police need to put an end to these protesters .. besides these people are getting thier KIDS in on this ? imho that makes them no more of a fit parent than casey . they are subjecting those kids TO A DANGEROUS AND VOLITILE SITUATION ..
Friptzap, It appears in this case that the sidewalk and strip is not owned by the Anthony's. There doesn't need to be an easement right of way because the City/County own it. My plat looks exactly like the Anthony's and I had no control over them tearing up my/owned by the City parking strip and them doing a crummy job putting it back together. I'm required by the city to maintain that section and if I don't I get a fine.

You may think it's stupid what the protesters are doing, but for the most part they have followed the law. As long as they do so, there really isn't much any one can do about it.

IMO, by law, protesters need to stay of the property the Anthony's own. And the Anthony's need to quit telling people to get off property they don't own. Banging on the Anthony's door is not cool. And grabbing people to make them leave isn't cool. I hope there is some noise and light restrictions and LE enforces it.
Zadari, I know you and others are not happy with the protesters. I don't like that they bring their kids. But as long as they stay where they are supposed to, it's not trespassing. As soon as they cross that line, arrest or ticket them as far as I'm concerned.
alright. i will post an opposing point of view...although I don't agree with how the protesters are doing it nor would I bring my children into it...I do think that their presense is helping to "brake" down the anthony's. they are excerting pressure on them to reveal what info they may have. It's psychological torture, mind games...the same that KC is playing with LE and the public. the reason for demonstrations is to exert pressure on someone or something to react and take action. In that sense, I do think they are suceeding somewhat...maybe if GA is arrested he will reveal somethimg we did not know before.
OK lets get the ruler out and figure out exactly how legally close we can get to them............

Come on people! :confused: Why is this necessary?

I feel very attached to my little sliver of grass on the other side if the sidewalk that I have to water and maintain. I suppose I would have an adverse reaction if strangers were loitering on it.
Zadari, I know you and others are not happy with the protesters. I don't like that they bring their kids. But as long as they stay where they are supposed to, it's not trespassing. As soon as they cross that line, arrest or ticket them as far as I'm concerned.
some of them arnt though there were people going up to the door earlier . i am just concerned that someone mabey another child will get hurt . i mean what if they are backing out and there is a kid in the driveway that isnt supposed to be there . besides having rights people need to have respect for others that dont deserve this such as the neighbors who did nothing .
OK lets get the ruler out and figure out exactly how legally close we can get to them............

Come on people! :confused: Why is this necessary?

I feel very attached to my little sliver of grass on the other side if the sidewalk that I have to water and maintain. I suppose I would have an adverse reaction if strangers were loitering on it.

ok. calm down. you don't have a daughter in your house that more than likely murdered your grandaughter....shovel, gas cans, decomp, chloroform, caylee's dna in trunk, 31 days not reported (may had been longer if CA had not reported it), partying while your grandaughter was missing, LIES UPON LIES UPON LIES about everything concerning the disappearence of your grandaughter.....enough said.
OK lets get the ruler out and figure out exactly how legally close we can get to them............

Come on people! :confused: Why is this necessary?

I feel very attached to my little sliver of grass on the other side if the sidewalk that I have to water and maintain. I suppose I would have an adverse reaction if strangers were loitering on it.

And unfortunately there wouldn't be a dang thing you could do about it. I had to call LE on someone harrassing my daughter and they told me as long as he doesn't step on my property I couldn't do anything about it. However, I did turn the sprinklers on. The Anthony's should try that. :)
That's really a shame. These people are pushing George, who has done nothing wrong, beyond the stress limits that most of us could tolerate. Is it wrong for him to push someone? Absolutely. But it's also wrong that he can't even pull his car into his own driveway without a swarming mob of crazy people surrounding him and yelling out insults. Their very presense is a threat, IMO. All it's going to take is for one of them to get violent and the rest will jump in. If LE doesn't get a handle on this someone is going to end up seriously injured. I thought Americans had moved beyond this kind of lynch mob mentality :(

I completely disagree. No one has the right to grab,shove, thus assaulting someone simpily because they didn't like what they said. If they press charges he deserves it, being ex-le he knows better . Then the fact that it was some oldlady is really disturbing. Law enforcement are taught to handle thier emotions differently when they are stressed.It would be the same as your neighbor pushing you down because you said something he did not like. We all have the right in the USA to have freedom of speech, and right to peacfull protest, weither he likes it or not. I thought we all as a society had envolved beyond this bobaric show of athourity. He needs to be in that house assaulting KC for killing that precious little baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And unfortunately there wouldn't be a dang thing you could do about it. I had to call LE on someone harrassing my daughter and they told me as long as he doesn't step on my property I couldn't do anything about it. However, I did turn the sprinklers on. The Anthony's should try that. :)

they probably don't have any! and they can only water on the days that they are supposed to or they will get a letter from the city and a ticket.
We have lost our webcam....wonder why? Could it have anything to do with some type of discovery?
they probably don't have any! and they can only water on the days that they are supposed to or they will get a letter from the city and a ticket.

I was going to ETA: the exact same thing. lol.
alright. i will post an opposing point of view...although I don't agree with how the protesters are doing it nor would I bring my children into it...I do think that their presense is helping to "brake" down the anthony's. they are excerting pressure on them to reveal what info they may have. It's psychological torture, mind games...the same that KC is playing with LE and the public. the reason for demonstrations is to exert pressure on someone or something to react and take action. In that sense, I do think they are suceeding somewhat...maybe if GA is arrested he will reveal somethimg we did not know before.

You are assuming that the Anthonys have information to give. It's not up to the public to take matters into their own hands and attempt to break the Anthonys. That's LE's job, a job they could probably do better if so many resources weren't being wasted in trying to maintain peace among the protesters at the Anthony home.
This waiting is tough! I would really like to know what they have found that could lead to this? I mean, they could suspend the search for the day, maybe tomorrow too, without a press conference, right? Things seem fairly definite...
2. 856.021 f.s.Score: 81.64%

Abstract: (1) It is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity.
(full text)

Might be able to apply it if they wanted to, but I'm not sure.
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